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Member Since 09 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 24 2014 10:41 PM

#502735 Naruto 653

Posted by Psychox on 31 October 2013 - 04:29 PM

You know, the arguments I hear are not about how Hinata is like Rin, but how Rin and Sakura are supposedly so different. I just :wacko:
So apparently this big difference that they talk about is of how Rin was very devoted to Obito while the only thing Sakura cares about ever is being a Sasuke fangirl. I'm not kidding, that's the actual argument. According to them Sakura doesn't support Naruto's dream, doesn't care much about him, and only uses him to her benefit. But on the other Rin is devoted to Obito, and was willing to stick with him no matter what, which is something apparently Sakura would never do with Naruto. :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash:
What irritates me the most is how they say it as if it's some grant epiphany, as if that was Kishimoto's intention regarding the Sakura/Rin comparison. The bias that people have really makes me sick.
Here's an example:

XX, That's Sakura haters for ya. This all comes from part 1 and that dumb 632 panel where Sakura ''blushed''. How the kitten does that begin to make sense since 3 chapters later she is shown not trusting Sasuke's intentions nor likes his presents ? It all comes down to low reading comprehension..

Sometimes they make me so mad i wanna

It all comes down to ''Sakura did nothing for Naruto she uses him for her own selfish needs, she will love Sasuke for ever and ever'' . This is BS. I'm sick of seeing this overall .. -_-
I watched 3/4 of his videos and everyone of them he either bashes Sakura and says Hinata ftw.. T_T

I am so done with this..

#502492 Naruto 653

Posted by Psychox on 29 October 2013 - 08:00 PM

I found it really interesting that the touching scene with Obito and Rin was on a bench similar to the bench scene from Ch. 3 with Naruto and Sakura, The context of both scenes are very similar, too. Just look at the visuals:


obirin-narusaku1_zps46f2078d.png                                 obirin-narusaku11_zps6439a1fc.png

obirin-narusaku2_zps3d381a6c.png            obirin-narusaku22_zps19c91f68.png


obirin-narusaku3_zps55f188b8.png                  obirin-narusaku33_zpsa4393abe.png


(I apologize for the long post)  :sweatdrop:

Hm... not a bad clue you've found there , it can lead to something, the first kiss does come a lot on a bench as well as other stuff // :wow: :smug: .


I think these moments are three different scenarios which are incomparable, but this Team 7 moment resembles the OR handholding more than the NH one does(poses, movement, context and such). The NH handhold was supposed to represent the power of unity, I don't think it was just for "chakra transfer". I like that it has a symbolic meaning.

You bring a good point about symbolism, that's why the chapter was called ''connected ''  i guess :headscratch:

#502288 Naruto 653

Posted by Psychox on 29 October 2013 - 08:51 AM

Rin to Obito - im-watching-you-meme-278x300.gif

#500099 Naruto 651

Posted by Psychox on 16 October 2013 - 06:54 AM

It looks like

#498692 Naruto 649

Posted by Psychox on 06 October 2013 - 06:18 PM

Because it would mean her development is not finished and moreover what she has to gain on still perfoming missions by herself?

If she's happy like Kushina and her development is finished, she would be happy, second she would already acknowledged herself as a strong ninja(because of Naruto), third she was basically trained the entire part 2 to be a hokage's assistant pratically.
And she cant be either Naruto's assistant or a housewive because if she doesnt continue being a ninja and working or missions would be like throwing all the development on terms of ninja on a trash cant, when Kushina let go her dream to be kage and be the strongest kunoichi of the leaf because she was happy and Sakura doesnt even  has a dream when it comes to be the strongest shinobi or surpass her master or even be hokage, the only dream that Sakura has is to support Naruto and help him to fullfill his dreams.


And on my opinion Naruto and Sakura running the village is way better than Naruto working alone on the kage's office and Sakura working on the hospital and/or perfoming ninja missions by herself.


The manga presented that couples always work together.

Actually , we don't know why Kushina let go of her dream of becoming Hokage. We could speculate that she was selfless and let that job be fulfilled by her husband, Minato. We can say that she loved him a lot and let him simply  become the  hokage , because that reverie they both shared. 

If you begin to argue with a SS fan he/she  will immediately point out that Sakura had a dream that was to be Sasuke's GF/bride and the additional ''i haven't lost hope that team 7 will be reunited and happy again''  , and no, she doesn't have a dream of supporting Naruto she wants to make it so , why? The only answer i have is, because she loves him. And you forget that its her trait of craving acknowledgment and the determination of getting stronger that Naruto has fallen in love with her which he shares with her , so i strongly believe that she will not quit her profession just like that.

Maybe for a little while , until the baby has grown . :roll:

#498516 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Psychox on 05 October 2013 - 06:39 PM


I'll do that :) I really don't understand people needs to bash/downgrade everything Sakura did/does.


Dunno, from psychological aspect , to relieve stress and release some negative energy,something like a punching bag..Or jump on the bandwagon for some because there is nothing better to do >.<



Here's a fun question. Note: don't worry about what the character would say being OoC or not:

Naruto and Sakura are now together. One day, Shikamaru, Ino, and others found a technology that can switch minds with different bodies. One day, Sakura just have a bad day and felt that Naruto only loves her because of her body. Again, her mind is not in the zone. So she went to see the new technology and pretty much it works. The elder frog happens to be there, so now, Sakura asks a favor to switch minds. They did.

Naruto sees Sakura (elder frog) in the garden eating those foods that Naruto got forced to eat back in the frog mountain. Naruto was disgusted and felt weird seeing her pigging herself with some of the disgusting stuff. Elder frog (Sakura) catches him and tells him, "It's me, Sakura." Naruto caught off-guard with shocked face, so she says, "I knew it! You only like me for my body."

You're Naruto. How would you handle the situation?

I like/love you , so that includes your body,regardless of shape/size. The two of you go together right? :shrug: :smug:

#498303 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Psychox on 04 October 2013 - 03:57 PM

HAHAHA. Oh, my :P

I knew what you orginally intended, but it was such a golden opportunity to twist it around to something wrong and perverted, I couldn't resist. Sorry everyone :P

As for the bolded, EYEBROWS.gif

About VJ, I think I've actually seen his username pop up on Tumblr before, but I've never paid much attention to him. My eyes glaze over when I attempt to read his arguments, so I just scroll past him, haha.

I felt that vibe when I've read it i almost spit out the coffee I've just slurped all over the monitor   :lol: . You don't have to be sorry, at least not from my POV :D.I like it when things get a little ecchi :hehehe: :umm: :wow: :smug: .

As for the hidden gif


#497622 Naruto 649

Posted by Psychox on 02 October 2013 - 12:46 PM

just look at that...

#497288 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Psychox on 30 September 2013 - 04:25 PM


Women generally are not as strong as men anyway, so I fail to see how that makes Kishi sexist. Why does he show the men having a healthy fear of the women in their lives if he's sexist? A lot of the female characters have a very take control attitude that the male characters respect and there are female leaders too; Tsunade and Mei. Kisimoto has his faults, but I don't see him portraying the female gender as the lesser sex.

 Yup, physically not, but that doesn't mean that women are weak ,not by a long shot.  What some folk fail to see is that this is a Shonen, so its natural that the author will concentrate more on the boys in fighting then girls taking roles  , although we have Sakura kick some villains around and hell, even major ones , same goes for Tsunade .  Kushina has been portrayed fully capable of tossing people around, she had the kyuubi inside her :P ,plus,  Minato and Naruto got some sense smacked in to them :D, so no, i think he isn't a sexist .

#496985 Kiss or emotional hug?

Posted by Psychox on 28 September 2013 - 11:56 PM

if there was a kiss it will be denied as "CPR"


We already countered that or Darkness in the matter :D '''She was practicing CPR '' :D

#496538 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Psychox on 26 September 2013 - 09:25 AM

Why some people think that when NS happen, it would be an asspull?

Jealousy? And they interpret the ''fake confession'' as the instrument which was used to tear apart NS... They read 1 sentence from the confession + what Sai said'' Sakura loves Sasuke so she will kill him to save him from yada yada..'' its poor reading comprehension, that's it , or at least some have it , others know whats going on or went anyway but refuse to accept it because it defeats everything they've ever believed it - ''patient love'' and reward based system love'' .

#496529 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Psychox on 26 September 2013 - 08:40 AM

NS love is cheap, please.. When asked what is love - they will invent 100 things that aren't in the manga or that aren't even romantic .. ugh.. Mutual selfless love,genuine care,the other persons feelings are more important than the other,that ain't true love?

Pfft , no , she never did - thats why when she showed her affection/genuine care mostly  in part 2 he didn't quite catch her wind ..

Tenchi bridge , Ramen feeding  scene , NS HUg , which he remained oblivious to it (either he is silly or just doesn't know how much of her affection he has won , as shown later on her confession because he didn't believer her)

Speaking of which her confession speaks how much Naruto>Sasuke , ask him to explain to you the double standard ''She went to kill Sasuke to save him from darkness because she loves him so much ,but failed to do so because she loves him so much'' then check  his reaction

Even in part 1 she chose Naruto over Sasuke , people seriously need to stop hating on Sakura.. ughh !!! No, no her acts during the kage summit arc speaks that she will love Sasuke forever ................. okay,sure.. She says herself that Sasuke breaks her heart during her confession with his actions and not because he ''seems dark''..

Which translation has this person read ? Has he read the whole confession not just '' I hate .. bla bla bla ,because the majority of antis read that 
... Tell him to re read it again.

Sakura has already chosen Naruto or at least we have the right to question her feelings from chapters like 540 and 635 , even if Sasuke is redeemed , do they really think that she will hop on his neck like nothing happened? Because i know another sub section of the fandom waits just for that moment , then if so , they've been reading fan fic's till now.

this is the same time she was "In Love" with Sasuke right?

So, because Sasuke is in the scene , the moment doesn't count ? I've heard something similar in a conversation with a fan from the same fan base , how did it go again? - ''in 631 that SakuNaru moment doesn't count because Sasuke is still there'' like what? Because Sasuke is still there , she advocating to Naruto to fight , craving his acknowledgment, this and that moment you've mentioned  is negated by default because they say so? Sure, why not.

#496288 Naruto 648

Posted by Psychox on 25 September 2013 - 11:55 AM





:D I'm just curious how Sasuke was welcomed back in the fight with that ass pull of power (no surprise there with him, really) . He didn't know what Senjustu was a few chapters back ,but know all of a sudden he has the curse seal covering Susanoo..hm...

#496001 Naruto 647

Posted by Psychox on 24 September 2013 - 06:38 PM

You guys should think negative side in order to receive a miracle. High hope can backfire you.


You mean we should act like Lee did during the chuunin preliminary ? :P :D


Don't you worry, we will!! :smug:

Hey, I missed you... Gimme a hug.


Well, im not him , but here - :glomp: :wow:  :fan: :smug:



#495785 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Psychox on 23 September 2013 - 07:16 AM

I never get tired of Sakura drawing Naruto while naked haahah hurhurr


I thought i was the only one,but  a little more goes in my mind :wow: :hehehe: :smug:.
