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Shadow Wolf

Member Since 12 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 14 2024 07:22 PM

#949997 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 24 September 2017 - 11:54 PM

I only want to add one more thing: this smile (bottom left)


...has been for no one but Naruto. And that smile has never been used for comedic purposes, not in part 1 (After the Battle with Gaara) and neither on part Two. That smile tells me that Sakura did love Naruto, and no one will change my pov on that.

#949355 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 19 September 2017 - 04:47 AM

Bold I think Analyzer is well aware she will keep on debating with us and there will never be an end to it because we will always disagree with her. The way I have come to see it she's only here to try and change our minds of the manga ending. She wants us to stop liking NS and like NH/SS instead. That's it she wants us to jump ships and she knows that's impossible but she's going to try anyway. I'm still wondering why she chose to come to this forum there are DOZENS of Naruto forums on the internet and she has to come to a NS one. Truth is she's wasting our time she will never convince me or anyone to accept the BS ending and the kitten pairings Kishimoto went with. I love NS and I will always love it, it's a million times better than NS/SS she will obviously disagree and guess what? I DON'T CARE. The only way she will leave this forum is if everyone and I do mean everyone no longer reply to her posts. As long as there are people replying to her, she will continue. If all of us ignore her then she might grow tire and hopefully leave. 

As much as I dislike to play the Devil's Advocate, I have to do so now. Honestly, I don't wish for any person to leave if they consider themselves a NaruSaku fan. But I wish for people like Analyzer to just learn empathy when replying to others. Like I mentioned in our of my posts, many people come here to seek relief after being disappointed by the ending, and I believe almost every person found so is not just because they aren't happy that NS is together, but also because the story that some followed for more than 10 years came to a disappointing ending overall. However, suddenly a person like her arrives and says: "The ending is cohesive and everything makes sense", then of course there will be debates because it is actually the opposite view of the cast majority of the people hanging in the forums.

But despite all of this, I don't like it when people leave the forums. Someone I appreciated left the forums some years ago and I still feel partly guilty for it, although I was told that this was not my fault. I want any NS shipper to feel welcome, after all.

However, Analyzer is basically making everyone feel just like Kishimoto did when he said that fans just misread the manga. I don't wish for anyone to leave, but more to show empathy for those seeking hope regarding NaruSaku.

Nate River comes to mind when I think of this argument (Hi Nate :) ), and even tricksie sometimes (Hi tricksie. :) ). There have been points in where I have seen disagreements between them and other members of the forums, but I have seen that they have shown a limit of restraint in order to not cause the mess that is happening in this particular case.

So yeah, no need to agree, but no need to leave either. Just learn to convey hope to the members of this forum even though agreement may not be the way to do so. After all, after the ending, that is what most of the NS supporters come to this forum for. Kinda like a marriage: if winning at argument means putting distance in a marriage, then sometimes it is best to just drop the topic and strive for peace.

But anyway, I feel like this has gone on a tangent. Back to the thread:

It may have been discussed already, but just for topic: What elements would you change throughout the course of the manga to make NS the canon pairing?

#949349 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 19 September 2017 - 01:43 AM

Shadow wolf wrote a long reply to you. He did elaborate. You just want to go on and on and on.
In fact the vast majority on this forum that had a debate with you started with kindly ~elaborating. Then they stopped. Many have blocked you. Could you, perhaps, look in the mirror and ask yourself if there is something you should change about your posts. Or simply stop writing to people who ask you to stop. Which has now become, the vast majority. Shadow wolf is of the sweet and even-tempered here so the fact that you managed to chase him off should alarm you.

Hehe, thanks for the compliments. Now I feel kinda embarrassed. :D

Going back and reading it, they were comparing a love for food with being helpful and altruistic. I do not think these two things link in the way the author suggests as I interpreted them...

as I interpreted them...

It just has come to the point where I have agreed to disagree Analyzer. Many of us fans here do not support the ending, so when we come across someone like you, I come to the conclusion that we just have different views on the manga, and as such we will never end debating if we keep going. You believe you're right while I believe I'm right, so I'll just leave the conversation there. And to answer your final question: I was just pointing a simple difference between selfish love (which was what Naruto said he expressed when he said that loving someone was I like loving ramen during the Last movie), and selfless love (which he expressed to many people in the universe, but especially towards Sakura when he promised to bring Sasuke back. And even though his promise was changed towards saving Sasuke because he wanted to, he still wanted to keep that promise for her too, which is an act of selfless love), which is a blatant contradiction regarding Naruto's character and personality between the manga and the movie. But since you do not agree with this point, for you believe differently, you concluded that NaruHina makes more sense than NaruSaku and you believe that no one in the Narutoverse is out of character at the end of the Naruto manga and in the present Boruto manga, then basically 95% of our debate is concluded there and thus, there is no need for me to talk further about any topic related to Naruto with you. Is not an act of arrogance but simply a conclusion that I do not need to debate with you anymore.

#949321 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 18 September 2017 - 08:14 PM

I'm not sure where you are getting with your chapter 183 and love for food parallel, however.

And with that statement you have just become a hanging scroll in the wall I and thus, there's no need for me to debate with you anymore.

When it comes to Pokemon I feel the closest we've seen when it comes to him maturing is through Diamond and Pearl and particularly the XY/XYZ series. That's about it , and they did kinda confirm a love interest for Ash in that series, but that's really up for debate amongst the pokemon community whether or not its canon that is .  I'd say it's semi-canon  like   so in the middle is where I'd say. 
I completely on that same notion when it comes to Naruto like it didn't bother me as much, but  there was so much he learned from The Pain Arc, and I feel it didn't really apply in the last half of Shippuden and it's unfortunate cause you'd think Naruto would experience the same way Gon did in Hunter x Hunter, Yusuke from Yu-YU Hakushou,  Haru after the experience  he had with his father during Rave Master,  Renton  after finding out about Eureka's secret, Yato during the Underworld Arc in Noragami, the list just goes on and on, but you get the point. 

Which is why many of us believe that Naruto had a coherent storyline all the way until the Pain Arc. After that the foundation seems to start going downhill, for many characters begin regressing the old habits and forget what their vision was in the first place.

Still, I will never regret reading Naruto. And I will never stop loving NS, because up to there, the story was pretty amazing and of course, with the disappointing ending I learned to be prepared for anything when reading a story. Plus there are several fanfics out there which are pretty accurate to what could have been the true ending.

#949212 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 17 September 2017 - 10:26 PM

As an aside, nothing wrong with being a housewife, though she is also a Medic in the end.
1: The Parallels and comments pointed out in this don't really point to NS. The Girlfriend comment in Minato is played out as a joke, and Naruto later comments that he can't tease Sakura anymore as he sees her growing strength. I'm not sure why Kushina's comment is given so much emphasis either, when later Naruto talks to Minato and says he hasn't really found someone like that yet. 
2: To be honest, these things don't really work with NS either.
2a: How is this disregarded? (As an aside, this quote is actually more often attributed towards NH).
2b: Nowhere in the manga does Naruto say he loves Sakura.
2c: This one more plays into Sasuke's antagonism versus Naruto, his own power desires that pull him away, and SS over anything else really. Particularly that moments before that Naruto leaves them alone. 
2d: Hinata never wanted to lead the clan. This was never her goal. I'm not sure why she is romanticized by some NH fans on this goal or complained by other fans on not being this leader.
3: I would argue that NH has the most development, despite not being a fan. Interactions != Development, and if we are being honest, NS development very clearly is set to be platonic and remain that way within the manga. Peace is being pursued in the end, and frankly, the Last does not contradict in the manga. 
4: I utilize source because I am trying to show that what is being spouted has no factual basis, yet is often being thrown around as such. I get this is a NS Sanctuary to some, and criticism against the narrative that NS was meant to be is not always desired, but I tend to cut in when I see these statements.

Intro-See, that's the thing. You're happy with her being "a" medic, when we actually see that she could be "The" medic. There's a reason why Tsunade was regarded as the best in the medical business (even going so far as to cure Rock Lee from his fractures), and even though Sakura both received praise from Sasori and helped in the war, there are only a few arguments here and there about her medical skills. She could have easily be more than that. You could build a whole new arc based on her ability to have acquired recognition in the whole narutoverse as "The" #1 medical Ninja. But nope... Just another medic in the business. And BTW, yes, I know she founded a hospital, but really, that pales in comparison to everything else she could have done with her skills.

1-Hah, I won't even debate on this point: Jyra/Tsu, Obi/Rin, Yahi/Konan, Mina/Kushina... All of them pointed to a chemistry between a loud person and a Tsundere and if you can't see that, then there is no point in discussing this.

2-Character completion is not as much about the end pairings, but about the characters themselves, and you didn't answer my question of Naruto pursuing what could be considered "peace", so you missed the point entirely. Plus you can easily track the loss of the argument I made earlier during the final Ninja War, in where Naruto was just trying to do everything on his own and save Sasuke instead of basically protecting the future of the world, even though it may be at the expense of even killing his best friend (all of these arguments presented evidently during the Gaara's arc, in where he protected the city of Sand, during Asuma's arc, in where he taught Shikamaru to protect the unborn children from Konoha and the world, and in the Pain Arc in where Tsunade protected everyone from Pain's attack).

2A/2C-The manga stated clearly that this was aimed towards NS, not only because Naruto thought of Sakura when asked this question (Zabuza arc), but also because he also thought of Sakura when fighting against Gaara. Plus in the scene where Sasuke reminds this to Sakura was during a Sakura flashback (her recalling what Sasuke said in chapter 144, before it moved on to the struggle of Sasuke for power), so your argument just fell flat, because it never applied to NH in the first place.

2B-Nor does it say in the manga that he loves Hinata either. And even though Sakura admits that Hinata loves Naruto (Pain Arc), both her and Said admit that Naruto loves Sakura (Kage Summit arc). Plus he also says that he doesn't feel worthy to confess to her because he can't keep his promises. And if he wasn't going to confess that he loves her, then what was he going to confess about anyway?

2D-Because just like Naruto, she wanted acknowledgement, not just from Naruto, but also from his family. And the best way to display that is to lead her clan, because when you lead, it means that the people you lead recognized you as a leader and a person of trust (recall Gaara's Arc and how he was recognized and how Naruto also wanted to be recognized).

3-Platonic, really? OK. Let's disregard that Sakura was wondering what she was feeling for Naruto ever since the Zabuza arc. Let's disregard her endearing smile shown in various scenes of the manga whenever Naruto stood up for her. Let's disregard what Yamato, Kakashi and Sai said about Naruto and Sakura's relationship. Let's disregard that in the worst of times they were there encouraging and strengthening each other. Basically, let's disregard any of the interactions between Naruto and Sakura and brand them all as Platonic Love because there was absolutely no indication of them showing feelings for each other even though many characters saw it during the course of the manga. Yup, let's disregard it all. oh, and btw:

Chapter 183: *After Naruto makes the promise of a lifetime*

*Sakura thinking* "He always knew... He always helped me"

A synonym of help is "unselfish"

Love for food: selfish

The Last Movie: Naruto thinks of love just like love for Ramen...

4-And... Which manga panels or conversations from the manga have you used during our conversation? I have quoted several chapters, quotes and arcs backing up my claims. What have you showed me using the manga? Just one statement where, although Naruto never says: I love Sakura, I already showed you with the manga that your comment falls short due to lack of evidence regarding Naruto not loving Sakura. So before you judge me, provide evidence yourself that all the arguments you use are backed by evidence from the manga.

#949123 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 17 September 2017 - 08:00 AM

If you mean tragic as in the character, definitely not. She more or less gets her happy ending that was being developed, though there is real angst in the journey.
If you mean in a writing perspective, this didn't really happen. No outside force just took away her happiness, she more or less got the reunited team 7 she wanted at the end. 

To go from someone who surpassed a Sannin into a housewife who faints at a destroyed house, marries a guy who tried to kill her twice and apparently has to make puppy eyes in order to try and get a reaction from her husband? If that ain't tragic, then what is?

Conspiracy theories, selling out, and other arguments related to the author may or may not be proven, but here's what can be proven:

1-Parallels and comments throughout the whole manga pointed out to NS being a more likely pairing than NH. You can count the interactions between NS and compare them to NH interactions, and whether you want to disregard all NH interactions as "probable signs for the ending", NS interactions will still surpass them by a Longshot. Heck, even Naruto's father acknowledged that Sakura reminded him of Kushina (whereas Minato didn't say anything about Hinata during the Pain Arc), and guess what Kushina said to Naruto before dying...

2-We fans here in the NS community excepted what I call "character completion". This is not just that the characters achieve their goals, but it involves more than that. It involves characters and the manga proving completely that many systems and themes presented in the manga were successfully dealt with. (For example: 1-"When you protect someone, that's when you become truly strong." Why would this argument, persistent throughout the whole manga and presented very nicely in the first Arc and in the Asuma arc would be disregarded towards the end? 2-How are you going to present your main character as a person who apparently confused love for a person with love for food [The Last:Naruto the movie], when in the manga it was stated that he actually loved Sakura [Haku's statement during Zabuza Arc: "When you protect someone {special}, that's when you become truly strong". Gaara's Arc: The very statement is presented again in the Naruto vs Gaara's fight and shortly after Sasuke mentions to Sakura how Naruto displayed an incredible amount of power for her, thus reiterating the point of protecting someone you love and being strong?). We expected even Hinata to be presented as a successfully leader in the Hyugga clan and we wanted to see evidence of Neji's will affecting the whole clan. Where is a detailed explanation of this in the ending or after the ending?

3- If the ending and the new generation was apparently the satisfactory ending, then it wouldn't be disappointing for many fans here in the forum and around the world. Heck, I'd bet they would even accept NH if it had a considerable amount of interactions "Throughout the whole manga", instead of having to rely on a movie which contradicts facts presented in the manga (as I stated above already) and again, with character completion. But once again, where is the evidence in both the ending or the new manga that any of this was achieved (Yes, Naruto became Hokage, but for example: where is the pursuit of peace, as he stated that he would do during his conversation with Pain?)?

4- Finally, the fact that you are basically putting a toll on people because "their opinions are not based on absolute factual evidence" is more or less making you go against the purpose of this forum. Keep in mind that many people here are not making arguments here based on our speculation. Many of them have followed the manga from day 1, have read the information on the different data-books and some of them even have just as much knowledge as you say you do in the writing industry. So when you disregard their arguments without showing evidence of your own (based on the manga), your own arguments will be put into question and the reception people have here towards you will not be positive, because after all, this is an NS forum where people want to talk about NS without having to go through stress and quite frankly, you're not helping the cause.

#943055 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 15 July 2017 - 08:20 AM

Let's stop with the moe term. Hinata doesn't fit it...

*Looks up definition of Moe*

A common definition is that Moe is the ability of a character to instill in the audience an irrational desire to adore them, hug them, protect them, comfort them, etc. To evoke a sort of Big Brother Instinct, in men and women.
Moe characters are, generally speaking, cute. Moe characters are implicitly youthful, congregating to high school age and below. Adult female characters who qualify are almost always in their low twenties....

Their personality will reflect an "innocent" outlook on something vital, such as about romance...

The classical Moe character is highly associated with innocence, shyness, humility, submission, helplessness...

*Looks up Hinata's profile*

Hinata so often comes off as meek or timid to others, as her overwhelming kindness can render her unable to respond or act for fear of offending somebody. Her father's constant push to alter this personality trait when she was younger only made it worse, eroding Hinata's self-confidence and making her even more bashful because she placed so little faith in her own thoughts and opinions...

...she finds herself over-relying on her teammates, looking to them in times of difficulty to save her from situations that make her uncomfortable...

...Hinata's main motivation is Naruto Uzumaki, with whom she has been fascinated since meeting him...

*Looks back at the conversation*

You were saying...?

#915902 Boruto The Next Generation: Chapter 3

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 24 July 2016 - 06:27 AM

I'm just a guy who doesn't see a reason to give up on NaruSaku and SasuHina given the amount of sense it makes for these pairing to happen and now with the new evidence that gives footing to speculate that they now have a chance to happen in the new (Boruto Manga) which will keep me hopeful from this moment on

I must admit that you are quite the steadfast member. And to be honest, that's not such a bad thing. So I will write this post not to crush your dreams but to explain why must of us will not feel satisfied with NS becoming canon in this new series.

1-15 years of evidence supporting NS went down the drain: A fellow member of the forum (if memory serves, her name was Slextrem) posted an excellent thread showing just how many moments were hinting at NS possibly happening at the manga. From supporting moments, to character growth around each other, and even parallels to some of the known couples or characters who would have been together in the series, the amount of evidence was logical and almost 100 percent accurate of the interactions between Naruto and Sakura eventually getting together. Heck, there was even a newspaper article of an author's opinion on how Naruto and Sakura could end up together. However, after the Pain arc, things started to go crazy and with the last few chapters, all the progress was thrown down the drain, leading to an ending that, apart from the goal of pleasing some fans and "creating" a new generation, it felt completely empty.

2-Character regression: Characters like Naruto and Sakura were iconic to us because we could see them grow not only in abilities, but also in how they could handle their personal challenges. Naruto growing into being someone accepted and recognized by the village and Sakura getting over a hollow tunnel vision of Sasuke to become someone who would improve herself and aspire to be a great medical Ninja. What made them grow so much was the time they spent together, especially during the events of shippuden leading all the way to the Pain arc. However, both of them started to go back to their old habits or even become something completely different. Sakura went back to tunnel vision on to Sasuke, while in the case or Naruto, it felt like he never learned to correct the mistakes the previous generation made. That along with some freebie powerups being given to him made us feel a growing disappointment which eventually led to our hopes getting crushed with a hollow ending. But my next point is probably the most impactful one, at least for me.

3-Insult to injury: What actually sealed the deal for me (and I'm sure that to many of us here) was not the bashing we received from the other fandoms after the ending, but the one we received from the author himself. Not only is the ending a disappointment, but he dares to say that during 15 years he was building NS just to mislead fans. To top it off, they craft a movie only to explain how NH came to happen (because there was no supporting evidence in the manga), and in said movie they make both Sakura and Naruto say some catastrophic statements about how Naruto liked Sakura only because of his rivalry with Sasuke and how Naruto apparently did not know how to distinguish love for a person and love for food. Really? Naruto! The character who has come to love Sakura during the manga all the way to the Pain arc says that? And Sakura, the girl constantly growing of a childish crush and slowly starting to develop such a protective behavior towards Naruto says that? And to put the icing in the cake, the very author of the story insults us by saying that this was all a ruse to mislead us? Well, it may sound unbelievable but that, my friend actually happened (you can actually find the interviews on the internet and watch Naruto: The Last for said references). And when someone insults my logic and sometime later he keeps contradicting himself about what he wanted to do with the story, you can be damn sure that he will no longer have my support.

The only way for Mr. Masashi Kishimoto to fix this is through a 3-step apology that includes the following:

1-A global public apology to Naruto fans, along with an explanation for this disaster.

2-Declare all the Naruto material after the Pain arc Null and Void

3-And a constructive progression of the Naruto manga after the Pain arc which would lead to a satisfying ending.

Am I a conceited fan for asking all of this? No. Why? Because the blunder he made is so great that the consequences are clearly seen today. And second, because an author who dares to insult the fandom like that has to make big amends in order to regain their trust.

But of course, if 15 years of logical evidence are not worth a thing in Kishi's eyes, then I don't think this will matter either. Why? Because he's rich and he probably does not care for us logical fans anyway.

So in the end, if you have your hopes up for couples happening in the burrito manga, then no problem, I can respect that. But do understand that I did not lose hope, Kishi murdered my hopes for Naruto and will not have the guts (to put it elegantly) to bring it back. I'm sure that many other members can also relate to how I feel, but I will not put words in their mouth. I prefer that they themselves give their own opinion on the matter.

#872769 Blaming Sakura

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 29 August 2015 - 12:20 PM

You know... even though I haven't read the new manga, I did see bits of panels here and there. My conclusion is that Sakura shows all the symptoms of depression and resignation. I don't know... both Naruto and Sakura feel like the reflection of Kishi while Sasuke and Hinata are like Studio Pierrot, but I may be going a bit off-topic.


16 years... even though people may be a bit more mature than earlier, I think the decisions they take are also a bit "heart-followed" and not "mind-followed". They say love is not logical; but I submit that it is. After all, if love was not logical, then Sakura and Naruto are the prime examples of a life without logic in love. No matter what happens or how someone treats you, you should still love them because love is not logical.


Anyway, with that said, to me every character deserves a bit of hate for specific reasons: Naruto for being such and idiot, Sakura for being pretty much a beggar of love, and Sasuke for being and bastard and getting away with it countless times (I could say the same about Hinata, but meh.. satellite).


So why is Sakura receiving so much hate? Because she deserves it? Because of what she did or didn't do? How about because she reminds people of an actual problem with society today? All of these are some of the reasons. But to me, the reason why Sakura is hated is because, like some other members have said: she has put up with this ever since Shippuden started and she has done absolutely nothing about it. Hence: resignation and depression. These are the reasons as to why I believe she behaves like this.

#760377 Howling at the Moon

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 17 February 2015 - 09:00 PM

Hey guys! Hope you're doing well. :-)

At the moment I'm very distracted with life and other silly things. But in the process, since everyone has pretty much expressed their distaste for the Naruto ending, I want to take a bit of my time each day to post a bit of info regarding my own disagreement with this ending. Maybe this will finally set me at peace regarding this topic... I don't know. Anyway, let's see how it goes:

«The ending of the manga named Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto has been a product of a considerable long time of debating between fans of the series. Some people agree with the ending while others still question the handling of the project and the decisions taken by Kishi and by other people and teams related to Naruto, such as Studio Pierrot. As a fan of the series, I have also developed an opinion regarding the ending. However, I must admit that I like to present arguments based on evidence taken from the manga and related media. As such, without any certainty regarding the time it takes, I wish to take one topic at a time and create a series of blog posts regarding my opinion on the ending; each one of them supported with evidence taken from the manga.

As I write the following words, I want to say, beforehand, that this following LAP is not to change Naruto's ending, but rather to express with evidence why this ending is so out of place, it makes me wonder if the intended ending is almost the opposite of what happened. Many factors place Naruto's ending as one of the most controversial endings in the manga universe. So much that it is still touched up to this day. But let's cut straight to the chase: why the ending of Naruto feels so... empty?»

#735209 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 18 January 2015 - 12:32 PM

Yeah, let's sit here and do nothing except express our disagreement and how many negative feelings we harbor over the ending. Let's keep bringing links to other comments and news to further increase our negative feelings and have even more reasons to disagree and feel sad about it. And finally, let's leave all the constructive alternatives to the people who got "talent" while we keep feeling sad.

Guys, I won't ask you to move on, but don't you think its time to channel our thoughts into the positive aspects of Naruto? There are people working on a new ending, while others are making fanarts and such... why don't each and everyone of you uses this thread to work on a complete and logical ending? After all, isn't this a thread about a collection of theories regarding the ending? If so, then why not catapult said theories into a coherent ending? (But Ladygt made an ending... but I am busy with *insert life event here*... but *insert anything that you think would but doesn't really prevent you from collaborating here*)

So what? If you can take a minute to post here, you have time to write a sentence with an idea for a great Naruto Ending. You can! YOU CAN!

The question is: When do we start?

How about now?

Idea for the ending: Supposing that the real ending is the chapter where Naruto and Sasuke are laying down in chapter 698, a good way to start the chapter is to make Sakura talk with Kakashi about wanting to be there and taking off while he shortly follows behind.

Suggestions, comments, ideas? I dare everyone!

#674580 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 26 November 2014 - 01:57 AM

I will admit to you all that I'm a narusaku fan and I was pretty dedicated to it too like that rest of you. I was also very disappointed when the last chapters came out because narusaku didn't happen, but guess what people. I GOT OVER IT AND MOVED ON!!! Can't any of you do this too? Not so sound like an a$$ but there are more important things in life than constantly complaining on how a manga ended.
Forgive me if I sound like a traitor but overall I was fairly satisfied with the ending and, you'll all probably call me insane, delusional, an idiot, and a dork with no taste, but if the movie turns out almost exactly like the "possible" plot summary that was shared earlier in this forum, I will be completely satisfied with the movie and the series' ending.
But more than anything people, move on. It's just a fictional story. Yes it's one that has been a big part of our lives but it was a fictional story none the less. I'm sorry that it didn't end how we wanted it (especially if the spoilers are true) but it's just a bitter pill that we've got to swallow. I'm sorry if I sound like a jerk that's telling you all something that's been told a thousand times but it's just how it is.
Goodbye everyone. It's been fun. See you in the next big manga forums.  :thanks:

You know there was a recent announcement saying that people who would say things like «get over it» and «move on» could get banned, right?

Anyway, if the movie is indeed about NH, then the more reason to not watch it. Considering how some characters were outright forgotten in the ending (coughcoughJyraiyaandOrocoughcough), then it is not worth it to spend money just to see an «excuse» for the manga ending.

#638618 Howling at the Moon

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 05 November 2014 - 05:59 PM

Hi everyone! Well, the ride has come to an end. We had quite a hard crashing, but I'm going to get up, heal my wounds, get in the car and keep going. There's so much I haven't shared about my life, but if you want to know anything, feel free to PM me, alright? :-)

Anyway, not sure if this will be my last post, but I want to make sure things are good. As such, I have to say that I'm grateful to Naruto, for it helped me find this forum and make great friends. Some I still talk to and others, not so much. But no matter how much, I still want to thank you guys. So get ready to be a bit embarrassed, for I will mention a few names:

Konohakitten: Thank you so much for all your kindness and support. You and your husband gave me quite a lot of advice and support up until today. What can I say? You guys are golden! :-)

Miiami: Don't think I've forgotten about you my friend. Thank you so much for being honest with me and for all the fun times. Keep improving your professional and your artistic skills and remember that I'm rooting for you, even if I have to sing the sailor song to prove it. :-)

Fyuria's Leo: Yo, yo, thanks for your kind words despite everything that happened. You're pretty cool man and I hope to be just as good of a cosplayer as you with your Gaara cosplay. Keep up the good work bro, alrighty?

Serenity Namikaze: Speaking of cosplayers, your talent is as good as your friendship. You have a busy life and yet you find time to share with your friends. Keep up the good work, alrighty? Thanks for being such a considerate friend.

Qia: Hey you! Hope you're doing well. Convos were so funny and I hope you're having fun in League. Thanks for being so cheerful. :-D

Slextrem: Gotta say that your thread did not go to waste. It gave many of us faith and it proved that you are a hard worker. Thanks for that and for being sich a positive influence in many of us.

Darth Krypt: What can I say man? Aiming big and yet remaining humble. You keep aiming high and being a top One Piece fan. Thanks for being such a cool friend.

Dragunov: Sup man? Yeah, we didn't talk much, but you were there dropping a comment and visiting when I was at my worst. Seriously, thanks for that man.

narulsaku: Hey man! Its been a while but I also must say thanks to you. Although young, you are mature for your age and you were always curious about Naruto. Plus you usually had something to make friends smile, so thanks for that. :-)

NaruSaku4Life3G: And here's a guy whose spirit is easily remembered. Thanks for all the debates we shared together and for your positive influence in general.

Mangareader: What's up man? I don't know which words I could use, but I still want to thank you. You visited, replied and cared for many people and for how they were doing. :-)

Sakura_Blossoms: Have you finished FFVIII? Hahaha, just kidding. Anyway, you were so kind with me and I can't be grateful enough for that. Not sure how are you doing at the moment, but be sure to keep smiling, alrighty? Thanks for all the good things. :-)

tricksie: I'm not sure if you'd expect me to write about you, but I do have reasons to be grateful to you. When there was trouble, you did your best to assist and to do what you could. That included our conversations, where I must admit that I had the wrong perception about you. As such, I have to thank you for helping out and for everything you did for me. :-)

Derock: What's up man? Again, you're someone who also advised and helped me during difficult times. Not sure about what you will do in the future, but I still want to thank you for all you did man. :-)

Smiter: I'm honestly not sure if we ever talked (I think once maybe). And yet you created these forums and made it ad free. On top of that you are one of the most cool-headed admins I know across the internet. Yeah, it may sound like plain flattery, but I mean this man. Thanks to this forum I made some great friends and I owe it to you. Thank you very much for this! :-)

Kim: At the moment, I don't know where you are... and I may never know. But there are plenty of reasons as to why I'm grateful to you. The list is too long, but it includes the fact that you were such a kind person. I'm not sure if we'll talk again, but wherever you are, I hope that your life is filled with happiness. Thank you! :-)

and last but not least...

James S. Cassidy: What can I say bro? We have laughed, cried, argued, discussed... but overall, we've always supported each other as comrades-in-arms. From ponies to Death Battle, we've always been talking and finding many arguments to support our causes. But the most important thing is that you were the one who saved me from myself during the darkest period of my life. I literally owe you my life and that's reason enough for me to be eternally grateful to you.

At the moment, there are many names I have forgotten. However, if you consider yourself my friend, be sure to reply here. Believe me, I also have reasons to be grateful to you and I will include you here. :-)

#637121 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 05 November 2014 - 02:10 PM


Thanks, I'm out.

I need to finish the manga, but Suzuka is good!!! Add Love Hina and Full Metal Panic to the mix and you'll be good to go. :-)

#636713 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 05 November 2014 - 01:27 PM

Hahahaha, so many people giving up. How ironic that those who gave me the unshakable faith I have today are giving up so easily. No wonder I don't enjoy being in this forum anymore.

With that said, I really don't care about pics appearing here and there. The manga chapters will answer the remaining questions and if I endured three weeks of chapter 615, I can endure a few more hours of endless paranoia.

I still want to thank those I considered friends at some point in the forums and I want to give kudos to the few members who have a solid faith and stay true to NS despite the plastic bullets being fired. You guys are the best. :-)

Finally, regarding spoilers, none really impress me. Most, if not all of them, are fake and none have been confirmed by various official sources. As such, the best approach is to wait for the chapters.

Dead or not, official or not, even Japanese kids found logic in NS. As such, I'll stick true to NS till the last page of the manga.