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Fairy Tail Fantard

Member Since 22 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 15 2015 03:16 PM

#497211 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 29 September 2013 - 11:53 PM

...This can't end good...


#497208 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 29 September 2013 - 11:41 PM

I believe Kishi has stated he sees Sakura as his daughter in a way. So the whole "Kishimoto hates Sakura' discussion is out of the way.


I don't think Kishimoto is sexist. I think it's just he has trouble developing females. He also said that he had trouble drawing women at first. I don't know if he still does or not (I mean he's been drawing females for a while now, so he should have an easier time with them)


And a good number of his females are pretty bad ass. Definitely people I'd want to avoid if I ever got on their bad side.


Sakura: I'm dead.


Kushina: I'm gonna surgery.


Temari: I'm gonna walk the other way.


Tsunade: I didn't like this life anyway.

#497187 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 29 September 2013 - 10:31 PM



So is this lioness considered a b*tch?

#497087 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 29 September 2013 - 03:41 PM

I don't get it.  First, when the parallel was confirmed, they said how it didn't matter and that they didn't need to "rely on" useless parallels. Next thing I know, people are still desperately trying to find ways and aspects in which Hinata is similar to Kushina. So, which is it? Does the parallel matter or not? Obviously it does matter if they still are trying to find ways that nullify the Sakura and Kushina parallel. 

I understand that this parallel confirmation was a major blow to their ship and, like any normal human being, they're upset about it. However why is it so hard to accept canon facts and move on? The parallel has been confirmed. There is nothing they can do about. No amount of comparisons between Hinata and Kushina will ever change the parallel. Period. I guess painstakingly attempting to nullify the parallel's accuracy is their way to cope after receiving such a major blow.

The thing is, the similarities between Sakura and Kushina have been confirmed three friggen times! Kishimoto even said Sakura and Kushina are practically one in the same (I'd provide link, but I forgot)


And when someone tries to set them straight, they just ignore it and make up some other random argument to make NH seem more likely to happen whenever it has pretty much the lowest chance out of all the others.


I really just want to say NaruHina is dead. I really do. After 631. Naruto saying Sakura was his girlfriend proved that he still loved her. That chapter also reinforced Sakura and Kushina's similarities. 


The counter arguments of the following some people use to deny this chapter are just...I can't say it nicely.



I'm just going to say it. NaruHina is dead. SasuSaku has a bigger chance of happening now, but it still has a long shot. After 631 I cannot see Naruto going to Hinata. I just can't. And I'll continue to say this until Kishimoto proves me wrong.

#497079 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 29 September 2013 - 03:16 PM

Am I the only one that just wants to strangle someone when NH fans say Hinata is more like Kushina? That argument is seriously getting annoying.

#496917 Kiss or emotional hug?

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 28 September 2013 - 04:17 PM

if there was a kiss it will be denied as "CPR"

CPR with a forehead? LOL!

#496857 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 28 September 2013 - 01:36 AM

Okay, I'll take this on in steps.

They make from little to big thats what always bothers me


This is what a nh fan told me




I'm denying that it's proven.
We know that Sakura loves Sasuke as she stated that clearly. We know that Hinata loves Naruto since she also stated that clearly.

1) It was never proven that Sakura has any romantic feelings for Naruto. Not even a clear hint of such possibility.


2) It was never proven that Naruto loves Sakura. What was proven is a crush, but whether it had developed into love - that is up to the debate. It is possible

but it was never proven to be a fact (Sai's opinion is merely Sai's opinion and he can easily be wrong).


3) It was also never proven that Naruto has any romantic feelings for Hinata. But it was proven to be perfectly possible now (chapter 615)


4) There's no way in hell Naruto would be as retarded as to seriously go for Sakura - since he had known for a long time that it's FUTILE.


This  is from mangafox the extreme super duper mega sugar spiced NaruHina fan (lol)


PS: If mods take this serious this isn't bashing just need help.


So what are your guys counter arguments on this?

1) It is clear from her actions and concern for Naruto that she has feelings for him. Maybe not quite romantic, but it's out of strong friendship, which leads to a relationship. Read the character's movements, think about what they say. Sakura does not have to actually say that she loves Naruto, any good reader can tell by watching her react to certain things.


2) Okay, really?! This is a pure sign of desperation, not wanting to accept the truth or just hands down stupidity. I was a former NH fan myself, but it was clear as day to me that Naruto was in love with Sakura. Naruto shouldn't have to say anything to confirm he loves her, any decent person should be able to see it just from his facial expressions, the way he acts around her, and so on! It's as obvious as the sun on a clear day he loves her! And Sai's opinion doesn;t matter?! Then why put it in the damn manga?! 


3) Chapter 615? Oh, the chapter that had Naruto just drop three freakin' years of character development so Hinata could have some development of her own, only to lose it again at the end of the manga? Yeah...major props to you guys on that chapter. I don't think I've ever seen a bigger BS stunt in my life. The fact is that chapter proved nothing. It was forced, practically destroyed Naruto's development so Hinata could make a speech, only to lose her character development...again. I'll be so bold to say 615 was ANTI-NH if anything.


4) Well, then I guess he's been a full retard throughout this entire series. He went after her in part 1, and he's still going after her. Fact is he's not going to stop until he wins her heart. Better start living with that fact pretty soon, pall. Because he IS 'retarded' enough to go after Sakura. End of story.

#496636 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 26 September 2013 - 08:32 PM

Yeah its the big question definining sakura's "love" for Naruto. Its debatable whether she is sexually attracted/in love with Naruto because we know it isn't impossible due to chapter 1 of shippuden. However what will it take for her to become sexually/romantically in love with Naruto because is her current level of "love" for Naruto enough to warrent a relationship between them even though sasuke-KUN is lingering around still??


I believe Naruto is never going to engauge in a relationship with her until sasuke is dealt with..


@FairtTailFantard : Whats your FT OTP?

NaLu. Erza is more of a big sister to Natsu IMO, and I don't really get where fans get the Grey and Lucy idea. Plus the author of the manga supports NaLu from what I've heard, 

#495263 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 21 September 2013 - 04:28 AM

Watch this , its speaks very much




With naruhina and sasusaku the girls are selfish . "I want you to acknowledge me" or "I want to hold narutos hand." What about want the boys want? huh?

What episode is 1:20?


That was just...I can't even say it. Just...wow...just wow. I'm...I'm literally in tears.

#495261 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 21 September 2013 - 04:24 AM

I found this on Deviant Art:


So randomly, a Japanese artist on Pixiv message me, wanting to know more about Americans and what they think of Naruto. So we talked and the conversation steered towards favorite characters. She loved Sasori and I said I loved Naruto and Sakura even as a couple but it is not as popular of a pairing and Sakura is hated very much. She was shocked and her exact words were "my entire family loves Sakura the most" and proceeded to say the above. I was shocked to see her say this because she is a KakaNaru shipper. 

So NaruHina fans who keep telling us on DA and on Tumblr to stop comparing NaruSaku and MinaKush need to stop because even Japanese say this. This is not the first Japanese to say this to me. My 2nd most favorite SasuNaru artist, Vessel, had also said this and so did another Japanese artist on Pixiv. I can even name two Japanese artists who is on DeviantArt say this too (different artists so 5 in total right now)

And a few Japanese artists even compared NaruSaku in RTN to MinaKush, one even saying "NaruSaku is the 2nd generation MinaKush". 



What do you guys think of this?

#493629 Why I'm sure Naruto WILL confess to Sakura some day

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 15 September 2013 - 02:56 AM

I think this is actually 100% correct. This part alone is what probably turned me to NS more than anything.

#493614 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 15 September 2013 - 02:08 AM

Sooo...it has been a while since I was last here. I just recently got into reading the Naruto manga (starting clear all the way from chapter 1) I've kind of skipped around and looked at some of the chapters that everyone's talking about. Chapters like 540, 631 and so on.


I used to be a NH fan, but then I started reading the manga. I've gotten pretty far, but I've still got a way to go. I'm...kind of ashamed with my old fanbase to tell the truth. I used to support NH just because it seemed to be what the anime was going for. Turns out I was b*tch slapped in the face when I started reading the manga. I never saw how...'corrupt'? That's not the right word, but anyway, I never knew how wrong the anime actually is. Hinata is...well...useless according to the manga, whereas the anime makes Sakura look like the useless one. This ticked me off quite a bit. It just amazes me how Periot has blinded so many people and made the pairing war what it is now. I'm only a little past Hinata's confession and it's clear as day to me now that NS is the end game!


Note to self: If I ever draw a manga series, don't let Periot animate it.


I think if Kishi was a little more strict with his studio, we wouldn't have such a giant bashing war going on. Things have gotten way too out of hand. I heard a rumor that there was a guy who bashed a NS supporter's friends in the military just because he liked Sakura. Well, good-bye NH fanbase, I won't be seeing you ever again!