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#621466 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by BecauseYouLetRinDie on 31 October 2014 - 01:56 AM

liking her wasn't the point. if they feel so obligated to make her shine, then why not do the same for characters like 10 10 or shino? i think this is just making hinata ship bait as usual.

Yeah I actually think Hinata is a decent character, but every time she is portrayed it has to do with her love for Naruto. Can't people see this movie as a way for her to actually have some development and see it as her moment to shine? Whereas she will grow and mature and become a confident leader/member of her clan? Maybe even have her grieve more over neji, since he did care for her deeply, and also have some cute Hina/Hanabi sibling bond moments. Have her explore other emotions, like friendship and sibling bonds. In road to Ninja we got to see Sakura mature in the aspect of her accepting her family and also mostly importantly her accepting/ understanding Naruto a bit more. I hope in this movie, it will show more to Hinata's character than her just being all focused on Naruto. It's sad that most people only see her as Naruto's waifuuuu. But I don't blame them since that's all she's been portrayed as. Ship bait.

#612978 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by BecauseYouLetRinDie on 24 October 2014 - 06:51 PM

The moment this 'assistant' said that he didn't see sakura as the heroine made whatever he is spouting lose all credibility. It makes it seem like everything he is saying is based on his personal opinion. Sure all the characters fill their own purpose and have their own role in the story but Kishimoto has stated himself that Sakura is the heroine of the story, not Hinata. No matter whatever flaws she may have as a character, no matter how much dislike or hate she may get from the fandoms, she is still the heroine. She's perfectly imperfect. 


Also, why is it that suddenly everyone is saying that the animators, assistants, musicians of this upcoming film are all giving Naruhina hints, when in reality all these 'hints' have been shot down countless times or are not what they appear to be. People need to calm down and stop shouting canon. Sure it's nice to get ship teases but if you've been in this fandom as long as I have you should probably be used to all of these pairing teases by now. I would say people need to wait until the manga is over or even until the movie is out, then they can start shouting CANON. Either it be our fandom or the opposing one's. No one should jump the gun, not even us, because in the end we/they will look like the fools.

Whatever shipping Kishimoto has chosen people should respect his decision and move on, even if we/they like it or not, in the end the shipping isn't what this manga is about. It's about bonds and never giving up. Remember that.

(WOAH, Tenten looks so pretty! I'm still anticipating the official color version of Sakura's casual outfit. :umm: )

#611952 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by BecauseYouLetRinDie on 24 October 2014 - 04:13 AM

Someone should draw Sasuke with this outfit and put him on that one cover wear he is riding a horse, and add a tequila bottle in his hand while he is shouting "Viva la revolucion!!"

#587986 Chapter 693

Posted by BecauseYouLetRinDie on 25 September 2014 - 07:27 PM

Did you guys see that Kakasaku though? Sakura all worried over Kakashi falling and Kakashi trying to defend Sakura. They have been really supportive of each other lately. Kakasaku confirmed! :pimp:

#529156 Naruto 676

Posted by BecauseYouLetRinDie on 14 May 2014 - 11:17 PM

This chapter really explains how cold and distant Sasuke is, and that he actually hasn't changed at all.

He doesn't even care about Sakura, and yet people still want Sakura to be with him?

I get it if they like it because they 'think' Sakura still loves sasuke (which she doesn't anymore, because 675 kind of cleared that up)

but other than that... I don't see the appeal to this ship, especially when Sasuke seems to not care about romance. He didn't even ask if she was okay, not even a glance?! Come on, I mean Sasuke was able to apologize to Karin, he could have atleast said something to Sakura. But I guess Kishimoto is really trying to make a point with telling the readers that Sasuke just doesn't care about Sakura, not even as a teammate.


Anyways I'm not bothered with Sakura feeling sad about Sasuke not caring, I like it when it shows Sakura worried about others, especially when it's about Naruto and Sasuke. It proves what Kakashi said is true. She truely is a kind girl. Also, she cares about sasuke, not romantically of course, and because she wants team7 together again, she wants to save him from the darkness, but by the way he's acting it's easy to get discouraged.


Good chapter all in all, can't wait for the next!