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#867486 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Niky on 12 August 2015 - 11:36 AM

Also that girl is a sociopath at worst what child knocks out their parent and gives no kitten whether they are OK or not and instead focus on minor squabble they are having with their siblings? 


A child worthy of Hinata's legacy. :roll:

#864274 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Niky on 04 August 2015 - 12:33 AM

So out of curiosity, I have to ask.


Did anyone actually think that Karin was actually going to be the mom at the end of this?  Or did you know it was going to be Sakura the whole time?


I was sure (sure, sure, sure) that Sakura was going to be the mom all along... :roll:




At the Gaiden's last page (in spite of "my husband", "my wife", "my daughter" bs) I thought: " :huh: Oh, crap... I don't know why but... :huh: Maybe Karin was REALLY Salad's mom..." :huh:


Nonsense, your name is Naruto, this I know... :wacko:

#863080 Call me crazy but.....

Posted by Niky on 01 August 2015 - 08:17 AM



I so agree with you. I do I do I do. 

Thanks Lady Lys. :wink:

These thoughts are been going round in my head for weeks. :roll:


Honestly, I never thought (the last year) I'd say this, but Kishimoto has proved to be a true, pitiful, little bully. -_-

#862450 Call me crazy but.....

Posted by Niky on 30 July 2015 - 12:45 PM


You are not crazy... but naive, yes.

Kishi is too petty-minded for you to understand, sorry. -_-


Do you want to understand the guy? In the early interviews for The Last Kishi, without any shame, talked about 'red herrings' for Narusaku, Minakushi and Sasukarin fans; about 'Neji died for NH ship' to Neji and NejiHina fans; about 'right ending for Sakura's love' to Sakura fans and about 'decision made since the beginning' for the ending manga and the ending pairs to ALL fans.


Without any shame.


And do you know why he made this? :mellow:


Because he assumed that NH and SS fans were the strong and numerous ones. And all the other fans were few and weak.

That way he could make fun of helpless side of fandom consequence-free. :facepalm:


How that paid off we know it... :kukuku:

#862420 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Niky on 30 July 2015 - 10:47 AM

Naruto/Boruto's Lessons NUMBER ONE:

"Only a person with connections and the friends in the right places has the right to live and deserves respect". :pimp:


Honestly, this bombastic description of Boruto is too pitiful for words. Ehi, Kishi, you would fill the emptiness of this pathetic 'story' with superlative recommendations, eh? :roll: 

Just let it go, let it go, let it go... -_-


About the Boruto/Sarada parallel to Narusaku... That is not a "red herring".

That is a big F*** YOU to NS fans, for a (no) change. :facepalm:

#849387 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Niky on 26 June 2015 - 08:20 PM


does that mean Menma married other dimension Sakura?

 Yes, Menma and Sakura are a couple in the Rtn world. :wub:

http://lucy-heartfla...sakura-is-canon :nslove:

#849381 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Niky on 26 June 2015 - 08:10 PM

ouKen4Life3g asked for it, so here it goes - the rumored plot of Boruto the Movie (well, of the first part of the movie) -> http://cacatuasulphu...ruto-movie-plot



Naruto, please, go to another world and DIE (sadly, I know full well that that will not happen)!! -_-

Seriously, what a crap! :glare:

#841711 Naruto Gaiden 700.7

Posted by Niky on 11 June 2015 - 12:17 PM


Atleast it's a DNA test.... We know Kishi can't BS about like he does everything. 






Oh... My poor, poor soul... :fan:

#822202 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Niky on 14 May 2015 - 12:15 PM

Well, I was thinking… and if all this ending, the Last and the Gaiden crap was a hidden message from Kishi to his family? :headscratch:


I mean if Narusaku, Sasukarin and Nejihina had been the final couples, husband and wife would be guiding the respective family together. :yes:


Now, does Kishi guide his family with his wife?

I doubt it. He is too busy with work. And, maybe, his wife complained about it. :roll:


SP and SJ editors and assistants (Hinata fanboys) take the opportunity to show to Kishi who is Hinata the true GOOD woman and the true GOOD wife from this point of view. She is dedicated to Naruto, she endures his absence for work, she wait for him without complaint, with a smile. :plots:

Sakura is dragged in this mess and she is turned into her pavid old self for Sasuke.


Naruto and Sasuke accept such women’s devotion and, appreciative of their love, pay back never cheating on them (while remaining dispassionate, absent and too busy with other things).

But it's okay. Because they don’t cheat. :mellow:


The GOOD WIVES are happy with this, remain silent, trust their husbands and… Continue to wait. :zaru:


This is the message (and Bakuman appears to confirm this).


What you think about this, guys? :headscratch:

#822116 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Niky on 14 May 2015 - 09:19 AM

What's really messed up, is that you can complain about every single character in this series. Everyone.


Whether it's for botched development, too little development, horrible handling, or whatever. You could find something to complain about for every character.


Kishi really sucks at writing.


Kishi greatest strength was always the likability and reliability of the characters which allowed most fans to ignore or tolerate the problems of the series. With that gone because the ending destroyed the characters the we had grown to love. The problems with the series become very apparent and since we have an negative view of the series became much worst.


So true.

Especially for Naruto.

I loved particularly him for a reason: his love for Sakura.

Because this love separated him from others (silly) shonen manga protagonists that remembered the existence of girls only in their series' end, when you just saw they married for no good reason. :facepalm:


I liked his love because he loved a normal (in social standing), blunt and brave girl, warts and all, and he didn't go for the 'convenient' (boobed, quiet, submissive, hopelessly in love with and - let us not forget - filthy rich) girl. :wub:


... ... ... ... ... 


How naive I was to think that, eh? :blush:

#817979 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Niky on 06 May 2015 - 09:28 PM

ANOTHER MOVIE FOR HINATA SAMA-HIME-CHAN-SAN-KUN-DONO ?!??!?!? :chuckle: :chuckle: :chuckle:



:chuckle: :chuckle:


Sadly, Hinata is nothing but a a pair of walking boobs... :no:


Not in a million years did I ever think she'd be loved only for her breasts...

Well, I guess I overestimated most of the male (western) fandom... :sweatdrop:

#814482 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Niky on 01 May 2015 - 04:09 PM

*from Naruto discussion thread*


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

The inevitable MK - NH parallel... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


Sorry, I'm not angry. More amused and disgusted. No mercy for you, Kishimoto. You are total guilty, yeah!! :lmao: :lmao:


I'm sure Kishimoto believes to know how to draw better now that at first pic's time...

But, do you know Kishi-buddy, NOW the characters are all SOOOOOOO UGLY, UGLY, UGLY.


1. Himawari - awful :wacko:

2. Naruto - ridiculous :facepalm:

3. Hinata - ...?... weird... Her face is weird... :unsure:


I mean, Boruto (BORUTO!!) is the most decent human being (!!!!) in this family. :wha:


I can't be envious of this family, sorry.

My only regret is the old, good, MK image. Well, I suppose it was time for that good image to be shattered. :zaru:

#814466 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Niky on 01 May 2015 - 04:00 PM

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

The inevitable MK - NH parallel... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


Sorry, I'm not angry. More amused and disgusted. No mercy for you, Kishimoto. You are total guilty, yeah!! :lmao: :lmao:


I'm sure Kishimoto believes to know how to draw better now that at first pic's time...

But, do you know Kishi-buddy, NOW the characters are all SOOOOOOO UGLY, UGLY, UGLY.


1. Himawari - awful :wacko:

2. Naruto - ridiculous :facepalm:

3. Hinata - ...?... weird... Her face is weird... :unsure:


I mean, Boruto (BORUTO!!) is the most decent human being (!!!!) in this family. :wha:


I can't be envious of this family, sorry.

My only regret is the old, good, MK image. Well, I suppose it was time for this good image to be shattered. :zaru:

#810652 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Niky on 26 April 2015 - 11:42 AM

Funny how Sakura can fight and defeat Sasori, save Naruto's life, master medical ninjutsu and a difficult technique requiring expert chakra control for an extended period of time, punch a darned goddess, and people still say she's useless.

But Hinata trying (and failing) to save Naruto from Pain, holding Naruto's hand, and tripping over a rock is noble and worthy of hero worship.


Kikitten has taught us that, in life, duty and hard labor means nothing because what matters is:

  • The Reputation, what people ‘say’ about you (Hinata is sweet, Sakura is a bit*h, Sasuke is “pure”);
  • The Status, your family name, your background, your social position;
  • The Money;
  • The boobs (for the female ones).

As you can see, ladies and gentlemen, this is a major life lesson!! :pimp:


I wish part two Hinata's minuscule character development wasn't entirely centered around Naruto. :wacko: Girl needs to stand on her own two feet. 


Pftt! That's because you don't read enough mangas... :chuckle:


"A woman without love wilts like a flower without sun". That is the spirit and mentality. :th_yeah:

#807254 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Niky on 23 April 2015 - 02:38 PM

Guys, please... :sick:

That THING... page...

In spoilers...



I don't want see garbage!!

Do not inflict such trash on the rest of us!! :hm: