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#825624 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 19 May 2015 - 01:48 AM

People only like SasuSaku because of the hot delicious fanfiction sex, that's all there is to it.

#825596 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 19 May 2015 - 12:38 AM

Yup and then kicked his ass and marry Naruto because that how the story was progressing, not have her regressed to her part one self then have her marry the person that treated her like crap.

Damn straight yo!!

#825572 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 18 May 2015 - 11:40 PM

Kishi wouldn't let her to become a mature woman and Kishi let her become a joke. If it was up to Sakura she would have been with Naruto a long time ago.

Agreed. Any sane woman would've chosen Naruto over Sasuke.

#825565 Why I'm sure Naruto WILL confess to Sakura some day

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 18 May 2015 - 11:29 PM

whenever i think of that filler where naruto says he loves sakura, and hopes she chooses him someday i can't help but think "HELLOOO she DID then you brushed it off"

Exactly. I don't blame Naruto for not believing her but it still seemed like a foolish whim to ignore her confession.

#825546 Show Yourself V3.0!

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 18 May 2015 - 10:26 PM

This is me and my baby

SO CUTE!! <3

#825516 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 18 May 2015 - 09:37 PM

^love interest is a little strong, considering Sasuke never had any interest in her to begin with :zaru:

More like baby-making machine. Which doesn't even make sense since Sasuke's not interested in Sarada. Sasuke's one-time screw is a more accurate description of Sakura.

#825500 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 18 May 2015 - 09:00 PM

That kind of character could exist in manga.
Hinata is just lucky she become female fan favorite.

Hinata is a stock character. Cute shy girl who loves the main character, double points for otakus for being the traditional Japanese wife. I don't really see a problem with this except that Kishimoto created Sakura. What was Sakura's purpose for, she wasn't Naruto love interest at the end and she wasn't Sasuke's either. She ended up a single parent in a broken house, not even a good heroine. It's like Kishimoto just created her to be a red herring and show that this is what happens to girls who like bad boys or something. Lame.

#825423 Why I'm sure Naruto WILL confess to Sakura some day

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 18 May 2015 - 08:01 PM

in a way sakura DID confess first at the kage summit but, naruto wouldn't listen, and thought she was lying to herself..he could have confessed then.there are many times he had a chance to confess but, kishi kept messing stuff up :(

Yeah after Sakura confessed and Naruto didn't believe her the ball was in his court. Too bad he was too cowardly to ever do it.

#825413 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 18 May 2015 - 07:55 PM


You don't think they look good together? Well I think it's the complimentary colors and contrast, purple black + orange yellow and pink red + black blue. NH/SS fans complain that pink and orange "clash".

#825407 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 18 May 2015 - 07:52 PM

And made her obsession a million times worse as well as showing more so she didn't know the real Naruto as well as having no faith in him at all.

It was disgusting how they made an omake about fans getting so excited about Hinata simply saying "Naruto-kun", and how they tried making Sakura jealous over it. That's why I hate SP for trying to make Hinata and Sakura rivals, Sakura NEVER hated Hinata in the manga and in fact gave up her happiness for her AND her stupid selfish fans.

#825392 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 18 May 2015 - 07:41 PM

I only thought she was one dimensional during part 2. There were other aspects of her character such as her conflict with Neji and by extension conclif between the main house and branch family. I felt that her desire to become stronger at the end of part 1 would have set up her to develop into a strong leader for her clan and get over her obessive crush with Naruto(Or properly developed it if Kishi chose NH over NS originally). But we all know that never happened :P

Yeah Hinata was more sympathetic in Part 1 and had potential but in Part 2 all Kishimoto does is give her big boobs and long hair and has her become a Naruto fangirl. Boring.

#825044 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 18 May 2015 - 01:52 PM

You know...a year ago I would have agreed with what you said...but now I have to agree with what the other person said...Sakura had no development, and the only development Hinata had was her hair.
As a matter of fact, one can conclude Hinata's hair = Sakura's development throughout the series. In part 1 Hinata's hair was short and Sakura was a Sasuke fangirl. In the beginning of part 2, Hinata grew her hair and Sakura became less of a fangirl. And now, Hinata's hair is short again...and guess what...Sakura is back to her part 1 self.

Sakura's development may have regressed but at least she still had more development than Hinata. Hinata stayed 1-dimensional throughout the entire series.

#824848 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 18 May 2015 - 04:59 AM


Every man in love is like that... but rest assured... Kishimoto will make Naruto eat Hinata-hime's cooking in the end. And Sasuke will be all lovey dovey with Sakura. And we will be supposed to buy it. LOL


Naruto will eat Hinata's cinnamon rolls and Sasuke will eat Sakura's riceballs.  They may get so hungry they'll even eat Salad and Burrito.

#824725 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 18 May 2015 - 02:43 AM

Good Otaru keep supporting our fandom. By guys we got new banner.

I like the new NS banner, less angsty and more cute. :)

#824685 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 18 May 2015 - 01:38 AM

Um, ok, I wasn't using Naruto as proof, but as an example as to why Orihime loving Ichigo doesn't equate to a healthy relationship by itself. Sakura "loved" Sasuke, but that relationship is terrible. Hinata "loved" Naruto, but that relationship is terrible. Granted, I'm well aware the circumstances are different, and that unlike the aforementioned, Orihime's love is actually genuine, but the point remains: just because her love is there, doesn't mean that the relationship is healthy, especially if Ichigo isn't receptive to the idea of a relationship with her. That especially seems to be the case due to the fact that people have to try to get him to notice her, showing that he doesn't have any interest. 


Chad did so, yes, but that wasn't the same as what Rukia did, their impact is entirely different. Chad bought him out of a funk, as did Orihime, but Rukia brought him back from being broken, not once, but twice. There has been plenty of evidence to suggest that their relationship is more than ambiguous, including a statement from Kubo that their relationship is more than friends, but less than lovers, and that he also wants people to focus on that and the change in their feelings. If you're going to bring up movies, then I suggest watching Fade to Black, as Kubo had explicitly worked on much of that movie.


I never said that about him moving to Soul Society, but I did say that your claim of location is irrelevant because its been foreshadowed that he will. That doesn't mean that IR is bound to happen because of it, but at the same time, that wouldn't benefit IH in the least, especially because they'd be nowhere near each other. 


Again, in the discussion of IR vs IH, RenRuki has zero relevance because Rukia has no feelings for Renji, at least that I'm aware of. Rukia and Ichigo are best friends, and have a stronger bond than Renji and Rukia anyway. I never said that Orihime is less of a friend, or that Ichigo is dependent on Rukia alone for happiness, what I said is that they have a stronger bond and that when Ichigo hits rock bottom, it is Rukia that pulls him out.


Comparing Naruto's relationships to Bleach's is irrelevant since they're completely different characters in completely different situations.  How is Ichigo and Orihime's relationship "unhealthy"?  I fail to see why you'd compare it to a murderous pairing like SasuSaku or a pairing with barely any interaction like NaruHina.  I could say Ichigo & Rukia's bond is more like Naruto & Sasuke's for both being the main characters and their bond having the most focus but it wouldn't prove anything since they're different characters from a different story.

Orihime being in love with Ichigo is not the only reason why I think they'd make a good match but also because they're good friends.  According to you IchiHime is "unhealthy" because Ichigo isn't receptive to Orihime's romantic feelings yet you ignore the fact that Ichigo also has no romantic feelings for Rukia and neither does she for him?  Why aren't you calling IchiRuki "unhealthy" for that? 

Chad and Orihime getting Ichigo out of his depression is the same as Rukia getting Ichigo out of his depression.  Rukia has done it more but it doesn't change the fact that other characters can do it too.

Fade to Black wasn't about Ichigo and Rukia's romance but about their bond.  Kubo did say they were "more than friends" but "less than lovers", but he also said that their bond "wasn't romance".  It's ambiguous and could be taken as family or lovers, not canon fact like Orihime's love for Ichigo. 

So RenRuki is irrelevant because Rukia has "zero feelings" for Renji yet you ignore the fact that she also has zero feelings for Ichigo?  Double standards.  And no, Renji and Rukia's bond is not any weaker than Rukia's and Ichigo's, the former have known eachother longer and have spent more time together in the Soul Society.

Ichigo and Rukia just seem more like brother and sister to me, not lovers.  You can ship them if you want but I won't change my mind about Orihime being a better romantic match for Ichigo.