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#500294 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 16 October 2013 - 08:13 PM



I found this on Tumblr and take a look who are the king and queen.

#499479 NaruSaku/MinaKushi Month!

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 10 October 2013 - 06:40 PM

Okay I'm late on this but here is how I came to support NaruSaku http://bluestarsaber...-came-to-suport


Also happy birthday Naruto

#499359 How would Naruto responed to the hate Sakura gets?

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 09 October 2013 - 12:48 PM

We all know that Naruto loves and finds Sakura amazing, but I was wondering if he existed and he saw the hate that some fans give her how do you think he would react to it?

#498804 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 07 October 2013 - 01:22 AM

Say how would you all react if konohamaru did that man on man jutsu again on Sakura and this time he used Naruto and Sakura reacted the same way as before?

#497286 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 30 September 2013 - 04:12 PM

I found this doujin that of NaruSaku that could happen later in the manga take a look http://www.youtube.c...h?v=xlm5K7GGpWU


#495678 If you could meet Naruto?

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 22 September 2013 - 07:32 PM

About five days ago I posted a topic asking what would you do if you met Sakura, here is a link if you have yet to post on it http://www.narusaku....3&st=0&p=494383


Now I'm asking what would you do if you did meet Naruto face to face?

#494535 Naruto 647

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 17 September 2013 - 08:53 PM

Fair enough I was just saying she not all that bad, would it be better you lot if she slaps him or something? Personally I don't really care if she ends up with Sasuke, though I have seen threads that show a positive look on the SasuKari pairing http://skania.tumblr...why-i-dont-feel

http://kanae-mizuhit....com/32782.html weather or not you agree on them I don't care.

#494404 If you could meet Sakura?

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 17 September 2013 - 05:48 PM

I will ask her Hinata phone number :fu:

And ask sakura breast size :P *run to bunker*


You wouldn't get to far she kill ya.

#494324 Naruto 647

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 17 September 2013 - 03:37 PM

That was a good chapter. I don't think Shikamaru will die, if he does I hope his final words to his friends would be not to trust Sasuke.

#492944 Naruto 646

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 11 September 2013 - 09:19 PM

You would want that but the Sakura fans will dislike it. But that is allready established and everyone is waiting for it. As for story elements that aren't so scrutinized in the fandom some reactions are odd.

I one consider that the manga would be at least 3 times more enjoyable if you don't go into the fandom.


I must admit every time I see what a fandom is like I don't enjoy it's series as much I used to, though I still remain faithful to it. One good thing about going into the Naruto fandom for me was when I looked at Chatte's threads about Sakura and I understood her character a lot better.

#491956 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 07 September 2013 - 05:49 PM

Off topic: What parallels NaruSaku in Bleach?


I think IchiRukia would be the closest to parallel NaruSaku

#491844 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 06 September 2013 - 04:29 PM

Say we seem to be talking to much about the NH fans, can we try something else?

#491763 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 05 September 2013 - 10:16 PM

If the pairing stuff for Naruto like Avatar should say anything, it all falls back to one simple fact:


Read the scene, see what has more focus and screentime. If many of the scenes between Naruto and Sakura following Gaara and especially the POAL have a good amount of care and compassion displayed, leading to more development, chances are it has the focus for a reason. Even for those who claimed NS "dead" in 469, they obviously didn't find it funny enough that there was still practically nothing done for NH. See the irony? NS dead but NH still doesnt develop? Yeah 631 cleared up the Kushina stuff and gave a practical reaffirmation for who naruto loves. Yets fans still ingore stuff like that at this point.

Sadly it seems most rather focus on happening now and not long term here is something I fond in a converstation with NH fans and this is what they said about NS chances of happening:


"I just hate is hate for the hyuga (and hinata). I mean, okay, you're an uchija d rider. Calm down. They're not that great. Not great at all. Seriously, not only do not all of them get the sharingan, but not all of them even make it to 3t or much less MS, or Even more, EMS. The hyuga could pretty easily beat MS users and solo 3t users.

Lol.gif, Sakura? Really? NARUSAKU has 0% chance of coning through this far in, its ridiculous how some peopleeven think so. Tbh, I really don't care about pairing much. But I am logical person. In early shippuden it seemed like NS was gonna happen, but after the pain arc and especiallyafyer the false confession and hand hold, naruhina is 89% gonna happen."


"Yeah I know but I don't want to seem like an idiot if narusaku does happen so I usually stay neutral on it and although it would be logical at this point for NH to happen I wouldn't be suprised if Kishi trolled us Devil.gif

You have a good point there.. even if there was three tomoe users they might have been a minority in the Uchiha clan.. I can believe the Hyuuga clan can>Uchiha clan except for the special ones like Itachi, Sasuke, Madara, and maybe izuna.. shishui didn't really have feats so I'm counting him out besides I'm sure a hyuuga can see through his genjutsu as that one guy did when he saw Mifune."


"Narusaku can't happen : D it is seriously horrible writing if it did happen, simply because it's been butchered so badly. Besides hinata was made before Sakura, in 1998, before the series began, and seh was depicted as naruto's liver. Narusaku gas no "if". Not to mention Sakura ---> sasuke.

The special ones are the special cases indeed. But I think neji would stand a decent chance against them anyways."

#491759 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 05 September 2013 - 09:52 PM


Yes, don't want to get too off-topic but having your pair rammed into the depths of hell...literally was not a good feeling.


Well just one more month until we see what happens next, the Mark of Athena made my cry. I don't know what I would do if something like that happened to Naruto and Sakura.