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There have been 361 items by Strangelove (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#881219 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Strangelove on 11 October 2015 - 01:25 AM in Konoha Theater

At this point seeing a monkey come out of Kishi's ass will not surprise me one bit.


But, to find out that it was the monkey, and not Kishi who wrote the script, and then mailed it to the Teen Titans Go writers to check on the script...that would surprise me.

#880487 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Strangelove on 07 October 2015 - 12:57 PM in Konoha Theater


Of course it would appear like that to the pro-enders just like he said that he could not make NS happen because he pitied Hinata, he does not know how Sasuke and Sakura end up together and not to mention how contrived their relationship really is. 


In my opinion, not from a fan POV, Kishi was better off using logic to destroy NH and SS by tying up the NS red herring without destroying his characters. Naruto and Sakura end up with different partners but the audience knows that Naruto still loves Sakura after marring Hinata, while Sakura got with Sasuke was to force Naruto to move and because she was undeserving of his loves (and she loves) him. Their marriage explains that it was loveless and the reason why Sasuke was gone for 12 years although he would have kept in contact with his daughter. This would have explain why Naruto neglect his family because he could not got over Sakura and busy himself and drinks a lot out of depression, due to Sakura marrying Sasuke. 


An angst ending would not necessarily  been a trashed ending. This would have prevented Naruto and Sakura's character assassination. This would have undid nearly 50% damage alone.


If he done this, he could have avoided most of his contradicting interviews. Too bad this guy has a monkey's brain. Bananas.


Yeah...then again this is a boy manga...emphasis on the boy there...The wife has to have large boobs, and they have to acknowledge that farts exist.


12 years too late on a cruel twist of fate.


Came a less impressive Naruto.


He was drunk and depraved.


Made us crave the Sasuke


Twas a sad day for poor Naruto.



Naruto Narutooooo


With slapstick that just sucks kittene.


Naruto Narutooooo


A kid goddammit a kid.


Naruto Narutooooo


Stunts like a f**** cartooon


Naruto Narutooooo


A lame a*** sucking buffoon.

#879998 How is Sasuke a reincarnation of Madara?

Posted by Strangelove on 04 October 2015 - 02:24 PM in Naruto General

Here is the thing...then why didn't Sasuke died when Madara was resurrected.


Shouldn't his soul be liked...ripped from him or something?

#879141 Current (as of Sept. 26) Naruto Anime

Posted by Strangelove on 29 September 2015 - 04:15 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I...actually read this as Nutella Anime...


I thought...someone is actually making an anime about Nutella? My Dream has come true!!!

#877313 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by Strangelove on 18 September 2015 - 03:29 PM in Latest Releases

why naruto is the biggest scumbag


this naruto disrespected, lied and failed his parents wishes, punches his father and throws away his mothers retconned memento, he neglects his children, he doesn't enjoy his job, he doesnt care about his true friends, he doesn't care about his wife or her cooking, he doesn't talk to sakura ever, he lies to himself, he lies to his father, he lies to his friends, he lies to his friends daughter, he's a hypocrite, he's the least successful and most useless hokage ever, he tries to do EVERYONES JOB, he's rusty who can't take on anyone in base form, he punches his kid, he gets knocked out by his kid where he misses his hokage ceremony, he looks miserable and tired despite it being peace time and him having inhuman stamina, his kids aren't raised properly, his wife is still a door mat, he failed neji's wish by changing the hyuuga clan, he thinks obito is an inspiration despite obito's dream was tacked on LATER just to be even MORE of a naruto clone than he already was, so much he's got the losers hair cut. he cries and begs and spreads his cheeks for the worlds worst father and one of the biggest criminals ever, he's nonchalant with orochimaru, he doesn't train his own son and has his "friend" do it for him, he didn't know what the difference between love for a person and love for food is, and he'll want something because someone else has it.


He worships dogs and reptiles. He blackens his eyes with soot like a prostitute, he dances and plays the cymbals in vile nilotic rites


If you don't understand this, it was a show on HBO that one could say Game of Thrones got inspiration from.


#873524 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Strangelove on 01 September 2015 - 03:50 PM in Konoha Theater

You know out of curiosity when you guys first saw Sasuke in Part 2 (Shippuden) what was your intial impression of him? prior to the 5 Kage Summit bs. 


Here was my reaction.




No...seriously...where was my Senzu Bean?

#873506 How Did Hinata become so popular?

Posted by Strangelove on 01 September 2015 - 02:20 PM in Naruto General

One word



#872682 Windows 7 Update Problems

Posted by Strangelove on 28 August 2015 - 11:17 PM in Tech Help

I just got Windows 10...worth it...totally worth it....

#871189 New Kishimoto interview-Cinema Today

Posted by Strangelove on 23 August 2015 - 11:50 AM in Naruto General

Kishi needs to stop listening to whoever he listened to.


Chou Chou was NOT popular...she was annoying.

#868532 After months of recovery:

Posted by Strangelove on 14 August 2015 - 04:12 PM in Naruto General

You know...I've been doing some research and I think the probable reason Naruto ended the way it did, is because it needed to end the way it did in order to turn a profit. The manga industry is dying, both in Japan and the West, SJ knows this, as they are struggling to fight back against the rising tide of digital market. The calculated risk, sacrifice the story in order to sell a lot of physical merchandise. As for the movies, well...I am willing to bet they took a bad gamble on it, but again it was to sell merchandise...

#868442 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Strangelove on 14 August 2015 - 03:26 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

That's quite a contrast.

Yeah, quite...considering Kishi on the other hand who thought that having 10 chapters of Chou Chou asking who her father is, was considered by his standards a comical masterpiece.


Edit Edit...Here is why their gamble on the west is not going to work. http://io9.com/58749...ould-get-better

#867520 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Strangelove on 12 August 2015 - 02:29 PM in Konoha Theater

Bolt as a "prodigy" is quite the huge lie, he had to cheat his way through the chuunin exam and his original "Rasengan" makes no sense  at all


You know...original and Rasengan should not be together in a sentence. The rasengan in its original form was not original.

#867517 Animated version of Killing Joke

Posted by Strangelove on 12 August 2015 - 02:22 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

I thought the Killing Joke was a Monty Python sketch...huhhh...guess I was wrong in that regard.

#866345 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by Strangelove on 09 August 2015 - 12:52 AM in Fun Cafe

This is an endless loop, the 5th circle of Dante's inferno...right here...it will never eeennnnnnddddddd HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!




#864974 Favorite Looney Tune

Posted by Strangelove on 06 August 2015 - 12:03 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

I like Bugs and Daffy as well...everyone likes Bugs and Daffy. I especially liked The Looney Tunes show where they lived in Suburbia and they had to face the same problems a Seinfeld episode would usually focus on.

#863341 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Strangelove on 02 August 2015 - 02:02 AM in Konoha Theater

A... Naruto live action... I don't doubt that there will be a truck load of random NH and SS moments.


Then all of a sudden...Naruto and Sakura get together in the end...lol...

#862933 Naruto Hollywood Remake

Posted by Strangelove on 31 July 2015 - 08:44 PM in Naruto General

Oh good, a nice new way to add bricks to the tomb of the franchise. I love you Lionsgate, may your movie suck so bad, we will take a look at DB Evolution and say. "Hey, that's actually a pretty decent film."

#862872 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Strangelove on 31 July 2015 - 03:15 PM in Konoha Theater

Wow...based on the response on base.net...It really looks like this movie is destined to die...



Edit: I now know why Naruto is such a prk, and why he is in so much stress. The village coffers are running dry. From the beginning we were told that the ninja villages main source of income was ninjas and their ninjaty duty, and since Ninjas are pointless now...just ask Ten Ten she is literally going out of business... or the Ramen guy ( I called him that, he was not interesting enough for me to remember his name) who had to sell off his business to a Fast Food franchise. Oh and Sakura...being a medic...welllllllll not a lot of injuries when the whole thing is just a facade now is it...remember she isn't a doctor she is a medic, meant to treat the injured, not the sick.


While all of this is going on, a facade has to be put on, ninja recruits, training teachers, make headbands and uniforms...all of these things are costing the village money...and for what? There has not been any global conflict throughout the years.


I am willing to bet that Naruto is the last Hokage, because as soon as he leaves the office to whomever. The village won't have enough money to pay someone to carve that effing monument.


I believe Sasuke's real mission is to go to other places on the planet and ask for money, in return for buying of their goods, or selling of the village's business.


In the end we all know is coming, when the village runs out of money, and can't pay his debts, the villagers will hang Naruto by the nuts atop the highest tree, raze the Hyuuga mansion to the ground (The largest richest clan in the village) and instill a new political system based on their needs.


Either that, or go the way of the privateers and just do crime and stuff.

#862657 New Kishimoto interview

Posted by Strangelove on 30 July 2015 - 10:56 PM in Naruto General

I sometimes wonder if SP and SJ meetings about Naruto went something like this.


#862652 Boruto One Shot

Posted by Strangelove on 30 July 2015 - 10:44 PM in Latest Releases

A last minute attempt to sell tickets...

#861165 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Strangelove on 27 July 2015 - 02:04 PM in Konoha Theater

I don't know if I should laugh or cry.,.. Oh what the heck I'll laugh anyway....


Is the burning park a metaphor for the burning story?

#859849 How did you originally imagine Naruto as a father?

Posted by Strangelove on 24 July 2015 - 09:08 PM in Naruto General

I wanted him to be a father that would love and take care of his children, yet not afraid to teach them right from wrong, and be there when they need him the most, yet give them space when they need some alone time...like Goku.


Not a father that ups and abandons his family for a weird gig of a job...like Goku...

#856297 Naruto Gaiden 700.10

Posted by Strangelove on 11 July 2015 - 08:53 PM in Latest Releases

Wow Kishi this is just sad to read because only you can get worse as a Manga writer. There is no way anybody else would write this sorry of an excuse ending, the Last, and Gaiden. Kishi will go down as the biggest sellout in Manga history.


To be fair...Gaiden ending wasn't a sellout...no Naruto's ending was a sellout. Gaiden was not, due to the fact we all came with low expectations, and left with low expectations, with Naruto we had high expectations, and they were crushed and eaten, then digested, then crushed and eaten again.

#854613 Worst game

Posted by Strangelove on 07 July 2015 - 02:49 PM in Gamer Lounge

Alien Wasteland.


Here is Nerd3 take on it.


#854611 Dragon Ball Super

Posted by Strangelove on 07 July 2015 - 02:45 PM in Otaku Square

Wow...just wow xD


Here is what I thought. I thought DB Super was going to be a continuation of the DB manga. Goku returns after training Uub. But instead is the in-between.


So...here is what we got.


Goku is still the worst father ever.


Vegeta is still the best father ever.


Mr Satan and Buu are still the weirdest gay couple.


Oh and Gohan and Videl are so sweet. See that NH fans, that is how a real positive relationship looks like.