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There have been 29 items by Sora no Kitsune (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#435662 Naruto 619

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 05 February 2013 - 04:56 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Codus N @ Feb 5 2013, 11:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Honestly, you're not the only one who wants this to happen. Now that Minato's back, I'm really hoping for a Team Minato reunion. I'm also hoping for a repeat of the hospital fight. Only this time it's Team Minato's turn. It'd be a hundred times more emotional than the one in part I, because of the amount of sadness and grief on Rin's part when she sees how far her boys have fallen. To the point they're dragging the entire world into their own personal mess/rivalry.

Well said.... well said. I'd like to see something like that happen as well. Team Minato reunion ftw.

#435658 Naruto 619

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 05 February 2013 - 04:45 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (tricksie @ Feb 5 2013, 11:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Um...I think I just did. This is foreshadowing.

I can see what your saying, but honestly, i see the whole chapter not as foreshadowing, but a major major point that explains Obito's turn to darkness. (idk if this point was made yet or not; i dont have time to go look. so for the purpose of this post, im just assuming it hasn't been said yet. i apologize if it already has) His love for Rin was probably the strongest love we've seen in the story so far, if not in the top 3, and you heard Tobirama personally; the stronger the love, the stronger the hate is even more. With how strong his love for Rin was, you can only fathom how deep his hatred became, making his turn much more reasonable than it seemed before.

As my own personal opinion, i see this is as justification for Obito, as well as forshadowing of a potential redemption for Obito. When i read the description of the change when you obtain sharingan, i got the feeling it was like a medical ailment, and most ailments can be cured. One of the major themes of this series, imo, is that redemption is always possible. (i.e., Zabuza, Gaara, Tsunade, Itachi(kinda), Pein, Kyuubi?, ect) All of these people were changed for the better (by Naruto, no less) and redeemed, in a way, from how far gone they were before hand. With this in mind, I feel like later down the road, there will be a realization of a way to reverse or remove the hate/mental changes caused from the traumatic event or something along those lines, making it able for Sasuke and even Obitio to be redeemed, saved from their hate and brought back to the light. After all, love cures hate, and we all know Naruto has enough of that to go around.

Anyways, like i said, i found it as an explanation for Obito's turn and as a plot device to be used later on, and not as foreshadowing towards any sort of romance. Could the two later be related? Sure, but for now, it's too hard to tell. (However, im making this as food for thought and maybe even my own personal theory. I had said only love can cure hate, and with how much edo tenshi is being used right now, what if Orochi or someone else were to resurrect Rin and have her retell the story of what had happened? We still need to hear Kakashi's POV on the matter, but with how important of a character Rin is right now and with how little we actually know about her, im thinking she may get her 15 minutes of fame and get her own appearance to tell of what happened and maybe even be the deciding factor of returning Obito good again. Afterall, Kishi has already done stuff like this before... (Minato coming back inside the seal to fix it during the Pein fight, Kushina coming back inside the seal to tell her story and to help him with taking Kyuubi's power, and Minato again just now as one of the four who know everything.) I'm calling it now. :3) Just my 2cents~~>

#431007 Dagorhir, anyone? :3

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 18 January 2013 - 05:33 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

*just gonna bump it once to see if anyone actually responds =P*

#431006 Hello(^o^)

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 18 January 2013 - 05:32 AM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Fresh meat..... mmm.... welcome to the barbecue ~...

but seriously, welcome and have an awesome time. biggrin.gif Good to see a new face around.

#429909 Dagorhir, anyone? :3

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 15 January 2013 - 11:15 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

(I haven't been very involved in this site for the past year or two due to circumstances and loss of interest, and i felt the need to amend that; this place was once a home for myself and many friends whom shared similar interests and i feel like continuing on in these forums would be good, both for myself and others)((*Also, i couldn't find a thread of this topic already existing, so i felt like this would be okay*))

Now that that is out of the way, lets talk Dagorhir. biggrin.gif

For those who don't know what it is, Dagorhir (DAG for short) is a "sport" based on middle earth battles of a medieval fashion. Here's the main Dagorhir site for those who would like to learn more details about it beyond what little i can name off the top of my head ( http://www.dagorhir.com/ ), but for a TLDR version, you basically fight among each other or as teams and sometimes in very large LARP-style battles with foam weapons ranging anywhere from daggers to large claymores and battle axes and even projectiles such as javelins and archery. Despite the dangerous and irresponsible tone it may come off with at first, it has a very in-depth honor code with many instructions and regulations for safe and honorable play. Whether just with friends for the excuse of beating each other up in a fun and exciting fashion, or delving deep into the role playing of medieval maids and knights, Dagorhir is an engaging proactive "sport" for both young and old, and also doubles as a way to learn self defense. You never know what kind of fighting styles or weapons you're gonna see out on the field, and there is just so much to try and learn that's there is almost on a skyrim level of opportunites available for you when it comes to weapons and garb. Overall, it's just a fun activity for anyone and i think everyone should give it a try. :3

If you already know what Dag is and have participated before (whether actively or just everyone now and again), start the forum off with your own personal preferences (weapon type of choice, game name, fighting style or special moves, garb style, favorite game mode, ext. Maybe even pictures of weapons you've made. Just anything you'd like to share to get things started and defines you as a dagorhir player). As for myself, my game name is Kitsune and i'm a bit of a jack of all trades, but master of none. I can work most any weapon(s) to an average degree, but i have yet to find what works best for me. I often find myself playing with a bo staff or claymore, and i'd like to learn how to use both a lot better, but the two things i really want to learn and get really good at are wielding a claymore red properly and learning an effective style for Florentine blue short swords (preferably with a small buckler on my left hand for parrying). I don't have official garb yet, but i'm planning on a more eastern fashion and am saving up for some red Hakama pants and a red sleeveless gi top; pair that with my black belt, shoes, head band, and red and black claymore, and i think that would look pretty awesome. xD

What about you? What kind of Dag players does H&E have in store? :3

#429895 Hey. I'm new here.

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 15 January 2013 - 10:21 PM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Mmm..... freshly cut meat....mmmm.... welcome to the barbecue.

#429773 Naruto Shippuuden 295 : End of Chikara.

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 15 January 2013 - 04:00 AM in Premiere Screenings

I hate to be the proverbial stick in the mid, but honestly, i found this arc to be a put off, and almost more so than the other filler arcs (with the only reason it being my "favorite" filler arc being the filler characters were likable and it was a manageable size of only 5 episodes). There was a lot of stuff that just didn't make any sense or never got explained, Naruto's inner turmoil was irritating to watch as he pulled complete 180s in control rather than a more enjoyable tug of war, and the most off putting part was the reveal of the yellow kyuubi shroud. Things like Mina's extrasensory "power" never got explained, and we just had to go along with it. She was an awesome character imo and the sheer innocence and need to do the right thing was awe inspiring, even if she was only 5 or 6, and yet, a major quality of her character just wasn't explained, not even with an off hand remark or two., which imo dampened her character as a whole. Another thing was the deal with "the hole" and the super weapon. (i honestly dont know if i just missed this explanation in the story or not, so correct me if i'm wrong) What was the power generator's purpose? Was it merely just a big doomsday device or did it do something more? What happened to it and the hole as an effect of it being shut down? Why were all the characters there at the end just smiling at Naruto being glomped by children? A lot of stuff just didn't make sense to me because it either never got explained, or i just missed it (and i don't usually miss such large plot details like these). The whole issue with Naruto's control was pissing me off too. Whether because he's acting all depressed or just being overcharged by Kyuubi's malice, Naruto really should be having such nasty 180 flips in control, especially with all the pep talks he got in the mean time. (1) Minato fixes him (again. was that all just imaginary and Naruto gave himself a pep talk through his dad's image, or did Minato show up again (when he specifically said he couldn't) and fix all the kyuubi troubles once again? Possible plot hole?). (2) Mina and children give him a pep talk, and you think he's got it for good now, finally controlling pure kyuubi chakra (out of no where no less. No explanation or revealing detail showing what this new chakra is (for those who don't read the manga) or where it came from) and fighting the anti-naruto-kyuubified-clone-thing in an even battle. But no, he pulls a 180 and loses complete control and is only brought back to his senses by Mina once again and is now in a seemingly pseudo pure-cloak state, which he then uses to defeat the clone by using an pseudo biju rasengan (which is also neither explained nor logical, as he has no prior knowledge of such a thing being possible). A lot of details are just used willy nilly without making much sense on the overall story, regardless if it is filler or not. Another thing that got me was why was it Naruto who had to save Shiseru? Obviously it was for tension build up and the typical hero saves the day moment, but you're honestly telling me at the time, Sakura or Sai, being completely competent ninjas couldn't save her themselves? Where did Sai get that suddenly convenient injury to not draw a bird and fly over there, also conveniently needed Sakura to hell him when it clearly wasn't life endangering. Shouldn't the be competent enough to be able to jump over there with a chakra boosted jump and just pick them up and run? Most of this is just personal distastes with the execution of the arc, and it really was an enjoyable 5 episodes, but there was just a lot about it i didn't like that could have done a lot better with just some extra thought or even possible and extra episode.

#429245 Awkwardness if NS doesn't happen

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 12 January 2013 - 03:48 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (kirabook @ Jan 12 2013, 03:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think some people are forgetting that while we get 1 chapter a week, 1 chapter can equal all of 5 minutes in the Naruverse.

Last I remember, not even a day or two had passed since the war began in their universe, is it really that odd that Naruto wasn't fantasizing over Sakura for a day or two?

Saying something is less relevant because nothing has happened in the last x amount of chapters is the wrong way to go about things and only indicates that you are not reading the manga as a whole, but rather looking at each chapter as if they stand alone and nothing in-between the last important moment and the present matters. When you're looking for relevance in a characters actions, you must think about it in THEIR terms, not real world terms.

In THEIR terms, we haven't seen Naruto and Hinata have a true conversation for 4-5 years (on panel). In their terms, Naruto has been back in the village for a little over a year (which is about 5 years to us). In their terms, Neji died all of 2-3 minutes ago (even though it may feel like weeks for us)

"Naruto hasn't thought about Sakura in 100 chapters!" is misleading. Naruto hasn't thought about Sakura since the Summit arc... well actually he thought about her along with others after he met his mother while training with Bee, which was what, the same day he found out that the war was happening, the same day he confronted Iruka and ran off anyway, the same day he split up and saved his friends (including Sakura and Hinata) from danger, the same day he met all the Jinchurikki and made friends with Kurama, the same day Neji died and he held Hinata's hand, and probably the same day he'll defeat Obito at the very least.

In the future, please consider how time flows in their world.

This is also a very good point. It's very difficult to see it, yet it's probably one of the best points out there. Granted, it feels like centuries to us as we are both impatient and unsatisfied, but that doesn't stop the fact the naruto verse hast to work like that just to make any sense. We just gotta take a step back and look at it like Kirabook stated and the argument becomes far more easy to understand.

#429150 Awkwardness if NS doesn't happen

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 12 January 2013 - 05:27 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (Poison_In_Your_Coffee @ Jan 11 2013, 12:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, but when a writer doesn't mention something that is, at least according to NS shippers, supposed to be an important part of the plot (NS), then the readers will get suspicious. Why hasn't Naruto thought about Sakura during so many chapters, why hasn't he confirmed his love for her, why hasn't he in any way indicated that he still likes her romantically? NS shippers argue that it's because Kishi wants to keep the suspense alive, because there is a war and that Kishi will soon confirm NS. You may well be right. We who don't ship NS have, of course, our own theories.

(Time to come back from the dead once again for this special response!)

I can understand where you're coming from and agree with you to the point that, if NS was going to happen, why has kishi not put any effort into showing it as of late? Sakura hasn't even gotten any screen time since the impostor Neji incident in the medical tent, and a LOT has been going on since then. However, when looking at it the same way with Hinata, what does she have that makes her case any better than Sakura's? She's only had three real moments of screen time/importance in shippuden (as far as i can recall), and that was when Naruto saw her again for the first time after returning, when she confessed and tried to protect him during the Pein fight, and just now by knocking some sense into him and holding his hand. Sure, all three of those moments were nice moments, but in comparison, Sakura has gotten even more foundation to her claim. She's had overall more screen time/interaction with Naruto and more meaningful character development, some of which directly points towards a deep, caring connection with Naruto. She's still stuck within the love triangle that has existed from the beginging (Naruto->Sakura->Sasuke with Sakura->Naruto being hinted at and growing more so as the story goes) and while you can argue your own triangle (Hinata->Naruto->Sakura with Naruto->Hinata being hinted at), which is a completely fair argument, the original triangle has far more depth and far more development than the latter. As far as i can tell, Sakura is still highly conflicted between Naruto and Sasuke, and whether or not that's because she wants to return Sasuke to end Naruto's promise to her, or return Sasuke to have him for herself has yet to be seen (though the former has more material hinting at it than the later). Your arguments have good points, but overall, regardless if it's friendly or romantic, NaruSaku has far more backing it up than NaruHina does.

Personally, i feel like the series might end with Naruto not even getting anyone; it really depends on what happens with Sasuke imo. There are so many ways it could end, and i'm not really expecting anything. If it doesn't happen, i'll be mildly put off, but it wouldn't be that big of an issue. However, despite how i feel, i'd still like to hope NaruSaku will happen with all the material we've seen so far leading up to it.

(also, as a side note, purely out of curiosity; If you don't support NS, why did you join this site? I'm not implying you're not allowed her and accept you as i do anyone else. I'm just wondering how and why you ended up here of all places. Tis a confusing question in my brain, it is.)

#428552 Name Change Request Thread

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 09 January 2013 - 06:58 PM in Council Hall

Old name: Sora no Senshi
New name: Sora no Kitsune
Date: 1/9/13
Just display name~

#428549 Naruto 615

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 09 January 2013 - 06:42 PM in Latest Releases

Just popping in to say what plenty have said before; hinata was just getting some much needed character development. She finally grew a backbone back in the Pein arc, but failed to use it for the longest time till now; she's finally growing as a character. Does that mean she's now naruhina canon? No; all she did was slap him, encourage him, and brought him back to his feet. Honestly, now im just curious what she's going to do now that he's back in the game. Will she actually do stuff this time around or fade into the background again just like after she developed in the Pein arc. Also, now that she just got her own character development, does that mean Sakura will be getting her own development in the foreseeable future? Too many questions are still left unresolved, and thus it's too early too tell.

#410070 Ino Yamanaka: Opinion and Character Analaysis

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 08 September 2012 - 07:09 PM in Naruto General

I like the idea of Ino and her potential as a character, but i dislike how Kishimoto played her out. Ino could be so much more, but kishi shoved her to the sides as a lesser character (as an annoying ass fan girl in part one and a less annoying be equally as useless ninja in part 2). I feel like her character has a lot of potential depth, especially considering her childhood persona and how strong and confident she was. Ino could have had a very big impact, both as a legitimate rival to Sakura (which doesn't occur until part two and isn't actually delved into after that) and as a motivator and another hyper, happy face in the series.

To be quite frank, Ino is one of my favorites in fanfiction, and while NaruSaku is the obvious choice, i much prefer NaruIno in fanfiction simply with how well their characters can get along. idk, that's just my opinion.

#409612 Naruto 600

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 06 September 2012 - 12:07 AM in Latest Releases

I'm still getting a vibe that Obito is not 100% Obito, simply do to his wording. He's obviously still in there somewhere as most of his motivation is the death of Rin, but with how he kept dodging kakashi's pleas for a straight answer (i.e. "Are you Obitio?" "You could say so."/"Call me that if you wish."/"That name makes no difference."), it's as if saying he was Obito would be a lie to some extent. Either he truly is so far lost in his plan that he no longer considers anything real, or he can't answer without being incorrect to an extent.

#408234 Naruto 599

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 29 August 2012 - 06:33 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (James S Cassidy @ Aug 29 2012, 02:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, but were they flashbacks or just past memories? Just because we got a glimpse of the past, does not mean that it is what Tobi is thinking at the moment. Usually, if it was a flashback we get words/thoughts accompanying it. Heck, every flashback had the people remembering say something at the time AND it begins and ends with a panel that is faded and/or a partial in the panel.

This did neither. It was very different than how Kishi would draw it. This was showing moments in obito's past and how he was as a person. They were not flashbacks because they didn't belong to any of them nor were there any words to it. If they were flashbacks, they mostly likely belonged to Kakashi, not Tobi.

No, this seemed more like a big reveal of showing what Obito truly was. I have a funny feeling that Kakashi would be like "You may look like Obito, but you're not him. Obito was never this cruel." I will hold down my belief that this is only Obito's body, not soul.

No, I believe Madara is pulling the strings in some form because not only did ET Madara know of Tobi, but knew him before he died. Which mean he must have been alive, if but barely, around the same time Obito was alive. We also have the age inconsistency and time frame that everyone has pointed out with the knowledge that Tobi knows of that Obito would have never known.

He wouldn't age? Reminds me of Orochimaru and how he transfers souls into other bodies seeming to live forever. He was searching for the ability to create immortality and at one point Orochimaru was an Akatsuki. It is quite possible Tobi held onto some of Orochimaru's
research and used it. Maybe even expand on it. Also, with all the genetic enhancements that people seems to have made in this ninja world. Reviving a body and implanting a soul seems to be a peace of cake. We know it is not an ET because if he was, then his body would do that flaking thing (clothes included) if this happened. Also, because he has freewill which ETs don't have unless they can summon themselves, which from what we saw Tobi didn't now how to use such a technique.

I have to agree with others and say that Obito doing all this because he couldn't get Rin to love him is such a terrible writing plot. No, there is something more to it. Something much more.

While these are all good point, Kishi would have a LOT of explaining to di if Obito was taken over in a similar fashion to Orochimaru, seeing as how Tobito has been around atleast since before Naruto was born, which was 15-16 years before. Unless it's a perfected version or some other variation of the technique, There has to be another explanation for how Obito is simply another souls vessel.

#408228 Naruto 599

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 29 August 2012 - 05:56 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Kamina-Yoshi @ Aug 29 2012, 01:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Because, unless it's some dramatic thing where the real Madara or whatever is pulling a sort of Voldemort-Quirrel thing with Obito's body, it pretty much spits in the face of the entire idea that Kakashi got his Sharingan from a dying, dear friend. It makes it instead of a heroic moment into some kind of misconstrued moment that will never be seen the same again.

Well not only that, but any other sort of inhuman alteration/warping of Obito in the sense that he is a twisted husk of his old self with a warped mission for peace will save the value of his death scene. He died in a war saving the girl he loved and donated his eye to his friend who just lost his eye. All of the stress and terrors of war were shoved on him in that moment, and any sort of brain washing or alteration to his person could easily misconstrue that into a plight for "world peace", but in a way that benefits the true villain who managed to kitten up Obito's mind so badly. As long as he is no longer (fully) the true Obito mentally, all should be well.

#408225 Tobi's true identity! (Revealed!?)

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 29 August 2012 - 05:48 PM in Naruto General

I'm disappointed the build up wasn't more obvious, but im happy with how it's going right now. Before it was difficult to connect Tobi and Obito besides the mask and the clown persona and after he called himself Madara, people just sort of dropped the topic and accepted he was madara simply because there were few other explanations. Then you see his time space usage, which could sort of be compared to Kakashi's Kamui, but even still they were too different at the time and not explained to ever consider the connection. Only now within these last 4 chapters have we gotten all this info and it's all kinda of rushed feeling. Kakashi being able to question Tobi's identity even once before this fight would have been better build up than this. I'm happy Tobi is Obito, but not happy with how Kishi did. He better make the following explanation worth it, especially if Rin is involved.

#408175 Tobi's true identity! (Revealed!?)

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 29 August 2012 - 03:12 PM in Naruto General

QUOTE (Darth Krypt @ Aug 29 2012, 10:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You can't say that yet. We still don't know why he turned out like that. I mean its kinda obvious to be Obito but the real question is why he became evil and suddenly became powerful.

Well im simply referring to the fact that it is Obito in some shape or form. Obviously there's still tons of back story and flashbacks that need to be shown till the true Tobi/Obito is revealed, but on the lowest and most basic level, my theory (atleast the one i've been convinced of since Tobi was first revealed back in 07/08 (i forgot the exact year)) is confirmed at the notion that Tobi is Obito (in some shape or form).

#408164 Tobi's true identity! (Revealed!?)

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 29 August 2012 - 02:39 PM in Naruto General

599 just came out.

Just thought i'd like to say.....

BOOM!!!! Tolda so!~

#407211 Tobi's true identity! (Revealed!?)

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 22 August 2012 - 06:19 PM in Naruto General

QUOTE (harry4e @ Aug 21 2012, 05:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nope they are definately Chakra chains, Look Here those are not metal chains but the same type of chains Kushina used to subdue Kurama But the chains used during the battle with Minato were metal you are right about that, and he was using the chakra rods to control them, but they manifested as Chakra chains to control the Bijuu. So does that mean the Chakra rods were powers from the Rinnigan or the power of the Uzumaki?

Huh.... can't believe i missed that. i was looking through that whole area to see if you were right before i posted but i somehow missed this. I dont know anymore. I still like to cling to the Obito theory, but somehow Obito is involved atleast due to it being his eye that Tobi has. So confused right now.

#406836 Tobi's true identity! (Revealed!?)

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 20 August 2012 - 02:37 AM in Naruto General

QUOTE (harry4e @ Aug 19 2012, 08:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
...also has the Chakra chains like Kushina does, (though that could be the power unlocked from the Rinnigan but he used chains against Minato)...

He didn't and never has used chakra chains. Those chains he used during his fight with Minato were just metal chains attached to his wrists so he could take advantage of his space/time jutsu. He also didn't use chains to control the Jichuriki; he used the chakra rods which were from his Rinnengan powers.

#406603 Tobi's true identity! (Revealed!?)

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 18 August 2012 - 07:08 AM in Naruto General

QUOTE (Sir G @ Aug 17 2012, 08:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How bout if Tobi was Madara's brother? Would that make sense? I think it would... somehow.

As far as we know, he's dead, and there is little evidence that anything else is the case. Kishi would have to pull the mother of all flash backs out of his ass if this were the case in order to explain it.

#405908 Tobi's true identity! (Revealed!?)

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 14 August 2012 - 03:27 AM in Naruto General

QUOTE (Darth Krypt @ Aug 13 2012, 06:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Man, this is worse than trying to guess who Red John is in the Mentalist.

What would you guys feel if Tobi turns out to be a character we never seen before? We would need another flashback arc for him and Kakashi since its clear that they knew each other personally. This is the only reason why I think Rin is involved but like many said, there's a lot of problems with that theory. That's why I said she may be "involved" and not Tobi herself. Maybe she uses Edo Tensei or controls someone with Obito's implanted sharingan or something. We know absolutely nothing about her so Kishi can actually do anything with her.

I almost expecting Kishi to pull something like that out of his ass; just making tobi someone completely random to troll us all to no end. I'm still clutching to the Zetsu Obito with Rin somehow involved theory though no matter what. Obito is just too awesome to be dead and gone, and Rin was never touched on, so there's gotta be something Kishi is gonna do with her character.

#405706 Tobi's true identity! (Revealed!?)

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 13 August 2012 - 02:14 PM in Naruto General

QUOTE (sushi. @ Aug 13 2012, 09:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
^lol I think many of us had the same theories, maybe without knowing it. It's not about being the first. I believed for a long time that Tobi was a Zetsu mixed with Hashirama or Madara's DNA, that he had at least two identities. And I was just gonna ask. XD People keep saying Tobi is a Zetsu, "who is Zetsu then, another Oro-experiment?".

I was actually starting to link that into the equation too. Zetsu is made of the 1st hokage's DNA, and he can absorb other DNA, so it's safe to assume you can make one with uchiha DNA as well. He specifically said he used Izanagi, which could only work if you had uchiha and senju DNA, so that suggests he has both and can imply he altered to make it work perhaps? Not to mention Tobi has lost body parts 3 different times in a fight (from what i can recall) and they eventually grow back and secrete a white goop when severed. Sounds like Zetsu to me.

#405634 Tobi's true identity! (Revealed!?)

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 13 August 2012 - 02:46 AM in Naruto General

I just remembered something that might further my theory of Obito being revived somehow. Assuming he was revived with a more perfect version of edo tenchi, he should be able to reform lost body parts/injuries. As of the current time frame, he has his left hand, but in his fight with Minato during the Kyuubi attack, he was hit by the rasengan and ended up losing his left hand as seen here. http://www.mangahere...v53/c503/4.html How did he grow his hand back? Who knows? >:3

Edit: Not to mention i just read the new chapter and it more or less confirms his eye is Obito's, so either he is Obito, or he's some random ass dude who stole Obito's eye some how. I'd like to believe it's the former.

#405247 Tobi's true identity! (Revealed!?)

Posted by Sora no Kitsune on 11 August 2012 - 01:30 AM in Naruto General

QUOTE (Orenji @ Aug 10 2012, 12:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I still cling to the small hope that Tobi is really Obito... Dun dun dun!

I agree~ biggrin.gif I've been thinking he was Obito since he was first confirmed as an Uchiha, and after it was revealed he wasn't actually Madara, it flared back up to full. Now all the pieces are falling together in a very nice way.