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There have been 245 items by Yoshimoya (Search limited from 24-June 23)

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#368051 Naruto 573

Posted by Yoshimoya on 11 February 2012 - 09:31 PM in Latest Releases

OH wow yeah. Naruto and co have done enough TALKING to Sasuke and look where it got him... I bet it takes a death at the hands of Sasuke for someone snap out of this horrible situation with Sasuke. damn i cant wait for the next chapters...so many possibilities.

btw i recognized it looks like the place where naruto ova 2011 took place!!! NARUTO DEATH AND REVIVAL :O with sakura crying over him of course ;D pure love right thurr.

Edit: had a random prediction of the future in this manga.

Sasuke kills Naruto like in the OVA and then hes revived. Sakura's unsure feelings of whether she loves him romantically completely awaken because the feeling of having lost Naruto triggered something within her. Then from then on it's canon!
I say this because there's no longer a denial of her love for Sasuke and Naruto... it's just, the specific dynamics of each love she holds for them that's in question? Romantically Sasuke or Naruto? Of course Naruto most likely... but we need HER to confirm that first. And since her love for Sasuke went so deep she's probably hard time trusting herself with loving Naruto. But Naruto dieing and out of her love showed her how much she can't live without this man in her life. Her sunshine... I just thought about all of this when I saw her cry over Naruto like that... it was so touching/emotional.

#367968 Naruto 573

Posted by Yoshimoya on 11 February 2012 - 06:53 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Namaenash @ Feb 8 2012, 03:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Great chapter, but we do need to give Kishi a chance -- he's trying to balance the fan service across all of Naruto's audience segments and pairing ships.

Both girls' declaration are portrayed the same in the panels, although Sakura is shown in the last panel, while Hinata is shown in the beginning:
1. Close up on the face.
2. Mental image about Naruto.
3. Final declaration.

Let's try to compare their statements and make our own interpretation:

Hinata's inner thoughts:
I've always been chasing after you...
...But... once this war ends, I'm going to stop once and for all.
Next time, I'll be next to you, holding your hand...
Walking with you!
Wait for me!!

Sakura's inner thoughts:
Naruto... you saved Konoha...
And now you're trying to save the entire shinobi world...
You always get left with these insurmountable tasks
...But no matter what you say this time... We're going to be together...
Not just me...
We're going to all fight together this time.

Which one do you think focus more on Naruto's well-being? Which one do you think *truly* understand Naruto's state at the moment? Which one do you think is not self-centered?

I agree that Hinata's statement is not to be underestimated in Naruto world, but to be fair, we should not also underplay Sakura's statement as well. We've had something like this before -- Hinata saying 'I love you' point blank in front of Naruto during Pein's attack. But surprisingly, such momentum ends with Sakura hugging Naruto (also point blank, Naruto, Sakura and Hinata was there...). As everyone stated above, I think to be fair, a moment should be considered as pairing moment, be it NS/SS/NH, if and only if both parties are involved. ---- Do you think the hug is a NS moment? Hell yeah! tongue.gif

Although Sakura's statement is not fully decorated with romantic tones as Hinata's, if you see the intend towards Naruto's well-being, I'd say Sakura's has so much more weight. Let's face it, from the beginning of the manga, Sakura's action speaks louder than her thoughts/words (she jumped to cover Naruto on their first mission, POAL, cried when she learned about jinchuuriki, ran towards Naruto in KN4, called Naruto to come back during Pein's attack, etc). She's just.. well.. 'unsure' where her heart belongs to, I guess smile.gif

So, to wrap up. I think we should not be too worked out with this chapter, or any other chapters that seem to highlight other pairings. NaruSaku hints are always subtle... Just enjoy the ride and keep on supporting this pairing smile.gif

Phenomenal post. *claps*

You really proved a point to me there. Hinata's was pretty much more self-centered and more for her own improvement as a character. As Sakura's was years of friendship and bonding, showing how she totally understands Naruto and deeply cares for his well-being.

Hinata's is more romantically decorated with the "holding hands next to eachother" IDK WHAT TO MAKE OF THAT ITS HARD.
Sakura's isn't as romantically decorated, but still has the concept of being "together" . Someone explain to me the "not just me" ?!?!?! didnt get that .

However, it's pretty much more suspense and dramatic build up here. Though there really isn't any indication of a Hinata and Sakura RIVALRY. There was a very very subtle and small indication to such a thing in the manga.

Remember the chapter where Sakura was healing Hinata after she threw herself in front of Naruto to get stabbed? She said "Hinata... loves... Naruto"


This train of thought ONLY LASTS ONE PAGE. I repeat ONE page. Kishi is the subtle master hahahaha.

But back to the topic, this shows how there's going to be real dramatic situations ahead of us in the future. Whether it's Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Hinata. This is going to be one hell of a ride. I'm not going to lie, when I saw Hinata's dialogue in 573 I kind of got sad and started losing hope, but then this happened countless times. All I do is think about to the time when Kishi puts these little clues in and shows that you REALLY CAN'T say what will happen. I don't think it's right for us NS fans to declare that NH isn't a possibility at all though. That's straight up denial. Once again, the real solid NS MOMENT belongs to that hug though. Nothing can change that. They've had the most mutual and shared interaction throughout the story and even if Kishimoto decides with NH, SS, or even OPEN-pairing and no real conclusion... in the end Naruto and Sakura won in my heart. Who can deny that love right there? "Naruto... you saved Konoha...
And now you're trying to save the entire shinobi world...
You always get left with these insurmountable tasks
...But no matter what you say this time... We're going to be together...
Not just me...
We're going to all fight together this time.
UNF^ just add a little bit of spice to this sweetness. NARUSAKU BAM WE'RE GOOD!

ahahaha pft. besides Hinata has been way too much of a side character this whole time I picked up Naruto at the age of like 10. Why are we tripping now guys? Don't come to conclusion so quick. I know we all love and feel passionate for NaruSaku, but remember WHY and how. PLUS NARUSAKU FANS HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO FEEL FRUSTRATED. Look at how Kishi has been playing around with us in the couple area of this series!!! Look at it! Let the people be frustrated and vent out some pent up anger. I was one of those who almost abandoned ship, but in the end you remember your purpose for loving NaruSaku and that's because you believe in:

A shared and mutual love, one that's dedicated to one another.

Naruto and Sakura is full of win. Thank you based god.

#367081 On a scale of 1-10 rate the Anime you're currently watching

Posted by Yoshimoya on 05 February 2012 - 10:15 PM in Otaku Square

How the hell are these two not here?

NISEMONOGATARI 10/10 TOTALLY exceeds the first season (Bakemonogatari) and the plotline is totally awesome. The first season is like more of a setup for the 2nd season's plot line to get much thicker and intense. Btw, there's like no anime like this... it's a one of a kind art and portrayal of characters/story/lifethemes.

ZERO NO TSUKAIMA F (SEASON 4) 8.5/10 It's cutesy and the plotline is interesting. The only reason I give it a 8.5 is because it's not the kind of anime I'm totally into right now, I like dark stuff right now, but before when my taste was around cutesyactiony romance things it would've been a ten. Watch the first 3 seasons first!

#364021 How Do You Predict NaruSaku Becoming Canon?

Posted by Yoshimoya on 19 January 2012 - 06:00 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

OH yeah I forgot that Sasuke could be an instrumental part of Narusaku happening... cause he never showed any romantic feelings towards Sakura, and actually helped NAruto that one time when he said "he fought through everything to save you from gaara" something like that! Shooot can't wait :]

#364015 Naruto hugs Sakura/NS scenes in Masashi kishimoto/Higashiyama Akira blood pr...

Posted by Yoshimoya on 19 January 2012 - 05:06 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

It should be put on baka-tsuki! All the light novels are translated there... But since this is fairly new I don't think itll be there for a while.

#363931 Naruto hugs Sakura/NS scenes in Masashi kishimoto/Higashiyama Akira blood pr...

Posted by Yoshimoya on 18 January 2012 - 11:56 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

LOL WHAT! Dope. Thanks for the info!

#363592 Naruto Chapter 569!!!

Posted by Yoshimoya on 17 January 2012 - 09:03 AM in Latest Releases

What's up guys been a while. Lol did Naruto and sakura still not meet up in this chapter? Ughhhh.
Hey remember that 2011 OVA though? There was a moment she hugged him in an emotional cry cause she thought Naruto was dead after he fought Sasuke. And isn't there gonna be a fight between Naruto and Sasuke soon? Hmm I smell a moment coming up! But I do hope that's not all... Hope they have a moment before they go fight.

#356931 Why do you ship?

Posted by Yoshimoya on 13 December 2011 - 06:02 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

It's an extension of my soul lol. And narusaku tells me my soul believes in no perfect love, but one that is perfect because of its flaws. A love that grows and deepens with time.

#350068 Inheritance Book 4 (so dissapointed)

Posted by Yoshimoya on 11 November 2011 - 04:05 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

QUOTE (ciardha @ Nov 10 2011, 09:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not a reader of that series, but it just sounds par for the course for western popular fiction. (except for the romance genre) It gets really tiresome after reading the same unresolved romantic plotline over and over because in the west actually positively resolving the romantic plotline is seen as "uncool" It's "cool and edgy" to leave it hanging. rolleyes.gif This is what turned me off the majority of western popular fiction some time ago, and made me an enthusiastic reader of manga- the overwhelming majority of post 1970's manga series resolved the romantic plotline in some positive fashion.

I have had conversations with western writers on why they follow this pattern, and got from one the above answer that they thought it made them look more cool and edgy to leave it hanging, another said they "just didn't want to write some mushy scene", four others responded along the lines "if I get them together the story is over..." (To which I responded- and what's wrong with ending the story? Plus it's not the end, it's just the beginning of a new evolution of the characters. What I find ironic is that all four were married, and I made that point- was your marriage the end of your life or the beginning of something new... Funnily enough, none could refute that it was the beginning of something new. With two I made the point that I, as a fanfic writer, and unmarried no less, was easily able to work from that perspective- the beginning of something new. If I, as a mere fanfic writer could do so, then a professional writer, who was married should find it a breeze (writing what you know...)

Wow interesting piece of information there thanks! Western writers are ignorant id*ots then.... wow. They needa read or watch some manga/anime and see how charming, beautiful, and breathtaking a romance can be with it being solved in a positive notion and maybe even halfway or in the beginning of the story. I can back up my statement with PLENTY of awesome anime/manga. BUT that's there problem, that's why you don't see me reading their books or watching their movies often. The one time i decided to invest my time into a westerner book it failed me... "inheritance" sigh... oh well.

#349901 Inheritance Book 4 (so dissapointed)

Posted by Yoshimoya on 10 November 2011 - 12:28 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

QUOTE (zacrathedemon5 @ Nov 9 2011, 02:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
... Honestly? It's not that bad that it didn't happen. If it makes you not buy/read the book, then I'm sorry, but you're not a true Inheritance fan.

To be honest, I was never sure if they'd end up together or not. It seemed to go back and forth with them. I read Inheritance and will buy the fourth book because the story is damn good.

NaruSaku seems to have way more development under its belt than EragArya. Seriously, if the pairing not happening keeps you from reading it, have fun missing out on the conclusion to the story because you're throwing a kittenfit.

Not trying to bash, that's simply what's happening is all.

My kittenfit is justified because i buy books for what i want without giving a damn what others think. honestly the story was good in eragon, but awesome conclusion? hah naw. nothing. its back to as it was before save for there being a few more dragon and eggs than it turned out there'd be. galbatorix is dead, woopie. thats it.

don't deem me a "non true fan" of something cause who gave you the right or even power to deem whos a fan and whos not? yourself, which doesnt really matter to me. i am definitely not a fan of inheritance the book but the 1st book i loved, 2nd book was intense, and 3rd book was okay.

i spent my time reading those books for a long time especially since i was in 6th grade, and some stranger calling me a "not a true inheritance fan" plain bs.
eragon arya had development im not even comparing to narusaku. i just mentioned narusaku cause its an example of a couple that i care about just as much as ergarya.

have fun missing out on the conclusion? LOL. if u hadnt noticed i already read it. have fun reading this post and figuring out what an idiot you were for posting that.

some mod is gonna come in and tell us to calm down. sorry guys. i am. i just cant tolerate some stuff without saying nothing haha.

and your statement as narusaku having way more development than eragonxarya. HAH how false is that... they've both been subtle in their own way. but brisingr had a lot of moments on aryas side. you can tell she was warming up to him. it was analyzed in some other website, but i dont wanna bother finding it and posting it again. in other words, dont bother comparing the two developments because they're both great and awesome in my opinion. peace out.

#349710 Inheritance Book 4 (so dissapointed)

Posted by Yoshimoya on 09 November 2011 - 06:25 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

And let me tell you... I read about 10 pages and then looked up on the internet whether ARYA and ERAGON ended up together and guess what.... NOPE! I've never felt so betrayed by a book. Thank god I invested my attachment and emotions into other couples. But man, I invested into ARYA and ERAGON almost as much as Naruto and sakura. Maybe even more. I'm really depressed right now guiseee... haha sad.gif so sad....

Has anyone attacked Christopher paolinifails yet? How could he do this to us.


Is this how well feel if narusaku doesn't happen? 0.0 I fear for the future....

#346951 What Are You Feeling Right Now?

Posted by Yoshimoya on 28 October 2011 - 05:53 AM in Fun Cafe

Tired... precalcs killing me cause i didnt do well in alg2. and anime is getting in the way of my life hahahah i'd so much brather be watchin then hw... ughhs. besides that im content, tomorrow im eating kbbq wid my friendskies and bowling. gonna be dope day~ hope everyone enjoys there day, just smile lol

#346945 NS Familylife!!!

Posted by Yoshimoya on 28 October 2011 - 04:21 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Ooo I like this hahahah, but you should make a fanfiction account and just make it an official story on there!

#346944 Mirai Nikki

Posted by Yoshimoya on 28 October 2011 - 04:13 AM in Otaku Square

QUOTE (harry4e @ Oct 26 2011, 02:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Started reading this manga months ago, before the anime was announced, but stopped after a few chapters when I realised how kittened up the Yuno charactor was, it's not really my cup of Tea, never really got into the whole Horror thing, If my neice read Manga she'd probably love this, she loves the whole Horror, Psychological, supernatural stuff.

Yeah I never really watched/read something like this, save for aki sora and bakemonogatari which were BARELY similar to mirai nikki in the physchological, horror, supernatural genre. They share some qualities and mirai nikki was interesting in that way to me.

#346943 Naruto 561

Posted by Yoshimoya on 28 October 2011 - 04:09 AM in Latest Releases

Did Naruto and Sakura interact yet...? I don't wanna bother reading if it ain't happen.

#346524 Mirai Nikki

Posted by Yoshimoya on 26 October 2011 - 04:49 AM in Otaku Square

I'm sure some of you know of this awesome manga already but just thought I'd get those who haven't seen/heard of it to check it out!

http://www.mangafox....ga/mirai_nikki/ <----read here

http://www.animeship...ikki-episode-1/ <----watch here

I have to say this has gotta be one of my favorite mangas I've ever read. The genre includes: Action, Horror, Psychological, Romance, Supernatural, Suspense.
What really makes me so attached to this story is the relationships between Yuno (main girl) and Yuuki (main guy). Yuno is the FACE of Yandere hands down. Follow through with the whole manga and you'll see what I mean. But also stay on track with the anime it's very accurate and the potrayal of all the emotions and drama is awesome sometimes even better than the manga itself! Good stuff. Awesome art too.

[wiki summary]"Yukiteru "Yuki" Amano is a loner who never really interacts with people and prefers writing a diary on his cell phone with his only companion being an imaginary friend named Deus Ex Machina, the God of Time and Space. However, Yuki soon learns that Deus is real when he makes Yuki participate in a battle royal with eleven other people. Within this "Diary Game", the contestants are given special diaries that can predict the future, with each diary having unique features that gives them both advantages and disadvantages. Within the next 90 days, the contestants must try to kill each other and survive until there is only one person standing, the winner becoming the new God of Time and Space. In order to survive, Yuki tries to find allies, with one of them being another diary user named Yuno Gasai, a girl who is madly in love with him."

For those of you who's read it already I'd like to know what you thought! And what you think about the new anime too!

#346514 Why don't people hardly come here anymore?

Posted by Yoshimoya on 26 October 2011 - 04:20 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I used to be active during summer a lot, but like someone stated up there ^ NS tension is low right now and school haha. But I love this community so I come back to post new animes and stuff that I find worthy of sharing! I still check out this place like every once in a while fsho tho.

#344692 When does Sakura bring Naruto the basket of- berries?

Posted by Yoshimoya on 18 October 2011 - 03:57 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

The berry scene didn't happen in the manga unfortunately :[ but I saw that too in the episode, it was sweet:}

Send me your oneshot when it's finished that's a good scene!!!

#343760 Was this anti or pro SS?

Posted by Yoshimoya on 12 October 2011 - 11:28 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Initial thought after reading that: F*** Kishi messed it up it's over... -More exaggerated recap of my reaction but that's what I honestly felt.

After reading debates on here: Seems like Sakura was thinking on the mans statement that "WHOMEVER she's lovED MUST be a great guy", if the Sakura perceived the word love in the past tense, then thinking back to Sasuke and how he WASN'T a great guy would be valid and let NS continue to be a great and awesome possibility.

However, ppl tend to overanalyze on any side of pairings and what I summed up after reading the debates on here may be false.

What I think personally now: Just because a woman thinks back on her first love and the feelings that come along with it doesn't mean it's the end for the man who's treated her right and gave her sunshine. To me, Naruto and his love for Sakura has been too beautiful, profound, and life-changing that I can't completely give in to the fact that SS would happen and that NS isn't a possibility. I'm still fighting for NS :] SS could be a huge damn thorn in my side though haha. But there's not positivity in the SS relationship honestly, and that alone makes me believe IT WONT HAPPEN. In my heart, NS has happened already. Nothing but positivity and life lessons came out of their relationship. However, Kishi might ruin the manga and make SS happen for some trolling reason... but I won't get all butt hurt because one, it hasn't happened yet, and two, I'm still confident of NS!

#343750 End of NaruHina confirmed?

Posted by Yoshimoya on 12 October 2011 - 11:18 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Judging from all the romance anime/manga I've read and watched, I wouldn't call that a shockingly significant moment between them that would aim towards love. Perhaps friendship love of admiration because that's what I've seen Hinata hold mostly. However, I observed that Naruto and Sakura met up in 558 but it wasn't addressed in 559, perhaps 560 will be set aside for them and Kishi plans for something big to happen. JUST SPECULATING don't know if it would happen. It was indeed a moment that had to be address between Hinata and Naruto, because c'mon, someone getting stabbed for you in a manga, unless it's a really crappy manga, it HAS to be brought up eventually and I feel it was just put out of the way now.

However Hinata shows signs that she wants to do more for Naruto... so perhaps there'll be another moment. But the tension and build up that NH has compared to that of NS is really insignificant. I really do hope that there wasnt any NS interaction in 559 because Kishi is preparing something more profound then what we saw. Then again... this manga has annoyed me to no end for a while recently so I don't hold much hope for it. Kishi just has that style of writing... haha. Not saying it's a bad style of writing, he made me fall in love with the NS couple after growing with the manga it's just that I'm peeved at the beating around the bush relationship status all these Naruto characters have haha.

#343067 The MOST Horrific Scene EVER!

Posted by Yoshimoya on 08 October 2011 - 09:43 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

DAMN that was freaky hahaha. the clicking sound made it more affective haha. it sounded like my sanity cracking.

#342489 Naruto Chapter 558

Posted by Yoshimoya on 05 October 2011 - 02:56 AM in Latest Releases

Finally Naruto and Sakura meet up...

I got this sad feeling it's gonna be anti-climactic though.... :[


#341922 Mayo Chiki

Posted by Yoshimoya on 01 October 2011 - 10:47 PM in Otaku Square

QUOTE (Darth Krypt @ Oct 1 2011, 02:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Episode 13 is out. Is that really the final episode?? There was no closure at all. Did I just wasted my time watching this series?

Yeah this whole anime kind of went downhill after episode 4. It has interesting characters, a strong plotline, and had the potential to be good in the drama aspect... but the anime ruined it. I'm not even gonna attempt the manga -.- I feel like the light novel series is much better than the anime/manga, cause you know how that works... But yeah the only thing that kept me watching it was the art hahaha, it was really good. The female characters are so cute too >.< ugh too bad it sucked basically.

Oh well there's plenty of anime out there. And yeah I guess we did waste some time watching this haha.

#341835 Dating/Sex in Society Today (I'm 16)

Posted by Yoshimoya on 01 October 2011 - 03:33 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Yeah, being single I'm gonna focus more on myself, I still have my own flaws and whatnot that I gotta fix. Have to make myself a better person so when they one girl comes by... yeah. Got some good advice there thanks everyone.

#341571 Dating/Sex in Society Today (I'm 16)

Posted by Yoshimoya on 29 September 2011 - 01:14 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Thanks for all the input guys/girls! So I should just pick up myself and get myself secure first and not think much about a relationship huh? Cause highschools sort of a sludge place as someone said up there ^ but then what do I do in the girl department then? Just chill, but that would be boring.... like I should like act on it if I think a girl is cute but not to the harmful extent? When is it harmful and superficial? I'm pretty sure I can tell if it's not superficial if I ever get in a relationship.. but like the superficialness around me makes me concious you know.

I think it's not only a problem how shallow/superfcial/lusty relationships start and exist nowadays, but how they make the average teenager feel.. Cause I look all around and i'm most definitely not the only insecure one. But I can only worry so much about them... it gets to me often. Like sometimes I can talk a girls ear off yet im still in the friend zone -.- in the end just telling me it was my looks. (like my story with my best girl friend from long time ago) like i hate thinking that a girl has to think im cute before i even try getting at her... sucks. some girls do think im cute but like the ones i wanna get at dont haha.