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#170106 Fanfiction.net (the Pit) strikes again

Posted by Vespar on 06 April 2008 - 06:16 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

This is downright ridiculous.

Seriously, what future updates could clash with having subsequent hyphens in a document?-!
The reason I don't like using their 'official' separators, is because visually, it disrupts the flow of the story. I only use theirs when I need to outline a huge change -as in when reading the entry in a book, or cutting off for author's notes and what not.

Great. Now I'll have to fix up all my work.
And then I'll probably have to do it again when they outlaw that way too.

QUOTE (Onionhead Attacks @ Mar 31 2008, 08:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Specifics? [snip]

Those are just my experiences. If you want more examples, I suggest that you ask Eagle or Nate River.

Compound it with the irritatingly counter-intuitive layout... [View Story]

#155094 Fanfiction Hates

Posted by Vespar on 10 January 2008 - 05:02 PM in Writing Discussion

Harem fics tend to suffer from the same circumstances as super!pairing fics; the types where everyone has to be hooked up with someone. This only works well with crack, because there's just so little characterisation.

#152951 Powerful/Advanced/Intelligent!Naruto

Posted by Vespar on 02 January 2008 - 01:54 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

Only if the writing is exceptional, or at least has a concept that draws me in. If it only has the concept, but the writing's not up to par, then I usually won't stay for the full duration.

#150490 A Request for Banners!

Posted by Vespar on 20 December 2007 - 08:08 AM in News and Announcements

Mine's turning out to be alot of work. Not sure if I can get it done any time too soon.

#150343 Fanfiction Hates

Posted by Vespar on 19 December 2007 - 01:03 PM in Writing Discussion

I was just discussing it on msn, but I'd suddenly realised that NaruHina is fast becoming a petpeeve for the sole reason that most of those fics usually butcher Hinata's character. Honestly, you could replace her with another girl and there'd be no difference (or sadly, it'd be more in-character for that other girl).

#150320 Fanfiction Hates

Posted by Vespar on 19 December 2007 - 07:04 AM in Writing Discussion

QUOTE (Kodachi Claws @ Dec 13 2007, 07:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've done that in my fic, although I don't have Kyuubi talk very often.

Oh, and Houkou. He won't shut up.

Do you have a better idea of how we should portray biju talking? This is not an attack, I'm just asking you in light of this what you think would be best.

For Kyuubi talking in bold, I'm not saying don't do it, as I do recognise it's possibly the best way to portray his exchange on a whole different level (at least by ff.net standard where you can't change the font). What I mean is that when I open a fic, and that's the first thing I see, I know I can already expect other cliches like, 'Kit' or a nice Kyuubi, friendly banter, or whatever else.

Though I don't think I need to say that if the opening lines prove the author's wit, I will be giving the benefit of the doubt.

Btw, back on bold speech patterns in general usage, the only published author I know that changes type face for when a character speaks is Terry Pratchett, and he does so for his character; Death. I've never seen (small) caps employed so well in a manner of speaking.

Edit: And Wilson; I'm not against Jutsu names, but when someone uses 'hai' for a yes, or starts counting off in Japanese, then I just got to ask what was the point in doing that, you know?

#150317 When Did It Start?

Posted by Vespar on 19 December 2007 - 06:48 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Right there.

#148936 Fanfiction Hates

Posted by Vespar on 13 December 2007 - 07:20 AM in Writing Discussion

Picking up on pet-peeves again, I just realised Kyuubi talking in bold has me automatically closing tabs when I spot it. I admit, it's one of the best ways his dialogue can be portrayed, but it's been so over-used, coupled with the same cliches, I can't help but not read those anymore. sad.gif

#148422 Does Sakura deserve Naruto?

Posted by Vespar on 12 December 2007 - 02:19 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Yeah, I reckon Sakura deserves Naruto.

The lack of 'thank you' doesn't bother me, as he's working his way into her heart or rather pushing and shoving the Uchiha out. On that note, I don't think Naruto expects thanks, and Sakura wouldn't give it immediately anyway, considering that he could blow it out of proportion the same way a certain other thank you is always blown out of proportion.

#146886 If NaruSaku didn't happen...

Posted by Vespar on 06 December 2007 - 12:33 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (narutokage @ Dec 6 2007, 12:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't disagree with what you said but I sincerely hope that they do end up together. It would be cool to see Team 7 interaction if Naruto and Sakura are going out. what would be Sasuke's reaction? Would Sai still be there? Would be tease Naruto and Sakura as usual?

and of course I would want to see Hinata's reaction.

I was thinking along the lines of Naruto and Sakura sharing a look and just smiling at each other, then Sai comes in and messes up the moment. tongue.gif

As for Hinata, I don't think she'd get a part that far. Possibly one or two panels, monologuing how Naruto and Sakura getting stronger together (in reference to the whole post-Sasuke mess) and how she needs to try harder for her family, then just smile from the background. Other than that, I'd probably figure she'd reappear again in a panel with all of Naruto's special people (possibly watching Naruto and Sakura get in another 'fight') :thumbs:

#146645 If NaruSaku didn't happen...

Posted by Vespar on 04 December 2007 - 11:10 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Naruto and Sakura don't end up together. I can see an open ending involved really, where the readers draw their own conclusions on the hints dropped that they are together.

Now Hinata confessing? That I don't see. It breaks the shounen archetype.
(At least in the manga. I can see why people would believe Hinata is mildly important in the anime.)

#146505 Upcoming features on FF.net

Posted by Vespar on 04 December 2007 - 06:34 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

QUOTE (narutokage @ Dec 4 2007, 02:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
but that would be difficult since some author tend to use japanese words in their stories and the grammar checker would pick those as spelling errors. don't u think? I am not too sure about that though

It shouldn't be difficult to implement a rule in spell-checker that would overlook words that start with a capital letter (names), are written in capitals (acronyms) or use hyphens. That should cover quite alot of mistakes.
Shouldn't be too difficult for it to use both types of English as well.

#146497 [Oneshot] Given Enough Time

Posted by Vespar on 04 December 2007 - 05:57 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

Haha! Very nicely done, mate!
It certainly sounds like something Naruto would do!
I approve! :thumbs:

#146272 Upcoming features on FF.net

Posted by Vespar on 03 December 2007 - 06:42 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

Maybe these people won't actually proof-read submitted fics, but just delete any that looks like spam?

#146269 A Request for Banners!

Posted by Vespar on 03 December 2007 - 06:25 AM in News and Announcements

Okay, got it. I'll see if I can figure something out soon! :thumbs:

#145985 A Request for Banners!

Posted by Vespar on 02 December 2007 - 11:20 AM in News and Announcements

Have a preferred file format, Nick? Or size for that matter?
Personally, I'd like to try to animate one, but it could be a kick in the teeth for 56k'ers (including me, haha)

#145301 Upcoming features on FF.net

Posted by Vespar on 29 November 2007 - 12:23 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

I wonder if they'll become more strict with their rules.
I think they've got a rule about literacy, and how attempts should be made.

However, this might then put into question about the better writers who dabble in adult content.

#143827 Layout/floorplan of Naruto's apartment

Posted by Vespar on 22 November 2007 - 01:27 AM in Writing Discussion

QUOTE (princess_dexter @ Nov 21 2007, 06:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm glad you liked the fic, but I don't really want to list another story as abandoned - it seems like that's the status of half my stories at ff.net, and it makes me feel bad. sad.gif It won't be gone forever, just moved to my writing journal, mainly for my records and on the off chance that anyone actually wants to read two chapters of a story that will never be finished. Plus, it was more serious than this one is going to be, and I'm trying to get away from drama.

Do what you must then. Do what you must. But you could always list in its summary that it's gone through a spiritual overhaul and rewrite. tongue.gif

Yeah, he doesn't have a wardrobe but then again he doesn't really have any 'going out' clothes, so I guess he doesn't need to iron or anything. Everything can just be folded and put in his chest of drawers. I'm trying to think if we've seen many of his 'civilian' outfits, but all I can remember are black t-shirts with various symbols on them. Like in 347 (?) when he and the rest of the team meet up for ramen and Sakura is wearing some hideous dress that makes her look about forty. Oh, Sakura. unsure.gif

That ought to have changed when he went around with Jiraiya. There's just no way Jiraiya wouldn't have instilled a bit of culture during their travels... Oh well, whether or not would remain to be seen, or likely, never be seen.
And though I agree Sakura's dress did look atrocious, it was the only time in the manga that someone gave such a blatantly flirting look, haha. laugh.gif

QUOTE (rickp2006 @ Nov 21 2007, 10:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Would i be able to get a link to these fics? Cant remember if ive read something called "Fitting The Pieces" lol.

Fitting the Pieces
To me, it's one of those pieces that you don't quite forget after you've read it. :thumbs:

#143591 Layout/floorplan of Naruto's apartment

Posted by Vespar on 21 November 2007 - 04:01 AM in Writing Discussion

Ah!! I can't believe I forgot you wrote those! I'd even faved Fitting the Pieces! (I'd mostly remembered you starting that awesome drabble thread from way back when...) :o
And please don't delete Trial and Error! I'd rather liked it! Especially your portrayal of Sai! tongue.gif It'll just be interesting to keep the two side by side so it can be seen how much you've progressed and changed from the initial idea!

..and geeze, Naruto's apartment looks bigger and more sparse than I thought. No wardrobe to hang up clothes. More plants than I expected too.

#143585 Garden of Sanctuary [Series] - Discussion Thread

Posted by Vespar on 21 November 2007 - 03:27 AM in Writing Discussion

Awesome chapter, Nes. Makes me wonder how much other people you're bringing back... heh

#142423 Can someone explain to me why/how Yaoi is so popular?

Posted by Vespar on 16 November 2007 - 03:34 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Short answer:
I just rationalise that I like yuri, there's no reason why some girls shouldn't like yaoi.

Dot-point answer:
-ideas self-propagate

#142255 Layout/floorplan of Naruto's apartment

Posted by Vespar on 15 November 2007 - 01:31 PM in Writing Discussion

You might be able to see something when Kakashi's having a look in there with the Third Hokage (the bad milk incident). Other than that, one of the first chapters' cover page has Naruto trying to learn jutsu inside his home (it's even got a dummy dressed up like Kakashi!) laugh.gif
Also, I think one of the first eps with Konohamaru has the kid wander around inside the apartment as well, so you could flip through that.

Hope that helped out a bit!

#142177 Overpowered Naruto

Posted by Vespar on 15 November 2007 - 03:15 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

Off the top of my head, I can remember two fics by Kraken's Ghost with an overpowered Naruto that I'd rather liked (though the second doesn't have him overpowered yet);
Underdog Hollow and Deus Ex Machina.

#142153 NaruHina Manifesto?

Posted by Vespar on 15 November 2007 - 02:41 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

It's not rubbish. They might be reading into it a little too much, considering that this type of manga is usually taken at face-value about its themes, but it's not rubbish. An interesting interpretation none the less.

Oh, and I wouldn't have used the data books for information. That sort of thing can usually be wrongly interpreted and, of course, only relevant when it was released.
I wish though, that this essay-writer named which which shounen anime and manga had main characters hook up with side-characters. I'd liked to have a closer look into those.
And anyone naming DBZ as a reference should be shot. Seriously, the only romantic thing that could attribute to Goku and Bulma was when Goku came back from training on Kami's Lookout and she remarked about how he'd grown.

#142128 NaruHina Manifesto?

Posted by Vespar on 15 November 2007 - 01:40 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

It's interesting, but it seems to really play up the encounters they have had.

However, to think of NaruHina as canon would mean to ignore the growing romantic relationship around Naruto and Sakura; as well as anime and manga cliches that foretell it. (Funny enough, this doesn't work in vice-versa, because as we've seen, the NaruSaku relationship can progress and completely ignore the NaruHina aspect)