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There have been 81 items by Abel Nightroad (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#409095 Final Fantasy XIII Part 3: Lightning Returns

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 03 September 2012 - 03:22 AM in Gamer Lounge

I was actually going to post a thread about rumors I had been hearing about this and what the gamers and Final Fantasy fans here thought of how 'official' it was.

As for last good FF game, that always has been and always will be a matter of opinion. I own and have played X, X-2, XII, XII; Revenant Wings, XIII, and XIII-2 and enjoyed them all.

Personally, if there is a XIII-3, I will buy a copy. I had fun with the real time timing of swapping pardines (or however it is spelled), in both XIII and XIII-2, so I hope they continue to expand on that for XIII-3. The capturing and leveling of monsters in XIII-2...just seemed Pokemon to me (which they continued in Kingdom Hearts: Dream, Drop, Distance, it seems) and it was annoying having to try collecting new, good ones when older ones reached their limits and were no longer useful in a fight....and, truthfully, have to say I enjoyed the character interactions of the full team in XIII better.

#406062 Atelier Series

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 14 August 2012 - 06:53 PM in Gamer Lounge

Was surprised when I couldn't find any threads for this franchise of games. The Tales, Kingdom Hearts, and Final Fantasy franchises have their share of fans, and I am in all three groups, lol, but I am also a fan of this rather unique franchies as well.


The Atelier series is a series of role-playing video games developed by the Gust Corporation since 1997, primarily for the PlayStation consoles (original, PS2, and PS3), though portable versions for the Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, and PlayStation Portable have also been made. Two of the games in the series were ported to the Sega Saturn and Dreamcast. The series has been primarily released in Japan, though recent titles have been localized for other markets. The game series, based on the definition of "atelier" as an artist's workshop, is heavily based around the art of alchemy, requiring the player to find and collect items and combine them in recipes to create better items with which to progress further in the game. A manga adaptation by Yoshihiko Ochi has also been published.

Common Elements:
The Atelier series of games focuses around the use of alchemy. Players control the game's character, roaming the game world to collect objects to use in alchemy recipes to create new objects, including cooking ingredients, recovery items, tools, weapons, armor, and accessories. Synthesized objects are commonly required in order to create more powerful or potent objects through alchemy. Many of the games feature a method of transferring properties of one item from the recipe to the synthesized item. Recipes also often allow the substitution of items, which can either lend better properties to the final synthesized item, or can lead to the character thinking of a completely new recipe.
The games are generally centered around a turn-based combat system, in which the items made through alchemy come into play, either to boost the character's abilities, or for offensive, defensive, or support items.
The games' stories are typically light-hearted and humorous, and the player ends up with a large group of characters to explore the world with.

There have been 15 main games in the franchise to date and several side games released as well.


I currently own Mana Khemia 2 and Atelier Totori. I am looking into adding Atelier Rorona and Atelier Meruru to my collection as well.

#406061 Tale of series

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 14 August 2012 - 06:44 PM in Gamer Lounge

Alright, I own Graces F.

I've also seen the Vesperia movie....though, in my opinion, it was too fast paced and thought they could have lengthened it somewhat. Though, have to admit, it was a great movie as is.

#406059 Star Trek Online (Free to Play)

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 14 August 2012 - 06:39 PM in Gamer Lounge

QUOTE (shadow_Uzumaki @ Jul 14 2012, 01:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Season 6 is up, btw. I'm...not really sure how to help out with fleet base construction. Maybe, the Admirals have to instigate it?

Last I was aware, the 'default' settings was only the 'fleet leader' had access to set any projects and donate to them. You have to go into the fleet settings and adjust that. Right now, the Fed fleet I'm in is up to a level 1 fleet base and is building the stuff that it unlocked (level 1 shipyard, level 1 fabricator, et cetera).

Oh, and you can add a male Caitian tactical officer to my character roster, lol....brings me up to 8 toons now.

#406058 FFXIII Versus Canceled!!! it's official and it's NO joke

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 14 August 2012 - 06:36 PM in Gamer Lounge

Personally, I would appreciate a XIII-3. I've seen the ending (and secret ending) of the story of XIII-2, and am of the opinion there are way too many threads left hanging for them to not wrap things up. As I recall, Final Fantasy games tend to leave very few, if any, such threads by the end of the story...probably why the VII games and films are lumped together, so they can tie off all the remaining loose ends, no?

As for FFXIII Versus...truth be told, wasn't on my 'top list of expectations'.....I've dabbled in my share of Dissodia, and not so big a fan of Final Fantasy fighting games. In my honest opinion, Final Fantasy are RPGs and should stick to that game type.

#406057 Tron: Uprising

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 14 August 2012 - 06:31 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

From what I've seen of Paige, her character seems very borderline and in flux back and forth from if she's an antagonist or a protagonist. She seems, in some ways, like a tragic hero (like when/if she finds out Tesla's little secret about her past).

#406054 Pets!

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 14 August 2012 - 06:23 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I've grown up with at least one cat in the house. For as long as I can remember, my family has always had them around. Currently, I've got two male tabby cats and they are both as unpredictable as ever (both are indoor cats, though they do sometimes slip out and lead us on a nice chase around the block, lol). Both have very distinct personalities.....for example, one is so freaked out by the outdoors he'll have a panic attack if you take him near an open door (he's fine looking out closed ones and sitting in open windows, though) while the other will slip out if he's in the mood and given the chance.

I have to agree, once they get into your heart, they are their for life, and that is something that is true for any pet. I've shead my share of tears when any of my pets died.

#396193 Tale of series

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 30 June 2012 - 10:17 PM in Gamer Lounge

Lol, so I take it all recomend Graces F? I'm certainly looking forward to when I nab my own copy, which might be soon (if I decide to treat myself after all that work painting the fence, lol).

QUOTE (Darth Krypt @ Jun 7 2012, 11:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I only watched the anime due to not having enough time. After finishing it, I wished I had played it few years ago before my PS2 went bust.

I've seen PS2 Slims selling for $99 in various stores.

QUOTE (Gravenimage @ Jun 30 2012, 05:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Now that Tales of Vesperia the movie First strike has been finally released to NA do you guys think that the PS3 version of the game will be release too? I certainly hope so. eager.gif

I second that sentiment, lol.

#396191 The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 30 June 2012 - 10:10 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Here is my two cents.

My 2 cents worth. --Click here to view--
It took Aang 4 full seasons before he was able to Godmod and energy bend. It took Kora 12 episodes.

If you ask me, aside from the deus ex machina of it all, things seem like they might be starting on a 'Dragonball' like trend where heroes and villains just keep one upping each other in power. In other words, it could end up where the only opponent that would actually give Kora a challange, if things continue going at this rate, would be another fully trained Avatar.

I would have actually prefered things be left as a cliff hanger with Amon surviving and Kora having to quest to regain her bending. Maybe, after a couple seasons, if they only then decided to give her the energy bending bit, would I buy it as believable and not just a cheap 'pulled out of their hind ends' thing to avoid a cliff hanger. There are plenty of great series that have had epic season ending cliff hangers.

All through Aang's journey, there was one main arc through all the seasons: Ozen. With Amon dead, or so we have been lead to believe (did they ever actually state on screen, while standing over the body while it was on screen, he was truely and officially dead?), there is no such thread. I feel it would have been great story if Amon returned plotting revenge on Korra or something, no?

I'm in a rush at the moment, so that's all I've got for now.

#394980 Happy Birthday...

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 24 June 2012 - 06:55 PM in Party Central

...to me.

Happy birthday to me.

Happy birthday, Abel Nightroad (aka, Shadow Phoenix).

Happy birthday to me.

You smell like a monkey and look like one too.

#394827 The Keepers: Music Edition

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 23 June 2012 - 08:10 PM in H&E RPG-town

This goes out to Skadi:

Track: Alcohol
Artist: Bare Nakid Ladies

And this one is for Reaver and Anna:

Artist: Frank Sinatra
Track: Fly Me To The Moon

Here's one for Barrett and Ayla:

Track: I've Got You Under My Skin
Artist: Frank Sinatra
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XCVnV5CGh0

That's it for now.

#394784 The Keepers Part 2 Recruitment Thread

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 23 June 2012 - 04:26 PM in H&E RPG-town

Technically, neither do I....I just have a knack to speed read (and I stay up late, lol).

#394781 Book Recommendation!

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 23 June 2012 - 04:09 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Some oldies, but goodies:

Doc Savage series (Lester Dent, Henry W. Ralston, John L. Nanovic, and others) - He was Batman before Batman was Batman. Using nothing but his wit and a life time of training (and a mess load of money, enough make Bruce Wayne envious), he travels the world fighting bad guys and saving the day.

Dragonriders Of Pern (Anne McCaffrey started it, her son currently does it) - Can't really discuss the backstory on this one without giving spoilers. Suffice it to say, it is, as the title says, about people who ride around on dragons and the entire series, all the books, covers centuries of history.

Time Quartet/Quintet series (Madeleine L'Engle) - A Wrinkle In Time, A Wind in the Door, A Swiftly Tilting Planet, Many Waters, and An Acceptable Time. Hard to describe one thing about this series as it covers so many different things.

The Dig (Alan Dean Foster) - Oddly, a book based on a computer game. However, it is still a good stand alone story on its own merits. It is about, well, first contact, more or less. All I can say without spoilers.

Redwall series (Brian Jacques) - Not just a series for kids. Though the characters in these books are anthropromic animals, the books cover mature themes from murder, revenge, war, and so on.

Chronicles Of The Lensmen (E. E. "Doc" Smith) - Can't call yourself a true sci-fi fan if you've never read these books. Smith was inspired by his life living through the era of world war and wrote this vision of the future. Some say he's the grandfather of the entire genre.

That's all I've got for now.

QUOTE (Sora no Senshi @ Mar 25 2010, 09:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not sure if you've read it, but i would recommend starting the "Inheritance Cycle", which starts with "Eragon" by Christopher Paolini. Some people talk down on it by saying he just copied bits a pieces from other works into his series, but i beg to differ, and i highly recommend it if your into that kind of genre: Fantasy of dragons, elves, dwarves, magic, ect.


#394772 The Keepers Part 2 Recruitment Thread

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 23 June 2012 - 03:51 PM in H&E RPG-town

I'm already part way through reading page 69 and, apparently, have been drafted with a younger version of my main Part 2 character for a guest apperance in Part 1, lol.

#394573 The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 22 June 2012 - 03:32 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Lol, I have read up to most recent ep's plot, well the episode summaries on what happens. Though, as with anything new, it'll take me time before I can just pluck the names out of my brain at the drop of a hat.

#394570 Thundercats!

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 22 June 2012 - 03:29 PM in Otaku Square

Yes, SB, agreeing to disagree seems to be the best option at this point.

And I apologize if anything I wrote came across as insulting in anyway. None of it was intended to do so at all.

#394416 The Keepers: Character Bios

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 21 June 2012 - 08:52 PM in H&E RPG-town

As requested by Greed, I'm posting this younger version of my character that'll be showing up in Part 2.

Name: Lark Archer

Code Name: Saeihr

Age: 18-years-old

Gender: Female

Human Form -

Dragon Form -

Type: Weredragon

5 feet 9 inches/175 centimeters
Hair Color, Type: Light Brown, Shoulder-length
Eye Color, Type: Blue

Place Of Birth: Classified location of the Thanatos Program labs


Dragon Form - Lark is able to shift into this form and back at will. Of course, this is provided there is enough space and there are no other outside restrictions preventing this.

Flight - Via her dragon form's wings. Alternating between powered flight and gliding, she can cover large distances.

Agility - Due to the anatomy of her dragon form, Lark is highly agile in the air.

Accelerated Healing - Not at a combat grade level, but she is capable of healing at an exponentially faster rate than a normal human.

Extraordinary Strength - Not on the level of a dedicated strength based individual in human form, but this permits her dragon form to fly without weaknesses that hollow bones and other bird 'short cuts' would force on her.

Remarkable Athletic Abilities - A result of a combination of genetics and a lifetime of training, Lark is very agile on the field.

Barrier Generation - Lark is capable of creating barriers that range from walls to airtight, enclosed spaces. So far, the upper limits of this ability have not yet been investigated.

Self Defense Training - Though not specialized in any particular unarmed combat form, Lark has been training since she could walk.

Durability - In her dragon form, the scales are designed to be somewhat like a natural armor plating.

Mediation - Long ago, Lark realized that she would need a way to survive longer on lower and lower quality air if she had to remain inside one of her barriers for an extended period. So, she taught herself a form of mediation that slows down her breathing and heart rate enough that she can add extra minutes to staying concious.


Clothing - Unless its something along the tight side of form fitting, it won't survive the shift to her dragon form.

Mortal - Actually manage to land a hit on her and Lark will take damage. She is as killable as the next person.

No Killer Instinct - Lark is not a killer. While she's more than capable of knocking someone out or otherwise disabling an opponent, she hesitates and won't deliver a finishing blow.

Aracnophobia - Due to an incident involving several rather large spiders when she was younger, Lark is deathly afraid of the eight-legged creatures or anything that reminds her of them.

Air Supply - Though she can protect herself from every area of affect attack she's thus far faced by enclosing herself within one of her own barriers, this comes at the cost of limited air supply within the barrier.

Inexperience - Beyond training, Lark has no actual combat experience. She's also had minimal interaction in her entire life with people other than the woman who raised her.

Origin/History: Lark was born as Project Saeihr when she was created in the labs of the Thanatos Program in their testing days long before true super soliders hit the world stage. Touted as a success story, as she didn't have any fatal flaws, her genetics predicted her as being amoung the best the labs had created once her body had matured. However, a common occurance in those days was lab subjects becoming sentient and self-aware and the standard practice by the labs was the termination of such subjects, with minimal exceptions. As such, when young Lark began to express such attributes, the board began the vote on if they should terminate or not.

In the end, though, the vote swung towards termination. Assigning Toa Archer, the woman who had been Lark's caretaker to perform the deed. Instead, though, she faked Lark's death and smuggled her out only to fake her own death later. Since then, Toa raised Lark, naming her after the first thing outside the complex the girl expressed interest in, as her own daughter. Whe she was old enough, Toa began training Lark which expanded to her abilities when they manifested.

Unfortunately, it reached the point where Lark needed to learn social skills as well in order to help her blend in better. As such, she was sent to a boarding school in the remnants of the central United States. It was on her train ride home, years later, that she had an encounter that would change her life.

#394413 The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 21 June 2012 - 08:47 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Korra's stubborn face that she makes reminds me of Toph.

QUOTE (sushi. @ Jun 21 2012, 02:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Sorry, name doesn't ring a bell off the top of my head, but I'll take a look later when I get the chance.

#394285 The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 20 June 2012 - 11:20 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Korra's had her Sokka moments to. Like when she first got to Republic City and realized she had no money to buy food with.

#394249 On a scale of 1-10 rate the last movie you watched

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 20 June 2012 - 08:25 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Paul - 9/10

Funny as all get out....even with the cultural divide (British humor for American audiences), it still got its share of laughs. For an alien movie (alien, as in ET, not the Alien franchise), it takes everything all other such films did in the past and chucks them out the window for something very different. Still, had to take a point off due to how the movie was, after all, not clicking with me in some parts...mainly the parts I would rather fast forward through to get to the next funny part.

Still, one of the few cases of a film not taking itself seriously and getting away with it enough to warrent the creators considering a possible sequal.

#394247 The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 20 June 2012 - 08:21 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

I'm still jonesing how every time I turn around, one character or another in LoK is reminding me of an ATLAB character. For example, that bit where Bolin and his fire ferret are trying to make money....I was like, that is such a Sokka moment.

#394053 Posting Question

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 19 June 2012 - 09:15 PM in Council Hall

Agreed, SB. Figured it was more important to make sure I could post them here to begin with as Step 2.

Here's the steps I was picturing:

Step 1: Get permission from RPers in question.
Step 2: Get permission to post on various boards.
Step 3: Find out if anyone wants to read them.
Step 4: Start posting if interest is high enough.

Just felt it was more logical to do the steps in that sequence.

#393999 Posting Question

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 19 June 2012 - 03:43 PM in Council Hall

Point taken and understood, SB. Truth be told, there is nothing I could say to counter that fact. However, it isn't like I can just provide links to the original threads for people to read as they are on private boards that you have to register to see anything on.

So, as I see it, these are my options:

Get approval to post them on H&E;
Post on a personal board and link H&E members there so they can read along;
Invite H&E members to the original board in question;
Figure out this H&E blog system;
Post them as 'fanfiction'.

I fully understand your logic and reasoning, SB. My only motivation was to share what I thought were good reads with the members of the H&E board. If you wish to preview the threads in question, let me know. If no is the last word, so be it.

#393946 Posting Question

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 19 June 2012 - 02:31 AM in Council Hall

I've asked the RPers in a couple RPGs I'm in on another board if they minded if I shared the IC threads by posting them on other boards to let others read along. They are alright with the idea. However, before I go ahead posting on H&E, I read up on the posting rules and the 'double posting' one held me up. As such, I'm concerned about posting copies of the IC threads to share with H&Eites as I might have to multi-post as everything won't fit into one post and these are on-going RPGs so I would have to add more posts as the IC threads went on if people wanted to keep reading along.

As such, I am curious as to what I'm supposed to do if I wanted to share these on-going stories with H&E's members. No, these aren't RPGs for H&Eites to take part in, just to read along, so it is on the record and known. Yes, I have sent various PMs out asking, but have yet to get any responses, so I'm posting here to ask.

#393939 The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

Posted by Abel Nightroad on 19 June 2012 - 12:41 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

Agreed. LoK is a good show. Personally, though, I'm not so sure about taking things from the apparent tech level seen in ATLAB to something like out of the 1920s. True, in the real world, a lot has been done in the last 70 years, and the nations pooling their resources could have helped. Still, not so sure I like it.

As for pacing, I still have to say I like the slower pacing of Last Airbender. They were, after all, kids and there were plenty of episodes reflecting how kids are known for going off on tangents that had nothing to do with the Fire Lord arc.

And, yes, I have read up on the following episodes, so I know the summaries of what happens.