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There have been 13 items by enigmaofbishieness (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#99938 a shocking secret!

Posted by enigmaofbishieness on 28 January 2007 - 02:26 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Yeah, what he said....

And dating an older woman is hot. Up to, you know, a point. Then it's just kinda wrong(if she taught your grandparents in third grade, for example...)

#99886 I heard a rumor...

Posted by enigmaofbishieness on 28 January 2007 - 02:20 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (Tobi_Uchiha @ Jan 26 2007, 08:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Naruto and Sakura siblings!!??? Give me a break, then Jiraiya and Tsunade are siblings too, If that´s the case 0_o
First Sakura has her own parents, second all the hints they have shared go more beyond that a simple sibling´s relationship, you know what I mean.

Not to burst your bubble, but those arguments don't actually prove anything at all.

However, making them siblings at this point in the story would truly make for the most amazing invitation for a beating ever. I can't imagine how many people would nut out over that. Kishimoto'd probably be forced to change his mind real quick. The power of fans compels you.

#99884 Why DO we like Narusaku?

Posted by enigmaofbishieness on 28 January 2007 - 02:07 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Why Naruto will get the girl:

-Because Naruto never really loses. Ever. EVER. Everrrrrrr. (Haku? Owned. Kiba? Owned. Negi? Owned. Shukaku? Owned. Sasuke? Pfft, little backstabbing rat-bastard's better off gone anyhow; I call that a moral victory.)

Why Naruto will get the wrong girl (Hinata):

-He's drunk

-He's horny

-He's starting a harem (totally understandable)

Oh, and because pink hair's a sign of twoo wuv. (I heard this argument once and will now stand by it forever.)

#99009 The "I quit" Challenge

Posted by enigmaofbishieness on 23 January 2007 - 02:45 AM in Challenges

Just before question 10 of the first Chuunin exam, Sakura, misguidedly taking Naruto's dreams into account, quits the exam, taking the rest of Team 7 with her. Naruto, disappointed in Sakura, as well as his own inability to answer the other exam questions, goes off and improves himself. Clearly, this will affect the entire Exam arc. Does Naruto still wind up learning Kuchiyose? Does Sandaime still die in the invasion? Will Tayuya make Shikamaru her monkey boy? You decide.

Can be NaruSaku, but obviously there are more important things than relationships in this challenge.

I got this idea completely randomly, but I'm still curious as to why I've never seen this done before. Hope someone takes this challenge. Oh, and even if it doesn't relate to this at all, if anyone has a story of Tayuya making Shikamaru her monkey boy, gimme =). Because Tayuya's awesome. She and Anko need to get together, and maybe take on a genin team or something. That would be a story in itself.

#68823 Your Favorite Crack Pairings

Posted by enigmaofbishieness on 01 July 2006 - 04:20 PM in Naruto General

LeeIno (remember, sulking Lee is cute.), and AyameTayuya. Muah.

#67176 Angry Girlfriend Cliche

Posted by enigmaofbishieness on 25 June 2006 - 02:43 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Tsundere, hmm? Kind of reminds me of a line in Genshiken where the guys all predict how the cliched angry girlfriend Katsukabe would start off a dominatrix and slowly become subservient. =)

#67169 Akatsaki captures Naruto

Posted by enigmaofbishieness on 25 June 2006 - 02:02 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

You know, I can't honestly see Kishimoto killing off any more developed characters that's lasted a certain length of time, say, five books. Also, I've yet to see anyone significantly developed die on the present timeline that wasn't a baddie.

It is here where I argue that the sandaime was not significantly developed. =)

#67066 Kiss or Confession?

Posted by enigmaofbishieness on 24 June 2006 - 04:50 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I don't think either of them are really gonna try confessions, as their success record with confessions are kind of bad... On the other hand, a kiss is spontaneous and would probably work perfectly.

#67043 Fanfiction Depression

Posted by enigmaofbishieness on 24 June 2006 - 01:59 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

Well, not all stories have to be completed, you know. Sure, you'll feel bad for not completing everything you started, but as long as you know which stories are truly important to you, you'll always know what to focus on first.

#66611 The Great Heaven and Earth Fanfic/Fanart Contest

Posted by enigmaofbishieness on 22 June 2006 - 10:40 PM in News and Announcements

Requesting some clarification: Do the stories need to have NaruSaku as main characters, or as a main focus, or can we get away with them having a supporting role? Or perhaps something like a Watson point of view from another character on their relationship?

#66607 Drabble Challenge

Posted by enigmaofbishieness on 22 June 2006 - 10:26 PM in Challenges

Dango is a sort of sweetish dumpling, from what I've gathered. Anko eats a whole bunch of it in the anime during the second part of the chuunin exam.

#65578 Bad Writer's block

Posted by enigmaofbishieness on 17 June 2006 - 01:09 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

Sometimes with writer's block, inspiration doesn't just return if you wait. You might need to suck it up and keep writing something, even if it's a different fanfiction. Some of the stuff you come up with might look like crap to begin with, but you can always rewrite it when you're in top form again.

#46855 Tsunade challenge?

Posted by enigmaofbishieness on 27 February 2006 - 09:42 AM in Challenges

Well, this challenge may or may not be new, but anyhow...

Time frame can start anytime after the chuunin exam, and Tsunade is Naruto's mother.(which means she and the Yondaime, and....yeah...)

She may or may not know that Naruto's her kid(memory wipe, supposed miscarriage, any other form of plot device), but Naruto doesn't find out.(immediately)

And seeing as how we don't know who Naruto's canon mother is, this doesn't necessarily mean AU.

And of course, a little Narusaku won't hurt...(but I guess the focus won't really be on them)

Good luck, and thanks to anyone that tries!(I'd try it myself, but I'll have to finish my other things first...)