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There have been 36 items by AchikaMiyu (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#418073 nanowrimo 2012

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 26 November 2012 - 03:20 AM in Writing Discussion

W00t! I just went over the 50K mark and I still have much more story to write. I haven't even gotten to the climax yet. Just need to keep on writing for the rest of this month. I'm going to see if I can finish the novel by the 30th so we'll see. No big deal if I need more time after November to do it since I hit the goal. smile.gif

Hope the fanfic writing is going well Tricksie!

#417586 nanowrimo 2012

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 18 November 2012 - 12:11 AM in Writing Discussion

QUOTE (GoNeKr@zY @ Nov 16 2012, 11:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Im actually curious. Are the stories you guys writing original fiction ? Or fanfiction ?

Last year I did a narusaku fanfic, "Love Made For Fools". This year I'm doing original fiction.

#417543 nanowrimo 2012

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 17 November 2012 - 01:39 AM in Writing Discussion

QUOTE (tricksie @ Nov 15 2012, 10:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yay! I was wondering if you were doing it too! 30k already - you're way ahead! If you've gotten this far, I don't doubt that you'll be able to finish the novel.

I was thinking today that writing for nano is harder and at the same time more freeing than my regular writing. It's harder because I have to do it everyday, including when I would rather not being doing it. But I have a little more creative freedom because I have to stop myself from editing as I write. I just write. I don't go back and second guess and hand-wring over a word. I don't have time! I've got to hit my word count! laugh.gif

Best of luck for the rest of the month and in reaching your novel goals afterwords!


I'm with you on using NaNoWriMo to just let the creative juices flow. It's like upending a box of toys just to get them all out and then going through it to find the ones you want. When I try writing without a deadline or set goal, it takes me much longer than it should to crank out a story. It's part musing over the words and part laziness in finishing the story. Well, best get back to the grind!

#417470 nanowrimo 2012

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 16 November 2012 - 12:22 AM in Writing Discussion

I'm actually trying to tackle NaNoWriWo this year. As of yesturday, I'm at 30,400 words. It's been tough setting aside the time to write, but I had to really push. I hope to go beyond the 50,000 and see if I can finish the novel, so we'll see.


Posted by AchikaMiyu on 04 October 2012 - 01:13 AM in News and Announcements

Happy Birthday! Sorry I'm a little late. Sadly, I'm going to have to bow-out of the birthday writing this time. I'm pushing to finish the current fic I'm working on so I can free some time for NaNoWriMo 2012. But I look forward to the fics and pictures that are submitted. smile.gif

#398526 The Great NaruSaku Fic Listing III

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 11 July 2012 - 03:53 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

Just came across this story that struck my fancy.

Yurei by Kanji no Sakka

It's an interesting one-shot.

#396410 Hurricane Season 2012

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 01 July 2012 - 08:17 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Though we don't have a hurricane in Virginia, we have been experiencing some hurricane force winds lately. At least 3-4 major thunderstorms in less than 7 days is a bit much. I think I drove through a tornado or one that was about to form last night.

Though I guess it could be much worse:

#395711 I am new to writing.

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 28 June 2012 - 05:43 PM in Writing Discussion

QUOTE (Branden @ Jun 28 2012, 09:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did you make sure your library account settings were set so that no more warning messages appear for MA stories?

I haven't read your story yet, but does your story warrant an MA rating? If there isn't any overtly violent or sexual content, then you may want to rethink your rating. If you downgrade it to a 'T' or something else, then anyone on the forums can access it without having to sign-in and prove that they are over 18.

#391769 Warning to All Fanfiction Writers!

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 05 June 2012 - 04:54 PM in Writing Discussion

QUOTE (Sakura Blossoms @ Jun 5 2012, 10:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is the first I'm hearing of this. What's the story behind it?

CodusN summed it up. I know that a few weeks ago I saw a news report on 50 Shades that specifically referred to its origin coming from ff.net as a Twilight fic. I have no doubt that there's be a lot of heat from fans trying to find the next 50 shades, authors trying to replicate it, or even concerned readers bashing the site for hosting content like that. Though I can't speak to exactly how deep the MA rating is on 50 Shades since I've never read it or the Twilight fic that precluded it.

#391716 Warning to All Fanfiction Writers!

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 05 June 2012 - 12:41 PM in Writing Discussion

So far none of my stories have been purged. While I can see where the admins are coming from, I disagree with their execution.

Honestly, I blame this all on "Fifty Shades of Grey." I think with all of the attention it got and learning that the author originally had a Twilight fic that was the precursor to it, the admins got scared. They had to do something after the site got lots of attention for the wrong reasons. That's my take on it.

#374471 My FF.net pet peeves...

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 17 March 2012 - 12:38 PM in Writing Discussion

Overused and misused adjectives are like over-icing a cake. You don't want just a plain cake, but at the same time, you don't want to put too much icing on the cake that when you take a bite out of it, all you taste is sugar. There's definitely a fine balance and I commend beginning writers for trying. But when they go overboard and don't realize it, it's really hard to read those stories without simply skimming through most of the text just to get to the point.

Also, I'm convinced that there are some authors who post stories out there to troll people. They're purposefully bad and controversial so they can get some form of attention. Those reviewers that like to troll stories should mainly concentrate their efforts of those stories. It would make a great fit.

#372776 Naruto 577

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 09 March 2012 - 12:29 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Rainy Daze @ Mar 8 2012, 01:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm not really sure what I was expecting to happen by the end of this chapter. The bit with Itachi and Kabuto almost seemed like a joke. I even laughed when Itachi basically sighed and walked away.

I did the same. I reminded me of the website that shows various images of Superman being a kitten. You could argue that Itachi's one too though so that's not stretching it.

But about the chapter. Tsunade's not going to be out for the count yet. At least not without dealing some major damage to Madara somehow. She still has the jutsu in effect. I could see her finding a way to save the rest of the Kages since that was one of the rules she stated as a medic.

I like the theory that some people have thrown around that Itachi or Sasuke will use genjutsu on Kabuto. Interestingly enough, there's another possibility. Those that have been revived have had their own free will taken away from them by Kabuto. Perhaps if there's a way to remove Kabuto's control over them at least. Dan would go and save Tsunade in a heartbeat and he still has one of his super-duper moves that he warned the alliance about before he was contained. Also, with everyone regaining their free will, there's the possibility of "freeing" the wills or souls of the revived so they can fade away. Don't know what would do that for Madara, but it would help for the others that they have had to seal or are still fighting.

#372175 My FF.net pet peeves...

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 06 March 2012 - 05:36 PM in Writing Discussion

I'll make this brief because I really need to get back to work sad.gif

On reviewers: I think there are some who have their set ideal for what they accept as good stories and those that are just hard-core sticklers to the rules. Those reviewers are usually the ones trolling stories to leave warnings or reviews that discourage (generally inexperienced) writers because of their own principles. In some cases, it can be good. Such as letting some writers be aware of certain rules that they didn't know about. But mostly, they do it out of a sense of superiority and when they leave their "word of advice," it comes off as condscending and rude. i.e. You violated rule x, now I'm going to report you!

If they were to take a step back and offer their advice as genuine advice and warning, then it would be different. But there are no real rules. It just depends on each individual reviewer's common courtesy, which unforutnately there isn't much.

On ff.net in general: The thing is that most of the writers that post are highly inexperienced and don't have the control or discipline to try and improve. It's a number of things: age, the community they write for, lack of a good beta, etc. There's also a lack of perspective. We often forget that what gets posted on the internet will stay forever. In one form or another. I know that I've written some stories in the past that when I look back, I cringe. But I've learned from that. When you have writers that write for instant gratification and tons of reviews, they may not have the perspective to look back and thing "is this something I can be proud of in a year or two?"

The good writers are those that have gained some discipline in their writing and have improved over the years. The bad ones are those that churn out the same-old stuff all of the time with variations on the plot.

Unfortunately, they're no true answer to solve all of it. I think in part, reviewers like Nate are beneficial. Just a little less harsh perhaps in terms of critique. Though, the writer also has to be welcome to the critque, they have to be willing to develop as a writer. If the main goal of the writer is to get as many hits/reviews/favorites as possible, then they're not a serious writer.

In thinking more about this, probably the ones that are bothered the most about all of the mentioned pet-peeves are those that are more serious about writing and actually care about the stories that get posted. But I'm ranting now and need to get back to work.

#372035 My FF.net pet peeves...

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 06 March 2012 - 12:38 AM in Writing Discussion

Everyone has some good points.

The only things I have to add are:

  • Fics that take the script and plot of another well-established story and inserts Naruto characters in their place. (i.e. Twilight, Harry Potter, etc.) If I wanted to read Twilight, I would read it. I don't need to know about how Bella could be Sakura (which she couldn't be) or who would best fit Edward. The plot's predicable and the Naruto characters are their own characters. They're not going to fit into the mold of another established work just because it sounds cool.
  • Authors that never finish what they started. I'm sure there are a bunch of stories I've read where the author updates regularly for a while and then all of a sudden drops off of the face of the earth. If they're still around and writing, then it irks me if they leave a story hanging and never finish it. If they update at least once a year, then that would make me happier than going on a hiatus forever.
  • Authors who respond to every reviewer in their A/N. It's one thing to address certain reviews or reviewers that have a question, but didn't sign-in to review. Otherwise, if they've reviewed your work and they used their ff.net account, just respond to their review via PM. It clutters up the story.
  • Using Japanese words and phrases randomly, then there is an English equivalent or translation. There are certain words that you have to use the Japanese word (i.e. sushi, kimono, ninja, ramen, bijuu, etc.) but when you start interspersing a baka here and a neko there, it gets silly. If I started writing and then going off into French, pour-quoi? J'en ne sais pas. It's annoying and disrupts the flow of the story.

That's all I can think of that hadn't already been mentioned.

#370901 The Great NaruSaku Fic Listing III

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 28 February 2012 - 05:44 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

Chapter 18 of Fool Me Once, Shame On Meby artemisfireflamehas been posted.

#368919 The A-Z of NaruSaku - Holidays Edition!

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 16 February 2012 - 05:20 PM in Challenges

Keeping the thread alive!

Here are the prompts for U-Z:

(I was grasping at straws for 'Z'. But a Zamboni is the more popular model of the machine that evens out the ice in a ice rink.)

#367861 Naruto 573

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 10 February 2012 - 06:02 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Fickly @ Feb 10 2012, 12:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If Naruto's feelings for Sakura are still as strong as ever, why isn't it showing while we had plenty of demonstrations from Sakura and Hinata?

Maybe it's because the entire shinobi nation is at War? That's my best guess. One thing you forget is that Naruto has matured. He's not the same brash 'shout out everything on his mind' kid. Over the course of Part II, he's grown some restraint. There are more pressing matters at hand, moreso than confessing to the girl you like. His mind is focused on two things right now: 1) Defeating Tobi/Madara/Mr. He who shall not be named and 2) Finishing things with Sasuke either through redemption or something else. After those two goals are over, then he'll probably devote time to romance and the like, but that's really secondary to the grand scheme of things.

Also, we're all getting fixated on one part of the chapter, which is Hinata's feelings towards Naruto. Yes, she has them. Yes, she still cares about him. There no denying that. But the entire point of those scenes showing the Konoha 11's feelings were to show how much everyone cared for Naruto and wanted to fight for him. Everyone was affected by Naruto one way or another. You see that in Kiba and Chouji's dialogues and even Sai having some worry for him. He's changed them. Hinata's dialogue is more apparent because he has always been the catalyst to make sure want to do more. I do think it's fine to celebrate that you like Hinata and you want her to be with Naruto, but let's not say that the interactions with Sakura are defunct, because they're not.

Technically, it's all up in the air. Naruto hasn't expressed to either girls over their confessions. You can argue points plus/minus for both girls depending on what you see and what your favor is, but it's ultimately going to be Naruto's decision: one he hasn't finalized yet.

In Sakura's favor, he has had a crush on her and he hasn't said anything to the effect today that those feelings have gone away. And in all of those reasons you cite as an end-game to Sakura's love for Naruto; not necessarily. Are they bumps in the road? Sure, but what stable relationship doesn't have them. The strongest ones are those that have bumps, but know how to overcome them. So it's not an end game yet.

And at least it's nothing as dramatic as someone trying to stab you through the heart or almost kill you while killing their worst enemy *cough* Sasuke *cough*

So while I can appreciate your enthusiam for your pairing, I think you come to a conclusion too soon. The door has not closed on Narusaku as it hasn't on Naruhina. Heck, someone could even argue that it hasn't for Narusasu and they're probably right. That being said, keep your mind open.

#367560 Naruto 573

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 08 February 2012 - 09:32 PM in Latest Releases

Wow, lots and lots of discussion. This is my take on Hinata:

I personally thought that she was growing a backbone. Sure it may have seemed selfish in the grand scheme of things, especially when comparied to the thoughts of the others, but don't forget who Hinata was before all of this. She was always facing criticisms from her father, her sister, her clan, etc. Anyone and everyone that should have been a support system for her were basically putting her down saying that she isn't strong enough or good enough. She knows that her younger sister is stronger and that there's been talk of having Hanabi override Hinata as the clan head. Hinata has always been watching people's backs and chasing them; not just Naruto.

Naruto was her guilty pleasure so to speak. A lot of her love comes from admiration because he's overcome his adversity and she can't. Like someone else in the thread said before, Hinata's talk of walking beside Naruto is similar to Sakura's when she became determined to improve herself after the Forest of Death. Hinata's just a bit of a late-bloomer in that department. As I recall, she was probably still being sheltered a bit by having a branch member constantly watching over her. Now that they're in the war, she's able to fight on her own.

So it may seem selfish for her, but she's never really had the chance to bloom like the others. Sakura has at least been given the freedom and chance to reach her full potential; Hinata hasn't yet. But now she wants to take the initiative and try to "walk hand in hand" with Naruto rather than silently stalking him in the shadows.

Now my eye is going to be on either Lee or Gai for these next few chapters. Both know how to release all of the gates. I'm wondering if one of them will do it. Lee has proclaimed in the past that he would die for Sakura . . .

#366308 The Great NaruSaku Fic Listing III

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 31 January 2012 - 03:00 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

From my perspective, all three were at fault and Smiter's post was justified. CodusN may have started it, but Ciardha didn't have to add fuel to the fire because it did get personal. If Ciardha felt like the Codus and TheOmegaMan were harassing her, then instead of taking the actions she did, she should have gone to one of the admins. Let them handle it. It doesn't help the forums or the argument when you blast another persons age and maturity. Even if the last post about being their internet 'Mom' was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, it was uncalled for. Codus and TheOmegaMan shouldn't have made the attacks personal in the first place. If they disagree with your point-of-view, that's fine, but they voiced their disagreement in a poor way.

Smiter probably called Ciardha out because she is the more senior and older member. The bar is set a bit higher for her. She had a role where other newer and younger members will look up to her. If she handles a situation poorly, then it reflects poorly on the board. Imagine if you caught Smiter or any of the more senior members resorting to the same antics. It would encourage bad behavior.

If this sort of thing happened in a school, an office, or a work environment, all three would be repremanded. Because it doesn't matter who started it, it all in who got involved and how far it escalated.

We can all agree that we have differing opinions on characterization, but we also have to respect that. I may not like all of the stories that are recommended here, but that doesn't mean I'm going to rip them apart. And if someone rips apart a story I do like, that doesn't mean I'm going to personally attack them. We all have different tastes and ideas about the characters. If we didn't, this forum would be completely boring and there really wouldn't be any need to have Naruto fanfiction if you can't have different interpretations of the series.

Just my two cents.

#366159 The Great NaruSaku Fic Listing III

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 30 January 2012 - 09:40 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

QUOTE (Gnosismaster @ Jan 29 2012, 01:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good story. Do you know if he's contiuning it?

Not sure, but we can only hope.

#366156 The A-Z of NaruSaku - Holidays Edition!

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 30 January 2012 - 09:38 PM in Challenges

QUOTE (Nick Soapdish @ Jan 29 2012, 06:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For a moment, I was imagining Sakura leaving with the punch bowl on her head. laugh.gif It's a bit out-of-character for her, but a great visual.

It was a heck of a party.

He packed snow onto the sides of the structure while the twins dug out windows. The shrieks of laughter and crunch of snow were the only noises coming from the backyard. Naruto could barely fit inside, but he didn’t care because the kids loved it.

“Knock, knock.”

“Mommy! Look what Daddy helped make for us! It’s an quiz hee.”

“A quiz hee? Do you mean quinzhee?”

“Yeah, that!”

Sakura smiled at the children and snuggled into Naruto’s arms. The enclosure was like a snow castle with Naruto as King and Sakura as his Queen. And they lived happily ever after.

It's a little corny, but meh.

Naruto was staring blankly at a sheet of paper when Sakura came home from the store.

“Thinking too hard?”

“Just trying to figure out my resolutions for the year.”

“Really? I thought you would have decided by now. You always have them done before me.”

“Yeah, but it’s different this year.”

“How so?”

“Well, ever since grade school my resolutions were to marry you. Now that we’re married, I can’t put that down anymore.”

“How about you write down that you’re going to be the best father ever.”

Naruto dropped his pencil. “Really? Are you?”

“Not yet, but one day.”

When they were kids, they didn’t really play with each other. The first time they did play was during the first major snowfall of the season. Like all other kids, they wanted to build a snowman. They weren’t big or strong enough to do it by themselves. So without even speaking, they formed a pact and made their masterpiece. The boy gave up his orange scarf and the girl her pink hat to complete the snowman. It would be years later when Sakura found a picture of the snowman in Naruto’s room and they realized they had always been friends.

There was timeless tradition in the Uzumaki house that had been passed down from generation to generation. It had started when Naruto and Sakura Uzumaki had their first child. They wanted their child to enjoy the magic of Santa. They argued over the gifts and size of them, but the one thing Naruto was adamant about was what was left out for Santa at night. Instead of milk and cookies, he insisted that any Santa that visited their house would eat ramen. So every year at the Uzumaki residence, a hot bowl of ramen is left out on Christmas Eve.

#365873 The Great NaruSaku Fic Listing III

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 29 January 2012 - 01:12 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

Time to get the thread back on track:

This is a story that I've been enjoying, but I don't know if the final pairing, or if any at all, will be Narusaku. It starts off with some Sasusaku, but quickly deviates away from that. It's coded as Kyuubi/Sakura, but there is Naruto/Sakura interaction in there. Either way, give it a try and see if you like it: Well in Hand

#365872 The A-Z of NaruSaku - Holidays Edition!

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 29 January 2012 - 01:09 PM in Challenges

QUOTE (ciardha @ Jan 28 2012, 11:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For me the lack of inspiration was that most of the prompts have been too distant from a good relation to Naruto and too western culturally dominant in focus- they just didn't spark any "Naruto" related creativity for me. Now had they been prompts for Buffy and Spike (from Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Rogue and Gambit (from X-men comics), or Guy and Ice (from Justice League comics) totally different story. I know several times I thought, "hmm that makes me think of Spike and Buffy/Rogue and Gambit/Guy and Ice..."

Some of the prompts are more universal than others (i.e. Decorations, Gifts, Icicles, Kiss, Lights, Parties, Traditions). There's no rule that says that you have to do all of the prompts or do them in order. Maybe you could start with "Kiss" and then go from there.

Also, don't limit yourself to thinking that if the prompt is more in tune to western culture, it could never fit into the Naruto relm. This is where you have to get your creative juices flowing to try and see if you could make it work. Most of them fit with the western notion of holidays because that's probably what everyone is more familiar with. These prompts can be AU as well. I know that there have been a few prompts that have already been written that took place in the Naruto-verse, so it can be done. Just takes a little imagination.

Of course, you could still write prompts with Buffy and Spike, I just don't know if you could post them here.

#365772 The A-Z of NaruSaku - Holidays Edition!

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 28 January 2012 - 11:46 PM in Challenges

This thread gets no love shamefulcry0js.gif

Well, here I am to keep it alive.

If there was anything that Naruto knew how to do; it was to throw a party. This Christmas he intended to propose to Sakura in front of all of his friends. Unfortunately, the party was horrible. Lee got a hold of some wine and then it went all downhill from there. Sakura left early when the punch bowl ended on top of her head. Naruto almost swore off parties from then on. Luckily for him, Sakura came back to help clean-up and found the velvet box with her name on it. Her answer made the party the best one ever.

#363855 Modern AU

Posted by AchikaMiyu on 18 January 2012 - 05:54 PM in Writing Discussion

I certainly don't mind reading them, but it all boils down to whether or not the story is well-written and has a compelling plot. Like others have said before, just sticking them in a modern setting such as high school and letting the wacky-hijinks ensue isn't going to be enough. There certainly are some good fics in a high school setting, but they tend to do something more.

The big thing is keeping the characters in character, even if placed in a different universe. The stories that usually stray from who the characters truly are, lose my interest. Just rewriting the Twilight series with Naruto characters isn't going to cut it. Sure, there are some people who like those fics, but it isn't going to have as much general appeal. There has to be a plot element that will hook the reader and keep them wanting to read more. It has to be recognizable that the characters in the story are the Naruto characters and not just some random people who happen to have their names.

When thinking of Naruto in the Modern AU universe, the first thing I think of is the Konoha Gakuden short that done in the anime. It wasn't a fic, but it demonstrated how the characters would interact as themselves if they were in public school in Japan. There have also been a few fics written about it too, but I only really liked one (the name escapes me at the moment, but I think it was written by Dijifruit).

Good luck with the story.