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There have been 109 items by Broken Figurine (Search limited from 20-June 23)

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#794054 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Broken Figurine on 03 April 2015 - 02:46 PM in Konoha Theater

What's Sarada so cold about? Her dad always being away travelling? Sasuke, when he had a loving family, wasn't cold. As Sakura's daughter she's really disappointing and I've said that a few times. Putting her in something similar of Sakura's to attempt to acknowledge the mother didn't really work. It really does feel like they've been written just to pick up their father's dynamics.

#587591 Chapter 693

Posted by Broken Figurine on 25 September 2014 - 04:12 PM in Latest Releases

Yeah, while I'm not pleased with what Sakura was doing this chapter I can sort of understand she's just trying a desperate approach just like she did once upon a time; but wouldn't she have learned from the past that it just doesn't work? One thing that confuses me about all this is how it shows Naruto's and Sasuke's backs in the panels beforehand, and then suddenly Sakura comes to what seems to be a determined look? Maybe this was giving Sasuke one last chance before making her decision? That is how I wanted to view it. Get it all out there, see his reaction. I can't forget that this is Sakura who still suspected Sasuke--who felt like she couldn't trust him. That, and her history, and good storytelling makes me have faith that there was a greater set up for her actions. 


My issue is everything that followed. They talked over her about the nature of love, in a way that means to excuse Sasuke for his hatred and everything, as well as justify why Sakura holding on and loving Sasuke is a good thing/makes sense? The Sage mentions how favouring one son over the other lead to hatred. Perhaps in this way he means to say it is a good thing that Sakura loves them both? I don't understand though; it's not her place to act as Sasuke's mother or for what he lost. Actually, it is Sakura who is the one who lost what she once had here. She lost team 7 by losing Sasuke. That is what can be hoped to be regained. Then there is Kakashi being like "love is a weird thing". 


It juggles two things; unhealthy obsession with Sasuke, and Sasuke's unhealthy persona in general. He's the character people love without it making sense, and in the dialogue between the Sage and Kakashi they're trying to somehow explain it but it doesn't work for me. It tries to explain Sasuke's behaviour and while I understand he lost so much and gave into hatred, what of all those people who never did? It makes it seem like if you suffer tragedy there is only a path to hatred--that you can't choose to still remain a moral person. By getting rid of that, it's as if Sasuke can't really be blamed. The right thing to do is to save this person, and still love them and care for them. I'm not saying that it's a fault in Naruto and Sakura to want to save him--but their feelings are what is so odd. All of the "I loved you" and "We're great friends" is so contrived, so unrealistic that it causes me to feel disappointed in the characters for feeling that way. 


Naruto didn't try to stop Sasuke, and his admonishment of what he did was really lame compared to the action Sasuke took. Even though it's just a genjustu, he planted the feeling of getting her chest ripped through AND DYING as well as insulting her and her feelings. That's really despicable, but no one takes care for that. I just hope that when she wakes up, she takes that message... wait for it... to heart. I don't want her to love and forgive Sasuke. I want her to save him because that's what's right, but I don't want her to forgive him. I don't want her to be smile and be like "team 7 is back!" because it's not. There's too much history now that would take time to get over--time to forgive. The only way Kishimoto gets out of that is by having the characters, all characters, stubbornly still hold on to their feelings so when the time for redemption comes, it's a dream come true and they're ready to do what they've done all along: love and forgive him. 


It's just poor handling. I don't even care whether it supports NaruSaku or SasuSaku or whatever because this effects everything. This is the handling of a major plot point and conflict in the story and it's not satisfying to me personally. I actually would have rather if Sakura just stayed quiet and none of this discussion took place. At least there is speculation and hope in ambiguity. 

#588066 Chapter 693

Posted by Broken Figurine on 25 September 2014 - 08:07 PM in Latest Releases

I don't feel angry with Sakura, because this goes beyond her character. This is a flaw of every character, and every aspect of this plot that in a weird way Kishimoto is acknowledging and lampshading? "I don't understand what she sees in me," is pretty much the most accurate description of this whole thing. Except, replace "she" with team 7. Sakura's main fault here is that she's a victim of the plot like anyone else--the plot around Sasuke. She needs to have these intense emotions she can't let go of, in order to make it so that she can forgive Sasuke.


I don't forget that Sakura had shown wavering faith in Sasuke. I don't forget that she attempted to kill him herself because it seemed the right thing to do. I don't forget that she isn't happy and complicit about the action Sasuke has taken. I don't forget that she's so different from Karin, who sexualizes him and goes back to his side on the basis of an apology. Sakura is fighting to get Sasuke back on the right path--and she feels sad that he's turned into what he is now. She is still one of the best characters for me. I don't regret being a Sakura fan because I know who she is and who she has been from this point. 


It's "not Sakura's fault" because it's not as if the writing had been leading up to this point. It is the fault of the author for going against what has been established in order to fulfill some sort of goal for Sasuke. Everyone therefore is at fault--Naruto, Kakashi, Karin, Orochimaru, Itachi, the Sage, anyone who's ever contributed a word to this ridiculous notion that the unsubstantiated feelings toward Sasuke are worth anything. The reincarnation, the arguments about "love and hatred", the attempts at drawing strange parallels, it's all rather ridiculous.


To quote Sakura, "I'm pretty tired from it all,". The reason I had more hopes for Sakura was because she was in the dissenting party. Her 'uneasy smile' still burns in my mind. I hope this genjutsu gives her an moment to finally work past this and reason out this toxic relationship. As to not saying anything to Naruto--it's not like Sasuke gave her a chance. Also, Sasuke is the problematic one. The reason why Naruto has to fight in the first place is because of Sasuke and his stupid ideas for becoming hokage. It makes sense to address him in an attempt to stop him... though she should have known better. "If you have any feeling in your heart for me you would do this" well guess what, he didn't do it. 


Even if NaruSaku doesn't happen, I think all of us here know it's not because it wasn't the logical conclusion. It's not because the manga did not support it and we were blind. We'll know it's because the writing did not follow through. Because for some reason, Kishimoto favoured Sasuke above Naruto and Sakura. It's why these characters are the victims of stunted or even regressed development; because Sasuke has to be loved. 

#821119 [Looking for co-hosts] Add and Subtract Game

Posted by Broken Figurine on 12 May 2015 - 06:13 AM in Fun Cafe


#592283 Crazy Requests Thread

Posted by Broken Figurine on 30 September 2014 - 02:15 AM in Crazy Love

I'd love a SakuIno thread. And a SaiSaku one :wink:


I second this--especially the InoSaku thread! 

#547128 Naruto 685

Posted by Broken Figurine on 15 July 2014 - 07:33 PM in Latest Releases

I thought this was an excellent chapter. What I love about Sakura's role is, unlike Naruto and Sasuke, her contributions are not godly, and therefore it feels like everything she does has risk and effort. When Sasuke and Naruto spout their jutsus, I don't get that feeling of limit, or that what they're doing requires a massive amount of work. They just spout off their ridiculous abilities like a fountain spews out water. For instance, Naruto and Sasuke both did something this chapter. Naruto managed to 'make it' and not die, and Sasuke teleported. Yet none of that was as exciting as watching Sakura push herself and deliver chakra so they may open portals to reach Sasuke. It was a joint effort with Obito to be sure, but I see it as Sakura doing the bulk of the work--she's the one providing the juice to make this possible.


I've never considered Sakura to have so much chakra before, and now I can see what storing it for three years has done for her, and she's also contributed to the war effort before this so it's not like she was working off peak ability. For someone who is not the cosmic descendant of a major goddess, that's really impressive. She's human, and she's never gotten a hand-out like that yet look what she can do. Even Kakashi had the sharingan. Let's not forget that Sakura had nothing. Her parents weren't anyone significant. She was not born with any special ability that has  been highlighted (I dunno if they'll reveal something in the future about her Inner self or whathaveyou), she was just really smart and applied what she learned. There are few other characters like this in the series, yet look what she's doing now. Kakashi is seemingly out of the picture without the sharingan. It's true that Sakura can't do without the help of people around her, but being able to help and contribute something despite being so ordinary makes her extraordinary to me.


However, I wonder what the significance of losing her clothes may mean for her in the future of this fight. I don't consider it just fanservice. Kishimoto has highlighted her vest and her headband. Is it a sign of the threat of her mortality? Like, every bit of this fight takes bit by bit away from her. Or is it a sign of transcendence, where she's losing the things that define her as a 'shinobi' and making her something more? I don't know, but something about the sight of that burnt vest--the very last panel of the chapter mind you--is a little foreboding to me. I'm not going to lie, seeing what happens with Sakura (not NaruSaku) is what's pulling me through this fight. It's what I look forward to every chapter. I have no shame admitting she's the most interesting, compelling aspect of this arc.


I don't really enjoy how it seems Black Zetsu is the one calling the shots, and figuring things out. Kaguya feels like she's being manipulated by him. I want to see her taking initiative, or else she doesn't seem as threatening as she is. Maybe that's her downfall? Her weakness? I don't know, but as long as Black Zetsu is talking in her place Kaguya doesn't feel the threat she is, maybe because despite her power it feels like she can't think for herself, and thus will make mistakes. Or that she'll be overpowered by the thing that calls itself her 'son'. 


As for Sasuke... I try to not respond to outbursts of SasuSaku fear; it just seems rather silly to me. So instead, I'll talk about my interpretation of what the scene is, take it as you will. I think that what's happening in the scene is a reconsideration of Sakura's role. Sasuke had written her off as someone who may as well die. For him, the only real players in this were himself and Naruto. For all he thought, Kakashi, Sakura, and maybe even Obito were just people in the way. The fate of the world depended on him and Naruto alone. Yet, they got seperated, and for a moment that could have been the end of humanity. Sasuke couldn't get back to Naruto, and I don't know if he knew that Naruto had it in himself to get to where he was--so without the two of them to seal it, it may all be over. Yet, Obito with no understated measure of Sakura's help, managed to find a way to reunite the two that could seal Kaguya. 


Sasuke catching Sakura could be because now he sees the value of having them as allies. If something goes wrong, it may be in their power to help. In a fight where all of humanity is at stake, that could prove the difference between win or lose. Now, rather than letting her fall (like he would have few chapters ago with his hawk), he catches her. That's a sign in a shift in attitude. He may consider them worth saving if it means they can be of help getting him back to Naruto. The eye-contact I see as a sign of their former teamwork. There was a time when they meant something to each other, as friends. Sakura showing her power could be a moment where he looks at her, and really makes me wonder what they're thinking. Their relationship is forever changed, and I think it leaves them in an odd position which is why they made eye contact so ambiguously. How does Sakura feel? How does Sasuke feel? It's so uncertain. Which is exactly the position they're in. Friend or foe? Ally or not? That's why I liked that panel. You can't really tell.

#548537 Naruto 685

Posted by Broken Figurine on 18 July 2014 - 06:23 PM in Latest Releases

sorry if this was already answered in the ocean of posts, but I saw that there's a break? When do we get the next chapter? 

#551969 Naruto 686

Posted by Broken Figurine on 24 July 2014 - 02:04 AM in Latest Releases

Was it feasible for Obito to use Kamui on Kaguya? Sure, she could just get back, but it would have lifted the gravitational pull and given some time for the two/three/four to come up with a strategy for when she gets back. But then Kakashi would have been sacrificed and we can't have that I suppose. While I'd like to see him provide some advice or be helpful too, Kakashi has had plenty of times where he's shone through--and plenty of focus. Call it favouritism, but I just keep holding out for more Sakura involvement. Not to say what she's already done hasn't pleased me. It's made me so happy that I just want more and more, though not in the same way that Sasuke and Naruto get it. Though, I guess if she received some crazy plot contrived power up, I wouldn't be too mad at her~ She deserves those freebies. 


Another thing, she super imposed the gravity on them, but she (and Naruto) fly in a way that seems to have nothing to do with gravity. How is chakra flight affected by gravity? I guess it became so much that it trumped the limits of what the jutsu can do? Even, for a goddess...? I dunno, I found it really strange. Then she 'fixed' the shooting bone, but couldn't fix herself huh? Now, somehow Kakakashi and Obito were able to overcome this? What, did Rin's spirit intervene in the gravity jutsu for just the two of them for a moment to provide that possibility? Unlike Naruto and Kaguya, I was unaware that they had any gravity defying feats, and if it was simply a matter of pushing their chakra, I'm pretty sure againg Naruto, Kaguya and even Sasuke got more than them there. Wow, it's been awhile since I questioned the logistics of a jutsu. I haven't really done that since part one. 


When I saw the colour chapter cover, I was pretty confused. At first I interpreted it as them advertising the last Naruto movie like they weren't going to make anymore after this. Then I questioned why of all things that would be a western. Now I think that it's "The Last" the Naruto Movie which is a title... which again, what does this have to do with a western? I have no idea. Looking forward to seeing more information about that. 

#552209 Naruto 686

Posted by Broken Figurine on 24 July 2014 - 02:11 PM in Latest Releases

I feel like unless Sakura and Sasuke or Naruto and Hinata are completely separated, as if on different planes of existence, only then will some people calm down XD Any time there's even the most remote of interaction it's like "omg Kishi is trolling". Just recognize that sometimes, those two are seen together. Besides, any interaction of that nature is unlikely in canon, even if once again Sasuke's just frowning and being generally disinterested. It would have fit better if this was a part one picture--now there is such a rift between Sasuke and the notion of 'team seven' that a simple picture of Sasuke and Sakura riding a horse is out of place. It may just be for the sole reason that Naruto needed to be in focus, thus Sakura couldn't be seen riding with him (though I don't see why she can't have her own horse, but maybe it's to go with Western cliches). 


Don't forget, we had that fantasy picture, which was way more awesome. 

#572746 Shingeki no kyojin

Posted by Broken Figurine on 31 August 2014 - 09:45 PM in Otaku Square

I don't hate Mikasa, and I don't call her a creepy stalker or whatever. She just doesn't interest me. I don't see what's so amazing about her, but that's fine. I have my opinions and it doesn't make me right and everyone else wrong or vice versa. All the characters have some problematic aspects to them, and sometimes it just doesn't work for me whereas for others they're well liked. I dunno about the whole 'Japanese ideal' vs 'Western ideals' effecting my opinion though. It's not her devotion that bothers me, but the lack of anything else to her character. Armin is good friend with Eren, but he's got his own stuff going for him. Every scene Mikasa is in she's either just idle, passive,being exceptionally good without much effort, or getting crazy over Eren. Only twice did she branch out--when her backstory was shown, and her internal monologue about being strong and still fighting despite Eren  being gone. So I don't find her very compelling. Annie on the other hand, is also incredibly devoted to her cause. She's like the anti-thesis to Eren. Eren wants to destroy all Titans. Annie seems on a mission to destroy all humanity. She was the dull background character who didn't do much aside from one scene and then WHAM, we find out all these things and there is a mystery behind her. When she failed in retrieving Eren, she cried. When her father showed regret and gave her a way out, she still decided to follow the path she was set on. That's devotion too. Yet I feel in her limited scenes she offered more to the story than Mikasa, the main heroine, and they're not that different in personality types. So I dunno.


Anyways, I look forward to season two and seeing how all the characters develop. I would prefer to watch the anime for now, but I may give the manga a chance. I hope the OST is as bangin' for the second season as it was for the first. 

#572535 Shingeki no kyojin

Posted by Broken Figurine on 31 August 2014 - 08:24 AM in Otaku Square

am I the only one who ships Annie x Eren?

I haven't read the manga but I really like the anime, and hope it continues to another season. I also like Eren and Armin's friendship more than Eren and Mikasa's simply because I don't find her to have a lot of depth. She seems to be the generic badass who otherwise doesn't really say much, and only really shows any character when its in regard to Eren. The one time I think I liked her character was after she thought Eren died and decided not to give in to despair, but to keep fighting. I had expected that she would have broken down with how obsessed she was with him, but she actually showed strength. Maybe it's different in the manga? IDK, I know she's popular so I'm not writing her off as a bad character she's just not the type that appeals to me.

and yes, I know Eren x Mikasa is probably going to happen 

#568133 Chapter 689

Posted by Broken Figurine on 23 August 2014 - 11:10 PM in Latest Releases

So since the manga's called "I like you" I'll guess I'll start with my opinion on that. Kakashi's sudden optimism is kind of, I dunno, forced and silly. Team 7 isn't acting as a team because they care about each other, but rather because as it worked out it requires two out of three in order to seal her (with no other option) and Sakura there to make it easier. It really does remind me of the bell test, where there are only two that can possibly get it... but in order for anyone to get them at all, all three must work together to take down the difficult opponent. I consider that this set up would have been the solution to Kakashi's bell test in Part 1; granted, with less theatrics and god-scale jutsu hehe. Yet, working as a team is one thing, but being likeable is another. I assumed Kakashi didn't like them because a) he didn't know them and b) they don't have any impressive bonds with each other like what he had. 


Naruto and Sakura he understandably likes, and they deserve his affection. Sasuke on the other hand mere chapters ago had verbally smacked them down, cast them aside, and would have let them die if he could. Sure, maybe now he sees 'use' in their being alive, but only for the purpose of his goal. Overall, he has the mentality more reminiscent of a younger Kakashi--the so called "scum" that Obito had named. Why would Kakashi like him? I suppose that's really the question you can ask anyone who feels anything for Sasuke lately. I think Sasuke's special affinity is the ability to get people to like him even if he does everything in his power to make them not like him. No wait, that'd be too much effort. He just doesn't care.


Now onto Sakura! It's not one of her most impressive feats, but I like that she's included at least. I take what I can get, not even gunna lie, but she's still the number one stunner of this arc so whatever. It's a simple move with a purpose. She swoops in from the top, because perhaps Kaguya hasn't factored in that Sakura would be able to step in and do anything, so when she began to rise she didn't anticipate the attack from above. Sakura may have been calling her out on this mistake. From one woman to another isn't the worst mid-battle cry I've ever heard... Naruto's coolest guy still takes the cake but it is a bit of a heavy handed statement. 


It's also unfortunate he calls attention that they're both women when they're obviously handed the short end of the stick. Kaguya is probably the most ineffectual villain with the least personality and the most lacking motivation in a manga where other (all male) villains take arcs to explain their side of the story. It super irks me that Kishi didn't let Kaguya speak and strategize for herself; Black Zetsu needs to exposit and make suggestions to her from the little sleeve, as if a goddess can't take authority on her own. At least this in a way makes her the least painful of the villains, because she hasn't reached that point where inevitably all villains in this manga reaches for me. Zetsu on the other hand... ugh. Get him away. 

#577790 Crack Pairing Appreciation Thread

Posted by Broken Figurine on 08 September 2014 - 03:52 PM in Crazy Love

InoSaku is one of my first crack pairings that I like, and still love~ 

NaruSasu is so canon it's crack. 


InoCho or InoShika, mostly because neither seems likely in canon but I like exploring the idea she falls in love with one of them, espeially Choji. I feel like he's got that kind heart that might appeal to her beyond physical attraction, but then again their three-way friendship is one of the best. 


Does Naruko (female Naruto) and Sakura count? Because I'd so ship them.


#558403 Chapter 688

Posted by Broken Figurine on 06 August 2014 - 12:44 PM in Latest Releases

Wow, how the times changed. Back in my day, if you wanted a sharingan you either had to be an Uchiha or have a medic do a complicated procedure to give you that eye. Then kids were telling me that you can just grab it with your fingers and stick it in to whomever you please! Now you don't even need eyes that are actually there! Just make sure you were good friends with an Uchiha, and one in the afterlife might give it to you hassle free! 


Kakashi was a missed opportunity, because having to adjust from having a powerful catch-all justu to a 'mundane' would have been an interesting read, and to the post about how Kakashi and the Sharingan have gone hand in hand for so long that this should be expected, there is such a thing as progress and character development. I will only agree with Atheck that the positive about his 'powerup' is that as far as Susanoo's go, his does have a friendly, comforting quality to it that is in line with his attitude. I love that Kakashi's first priority once getting the sharingan was to save Sakura. I love that he says "let's watch over them" not in a way that belittles her, but recognizing their roles as supports. He's still that kind teacher that he always was, and hopefully Sakura and him can work together somehow to produce results.


Speaking of Sakura, my love for her grows in measure of the ridiculousness of the people around her. I wouldn't abhor any kind of crazy plot twist for her, because my goodness, she could go so long without one can I really be mad if she got something for once? No, BUT I am happy that she doesn't, and I hope it stays that way. True, getting saved -again- gets tedious, but it was at least by Kakashi's loving initiative rather than Sasuke 'deigning' to save her because Naruto asked. At Kakashi's side I feel like the two at least have a chance to share meaningful dialogue and strategize about something. 


Hip hip hoorah for our unrelentingly accountable heroine! You'll never see her with a jutsu that couldn't be explained through hard work! 

#842070 Naruto Gaiden 700.7

Posted by Broken Figurine on 11 June 2015 - 07:52 PM in Latest Releases

Oh my god why is this happening to characters I love?


Listen, I know I made a thread that was 'blaming Sakura' when I was frustrated at fans making her out to be a horrible person for the crime of being with Sasuke, but I think we should all agree that everyone is coming into this story from a messed-up and contrived position. Sasuke and Sakura are both referring to each other as spouses, and Sarada as their daughter. They're avoiding the reality of their situation. Naruto who should really be more in the loop has failed to do something as simple as 'remember' that Sarada wouldn't know about her father. Sakura had the opportunity to speak to Sarada truthfully but yes, she chose to address it by recklessly destroying her own home (because we needed to find that photo of course!) and living some sort of a lie.


There is a big plot hole being dug and we're still waiting for the answer; whyyyyy? Why are they hiding this information? Why are they avoiding the topic? Why the rift between friends? It goes beyond plausibility. All these little complications coming together means that Kishimoto needs a big explanation for them and why the characters feel justified in their decisions. All the 'red herrings' if they are in fact that being built around Karin being Sarada's mother means that again, we need a big, contrived reason for why all the 'evidence' is false and how Sakura maintains she's still the biological mother... 


In either scenario; Sakura being the mother and Sakura not, her behaviour suggests that she at least thinks of herself as one. Yes, her raising Sarada does make her a mother and unless she was absolutely horrible, Sarada's reaction (granted in the heat of the moment) is really callous. Finding out your mother is blatantly lying is difficult; but she's saying "why would she help" this woman who is currently in the hands of the enemy. Karin may be your mom (if this story is to make any shred of sense) but you don't know her. You do however know, and if you're anything worth it as a character, love the woman you're refusing to help. 

I wasn't annoyed as some of you by Naruto's reaction, though he should have approached Sarada with far more kindness, but maybe it's the urgency of the situation--Sakura is still being held in the hands of the enemy. It's Naruto's attitude and policy with Orochimaru I take fault with--and he is being fair in reacting about Sasuke's potential infidelity. It tells me that he didn't know the truth about Sarada, which means this seems to be entirely the couple's secret.


It would make a lot more sense to me if Sasuke had Sakura under a genjustu, as horrible as that is--because that might explain her shifty behaviour and inability to properly answer questions... and even though she's supposed to be great at them, it's still the sharingan. Then again, would it last twelve years? I don't know that it's possible. Likelier, there's something about Sarada (probably being the special snowflake Uchiha-Uzumaki mix) that puts her in danger so they don't want it public knowledge that Karin is the mother. Maybe there's some sort of prophecy involved with her--I don't know, but if Sarada's life would potentially be in danger then it could justify an absolute avoidance... but then why wouldn't Naruto know about it either?


It is so difficult to try and come up with reasons, and if there's anything I want is that in the end, this dumb marriage between Sasuke and Sakura is over. I don't need her ending up with Naruto, I just hate seeing this facade of a relationship continue. Sakura's biggest flaws revolve around Sasuke. Maybe when this is resolved Naruto can realize the heavy burdens she's been under and they can work on being better people and friends together. Just not... this.

#787283 Shinachiku Uzumaki

Posted by Broken Figurine on 25 March 2015 - 03:43 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

As I was reading the justification for all the flaws and personality traits, each had their merit. In the hands of a good writer, and the context of the good story they write, any number of these possibilities can exist and be valid. The difference between a fanbaby and a canon baby is that the fan has complete creative control with no guidelines. What is Shinachiku like? What makes him tick? We don't know, and it's hard for fans of something to collectively agree on a character interpretation even with canon material. Look at all the interpretations of Naruto and Sakura, and how their characters vary from fic to fic. 


There are some things I personally like in regards to Shinachiku:

  • His sister is Momo, my personal headcanon for female baby. 
  • He does not end up marrying into Uchiha or Hyuuga bloodline. I don't care for Sasuke in a romantic relationship and I certainly didn't care for his daughter even when it was with a character I loved--same with Hinata. 
  • I would rather Ino's child if we have to go off a prominent character, and by being a true friend to the girl or guy and then realizing one day when he's older that he's in love with them. That, or someone from a non-prominent clan like Sakura was because in times of peace there should be more jobs beyond being a ninja. 
  • The future has not advanced to laptops because I don't feel like one (young) generation later making a huge modern leap into technology was appealing.


Personality and Story:

  • I like the idea that he has been taught the values of helping others and that sometimes answers are not always clear, but a path to peaceful resolution is always the ideal. 
  • As a young boy, he does not understand that his privilege and peace came at great costs and treats his parents' legacy as something that is both admired and cool, sometimes lamenting that he won't have the chance to prove himself in the same way. He treats being a ninja and war like most children do; cool and something to play around with. In peacetime there aren't may practical applications that would show him the dangers of war.
  • As a result of peacetime, children spend more time studying and learning beyond the academy, and new opportunities open up. Shinaku at first doesn't take this as seriously because he wants to follow the footsteps of his parents, especially his father, and misguidedly thinks that being the best ninja means being the best hokage. Part of growing up is realizing that is not the case, and maybe his talents lie elsewhere. 
  • In his life, he comes to take on a more spiritual understanding of chakra, and is a more worldly scholar than either of his parents. He learns from many different life lessons, across the different nations, on many philosophical questions.
  • He is frequently frustrated by the lack of a concrete answer, and does not share his father's stubborn resolve. He's more inclined to question, and isn't persuaded easily by rhetoric (talk-no-jutsu). Part of learning is that there is no ultimate answer to life's difficult questions, and each different person, monk, leader, nation answers them in various ways.
  • His best qualities therefore are that he has an open, but critical mind. He has a sincere drive to help people and be a good person.
  • His pitfalls are that he frequently loses motivation, and is conflicted by personal questions on who he is and his role in the world. He has the tendency to overthink topics and become frustrated, or even feel despair. 
  • When he is in his youth he is naive and takes things for granted, such as having parents who take such interest in his welfare (he thinks his mother especially is a nag), his opportunity to learn, that he will never have to face the hardships that his parents and people across the world do. In this way, he's a more modern and relatable character without his technology having to reflect that.

#666719 Shinachiku Uzumaki

Posted by Broken Figurine on 20 November 2014 - 05:57 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I like how we talk about genetics meanwhile the mother has PINK HAIR. XD It's as you like it, silly bunnies. I do have a preference for green eyes so I'm all for Shinachiku having them. Also my headcanon for a girl was that she'd be named Momo or 'Peach' because pink and orange make that colour. 

#845567 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.8

Posted by Broken Figurine on 19 June 2015 - 05:01 AM in Latest Releases

Trying to apply logic to Kishi's work, that's cute

That's because it shouldn't have in first place


Can you be any more condescending?

#845562 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.8

Posted by Broken Figurine on 19 June 2015 - 04:17 AM in Latest Releases

Let's even consider that SasuSaku do have the off-screen marriage that "my wife" and "my husband" imply. Why would Sakura not say that they've kissed? That is the strangest aversion to a child's question, which is continuously a problem Sakura has when talking about her marriage. If they are husband and wife for what reason does she have to dodge questions with Sarada? I understand that if Sarada is not her biological daughter, she might fumble with explaining the circumstances of her birth such as why there'd be no baby pictures... but questions about Sasuke and their relationship?


Didn't Sasuke and Sakura, I don't know... date? In the gaiden with Kiba we saw Naruto and Hinata walking together; did Sasuke and Sakura do something similar? That they'd have gotten married and had a marriage without kissing, or intimacy, is really difficult to imagine and then be called 'happily married'. There is a reason why Sarada asked about 'kissing' because even she at a young age knows that it's what people in love do. Forehead pokes are not exclusively for people in a romantic relationship, otherwise Sarada would not have received one. She wanted to know about her parents in love.


I think in a way we're like Sarada when it comes to this pairing; we're asking for love, we're asking for the reasonable things expected out of a pairing, but what we're getting is ambiguity while still being assured that they're "husband and wife". We know that Sasuke has been gone for twelve years, so there's a big part of their marriage that's missing, but something had to come before it. There had to be a reason why they're together... but every time a question gets dodged that's becoming less and less clear... because there should be no reason why there isn't a clear answer unless that answer is an awkward "No, we never kissed,"


So if they are together and truly in love... why hide it? If they're not together, then why lie? It's so confusing. I hope something clears up in the next two chapters. 

What I do think works in this chapter is that Sarada acknowledges she still loves her mother. The flashback between Sakura and Sarada tells me that Sakura did care about her, and take care of her--and in the twelve years that they've been together Sarada certainly loved Sakura. Naruto might say time and such are not important and feelings are real, but that's sort of jumbled. Yes, it's Sarada's love for the person who she considers her mother that matters and not that they're not blood related, but that didn't come from nowhere. It came from time and affection. Sakura watching over Sarada when she was sick and sleeping tells me that it wasn't mere obligation that Sakura 'acted' like a parent, but loved her daughter like one. That matters. The fact that Sasuke is her blood-related father, but hasn't been around to love and care for her is a problem and hence why Sarada was constantly asking about him.


Naruto never mentions anything like "but Sakura was pregnant how could this be?!" meaning that he wasn't around for the nine months that would have been telling, or for the birth of his two best friends' first child. How detached was he from their lives? The only thing I could imagine was that Sasuke and Sakura were gone away from the village for a long time, and then came back with a baby like yup this is ours. We had her out there, in the big wide world...

SasuSaku has to be the most confusing pairing to become canon. 

#657626 SakuIno Appreciation Thread

Posted by Broken Figurine on 11 November 2014 - 08:33 PM in Crazy Love

https://www.fanficti...al-Strawberries <<<<That should be it




dear god plz link


...Kami-sama? =O


I want to write a one-shot InoSaku fic, and am interested in taking prompts from you lovelies n.n 

#650883 SakuIno Appreciation Thread

Posted by Broken Figurine on 08 November 2014 - 09:16 AM in Crazy Love



I even cosplayed it back in the day! 

Myself as Sakura


I always love the additions in the anime where they're acting like genuine friends. You know what I wanted a fic to be written about (that I'm too lazy to write myself) RtN SakuIno. Ino was sooo adorable toward Sakura, I can easily imagine she's smitted with best friend and daughter-of-a-hero Sakura. 

#827961 Naruto Gaiden-Chapter 700.4

Posted by Broken Figurine on 21 May 2015 - 08:47 PM in Latest Releases

It really makes me wonder why if Naruto can remember that Sasuke never wore glasses, Sakura can't. She used to be obsessed about him; she doesn't remember their academy days together? It's only for the purposes of drama that Sakura couldn't answer that--because Sarada had to have pressed the argument in order to find the picture. From Sakura's character P.O.V it makes no sense she couldn't answer that question. It's really suspicious not on marital grounds, but on memory. What, he had bad eye-sight as a kid that went away when he activated his sharingan or something? Usually eye-sight gets worse with age, not better. She's one of the best MEDICS she ought to know?


Then there's Sarada. I can see how she resembles her mother in behaviour--her mother that raised her. Biological mother or not, Sakura was there for Sarada all her life. Sarada may have picked up her mother's habits. Disturbingly, Sasuke has the tendency to raise a sword at the women closest to him in life. He's stabbed Karin, tried to stab Sakura twice, thrice? Sarada, who looks like Karin acts like Sakura, his daughter, being threatened by the same weapon that endangered her mother(s). I don't think he will, of course, and I'm sure the matter will resolve itself next chapter, but it's so annoying that Sasuke once again is the source of conflict. 


On Naruto--he's weird talking about their old lives like that, especially since we know he's leaving out crucial information in Sasuke's character assessment. It's also weird that Naruto momentarily forgets that Sarada would know nothing about her father because 'oh he's been away since forever'. To forget a detail like that is indicative that he doesn't connect with Sakura and her little family. They must not talk about her issues because how do you forget that your best friend is dealing with an absent father situation?


Naruto isn't very much of a good friend to his precious team 7 comrades. He's made his own life now and is busy being hokage dealing with who knows what. I think when this whole big war was over, I was hoping to see the older generation interacting; being friends, being happy. We've gotten the opposite.

#570081 SasuNaru Appreciation Thread XD

Posted by Broken Figurine on 27 August 2014 - 09:36 PM in Crazy Love

It's site policy to be open to all shippers, so even if you don't like a certain pairing or think it doesn't 'belong' kindly refrain from posting in appreciation threads. I don't care for SasuKarin at all even though they're supposed to be an ally ship, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go in and ruin their fun. 


SasuNaru I was more supportive of earlier on, so a lot of my fan imagination exist in an alternate universe where many of the things that happened didn't. But I mean, if there's anyone Sasuke cares about we just know it's Naruto ;D 



#837669 Naruto Gaiden-chapter 700.6

Posted by Broken Figurine on 04 June 2015 - 11:48 AM in Latest Releases

Darling husband was pretty inappropriate given even Sasuke is like "yeah, this weirdness that is our family is my fault" like really, I don't know what excuse the manga plot is using but we know nothing about what makes this relationship work. We know Sakura loves Sasuke to a fault because everyone, even Sarada now, does that in this manga, but... they've been seperated for twelve years. 


Her calling Naruto her dear friend does not bother me aside from the fact he doesn't really act like it anymore given you know, barely mentioning her. He is her friend. Then there is Sasuke, who is her husband. It's those qualifiers that just seem off given everything else we've seen. Darling and dear? Sakura, you've barely been with them at all. 


To be fair toward Naruto for a bit; we don't know to what extent the two families interacted. The thoughtlessly forgetting Sarada's situation is a big red flag but maybe they do see each other every now and again. Maybe they're just busy with their respective careers but when they do get the chance they reminisce, but with family and work life they don't get a lot of chance to properly talk... That's still conflict that needs to be addressed. 


Maybe Sakura and Sasuke, shockingly, had a good marriage before Sakura got pregnant and Sasuke had to go off to... do whatever. Maybe Sakura is riding the coatails of better times that we haven't seen, but given how short this Gaiden is going to be and that you know, SasuSaku hasn't had a movie dedicated to their fantasy love life, we don't see any of that. All we've seen is the sad and problematic. That's why dear and darling is so contrived; it alludes to something the readers aren't privy to, and there just isn't enough time and focus to make that work when we have to contend with rip-off weirdoes.


The villains are just gross representations of villans we've seen before. We have a danzo-type that is an Uchiha, because we've never had an Uchiha villain before, and there seems to be some medical stuff going on like with Orochimaru and Kabuto. They're really uninspiring as conflict. This is why Sasuke has been gone so long? Or is it some weird OTHER thing we haven't seen yet but will explore... in the next piece we get from this franchise.


On a random note, I'm really hating Naruto's new default "..." expression; the one with the slight brow raised? It annoys me. He did it here, and he did it when Sarada was railing off against her dad. 


Sarada is... I don't know. She reminds me of Sakura and that's why I feel like she's the only likeable thing in this whole mess, but at the same time the drama, the way she treats her mother, it's just sad. It's not even that she's the daughter of a pairing I can't respect; I don't really care that she's a SasuSaku baby. It's that there's just something off about her character and her entire introduction revolves around family drama in the same way Boruto seems defined by being disgruntled about his dad. The only reason why Sarada's "are you even my mom/are you two even married?!" outbursts aren't as ridiculous as Chocho's attempts at humour is because the manga is purposefully angling events to make it valid. It's to the point of disbelief that the scenes making us question the validity of their marriage are 'little coincedences' that had to be this way because of x-plot point.

#832048 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.5

Posted by Broken Figurine on 28 May 2015 - 10:11 AM in Latest Releases

Gee, maybe your daughter wouldn't be so confused if you could straight up answer simple questions like, I don't know, "your father never wore glasses?" 

Also, even if we accept that Sasuke and Sakura have a legitimate marriage, and that Sakura is the biological mother--it's still a horrible arrangement. The father is literally never around; they have no pictures together so Sakura had to crop one together, and her own daughter is questioning whether or not the woman that gave birth to her (???) is her real mom. What, no baby pictures? What is all this hiding and shifty behaviour when Sarada asked about the circumstances of her birth? It's not okay.


On a side note, Naruto's face really annoyed me when Sarada was questioning her father. What the heck? This is the guy that punched his dead-spirit father when he met him and yet has a weird eyebrow raised when a girl calls her father out on not being around--the same father that just nearly stabbed her?? Oh, and once again Naruto zeroes in on 'Sasuke' being an exceptional ninja, but no care given that the woman raising this little Uchiha mystery was called into question. She knows that's her dad you dummy, how about we assure her about her mom, hmm? That would require not thinking about Sasuke for a second--a difficulty I know, but come on.