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There have been 58 items by Pocky-chan (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#501319 What are you listening to?

Posted by Pocky-chan on 23 October 2013 - 05:30 AM in Fun Cafe

The opening to Sabrina the Teenage Witch

#493483 Collab: Fantasy world of gods and races... the thing

Posted by Pocky-chan on 14 September 2013 - 04:28 PM in Projects & Art Trades

Sweet buns yeah! Thanks for joining!


If you have any idea put them down here! Though dibs on prince elf, just sayin hahahahaha

#492986 Collab: Fantasy world of gods and races... the thing

Posted by Pocky-chan on 12 September 2013 - 12:23 AM in Projects & Art Trades

Heyaa definitely interested just wondering if you could explain how the comic collabs going to work? Is it going to be like a round robin a panel, chapter, whatever then passed along or a group project for every thing? C:

You just do a page or more that involves your character (in comic format, or just a page, whatever floats your boat). Making them do what you godly command them to do with other characters or non-characters to progress the rp. By group you mean everyone in this rp participate in making the story? Then hell yeah! This thread is for us to talk and figure how we want the story to go, but individually we do our own pages and pass the story along with whoever wants to go next.


This is probably the kind of collab I'm walking about [here] (we're not following it to a tee, but that's generally how most collabs are where I've been at). As an example, you'll see several artists contributing with characters of their own with the singular plot of just trying to find a ghost in a haunted house. Unfortunately, it didn't go far, but you can tell by the variety of characters that it could've been rad. 


Now about round-robins, I think more or less everyone should take a turn, but waiting for someone before your own kinda gets tiresome and the waiting period could more or less be long. Round-robins are organized, but it generally becomes pointless in comic collabs, because come on guys... as artists we be mighty lazy and slow. So more or less unless we find ourself more organized and figure this out ourselves, it's just gonna be first come first serve with a side dish of dibbing your turn on this thread.


So in short


You do your own pages with your own characters, others would make a page of their own to respond to your character's reaction. And we all do it like adults by consulting eachother in this thread.


Other examples if the first one wasn't clear 





I've been in all three of the examples I've shown you, they're old but they were fun. So I'm hoping this lil collab of our's could be just as fun and super!

#491992 Collab: Fantasy world of gods and races... the thing

Posted by Pocky-chan on 07 September 2013 - 07:44 PM in Projects & Art Trades

Hello! Hey? Sup? Suuuuuuuuuuup~
Totally do not know how many or if anyone would come across this, but Yoko, Yondy, and I will be forming this collab project thing where we rp (any artist can join, actually please join the point of this whole project was to inspire and motivate artists here in a fun and totally awesome way) in a COMIC (awwww yiiis yell me this isn't cool, I dare ya) format.
Like, it's the same with how you role play in the role play forum. You make your character profile (we will provide you with a template), but then draw comics with us rather than just writing it down. Being creative and technical with your drawings! 
This isn't some original concept, other places have done collabs like this, like smackjeeves and DeviantArt. H&E is our home-base, but we'll be uploading our stuff on tumblr so it would be easier to follow. We can do art memes and form stories together! This collab is about our characters and it's also about us do and improving what we love best! DRAWING!!!
The plot-line so far is something fantasy and you're hired by someone to locate something. Not as amazing with the way I say it, but let me tell you... super not amazing either way. HAHA! That's because the plot isn't even set up, but that's where you hombres come in! Join us now and we can bounce off our ideas to one another. 
The requirements for this are:

  • A Tumblr account 
  • Drawing base program/paper and pencil
  • scanner/tablet/both
  • An account here, teehee
  • Your support and nurturing care for your own character
  • Creativity!



How the world was created

Races available:

  • Drows
  • Elves
  • Harpies/Sirens
  • Humans
  • Other races I forgot to mention

Are you interested yet? Wanna put some ideas down? Create a story of fantasy and adventure? Improve your art and draw with other artists? Party like a rockstar and then regret it in the morning but can never leave because you just signed yourself to the devil? This is the collab for you~

  • Pocky-chan
  • Yoko
  • YonderBeyonder
  • Saku
  • Muffins?
  • ....
  • ....
  • please join...

If you have any questions, please ask. We would be happy to answer.
More to come

#487440 DeviantART Artists Unite!

Posted by Pocky-chan on 18 August 2013 - 03:18 AM in Artists' Square

Haha, I can't believe I never ad my dA here. I thought I did, but I guess I didn't...




Don't expect much from me though.... I don't exactly update much... ever.  :shifty:

#487439 Hi there :3 !

Posted by Pocky-chan on 18 August 2013 - 03:13 AM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Welcome to H&E!  :thumbsup:

#487438 Character models: teaching myself how to draw

Posted by Pocky-chan on 18 August 2013 - 03:11 AM in Artists' Square

Ohhh man, I don't know what to say for a beginner, because truth be told I started with just anything and everything. From pens to mechanical pencils and wood surface to tablet surface. It's like whatever you want to craft with, it will always feel different than the other so it feels like you're a noob. It's not a matter of what way is the best way or more proper, it's like what feels better for you. Textures and the like also depends what kind of look you're going for. Just gonna say draw with whatever you got and like because there are other types of medium that you might prefer in terms of comfort and results than just a pencil and paper. You could be crafting the greatest masterpiece with just crayons, people could say you're doing it wrong because babies use crayons, but if you can pull a da vinci, who cares!


So that's one tip to remember, draw with what you feel best with, if you think you draw better with a mechanical pencil play around with it more and see more results. But also, try out other mediums so that you don't stunt yourself and your desire to be a better artist.


Honestly, even if you want to deviate from realism, it is one of the many secrets that artists get better and learn from. Draw from people or models in real life, understand how the body moves and bends. See how the eyes and nose fits on the face, rather than just tack them on because it's a blank surface that needs smaller shapes to fill it up.


I don't use character models much when drawing a character... Character models would be like refs, ideas and details to jot down but not a guideline for specifications. If that makes sense. If you feel that character guides are more of a hassle, don't bother with it because everyone does things differently.


Here's a neat trick if you haven't learned it already, take a blank paper, place it under your drawing hand when you draw with a medium that can smudge. That way you'll leave minimal marks and leave your hand clean!  :smile:


Uhhh Sushi has mentioned geometric shapes and it is a good idea to look up artists in terms of inspiration.


That's all I got, but if you have any questions, just ask!

#487435 Marvel vs. DC

Posted by Pocky-chan on 18 August 2013 - 02:40 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

Missed out on comic talk, darn!


DC for me  :love:


I like DC more because I have a huge pile of characters that I like and stories that I follow than in Marvel (Plus they have Vertigo characters that I love love LOVE so much and have feels for). I definitely love characters like both Hawkeyes, Hulk, Ms./Captain Marvel, Mystique, Cyclops (Even if he is a douchecanoe haha), Jubilee, Blackwidow and Storm, but compared to Nightwing, Wonder woman, Batwoman, Black Canary, Constantine, Swamp Thing, Animal man, THE BATGIRLS, Zatana, Superman, Starfire, Mera, Power girl, Raven, Catwoman, Apollo, Donna, Big Barda and more... big gap of favourites.


Well, it also has to do with the fact that DC has more female centric titles than Marvel.... though the all girl group for x-men totally has me stoked. I love me some girl-centric comics.  :zaru:

#482312 NaruSaku Fanfiction Question

Posted by Pocky-chan on 19 July 2013 - 10:13 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I think her's would be a cotton panty with a bunny print on the front......


Well, either that or the bloomers in RTN


Good luck in figuring out your fanfic!

#482307 New Here!

Posted by Pocky-chan on 19 July 2013 - 09:47 PM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Party Hardy at Narusaku...y...


Welcome to H&E  :w00t:

#480296 Changed within Adaptions

Posted by Pocky-chan on 07 July 2013 - 11:13 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Gonna put myself out her say I'm a huge fan of new running series, Elementary and Hannibal. The thing I like both about the amazing series is the fact that both shows took male established characters and genderbended them into these amazing female characters. Who rock sass.


Spoiler alert


So it occurs to me what other movies or shows or comics or whatever take the notion of deviating away from the original source material, to adapt it with the current mainstream of society.


Has those other adaptions been as successful as Elementary and Hannibal in terms of changing characters into something new and innovated.


Likes seriously, Watson has been a mouse and robot. Katara and Sokka were white, Zuko was Dev Patel with a scar. Mandarin was not the Mandarin. 


Not to mention Shredder will not be Japanese in the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie.


I'm curious how many adaptions who take a character and change them, were successful in being favourable among their audiences? Who did you like? Who did you wish remain the same as the source material? What should other modern adaptions learn from their mistakes?


Plus I want to find more genderbended ladies so I can have personal headcanons of this newfound friendship I'm forming in my head. 

#479948 Art thread~~~

Posted by Pocky-chan on 04 July 2013 - 04:50 AM in Artists' Square

*smooches all over those freckles* <3


cutie pie is a cutie pie

#479350 Artists

Posted by Pocky-chan on 28 June 2013 - 11:54 PM in Challenges & Art Requests

Oh that's cool, I don't even know if my style is what you're looking for, but here's my gallery in this link


Hope you find the artist that could help your artist and Miss soupy out!

#479348 H&E 2.0 Banner Contest! [DEADLINE EXTENDED]

Posted by Pocky-chan on 28 June 2013 - 10:55 PM in News and Announcements

GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE PARTICIPATING!  :eager:  :eager:  :eager:


If I figure out my tablet or get a new one before it ends, I'm totally gonna submit!

#479346 Artists

Posted by Pocky-chan on 28 June 2013 - 10:41 PM in Challenges & Art Requests

I'm just wondering by what you're requesting, will these character designs be done as drafts or final pieces? Will you use them commercially? Is this story for personal use or do you plan to publish them with the artist's illustrations?


How many characters/pictures are you looking for in total?


I'm just really curious about your request, the fact that you're paying for these illustrations has me wondering a lot. 

#479343 Hi there! I'm a new here, nice to meetcha!

Posted by Pocky-chan on 28 June 2013 - 10:19 PM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Hey! Welcome to H&E, where everything is of respect and love  :grouphug:

#478577 Shingeki no kyojin

Posted by Pocky-chan on 25 June 2013 - 05:04 PM in Otaku Square

I'm in it for the kawaii titan-chwans that just want love  :wibble:


But the action scenes, characters, and those sexy uniforms with straps everywhere is a pleasant bonus too. I remember reading the manga's first few chapters before being traumatized  but seeing it animated made it more tolerable... and awesome.... uniforms in motion... it's all it takes to real me in.

#478575 Hello~! ^-^'l'l'l

Posted by Pocky-chan on 25 June 2013 - 04:58 PM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Welcome to H&E!  :thumb:


Being shy at first is totally BLEH  :lol: But venture around more and you'll fit right in!

#477902 Encouragement for Writers

Posted by Pocky-chan on 21 June 2013 - 12:01 AM in The Library Coffee Shop


Actually, the first one would work better. The second one uses a metaphor, which should hardly ever be used. This is advice that was given to me by Ellen Gilchrist, National Book Award winner and my professor for my Fiction Workshop class. Being too wordy can be an issue. The first one offers us the how. 


He stripped off his underwear. 


Stripped is an active verb with a great connotation. 


Now if you wanted to say, he tore off his underwear, I would say that. But leaving that metaphor out is good writing sense. Metaphors and similes should hardly ever be used unless they have never been used before. 




And...I disagree. The second sentence had impact. It opens up the imagination of the reading audience and paints a clear, vivid image that the first sentence (while nothing is inherently wrong with it) doesn't do.


I... Either approach when it comes to writing have their own merits when it comes to conveying? I totally get what Greed is saying, since that was one of the basics I was taught in one of my Lit. Classes. Simple is the more concise approach, as it gets the point across without clutter. Especially when it comes to writing thesis essays, but Sakura Blossoms basically made the point I was trying to say. About impact and stuff...


When I wrote my post down, I was basically recalling a certain narusaku fanfic I came across. Where the idea was totally brilliant and my cup of tea, but that interest slowly died due to the way the author progressed the story so... uh... unmoving?


"He stripped off his underwear" can get rather cliche or overdone when its the same thing written over and over again (in that exact way). Not... that I read stories about men stripping off their undergarments to the point of redundancy... Just gimme some different flavours of cookies  :zaru:


Actually there should be some sort of narusaku drabble about the different ways Naruto would strip off his underwear for Sakura  :fu:


But yeah, too much wordy phrases can be cluttering, but too little isn't very... impacting. So there's gotta be a balance for both ways? Right? Amirite? Guys? The underwear drabble totally a thing now yeah?

#477804 Encouragement for Writers

Posted by Pocky-chan on 20 June 2013 - 04:51 PM in The Library Coffee Shop



In terms of content, I generally write with an objective mindset, researching my intended topics and outlining it to keep my focus towards the point of the story. My researching usually gives me inspiration, allowing me to input more creativity and accuracy of what I wanted to portray. Notes, scrawls, sketches, whatever I draft I eventually redo until I'm satisfied. Sometimes I never reach the final point when it comes to writing because I always overwrite and change because of the new materials I come across in my research. Some may argue that my method is mostly counter-productive, but for me it's a matter of polishing my craft and practice.


Researching inspires me so much. Whether it's about the symbolism of dreams or about how pigs do their thing with their thang, I'm researching not just for the content, but how I could incorporate these newfound knowledge to play around with phrases and words. To liven up my text and not just my story. I want to write like I'm writing the words and not the story. The story is objective, I write what I want down as simple as I can, there is a beginning, a middle, a climax, and an end. But the words I write, they are subjective, to my feelings, to the character's feelings, the flow of the story that transitions the beginning, the middle, climax and end. 


My advice is:


To write for yourself and what you want, becomes moot and nonsensical if you never take your words into consideration on how to convey the character and their actions. If you focus more on what you want out of the story and the general plotline, you will lose readers. It's not your idea that drives the story and keeps the readers focus, but the characters that carries the readers along. Give your fictional babies character, personality, distinction, anything that allows the reader to be drawn in and relate. Readers need to know who these characters are, not the intention of what these characters are for and have. ie. A hero is intended to be a hero, a female lead is intended to be a love interest, and etc.


1) "He stripped off his underwear."


But how did he strip off his underwear?


2) "With the intensity of a desperate virgin teenager, he tore off his underwear."


With the power of word play, example 2 speaks more volumes about the stripper than example 1.


"I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? I didn't mean to do that. Please, continue, you were saying something about best intentions. What's the matter? Oh, you were finished! Well, allow me to retort. What does Marsellus Wallace look like?" - Jules Winnfield

#477621 Official Super Hero Movie discussion thread

Posted by Pocky-chan on 19 June 2013 - 10:05 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Saw Man of Steel.


It was amazing but

#477610 kimmykim94 blog

Posted by Pocky-chan on 19 June 2013 - 09:52 PM in i-Blog

Awww, you have my condolences, come'ere  :comfort:


It's a tough battle to fight depression, but you have my support! Hope things will look alright for you again 

#477606 i-Strudel

Posted by Pocky-chan on 19 June 2013 - 09:48 PM in i-Blog

Oh my gosh, Volleyball Minako!!!!  :sakura:  Uh.... that was suppose to express a fist pump... somehow...

How many H&E-ers went to A-kon? It sounded like a unz unz unz party.  :boogie:

#477597 Naruto 635

Posted by Pocky-chan on 19 June 2013 - 09:35 PM in Latest Releases

Practically almost flipped my laptop away from me by accident because of the last page.  :argh:

#477020 Brazil protests spread in Sao Paulo, Brasilia and Rio

Posted by Pocky-chan on 18 June 2013 - 05:42 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Son of a gun.


That's like a megalithic amount of people protesting, that's incredibly cool and moving to see so many people banding together over bus fares. I'm not even joking here, there's like some sort of poetic justice that its the commodities like bus fares or smaller things in life that somehow speakers bigger volumes because people are having enough of this economic bullsh*t.


You go people of Brazil!