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There have been 28 items by Soritia (Search limited from 23-June 23)

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#112374 What are you listening to?

Posted by Soritia on 27 April 2007 - 04:19 AM in Fun Cafe

Chris Daughtry's entire CD!!!


Posted by Soritia on 27 April 2007 - 04:07 AM in News and Announcements

QUOTE (Aethos @ Apr 26 2007, 05:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah why is it the newer people seem to get promoted over me?

I mean darn it I know Bass has been here as long as me but even he get's promoted while I always get skipped over. Am I that bad?! ::shakes fist::

Ah just messing around. I'm sure they'll handle the job well so congrats to them all the same. tongue.gif

It's because no one likes you, Aethos-kun! /joking
It's okay, tongue.gif No one likes me either.
*starts a club* :3


Posted by Soritia on 26 April 2007 - 07:31 AM in News and Announcements

biggrin.gif YAY!!! Congrats you guys!

#112171 Rank: NaruSaku, SasuSaku, NaruHina

Posted by Soritia on 26 April 2007 - 06:04 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

LOL XD considering what type of board this is, methinks the answer is obvious!!

#110704 If sakura and naruto din't happen

Posted by Soritia on 15 April 2007 - 09:35 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (finalninja @ Apr 15 2007, 01:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yes I'am pretty big bleach fan
because it better and not boring like naruto
also bleach make sense
not like naruto :devil:
I'am just showing the light of the turth
and the turth is bleach is better than naruto
why do I ask
well just read the manga and you will see
[attachment=51:attachment] naruto got nothing on this...

I'm curous then, FinalNinja, why you are posting on a Naruto-based Pairing Forum.
There's no IchiRuki vs. NaruSaku because they're from different series; one does not effect the other. And while your love for Bleach is most certainly your opinion and may certainly be expressed, what you are doing seems like less opinion sharing and more like fight-baiting.

This is a Naruto-based forum. If you want to discuss Bleach, you yourself made a topic based on this in the Otaku Square: http://www.narusaku....topic=4180&st=0
or direct yourself to any one of the numerous Bleach forums:
Like this one
Or This One
Or This One

And please stop flame-baiting and taking threads offtopic.
smile.gif Thanks.

#108475 If sakura and naruto din't happen

Posted by Soritia on 30 March 2007 - 11:28 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

As an alternative to NaruSaku... I'd go with SasuSaku (oh yes, I went there) or SaiSaku. Those are the only two I could see happening with Sakura at the moment (without Kishi pulling a Toriyama anyway).
As for Naruto... he'd have to die or be lonely. :/ he doesn't have enough development with any other girl his age, and the idea of Hinata as a consolation prize is just wrong.

#108000 a shocking secret!

Posted by Soritia on 28 March 2007 - 06:07 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

It's not like he's 15 years younger... :X

#107403 NaruSaku Theme Songs!

Posted by Soritia on 24 March 2007 - 10:37 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I don't know if anyone's posted this yet, but I heard it on a NaruSaku AMV (which I can't find atm) >< and it gave me chills. It's Promise of a Lifetime by Kutless.

I have fallen to my knees
As I sing a lullaby of pain
I’m feeling broken in my melody
As I sing to help the tears go away
Then I remember the pledge you made to me

I know you’re always there
To my every prayer inside
I’m clinging to the promise of a lifetime
I hear the words you say
To never walk away from me and leave behind
The promise of a lifetime

Will you help me fall apart
Pick me up, take me in your arms
Find my way back from the storm
And you show me how to grow
Through the change
I still remember the pledge you made to me

I am holding on to the hope I have inside
With you I will stay through every day
Putting my understanding aside
And I am comforted

#106277 Can people still say SasuSaku can happen?

Posted by Soritia on 19 March 2007 - 08:15 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (dl316bh @ Mar 18 2007, 01:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, one thing to keep in mind is this. Even if he came back, went back to the way he was and all, things have changed. Him going completely back to the way he used to be is a hard sell for me anyways. We change due to the experiences we have in life, and he's been with some nasty people for some years. He has indeed changed. He's not outright evil or a total loss, but he's not who he was, which wasn't all that great a person to begin with. I think there's enough evidence to show that.

For another thing, while they still care about him a lot, you gotta figure Naruto and Sakura's perception of him has changed as well. He's shown himself willing to do some nasty things in pursuit of power, and it doesn't mesh with the way they used to view him. I doubt things would ever truely be kosher again if he came back.

Sasuke can't wash away his actions so far completely. Betraying everyone and seeming perfectly willing to kill his former closest friends because they got in his way. In any realistic setting, there's little way that they could ever fully trust him again. There would always be that seed of doubt. That's the thing about betrayal. Barring certain few, extrenuating circumstances, you'll never get back what you threw away. And even with said circumstances, there's never complete trust again, as one might wonder "would he do that again if put into similar circumstances?". Sasuke has that seed of betrayal in him. That jealousy and lust for other things. It'd be next to impossible to wash the perceptions he's given away completely, no matter how much they care about him.

I don't disagree with what you're saying; I personally think Sasuke coming home and everything being back to the way it was would be cheap and unrealistic. I merely implied that if Naruto would fulfill his promise to absolute fullest, fullest Sasuke will go back to the way he was before Itachi reappeared and he had that talk with the Sound 4. He wasn't such a bad person before then; he wouldn't've turnned over his friends, he would have given his life for them, as shown by the Zabuza Fight and the Gaara fight. I honestly believe that Itachi's resurfacing in his life led him to throw away his humanity and I think it's that humanity that Naruto and Sakura will eventually get back, which is how they'll save him. Cause honestly, if Sasuke was just a jerk like he is currently, and Naruto honestly believes that that's just the way Sasuke is, he wouldn't be trying to save him so bad.

#106086 Can people still say SasuSaku can happen?

Posted by Soritia on 18 March 2007 - 05:18 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I dunno. :X I still think SasuSaku still has a pretty high probability of happening. I mean, if Naruto completely succeeds in bringing Sasuke back, to the fullest extent of his promise, Sasuke will go back to being the way he use to be before he stopped caring about his teammates. (I'm not way off on this, am I? I think saving Sasuke's life is only part of the reason, I think the other is to get thinks back to the way they use to be.)
In the first half of Part 1, there was just as much evidence that Sasuke liked Sakura as that Sakura liked Naruto, if not more. The "Love-Triangle" idea has been there since the beginning, it wouldn't surprise me if, when Sasuke came back, it gets resurrected (hehe, though maybe in reverse, now that Sakura is more sweet on Naruto... Okay I'll get out of my fanfiction. v.v). The probability that SasuSaku happens increases dramatically in the event that Naruto dies in the end, which a lot of my SasuSaku friends believe will happen.
And besides, smile.gif we all know that Pairings are based on faith to some degree (lol, that's how we got through Part 1! XD). Logic doesn't have to be a factor. ^^

#105273 10 Favorite Female Characters

Posted by Soritia on 12 March 2007 - 12:18 AM in Otaku Square

Just 10?! >< freaking A...

I have to list them in no particular order sad.gif They tend to move around.

Haruno Sakura (Naruto - Mostly Post Timeskip X3)
Winry Rockbell (FMA)
Ruby Cresent (666 Statan - Post Timeskip)
Ringo (Air Gear)
Inoue Orihime (Bleach)
Mitsuki (Full Moon wo Sagakittene)
Kuchiki Rukia (Bleach)
Nami (One Piece)
Izumi (FMA)
Kanda Miranda or Lenalee (D.Gray-man.. I couldn't decide ><)

#103144 Thoughts on the matter?

Posted by Soritia on 22 February 2007 - 04:59 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

that was a blatantly obvious lie : / Whenever someone pulls out the "My Sister live in Japan!!" (which is a total genetic fallacy.. "appeal to authority" >.>) you know something is up... it's like when Ackwell went on NF and said "I talked to Kishimoto!!"

If her sister living in Japan is her only claim that everything else she says is true, she knows absolutely nothing about debate. : / And even NaruHina fans and SasuSaku fans can tell that she's lying if she says the series is over. In fact, it's better for them if the series isn't over because right now it's completely NaruSaku XD.

#102894 Heaven & Earth - back online!

Posted by Soritia on 20 February 2007 - 06:44 PM in News and Announcements

*gives Smiter-sama a cookie*

#102890 Your Favorite Crack Pairings

Posted by Soritia on 20 February 2007 - 06:18 PM in Naruto General

I'm developing a small love for Yamato/Shizune... O.o Iunno, I think they'd be cute :3
It's my current random crack-pairing. ^^

#102581 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by Soritia on 16 February 2007 - 11:39 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

I don't know if anyone has posted this yet... but the Shippuuden NaruSaku bashing has begun:

*sigh*... wow this brings back memories... how nostaglic

#102294 If the pairings in the manga would end different than the anime which one wou...

Posted by Soritia on 15 February 2007 - 06:07 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I would prefer it to be in the manga.
Firstly, we'd find out sooner. We'd gets lots of nice NaruSaku years before the anime would go down the SasuSaku track.
Secondly, since the manga comes straight from Kishimoto, anything that doesn't come from the manga, I consider not-canon. If the manga says NaruSaku is canon, I will understand that that's how Kishi intended it from the beginning. If the anime diverges, I could always say that it's simply not true, like how we denounce the filler saga. I don't think that anyone argues that Naruto really goes Kyuubi over ramen, everyone writes it off as filler because Kishi didn't write that. in the same way, I don't want everyone to write off NaruSaku because it was only in the anime.

I wouldn't stop watching the naime if it went down a SasuSaku path as long as they did it in a believable and well-paced fashion, however, considering it's history, I doubt it will. Today was the first time in almost two years that I've watched the anime, it wouldn't be a problem for me to drop it. I couldn't drop the manga though, never have, never will.

#89021 Your Favorite Crack Pairings

Posted by Soritia on 17 November 2006 - 01:47 AM in Naruto General

I've seen some GaaraxHinata stuffs O.o
Does Gaara even know who Hinata is?

#68878 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by Soritia on 01 July 2006 - 09:07 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (MBKon @ Jul 1 2006, 03:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Ladies and Gentlemen, I cracked the code! I finally understand why NaruHina think that theyre pairing is Canon.

Why, you ask?

Because... it is cliche. It happens in every single teen movie, in a lot of (bad) fanfics and It's usually the girl that is always shy towards the main character, but towards the end of the film/fanfic she always gets some guts and confesses her feelings towards the main character. And he, through some wonder is 'in love' with her too. And since it's obviously quantity and not quality that counts, that must mean that Kishimoto will feature that in Naruto. That's the only hope that is in theiir minds that can't produce a single thought without Sakura bashing.

That is the reason.

And of course, Sakura is the preppy cheerleader b*tch that tries to seduce the main character but fails in comparision to the 'real love' Naruto feels towards Hinata.

What do I win biggrin.gif ?

Ironically, that's why NaruHina people say they don't like NaruSaku. A big Anti-NaruSaku point is that people feel that NaruSaku is too cliche. Guy wants girl, girl wants "better looking" guy, guy wins over girl.

The thing is that BOTH NaruHina and NaruSaku are cliches, it's just in the context. NaruSaku is the most common kind of pairing in SHONEN manga. NaruHina is the most common kind of pairing in SHOUJO manga.

Good thing Naruto is a Shonen manga, ne? wink.gif

#68867 Favorite And Least Favorite Anime Couples

Posted by Soritia on 01 July 2006 - 08:45 PM in Otaku Square

I have a lot of favorite pairings...

The following are parings that are beyond redemption for me. It's not dislike or irratation, I LOATHE these pairings.

Naruto x Hinata (Naruto)
Yamato x Sora (Digimon Adventure)
Takashi x Hikari (Digimon Adventure 02)
Ikki x Shimca (Air Gear)
Touya x Aya (Ayashi no Ceres)
Sergay x Nina/Arika (Mai-Otome)
Tate x Shiho (Mai-HiME)
Manaka x Nishino (Ichigo 100%)

I'm a bitter bitter person about these ones.

#68585 Your Favorite Crack Pairings

Posted by Soritia on 30 June 2006 - 08:08 AM in Naruto General

Iruka/Shizune (goddam Smiter for getting me stuck on this one)
Yamato/Shizune (this is a new one for me. Yamato is just Iruka+Awesome)
Anko/Ibiki (nyurhurhur)
ShikaIno (Yeah... it's a crack pairing now... ShikaTema is way too plausable for ShikaIno to be canon for me. I support both btw)

ItaSaku (One-Sided)
GaaraSaku (One-Sided)
SaiSaku (One-Sided)
oh hell...
EveryoneSaku (One-sided) Everyone should have a one-sided love for Sakura! She's awesome! She owns! (I suppose this spawns from the fact that most Naruto-fans hate her... :/ )

#58508 Hidden Village Of Konoha

Posted by Soritia on 08 May 2006 - 05:39 AM in H&E RPG-town

QUOTE (StarlightAngel @ May 7 2006, 09:35 PM)
"I already met them and trained"
He glanced at her
"Im Angel, team 4"
He said shifting the things he was carrying, a sword, kunais and scrools

"I'm Hayako, Team... um...." She looked down at the piece of paper in her fist. It was blank.
"I forgot." She rubbed the back of her head nervously.

#58506 Hidden Village Of Konoha

Posted by Soritia on 08 May 2006 - 05:28 AM in H&E RPG-town

QUOTE (StarlightAngel @ May 7 2006, 09:07 PM)
"well actually I just finished with training for the day so I was just gonna go home and read then sleep" He said as he walked past the vorner

She through him a sidelong glance.
"Today is the beginning of Genin studies" she pointed out. "Doncha have a team to go meet somewhere?"

#58501 Hidden Village Of Konoha

Posted by Soritia on 08 May 2006 - 04:58 AM in H&E RPG-town

QUOTE (StarlightAngel @ May 7 2006, 07:39 PM)
He stopped and turned to see the girl
"I umm..." He stopped to think
"well..if you walk 3 blocks up this street then take a left next to the Shop walk down 2 streets more then take a right till you reach the end, there you take a right, then as soon as you pass the weapon shop you turn left again to the end..." He stopped to see the girl had a blank look on her face. With a sigh he said
"I guess I'll take you, not like I have somethign to do"

Hayako's brain swirled with the iron chunk of information and was greatful when he offered to guide the way.
As they walked, she skipped in front and in back of him.
"You sure? You sure you don't have anything better to do right now? How sad..."
She started whistling.

#58487 Hidden Village Of Konoha

Posted by Soritia on 08 May 2006 - 03:34 AM in H&E RPG-town

QUOTE (StarlightAngel @ May 7 2006, 07:14 PM)
He finnaly reaches the town after the walk and training. He had a ime holding everything so he made his way home through the streets

Hayako blinked at him.
"Oi!" She called out. "Do you know where the temple is?"

#58480 Hidden Village Of Konoha

Posted by Soritia on 08 May 2006 - 03:04 AM in H&E RPG-town

Hayako looked between the sky and the sheet of paper in her hands.
"Temple... temple... Where the heck is this stupid temple?!"
She threw the paper on the ground and started stamping on it.