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There have been 104 items by Bail o' Lies (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#991331 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 12 September 2024 - 07:33 AM in Naruto General





Titles that Jump deems profitable ie what advertisers should focus on:



One Piece

Jujutsu Kaisen (which is about to end)

Sakamoto Days

Blue Box

Akane Banashi





Demon Slayer


The Promise Neverland

#991320 Ichi the Witch

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 08 September 2024 - 07:19 PM in Otaku Square

The artist of Act-Age (Shior Usazaki) finally got another manga in Shounen Jump. The writer is Osamu Nishi of "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun."


Ichi the Witch.


"In this world, witches must hunt down their magic! Deep in the forest, the terrifying king of magic and the strongest witch are locked in deadly combat. But suddenly, a young boy joins the fray. His name is Ichi and he is just a hunter. But he has the power to flip the magic world upside down in this magic hunting fantasy epic!"


Ichi is a hunter in a medieval setting that was abandon in the forest when he was young, and learn to hunt to survive to the point he became obsessed with Hunting. One day he found an unusual creature he wanted to hunt. It was King Uroro the King of the Majik. Majiks are spirits with magical power that offer trials to people to learn their magic. Such as, "drink all this water to learn how to use water spells." However, normally the only people that can use magic in this world are females. So, all the hunters of Majiks are witches that hunt them to learn more magic spells. King Uroro is unique in that he cannot be harmed by a women, so no witch can harm him. Till Ichi kills him becoming the first male witch.


So, the story is Ichi, the first male witch, hunting all the Majiks with his new partner Desscaras, the Abyssal Witch.


Her art has improve in the past four years.

#991316 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 27 August 2024 - 04:50 PM in Latest Releases

The last image is drawn quite well.... Are the central figures in an elevated position? 

Moegi's drawing at the top, on the other hand, is strange.... It looks like she has had a piece cut off (on her hips and leg).
However, she is very thin despite the backside.

Central figures in an elevated position...looking at the room again its the opposite. There is the world tree acting as the ceiling. In the room there, is a square area with another square area within it that is a black box. The outer square area is actually depressed compared to the rest of the room. The inner square, the black box, is the platform they place the soul bud thorn to create another tree person. Actually, looking at the image again. They are all in that lower area. We are see all three guys entire body, while she is sunk up to her knees into the ground. Even if the square above is showing the area of that outer square Tree-Sasuke is still in the square. Or is he on the edge with one foot in and one out? And even then given the difference between the males and her the difference in his legs' positions should be more blatant.


The thing about Tree-Meogi is that Moegi is Ikemoto's favorite character. So any character he should be able draw well, it should be her. With her pose we are getting a view of her side profile with very little distortion. Not helped that the studs on her belt clothing...sigh, can't believe i just wrote that. Goes over her chest. With that, her breast aren't just small but unusually small, even suppressed or almost removed entirely. Likely many of the guys who may read this post has a bigger bust than she does. Even if she is trace of an image of a woman is yoga pants and sport bra that still feels odd. So it just shows to me that Ikemoto really doesn't like women's breast; he is a leg and ass man. Which is a problem as nH fans are breast lovers.


When nH fans fantasizes about Naruto female characters or a make harem of them its Hinata, Tsunade, Anko, and Samui they fantasize first and the most. So his taste in women are not appealing to his target demographic.


Is simply the ultimate insult to Sakura.  :sweat:

Sarada will become the property of Hinata's son and she will also be outclassed as a fighter by Hinata's daughter). 
At the same time she, Sakura, will be outclassed as a doctor by the aforementioned daughter... 
There is no such thing as NaruSaku here. :pinch:

There should be no such thing as a fan of Sakura defending Boruto at this point. The best excuse is that Chie is sick or retired from voice acting and they don't want to get another VA out of respect. I don't know I'm just saying a hypothetical. So they don't want to have Sakura have a big role. Even then its a bad idea. Her teammates are out of commission so in theory she is the strongest Ninja the village has left, her husband went AWOL again, then shoved into a tree with a mockery of him attacking the village, and her daughter has been ostracized by the village for standing up for a traitor. How can a writer with any sense not have at least a scene with her?


Would The daughter be stronger than Salad? Salad has her mothers' super strength and her fathers Uchiha powers that were able to match Naruto. The daughter has a stronger connection to Kurama, Hyuuga clan powers which may mean getting Otsutsuki powers later, the super healing ability, and is Hinata's daughter...No, your right she completely outclasses Salad. And she is suppose to end up as hokage and Bolt's dream is to be her shadow.

#991304 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 25 August 2024 - 02:49 AM in Naruto General

That would not surprise me at all, I've seen interviews with writers for the Disney/Marvel shows that happened after Endgame, and one of the requirements for getting the job was to know nothing about the source material.

And to those who watched those shows you saw how badly they were.

Hollywood in the last couple of years hired activists instead of people who know how to do the job. Obviously not the whole of Hollywood.

If the movie does see the light of day, I have zero hope for it being even decent, not to mention good.


It's a problem old as time, that people can't take any responsibility for their own screw-ups. What's worse with Hollywood is that they even went as far as attacking the fans.

Hollywood writers and directors have grown to hate any source material.


Most people think it is because they want to create their own stories not just adapt others. The problem is every time they are given the chance to do their own stories they are sheer garbage. Because they refuse to learn how to write from reading the stories that are already written, their morals are the messed up depravity that is only really accepted in the bubble of LA, and they can't be sincere about anything everything has to be ironic deconstruction meta commentary that subvert expectations with millennial style irreverent dialogue. Which people have already grown to hate because they keep putting that into IP they loved, so why would they watch something new that has everything they dislike? So their new stuff always fails. Which is why they hate and attack fanbases.


However by this point, they are not just destroying the stories people love, they are attacking the audience itself.


This led to a never ending cycle that has led to the decline of Hollywood in recent years, and the rise of alternative sources of media. As both, the audience is not watching their stuff anymore, and investors/producers are looking at those medias for profit. Not at awful Hollywood garbage, that has to go through constant reshoots because they can't get it right the first time anymore. So anything they can get their hands on of those alternative media, they will destroy it out of spite. The only way to make sure a Hollywood movie is made properly and faithful to the source material now a days. Is if there is a producer invested and powerful enough to force them to tell the story properly and force reshoots till they do. That is why Sonic, Nintendo, and One Piece have had successful western adaptations.

YUP. Naruto is a simplistic manga for simplistic morons I say. You are either a reader for the greatest fictional couple ever made, Hinata Huyga-chan-megami-hime-sama and her vicarious cup of courage turned boy toy trophy husband, OR you are an illiterate Buffoon for not seeing the true moral and message of the story was the former. Naruto is a simple story for simps, TG FOR THAT. *sarcasm*

I lost count of the number of times on this site alone I have done a page by page of a scene to show, what the scene was suppose to convey.


For example. What was the one I did last year... in June. The Sasuke telling Naruto to focus on sealing Kaguya.


My reading: "While yes, Sasuke was correct in a pragmatic sense. However, he was wrong as he went too far in telling Naruto to leave Sakura and Kakashi to just die. As it was immoral, it would negatively affect Naruto, and they can still be of use even if they can't seal Kaguya. Also, even Sasuke knows he was wrong, as Naruto was able to defeat his argument by just bringing up the Wave arc. This was to show Sasuke is still not reformed and Team 7 is not back together despite them fighting alongside each other."


Reddit's reading. "Sasuke is completely right." "...Oh and he still cares about Sakura deep down, he just won't admit it." When, they think for a second and realize he was advocating throwing Sakura into magma. Therece's biggest disappointment of Naruto, was Sasuke not just grabbing Sakura and throwing her into the magma himself. Most romantic SS moment that could possibly happen.  :wink: 


That's what you are dealing with when other people read Naruto. You are lucky if they understand even surface level.

Simple or not, the reading comprehension is STILL f-ed up because many fans and the people BTS complained about and for Hinata, as like she was really that important to the franchise. When we know in actuality, she wasn't.

That because they want Hinata to be important not because she is. Westerners have been taught to think only with feelings. So they don't think about anything too much so their easier to control and convince as long as you know how to manipulate their feelings.

#991300 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 20 August 2024 - 04:04 PM in Latest Releases

So lets see well since I mentioned it last time. The Acolyte is not getting a season 2. Star Wars Outlaw is coming out in 10 days and signs are, it will at best be mediocre.


Black Myth: Wukong has apparently broke records on Steam for First Day player count. I think it was approaching 2 million last I saw.


Oh by the way, apparently, Jujutsu Kaisen has 5 chapters left. Oh by  the way Nobara is alive.


Summary Time: Chapter 13... Into the second year of this. Prescience...predicting the future? If they could do that, they wouldn't be in this mess.


Cover page is Bolt.


Tree-Jenga was about to kill Bolt till Tree-Bug, named Mamushi, popped out of him to inform him Tree-Moegi thinks Bolt has an ally feeding info. For some stupid reason, he decides to stop himself from finishing off Bolt, because the plot can't let him kill Bolt yet. Oh and he keeps calling Bolt, Otsutsuki Boruto. Also apparently that bulb can rot...what happens to Sasuke if it rots?


Oh good, a flashback to when Bolt hadn't had his stupid haircut. He legitimately looks even better drawn. Bolt is being hunted by the Leaf...oh so they did chase after him. When he is contacted by a toad. Who teleport him to Clone Jiraiya, right he is involved in the plot again...why do I feel dread that some stupid explanation is about to happen. CJ has summoned Bolt to one of Orochimaru's old bases...well, I guess he doesn't need to move around anymore, once he got that pardon for any crime. The Toad is a Scientific Ninja Tool it is not real, he moves it with his chakra, and he is the one talking through it...is this to explain why they didn't try to find him out when he was summoning toads through reverse summoning? Bolt apparently could not recognize him until he put on his mask...who else does he know that uses toads that look like those and has connections to have SNT like that made? Oh Madoc full name is Sanzu, Amado. Ignoring Bolt's whining CJ asks if he was Uzumaki Boruto until recently. Bolt ask if he knows about Omnipotence and is resistant to it, he is not just like Madoc he put it together and figured it out on his own. Remember Ikemoto's character are always smarter than any of Kishimoto's stupid characters like Shikamaru.


Ah, he has the Power of Prescience doesn't he? He says he knew those events would happen ahead of time. More Shinjutsu BS. Apparently, at the end of his fight with Jenga this power awakened within him. Which is why he fled and we didn't see him for the rest of part one. Oh no, there is another tree person, I can't tell who because of the art and also none of the characters stand out.


Oh right throughout conversation they talk about about their previous encounters, that I don't care about. Bolt doesn't forgive him at first for killing Ao, till he does.


Ah, here is the stupid explanation. Certain Kara members were implanted with cell of Otsutsuki Shibai granting them Shinjutsu. Punk got his Belt marks, Moe got reflection powers, Hime has Omnipotence, and he sees the future...good news at least that isn't one of Hime's like me and Phantom feared. i think they mentioned this in part one but only the siblings they have added both Punk and CJ to the list but not the others conveniently. His power is to see possible futures. One of the futures is if Nail had killed Bolt at the end of part one he would have also killed Salad and then Punk would have defeated him and fed him to the tree...so even the manga knows that his plan was stupid. Apparently, CJ had used his power to train Bolt by seeing future powers he would have gotten later on as well as accelerating his training and optimizing his learning...that is useful.


Apparently, most possible futures are and then Nail is fed to the tree and everyone dies. Which is honestly kind of funny for how much he was hype up in part one. Now he is just guy who constantly gets fooled, beaten, and most likely fed to a tree. The data must have shown fans really didn't care for him.


Flashback over. Surprisingly, Nail has not tried to kill Bolt while he was out. Seriously he has been single mindlessly focus on killing Bolt no matter what so far, but now he got the perfect chance he stays his hand. The daughter wakes up and insta-heals everyone...huh, apparently I have Prescience too or more likely I am very used to this story and how this trite plays itself out. I also see this as further proof Sakura is not going to appear. As why do they need her? When they have the Daughter, who is a far better healer now. They do put cuffs on Bolt while he is out.


The chapter ends with Tree-Sasuke being restored and another Tree persons about to be spawned...it's kind of hard to care about the threat as no one but Bolt can fight them and he can one shot them. Also, I'm getting a full side view of Tree-Moegi at the end while I finish typing this...she doesn't have much in the front but has a nice backside. Again, Ikemoto seems to be a legs guy that doesn't seem that interested in the chest department.


Trying to find an image I can use...Here. Look at the last panel does it seem off or is it just me?


#991296 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 18 August 2024 - 02:12 PM in Naruto General

Fair enough

Yahagi Kosuke comments on western fans


"We've been reading manga for a long time, so we tend to read deeper into what makes manga interesting. But many people overseas don't understand Japanese manga. I think that's probably because they don't have literacy or reading comprehension. So, ultimately, I think that Naruto doesn't require that kind of reading comprehension."

Sounds like he is saying people like Naruto over other manga because it is simple. Would help to know what the question was or the interview.


OK. It was an interview in 2019 on a radio show called Izakaya: Denfaminicogamer. And he was asked why was Naruto more popular than One Piece overseas? Answer. it is simpler.


https://news.denfami...iew/191227f#i-6 Supposedly, it is in here.


Well, I'm not going to disagree with the reading comprehension.

#991292 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 15 August 2024 - 07:41 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

This is not a new statement. Kishimoto has been saying stuff like this since the ending. This was always his justification for it happening beyond "she is popular and what the fans want while Sakura wasn't."


SP saw Hinata as the perfect woman that deserved Naruto as she deserved to be the heroine of the story. So, they wrote the Last to show that their Princess-Goddess Hinata-Hime-sama was the most perfect woman that was entitled to Naruto. He was her prize for being so perfect.


Kishimoto never got the appeal of Hinata. She wasn't his type and the people pushing her onto him would never explained to him why she should be the heroine other than she more popular than Sakura, she is prettier than her, fans like her, and she liked Naruto the longest so deserved him. Because the real answer is they love her absolute devotion, submissiveness, and no effort to obtain her. So, he needed his own reason for why Hinata should end up with Naruto? After, SP's staff pressured him to kill off Neji (the real character that was in the way of nH happening) her original storyline died with him. Leaving only her affection for Naruto. He saw that as pathetic and pitied her so agreed to put them together.


SP saw Hinata as perfect, Kishimoto saw her as pathetic. These views clash and helped make the mess that was the ending.


SP had nH's wedding be the end of the anime therefor the goal of Naruto all along was really to get together with Hinata instead of becoming Hokage and changing the ninja system's problems surpassing all those that previously held the title. The Last was to show how perfect she was and that she deserved a perfect life.


Kishimoto at the ending only had them together in front of Neji's grave implying Naruto was getting together with her to honor his sacrifice. And the relationship was set up by him which showed Naruto who focused on his job as Hokage was as distant to Hinata as Sasuke was to Sakura. The Sasuke that went out of his way to avoid Sakura for 12 years. Which is why both kids have daddy issues.


SS is still only happened because once Sakura lost her status as the Heroine he needed to put her somewhere and SS was popular with some fans; and nothing deeper than that because he dislikes the pairing. nH was the one he needed to be convinced to happened and once he was SS followed just to put Sakura somewhere.

#991267 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 05 August 2024 - 08:35 AM in Naruto General



Rumor: Lionsgate’s Live-Action Naruto Film Is “A Complete Disaster” With Producers Not Knowing “Anything About The IP”


A rumor claims that Lionsgate’s long-gestating live-action Naruto film is a “complete disaster” with producers not knowing “anything about the IP.”


This rumor comes from Matt McGloin at Cosmic Book News (https://cosmicbook.n...-movie-disaster), who shared that his insiders informed him the film is “a complete disaster” and it is “on the level of Dragonball Evolution or even as bad as what Lionsgate is doing with The Crow reboot.”
McGloin added, “Those who are working on Naruto don’t have a clue in the world. It’s so bad that those working on the movie don’t even know who the villains of the character are, yet they’re developing the movie.”
They’re just developing Naruto to take advantage of the built in audience but don’t know anything about the IP and don’t respect the source material or the fans,” he stated.
Lionsgate has been developing a live-action Naruto since 2015. Dave McNary at Variety reported at the time that Michael Gracey was going to direct the adaptation and Lionsgate was in negotiations for the film rights to the Naruto series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto.”
At the time of this initial announcement, it was revealed Avi Arad and his son Ari Arad were producing alongside Erik Feig, Geoff Shaveitz, and Kelly O’Malley.
More recently, Borys Kit at The Hollywood Reporter in February noted that Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings director Destin Daniel Cretton had boarded the film as director, writer, and producer.
Kit noted that both Arads are still producing, but they are joined by Jeyun Munford, Emmy Yu, and Jeremy Latcham now.
Lionsgate also secured a glowing statement from Kishimoto who said, “When I heard of Destin’s attachment, it happened to be right after watching a blockbuster action film of his, and I thought he would be the perfect director for Naruto.”
“After enjoying his other films and understanding that his forte is in creating solid dramas about people, I became convinced that there is no other director for Naruto. In actually meeting Destin, I also found him to be an open-minded director who was willing to embrace my input, and felt strongly that we would be able to cooperate together in the production process,” he added.
Lionsgate Motion Picture Group chair Adam Fogelson also commented at the time, ““This manga classic is beloved by millions of fans all around the world, and Destin has delivered a vision for the movie that we believe will excite that massive fan base as well as those who are new to it.”
He added, “Avi and I have had the pleasure of working together before and I know that as we collaborate with Destin and the team on Naruto, we are in extraordinary hands.”


If true.



Guess Kishimoto trusted Hollywood, he is a fan of Hollywood movies, and didn't keep an eye on it like Oda. Problem is most Hollywood hates Japanese entertainment and blame it for them losing viewers. Since they are not going to self reflect.

#991266 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 02 August 2024 - 09:18 PM in Otaku Square

They really got scared off of end parings because of Naruto haven't they?


I think its fine that Izuku ended up a teacher, his habit analyzing quirks capabilities would be useful for coaching or teach promising heroes.

#991265 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 02 August 2024 - 09:15 PM in Latest Releases

Everyone is calling sarada boruto's girl i guess having ns in another form is ok now that hinata got her man

They don't really have a choice. From Chapter 700 BS was set up. The Son of nH and The Daughter of SS getting together due to their shared daddy issues. Combining the popularity of nH/SS in a NS-like romance should in theory be successful. The anime staff tried to make nH happen again with The Hinata Clone Sumire by making her the villain of the first arc of the anime. So she would stand out. But Ikemoto has no real interest in her, and he doesn't have much interest in Salad. Which is a problem.


Bolt's goal is being the Supporting Shadow to Salad as Hokage. Since they never focus on what Salad wants to do as Hokage. They have also never focus on why that is Bolt's dream. So they only have their feelings for each other to try to justify it.


If you think the BS romance as a selling point for the story...I would say watch something, anything else. Because, its barely there and the scenes they do have is because they are barely minimum requirements and really are mostly occurring in part two.

#991249 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 28 July 2024 - 06:39 AM in Naruto General

.... It's a good thing I don't read American Comics then

Not many do now a days. How I understand it, after the 2000's they had lost many of the greats, and were left with mostly the mediocre who were living off the legacy of their betters. Then, comic movies took off, so you had a lot of nobodies try to use comics to worm and weasel their way into Hollywood. They couldn't come up with any interesting characters or stories. So, they just went "famous comic book character but now a minority." How that turned out? Well, Disney MCU is trying to adapt those now, but they never made any story or backstories for their new legacy characters. Just, "famous comic book character but now a minority," and hope that would be enough.


Both MHA and One Punch Man were very important for transferring many the lingers dissatisfied comic fans into manga fans.


In other news... Robert Downey Jr.  is gonna play Dr. Doom. I love RDJ, but Dr. Doom?

Hey, he only has to do one movie and after that he can just do the voice acting.


This is also likely do to a combination of lack of famous actors to play the role and the ones available/willing to. Disney hasn't really been producing hits recently. Star Wars is pretty much a black mark on your resume with only years wasted, Pixar isn't what it used to be, people are getting sick of the live action adaptions, they can't even do a classic Disney princess story right anymore, and the MCU -barring a few movies- was done with Endgame. For example, Disney was desperate to get Jenna Ortega* to take on several roles and even built movies around the characters they wanted her to play, and she told them, "no, working with Disney would be detrimental for her career at the moment."


*From what I understand they: wanted her to be the lead in the next Pirates of the Caribbean replacing Johney Depp's star power, they wanted her to be a major MCU character leading the next three phases, they wanted her in Star Wars, she was suppose to be in a Pixar movie with a character based off her, they wanted her to voice a new Disney Princess and/or they wanted her to be one of the remaining Disney Princess in a live action adaptation. She turned down all of those.

#991244 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 27 July 2024 - 06:21 PM in Naruto General

We have no idea how the tmnt writers feel about sakura, for all we know they hate ss as much we do

If they did, they wouldn't be selected to work on it. They probably been informed that SS happens and given an understanding of the characters. So it will probably be what therece thinks SS is, Sasuke has feelings for Sakura but doesn't like showing it; instead of he honestly doesn't care for her.


At best, it will just be part 1. As in, Naruto has a crush on Sakura, she has a crush on Sasuke, and Hinata is unimportant. Most likely, it will be nH/SS with the turtles pushing/helping Naruto with his girl troubles with Hinata.


Have low expectations going in, so you are pleasantly surprised if they are not the case. Fantasizing about the ideal situation for a corporate cash grab like this will only lead to disappointment.

#991236 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 23 July 2024 - 06:32 PM in Latest Releases

As usual thank you, Bail... You have infinite patience! :thanks:


So, Salad looks more and more like the typical damsel in distress... Poor girl, she is now branded as Boruto's future woman and, as a fighter, she was also overtaken in a corner kick by Hinata's daughter.... What a miserable life! :pinch:


There is no escaping this unpleasant fate, which will of course be foisted on us as the happiest possible future for her. :down:


When this Boruto tomfoolery began, I didn't know whether her being Uchiha would save her from the unfortunate fate to which female figures in this franchise are subjected (excluding Himechan's daughter, of course), namely that of becoming sentimental appendages of the protagonist...
I now have the answer. :sad:

It is tragic to know how this will all end when I despise the BS couple with all my might... And some SS fans even say that this pairing was done because Ikemoto is a NaruSaku fan... Give me a break!

Like I said other times, Kodaichi seemed to be the only one of the three that realized they needed Salad involved in the plot. Even if it was just have her do one thing each arc. Once he was gone, Ikemoto didn't care about her nor have a role for her till the end of part one. He is not a NS fan, they just can't accept that he is a bad writer and screwed up their pairings.


As for Kishimoto, I still say its more he is stuck in how heroine were portrayed in the 80-90s in shounen manga than anything else.


Salad was at best Sakura 2.0. Sakura with all her flaws removed, and the combined powers of her parents, super strength and all the uchiha abilities to make Sasuke able to rival Naruto. She should of had no problems staying relevant. But Ikemoto's power creep is the worse I have ever seen. Bolt and Nail became stronger than either Naruto or Sasuke almost instantly and immediately near the start of the story, and making everyone else irrelevant.


The best character to compare her to is Karou from Ruronin Kenshin. A decent fighter on paper, but way out of her league, to the point she mainly exist to be rescued by the main character, and be their love interest. 

#991229 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 20 July 2024 - 05:10 PM in Latest Releases

Oh this came out yesterday...eh, no one paying me to be on time for this. Surprisingly a lot has happen since the last chapter. There was a Debate on CNN that by all right should end Biden's campaign, and someone tried to assassinate Trump with him getting an iconic photo from it.


But since people are going complain about politics if I talk about that. I'm going to do what I originally planned on doing with this chapter. Is Boruto worse than the Acolyte? I honestly hope it isn't.


Summary Time: Chapter 12...A full year of this now. Title: Thorn Soul Bulb...what?


Cover page is the Clone...my god her face looks awful, she looks like a blow up doll. Also, wasn't her hair purple? I recall her design in the anime pretty much being different shades of purple. Why is it now blue? Is this to make her more like Hinata?


Chapter starts with the cast reacting to Bolt's appearance...him coming in to save Salad, not how goofy his design is. He puts down his sister next to Salad and ask Konohamaru to keep her safe...why did you put her down next to Salad then? Does he not believe Salad can take care of someone right next to her?


Tree-Sasuke attacks. Bolt uses a wind attack...I think. There are no visual cue to show the attack so it just looks like a force push. Tree-Sasuke goes into the belt markings.


Back to Nail and Mustard. Mustard contacts the sensor division with their permanently active telepathy line to ask where is everyone while Nail just looks at Tree-Jenga.


Back to Bolt. Konohamaru chews out Bolt because he is still under the effects of omnipotence. Salad tells him to focus on their current enemy. Oh so that's why Kodaichi's insert is still up, he is part of the sensor division and Bolt asks him to sense for Tree-Sasuke, he also chews Bolt out. Then Salad asks about if Tree-Sasuke relates to Sasuke being stuck in a tree, and since info has not been spread at all this is the first time Konohamaru has heard of it. And wonders if this is the same thing that happened to Moegi.


....Bolt informs them that they need to beat Tree-Sasuke to free Sasuke, and Konohamaru wants to know how he would know this. Good question. I don't know how he would know that when the Tree-People only formed like an hour ago in story. I guess Bolt read the script. Normally, yes beating these do free the person, but the characters aren't suppose to know that at the start. So there is drama in, "wait if we kill them what happens to the person imprisoned?" Clearly, they aren't bothering with that.


Thankfully Tree-Sasuke was nice enough to wait for this info dump to be over before attacking. He does that by sending out some nudist. Fight. Fight. Fight. Desperately trying to make Bolt look cool. Salad attacks one and Tree-Sasuke pops out of the Nudist to eat her...now before you ask, why is the person they are after fighting? That's because Bolt told her to while telling the two that are not targets to back up. Why...probably so this could happen. So Bolt can save her.


Bolt lands a hit and we see how the tree-people heal. They go back to their base and absorb some of the world tree roots. Once he heals he pops out and does something?...Oh, he put more marking on the ground through his eye...


Salad see they need to bait him, so suggest Bolt fly and wait for him to go for her again to attack. Bolt decides that's stupid for some reason, he is not going to listen to a woman, and instead he going to use a full power Uzuhiko...that stupid vertigo attack? What is he going to see if the tree-people can throw up?


Oh it clear that they know their new signature attack was seen as lame in its first showing, because it was as lame as it was overhyped. So they are trying to re-explain again and hope its cooler now. It still uses the centrifugal force/rotation and the planets chakra (nature's chakra like sage mode but trying to treat as something new or different) to power it. So same as before they just hope this new blast will make it look cooler. Its power is apparently limitless if Bolt charges it for long enough. Oh Wait! They did add a restriction, he needs both feet on the ground to charge it.



Konohamaru uses his rasen-barrier to protect Bolt. Bolt whines about him not protecting the daughter, he argues back with he thinks this is more important, and there are already two people with her. Salad is grabbed...and somehow uses chidori stream to stun Tree-Sasuke and then pull him out of the belt...


Bolt fires his Uzuhiko which they try to make it impressive. It nearly one-shots Tree-Sasuke. He nearly escapes but finally Nail does something useful and shrinks the belts so he can't escape. Then he finishes him off. Leaving only the "Thorn Soul Bulb," which Bolt grabs and ask Clone Jiraiya for confirmation. I guess if they feed that to Sasuke he will be released. How do they know this? Again, I don't know. Tree-Jenga intervenes from long range to protect his colleague, knocks down Bolt, the Bulb flies to him, and Tree-Jenga decides Bolt needs to die due to knowing about the Bulb.


...How is this worse than the acolyte?

#991226 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 19 July 2024 - 05:14 AM in Naruto General

Oh there is going to be a crossover comic with TMNT and Naruto.



#991207 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 05 July 2024 - 01:05 AM in Naruto General

Hello, Bail!

it is always a pleasure to read your posts!


Absolutely. they wanted their cake and eat it. I agree.

it's just that I didn't know what the initial idea was.
The fact that the first step was taken out of a feeling of doormatism (really childish, come to think of it) came to me while reading a blog in which I participate, where written testimonies of ways of working within anime production are reported. I was very struck, while reading these excerpts, by the testimony of an animator.

He reported that, in an anime production, the decision of one fairly powerful person can decide the fate of an entire work.


Therefore, thinking about how then hime-sama-kun-dono-san-chan is defended, hailed, and justified in the various versions of Naruto-Boruto, I really began to think that it was the excessive devotion to that character the main reason for the decision that started it all. But then, of course, one also had to try to drag along as many readers as possible....

There, that was the sore point. How can you raise a new and large generation of readers when you treat your readers as morons as these producers did.

I must admit, however, that with some of the fandom they did it. I'm talking about the ones I see justifying this stylistic and narrative horror at every turn.
And then I wonder if they are not really trying to build up an audience that is completely devoid of critical sense, or if they simply despise the audience they are addressing.

The anime staff lusted after Nana Mizuki and the idealized woman they created in Hinata Hyuga.


Hinata was just originally a minor character that Kishimoto cared so little about he didn't even given her much of a story. First, to the character beaten up by Naruto's opponent to make the reader more invested in the tournament fight, and then, to marry that person to show how far they had come due to Naruto's influence. His lack of care meant he didn't interfere when he should have; when they started adding traits and scenes to make her "Naruto's perfect woman" at least according to the anime. However, no matter how important they tried to make her in the anime she would always be unimportant because she isn't tied in anyway to the main story. When they tried to do that at the end and then tried to make the entire story about her with The Last it helped to destroy the franchise


Nana Mizuki was a young beautiful twenty year old woman that was just starting out when she got the role as Hinata. And it is very clear the anime staff lusted after her. So, they did anything they could to make sure that she had to keep coming to their offices as often as possible, so they could look at her. Which means Hinata constantly appearing in filler. Stephanie Sheh has said she was annoyed by her role as Hinata as she would constantly have to come in to do a recording and be informed she was only going to say one line, "Naruto," over and over. As for Nana Mizuki thought on this, I don't know, but I will point out once she got herself established the roles she picks seem to be the opposite of Hinata as possible or at least an interesting take on the archetype at the minimum; especially after 2014 when her characters cause both Toriko and Naruto to go under.


Japanese Otaku are the same in and out of the anime staff so they liked Nana/Hinata, and hated Neji as he was her intended love interest.


American fans and western fans tend to be spilt by gender. Males like her because the perfect woman and the ultimate victory over girls like Sakura that friend-zoned them. Females like her because they self-inserted and saw themselves as the perfect victimized princess and Sakura was wrongfully stealing the man that belong to her.


In the end it was more they wanted their fantasies to come true and convince people to see how they did; than wanting to trick their audience.

#991203 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 03 July 2024 - 10:55 PM in Naruto General

Hello everyone! :love: :love: :love:
Guys, is everyone well? Sorry for my long silence: I had lost my password for the forum. I finally managed to find it! :sweatdrop:

We are ten years after the end of Naruto. What do you think, having reached this point?

I've been pondering lately…

When the story ended I wondered about the reason for such a decision.... Surely, while they wanted to continue the series with a new generation, it could have been carried on EQUALLY with Naruto and Sasuke's children. There would have been no need to necessarily pair them with Hinata and Sakura (respectively). Then... why?
I thought about it and this is my assumption.

Those who wanted the ending thought it for HINATA. I don't know if it was out of zealotry toward the character or toward the voice actress, but anyway so I believe.

Why I think this I will calmly explain in more posts. In the meantime, tell me what you think.
I have always loved the debates in our forum! :yes:

They wanted a sequel, they wanted the huge international fanbase that Naruto was famed for, and they were told Hinata was the desired love interest for Naruto by a majority of the fan base; of course push along by her fanatics in the anime staff. SS happening was to put away the spare and make a love interest for the sequel's main character. On paper, there should have been no problem.


However. The fanbase that supported Hinata being the love interest was overblown. They destroyed the original story to make it happen. Their new main character is unlikable. They added problems to the ending pairings when their supporters desired them to be perfect and flawless fantasy relationships. Also the person they put in charge of the sequel made a poorly drawn, drawn out, and uninteresting story that disinterested most people.

#991201 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 01 July 2024 - 10:56 PM in Naruto General

I feel like the fact that The Last and the Boruto movie are both coming out alongside Road to Ninja this month on Netflix (10 years since the ending) is some sort of "test" for Western audiences to see if the spawn and its dad are still viable (pfft), or if the audiences now prefer essentially an alternative.

At this point, I think they already know regardless of how the views go, but if Road does do better than those two...well, its another moment of embarrassment for nH/SS-Boruto.


If it doesn't do well it just proves that the audience has moved on, and if it does it shows they picked the wrong ending. If it sounds like we win either way, it's because we do. Even if those two movies do well, they will still be frustrated by, "why are they seeing the desired profits they were promised now and not before?"


Anything that is not a complete reversal of their ill fortunes from now on is going to displease the executives. As they have had to wait ten years for desired and promised profits. And they would want to know, "why they couldn't be benefiting for it for the last 10 years?"

#991195 Akane-Banashi

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 26 June 2024 - 06:15 AM in Otaku Square

Well, Maikeru Arakawa's Shin'uchi promotional test is almost done. I think he will pass. He clearly already got 3 of the 4 judges giving him a passing grade even if one really didn't want to.


For the patriarch of the school Issho, I think will either give him the pass and say that, "this is the minimum he expects of an Arakawa Shin'uchi." Or fail him but let the majority vote hold up so pass.


He seemed to have multiple reasons why he failed Shinta during the mass expulsion event. He felt it did not met his standards as people were already cheering him on before his performance. He wanted it to be used as an example to show that Arakawa only accept the best and will expel anything else. Finally, its implied that Shinta based his style off of Shiguma's art, the style of the master of both Issho and Shiguma (Shinta/Akane's master who inherited the performer's name) that Issho felt was impossible to copy because he couldn't; so he expelled him.


This led to a backlash against the Arakawa school that was only mitigated because both Issho's personal fame and Shiguma not making a fuss over it publicly as well as playing the mediator with the Rakugo Federation. Tohru is implied to be the only futatsume that actually respected the expulsion instead of just going to another school making it seem the whole incident was to target him, and he was well loved in the Rakugo community. Also those 5 others as well as the ones the left the school after the expulsion have joined other school and likely hold a grudge against Isssho Arakawa. As well as there have been no other futatsume that has even attempted the promotion exam since the incident. Its also all but stated that there is a schism between Issho and Shiguma that could easily lead to the school breaking apart. That hasn't happened yet because Shiguma hasn't done anything, which is implied due to Shinta accepting his expulsion as well as Akane becoming his apprentice, but he will not accept happening to another of his student especially Akane.


I feel while Issho stands by his decision he does have regrets about it, since they have had no one taking the exam since that event; if they can't get new masters eventually their school will die off. His somber attituded once he learned that Akane was Shinta's daughter. He desire to find young talent and him being a judge at that event was him looking for talent. As well as his downcast look during this exam.


Also its more beneficial for him to pass than him to fail or get expelled. As it opens a path of growth for Shiguma's students. Something to drive them on. It would also break a status quo that has hanged over the school.


Edit: Was mostly right. He was promoted by the three others and Issho accepted it while laying out what he expects for applicants hoping for a passing grade from him. The ability to capture the entire audience, a few fell asleep in the first part. He went along with Zensho's antics to make it as tough as possible. This does opening up the exam again as it at least makes clear they can pass by getting the approval of the Arch Four and general approval of the crowd. 

#991186 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 21 June 2024 - 07:34 PM in Latest Releases

Sorry, someone just informed me of this. Apparently, the daughter is suppose to be a gentle fist style taijutsu genius prodigy that is comparable if not completely surpasses Neji. Well, that's just great. However, she uses none of that in this fight and I don't think she used that when she was sparring earlier. I also don't recall either she or Bolt using their Byakugans. That likely was something the anime had for her to just reinforce how nH is so perfect and deserved to be the end pairing. Which again is another problem is that the anime did a lot of filler stories they want to be canon which Ikemoto did not watch nor would care to remember if he did.


He honestly was probably the worst choice to be in charge of the sequel. Does not care for the original manga in the slightest, wants to do his own manga using his old boss' story as a

'skin' to ensure it won't be cancel as well as leech some money off the legacy of the original, ignores the anime that had to carry the series because his manga's pacing was atrocious, as well as not working together with the anime to coordinate the story, and worse of all doesn't have any of the talent drive or skill needed to make it work.

#991185 I Have A Question

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 20 June 2024 - 05:37 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Right. Let's just say Kurama decided to be a kitten and let Naruto suffer injures for months as a lesson. Sakura after seeing him once already went to Tsunade to ask her to train with immense guilt over the injures he received trying to keep his promise to her. If Tsunade was taken care of him personally because it was that bad. whether she brought her along as part of her training or kept her away because the injuries were that bad. It would compound the guilt Sakura feels every time she saw him.


She wouldn't fall for him because of that. The repeat visit/care and seeing the damage would compound the horror that Sasuke could injure Naruto to this extent and the guilt she feels for sending him off.


Might be too late but since you are asking for your own story. This shouldn't make the girl fall in love with the main character. As much as it help cement the monster the rival was; that he could do something like this to a friend.

#991184 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 20 June 2024 - 05:18 PM in Latest Releases

Well both Elden Ring and ff14 have new expansions that are happening more or less in a few days.


Summary Time: Chapter 11. True Power....but is the power unlimited?



The cover page is Tree-Sasuke...and if I didn't know it was him, I couldn't tell you by looking at him. Why does Ikemoto mess around with the faces so much to the point they become unrecognizable? If I showed this to someone who wasn't watching/reading this and said, "this is Sasuke," they would be absolutely confused and likely would deny it.


First page is Blond Sai still on a spike unmoving and Tree-Jenga watching the daughter power up. She uses her hair to grab Blond Sai...and with complete Bull Shit heals him with no effort. He was impaled through most of his torso and she instantly heals him; so there isn't even a scratch. That wasn't one of Kurama's powers! That was a power Naruto was granted by the Sage of Six Paths, a power he never used to this extent. So that was a fake out and a flex of the daughter's power like what Naruto did with Might Guy. Also, from now on any death is on her hands because she can insta-heal anything now. She tells the others to take him to the hospital because she is not sure if she completely healed him, BS. Naruto could barely survive a two on one with Sasuke helping him, she going to take on the tree version solo. The power scaling. The power scaling is completely fucked once again. I knew this was going to happen and I am still annoyed. This feels very much like Goku going super Saiyan for the first time and saying he will take care of Freeza. Fat Filler tries to convince her to let her remain but she tells her to go, and as a joke they make a promise to go to a new pancake house.


Tree-Jenga monologues I swear even Zamasu never went on as much as a Boruto villain does. They fight. They fire Biju Bombs like they are Ceros. The daughter uses her hair to instinctively use it, also she isn't not in any cloak mode this is basic Kurama empowerment red eyes and darker whisker marks, Tree-Jenga his eye. He is impressed by her display and decides to test his power against her.


Back with Tree- Sasuke after being hit by Salad's Chidori. He acts like he barely knows anything and is confused from the Sharingan he saw Salad use, the chidori they both used, and him not knowing who Uchiha Sasuke is. The clone seems to know, not due to being informed, but by instinct or reading the script that he is after Salad. He uses the belts to hits Salad from behind with a lighting attack. The other ninja tries to join in on the fight. Konohamaru doing something for the first time in the entire story, uses a rasengan and then when attacked shows off a wind style-rasen barrier. Doesn't work and he has knocked out everyone except the one ninja based off Kodaichi who is too scared to do anything.


Back to The daughter and Tree-Jenga. He beats her up she insta-heals. She apparently can heal as quickly as the Biju do instead of what is normal for a container like Naruto. God this is becoming more and more like Dragon Ball, it is losing what little identity Naruto-Boruto still had...So Mustard and Punk are flying to the fight and they sense Bolt is flying there too. He rescues his sister. Then he uses the flying thunder god to teleport over to where Salad is to rescue her. So next chapter he fights off against his Tree-mentor.

#991181 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 17 June 2024 - 05:46 PM in Otaku Square

Her father may possibly well die before the arc ends, also vegapunk ask the straw hats to look after and she is an admire of nika which is luffy.

It is more likely for Kuma to be alive at the end of the arc than dead. His memories in his paw pain orb are slowly returning to him, the system that made him a mindless cyborg were shut off, and he has been knocked out but not fatally wounded so far.


So I find it far more likely that once they escape Kuma starts regaining his memories, the two Vegapunk feel obligated to restore him, and with Chopper and Franky help do so. The Straw Hats thank Kuma for his help two years ago, and he learns that Luffy is Nika. Tears shared between Father and Daughter reuniting at last. Then they go off to join their comrades in the Revolutionary army.


Luffy doesn't really let young kids join his crew, since Shanks didn't, or he would have let Tama join.


I also see Atlas acting as a donor for Kuma for spare organs, requesting Lilith be allowed to join the crew and see Laugh Tale. Lilith being the last Vegapunk feel obligated to join the crew to see through Stella's wishes.

#991179 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 17 June 2024 - 02:04 AM in Otaku Square

Booney seems more likely to be set up as the next straw hat as a cabin girl

Bonney desire is her father. That will probably be resolved at the end of this island's arc. Unless he also joins, he will likely join the revolutionary army again, there isn't much reason for her to stay with the crew instead of going her separate ways with her father.


Vegapunk wants to go to Laugh Tale and asked to join Luffy before the trouble start. Only Lilith and Atlas are the only good Vegapunks really left. Atlas is too big so it probably Lilith. 

#991175 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 14 June 2024 - 12:06 PM in Otaku Square

So it clear Vegapunk's message is going to set the race to Laugh Tale off to full force, because the only way to tell if what he was saying was the Truth or not can only be determined by what is on that island.


The last Road poneglyph is probably going to be on Elbaf with all four and Nico Robin to read it its off to the final island with everyone joining the chase.


Either Jimbei is the last Strawhat to join before the end of their is going to be one more. At the moment Lilith Vegapunk seems most likely so a Vegapunk joins the crew to see what is on the last island. They are probably going to get an even larger fleet of supporters. With Big New Morgan releasing on the news that Luffy is the most likely to win so a lot of groups ally with him. The Revolutionary Army is likely to do so as are the Amazons.


Buggy forces will be made up of Strawhats old enemies from Foxy to even the Big Mom & Animal pirates. Assuming they are not treated as a joke they may actually be the final opponents.


Blackbeard will finally be an active foe against the main cast.


Shanks will fight Luffy's crew at some point. It might be interesting if they do another Davy Fight Back over Robin.


The World Government is also forced to join the race with a possible spilt between the World Nobles' forces and the Marines.