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There have been 105 items by Bail o' Lies (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#991001 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 21 March 2024 - 02:59 AM in Latest Releases

Had internet problems.


Read the DragonBall Super Chapter. You know if they ended it right here due to Toriyama's death this is a decent ending. The Saiyans are all training together, the Red Ribbon Army stop being a threat, and Goku started to bond with Pan. You could go to the final chapter from here with only a few questions.


A Moment of Silence for the passing of a great artist.


...Now for a story with nothing decent in it.


Summary Time: Chapter 8(8). It doesn't matter...never has there been a title that sums up the entire story more than this.


Cover Page is Tree-Jenga...no, I am not going to bother remembering its name, because i don't remember what it was anyways.


Guh. Bolt declares to Cups that, he is "Cups' Sun and to come find him at anytime"...God, that was as lame as it was corny. It is also not helping as that could be an awful pick up line. Oh and it is made worse by Hime watching and declaring "that it was like too cool. oh my gosh." What worse about an attempted cool moment falling flat is the writer praising themselves over it. Also, this is making my prediction that Hime will fall for Bolt, from the end of part one, more predictable than the Sun rising in the East tomorrow. Nail is behind her wondering why it is taking so long to track Bolt. Oh Mustard is still here, don't know where she has been for the last eight chapters, and she is still worshipping Hime. Oh apparently Hime still lives in the villa outside of the village.


Oh Fucking Finally! Someone tells Shikamaru about the Tree People. Nail decides to mental contact Shikamaru through the sensory division, guess that's their job now to be the psychic phone company. Shikamaru worries about Nail catching onto his conversation with Bolt but Ino says she can keep them separate. Bolt leaves and Nail realizes Bolt left before he could sense him...somehow. I think the story wants this to be the start of him suspecting Shikamaru or someone is working with Bolt.


Cups goes to the villa and is surprised to see Hime there. They and Moe have a conversation about how Nail doesn't care about him. Cups also thanks Hime for allowing him to experience the emotion love. That and his doubts with Nail have lead him to decided to seek self affirmation instead of seeking it from others. And Hime makes it clear he loves "Nail"...god this really is gayer than Naruto; back then they always hid behind brotherly feelings but this is just full out admission.


Oh there had been this random nudist running around so Tree-Jenga and Tree-Sasuke use it to transport to the village to eat Naruto. They can feel him...damn it Sasuke. Thankfully they are sensed and a whole bunch of Mooks come out to greet them. Oh Hime informs Shikamaru what they are and apologizes for not telling him sooner...guess people in Japan were pointing that stupidity out; you know because one of the targets is herself. Tree-Jenga walks into a book story and as a joke Tree-Sasuke ask if Naruto is in there. Nail finds them. Tree- Jenga senses the tailed beast Chakra within Naruto to locate him, but instead they find the daughter...the daughter has inherited both the byakugan from her mother and the nine tails' chakra from Naruto...sigh

#990999 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 18 March 2024 - 09:11 PM in Naruto General

Crimson Fox, the assistant is Ikemoto that "volunteered" to work on the Boruto manga, which is a massive failure. However he has been dealing with a burden that should have been Kishi's for the past ten years. To openly stab him in the back would pretty much blacklist him from the industry as no one would be able to trust working for him. If there is to be a rewrite of the ending it has to be handled carefully. Granted I get the increasing feeling that the various companies are tired of Boruto's poor performance.


For stories it always best to go for a simple answer only going more elaborate when the simple doesn't fit.


No matter what it quite clear that Kishimoto didn't really look into his fanbase, more than he was told by others, till after the ending.


Just so everyone understands Slam Dunk is considered THE SHOUNEN SPORTS MANGA. The one that set the standard that all sports manga follow after. It also still one of the most profitable manga ever and I think still in the top ten. It was huge in the 90s.


Phantom/Kagomaru, people don't like the rug pull out from under them. If they get invested in a story they want a satisfying pay off. Part of that for romance if a manga spend years building up a couple they expect them to get together. That not happening greatly annoys the sexually frustrated Japanese.

#990995 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 17 March 2024 - 06:08 PM in Naruto General

Other, Kishimoto has never mentioned the Dragon Quest anime you watched as his primary inspiration for Naruto in any interview. He has mentioned that the NartuoXSasukeXSakura dynamics were based off of Slam Dunk. Which I assume you have not watch/read. Hanamichi Sakuragi was a dumb punk that falls in love with Haruko Akagi an avid basketball fan that has a crush on the ace's of her high school's basketball team the gifted Kaeda Rukawa. To win her affection Sakuragi joins the team and is rivals with Rukawa. In Slam Dunk, none of them end up together at the end. Rukawa was never interested in Akagi, and Sakuragi eventually became more interested in focusing on basketball. So if Haruko got together with Sakuragi, She would have been Haruko Sakuragi. Haruko Sakuragi. Haruno, Sakura. Sakura Haruno.


Crimson Fox, it is clear that you have given a lot of time to thinking deeply into why the ending happen, and you hope that Kishimoto's reasonings were just as deep to justify your contemplations.


The simple truth is this. Kishimoto did not have any long term story with tons of intricacies. His story is quite simple. For most of the characters of Naruto, unless they managed to hold his interest, their initial story was all they were going to get. 


For Sakura that means, near the end of the manga she would discover that Naruto was the one that gave her the forehead comment and fall in love with him. Of course plans change, as there was a change in how girls are portrayed in shounen, going from rarely fighting and mainly just hit the main character comically, to can and will fight while still hitting the main character comically, but that meant Kishimoto never really knew what to do with her beyond that. As he never fully understood the change nor embraced it.


Yahagi was Kishimoto's editor until right before the Pein arc. He was his editor for about 10 years when the average is 2. After Yahagi, Kishimoto went through 14 different editors in 5 years. Rumors have it that after Yahagi his next editor was a big fan of Hinata even wanting her to become the love interest/heroine and was the one pushing her to have the scenes she got in the Pein arc.


You seem to think that just because they didn't get together after the Rescue Gaara arc that Kishimoto abandoned it right then and there. When again, it was more him wanting them to get together at the end of the manga. If they did end the pairing at that arc. Why did Sakura have the moment when Naruto was in 4-tails? Why did she try to feed him ramen after the Shikamaru arc? Why she hug him after Pein? Why did she keep having scenes like that till near the end of the manga? The answer is again, they were suppose to get together until Kishimoto was 'convinced' to change it at the last minute.


Sakura is Kishimoto's type. He married a woman that everyone says is very like Sakura.


Kishimoto has said multiple times he does not get the appeal of Hinata, but went with her because he was told she was what the fans wanted. He understand why people like SS and thinks it's cliche. That might have changed after seeing how far Naruto-Boruto has fallen, but he can't do anything right now without it look like he is stabbing his former assistant in the back.


As for the Japanese fanbase...what has happened to Star Wars is a good analogue. Naruto's manga average sale was 3.47 million. Boruto averages out at around 100k. The SS manga got about 50K. Most of the Japanese fanbase either understand that the ending was a move to appease the Western Fanbase, or just assume it was his intention. Either way most have moved on with only nH and SS really staying around, with SS being the larger one by far.

#990959 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 02 March 2024 - 11:12 PM in Naruto General

@Bail I know it wasn't the first one, but it's the first one that I've heard about actually being liked by people.


That is true the quality in the west as I said really took a massive nosedive that even something mediocre is viewed as good.


Imagine people liking a woman for looking like a woman, and not a man. :D What a world we live in.


The Naruto movie I just find it too late and not what we or "Naruto" needed. It just feels like once again them reading the room wrong and not bothering to listen.


The last part, I don't even know what to say dude. In a world of DEI and ESG what you said fits like a glove. And it's likely.



@Blue So it does look like they actually did something well. Again I've only heard from people who didn't follow the manga and also got tired of the decline in stories in these past years in entertainment.

Just making sure. It is the only one they have done that hasn't bombed.


The problem is that the decline is somewhat intentional and somewhat going too far by accident.


BlackRock and Vanguard are two major investment companies. One of their owners has said multiple times that he wants to control the media people view, so he can change their world views; into what he wants it to be. Western Media Companies go along with it because by this point they are full of useless risk-averse executives without an ounce of creativity, and the investment companies are offering guaranteed money for any project they agree with. They hire non-straight white male people regardless of skill, talent, or experience maybe worse in spite of a lack of it; to produce media for "the modern audience." Of course they are informed they have only been hired because they are not straight white males, and just to produce anything. So they barely put any effort into it or lack the talent, skill, or experience to make anything good. Often times this so call "modern audience" is just themselves. 


In short. The investment company just gives them the money, the company spends the money while not bothering with any quality control, and the staff half ass it. So they produce products no one wants beyond themselves. This 'worked' for awhile, when the economy was good, but now its collapsing and the investment company can't give the media companies enough money to say afloat.


The thing is just because they produce something to lower the standards of the customers. Doesn't mean everyone lowers their standards and blindly consume their product. The customer may just refuse to buy and take their money elsewhere. While also being happy when another comes along and respect them by giving them what they want.


For an example. One of the things they want to change is the standards of beauty. They think the current media makes women too unrealistically beautiful and wants to make them more "realistic." How the West goes about it in video games is taking a model based on a real woman and make the character deliberately ugly. People are able to both question & criticize this by just finding a photo of the model they uglified. When they were just suppose to accept the character as what someone actually looks like, and suppose to consider beautiful.


One of the hot games coming out is Stellar Blade. Which has an attractive woman in a tight cyber-suit. People including Western game developers accuse it of being sexist and the female character being obviously fake. The Korean developers show that the model is mostly one to one between the real life model and the character model.


Now onto Naruto. This Lionsgate movie was 'started' ten years ago. Nothing happened till now, because of the collapse of Naruto's popularity after the ending; until One Piece LA happened. Then likely the narrative of, "hey, One Piece was this obscure anime no one knew about and look how successful it adaptation was. What if we do a live action of Naruto the King of International sales for anime?" Nos, you said most of the people you know that keep talking about One Piece weren't fans of the anime or manga. Why can't the same happen for Naruto? Now will it work?...who knows.

#990952 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 27 February 2024 - 08:26 PM in Naruto General

One Piece was not the first live action anime adaption Netflix done, just the first one that was successful.


Both. One piece has a good story, and the writing quality in the West has decline so much that people become overjoyed at something that could be even average.


Lets see FF7 gotten a lot of buzz this past week or so. Why? They had a trailer that showed Tifa pretty and in an appealing swimsuit. People are so used to female characters being ugly and frumpy at the best of time, gamers were overjoyed. 


As for why they are doing this. Naruto was huge a decade ago. They probably hope the movie could revitalize viewership and interest. Will it? Who knows but doubtful. Naruto has more problems than just its end pairings. Naruto's obsession with Sasuke, his eventual lack of growth, his quest to become hokage becomes forgotten about, and so on.


It depends what they want to do with it. if they want to do a "Naruto Universe," they will probably start from the beginning. If it just one movie, it will probably be the most popular arc or just some original story that is a weird amalgamation of Naruto. Or it will just be Naruto in name only to get people in seats. 


Still the most likely out come is this: Imagine a gay transgender Steve Urkel chasing after Edward Cullen, when he not constantly moaning about how oppressed he is, while Ken Watanabe playing Kakashi keeps pulling his mask down to show his face every five seconds, and  Awkwafina playing Sakura will constantly quip with a smug look on her face as well as she will on social media declare that all fans of Naruto are sexist that shouldn't complain about anything as well as saying they shouldn't watch it.

#990949 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 24 February 2024 - 01:04 AM in Naruto General

Looks like with have an actual update on the live action naruto movie in that the guy who did shang chi is do it https://www.google.c...1235833511/amp/

...So the guy that did that Marvel movie that was a love letter to China, which was largely considered average/mediocre and forgettable. Well, the cast might actually be/have Asians, instead of vaguely ethnic brown people. So will awkwafina be playing Sakura or Hinata? Since, she is the young Asian actress/singer/comedian they keep shoving into everything.



Since, I know nothing else about the guy. I assume Naruto will be remade, "for modern audiences," and it will at best be average and forgettable.

#990947 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 21 February 2024 - 06:53 AM in Latest Releases

The thing with Naruto's male friendship being seen as gay was more due to yaoi shipping googles, when you take a step back, and just look at it; most just come off as male friendship.


Here, they can say "bro" all they want. All I was thinking while reading this was "dear god just have Bolt, Cups, and Nail make out already so we can move this plot along."

#990945 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 20 February 2024 - 03:52 PM in Latest Releases

Oh the Dragon Ball Super chapter was Gohan verse Goku... somewhat.


Summary Time: Chapter (8)7. The Whereabouts of The Sun. Incase people forgot that is what Cups consider Bolt and constantly calls him...Yes, people from what I understand do think Boruto/Mitsuki are a better pairing.


Cover page is Cups with a snake design as the background. Right, his design is the best of the worst, but it still very generic.


Cups goes on about his weird Sun & Moon bit...Oh wait he still thinks Nail is his sun and isn't questioning it...my mistake. How obsessed was he with Bolt beforehand? He barely existed in the first part, so it was hard to tell. Granted it was pretty much his only personality trait other than being Snake Sai. Cups decided to knock Nail out because, he assume since Bolt can defeat Punk, he must be stronger than Nail is right now. Granted while Nail has never been that impressive, none of the the characters have been in this manga, but I also expect some kitten power up at some point. He also say he can't go all out without asking Nail/Bolt if he is around.


The fight...eh. Both of them can use lighting elemental release. Bolt eventually wins by putting his sword near Cups' neck. Cups tell him to get it over with. Bolt says he can feels Cups' faith in Nail is wavering. While they are talking Shikamaru ask Ino if she can extent the telepathic link to Cups so he can explain what is going on...no, wait, he wants to hear both sides of this very gay conversation. Ino says it is too risky. So its up to Bolt to convince Cups. The very gay conversation about being Cups' sun continues, Bolt says he can shine on his own, and reveals his father is alive to all three.


Nail wakes up.


Shikamaru has a conversation with Bolt telling him everything...Ok, this is stupid. So, apparently, if I am reading this right, part of Omnipotence's power is even if you learn about it, it won't ever stick, and it knowledge will slowly fade...its not said but I assume without constant reinforcing of the fact. What kitten to keep this stupid plot line going, and again there is physical evidences. Which they are still pretending doesn't exist. Again, to keep this going. This also means Bolt will have convince them all again over and over. And may have had to do so before already. Oh. And he didn't tell them about the tree-people. Just about his feelings towards Nail.


Now the tree-people are reading. And feel the books they have aren't answering the question they have. They decided to go eat Naruto. Damn it, Sasuke.

#990935 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 11 February 2024 - 04:24 PM in Naruto General

I think you need some deaths in for some suspense otherwise the conflict wouldn't look threatening. Heck it could even just be some recurring minor characters like those minor leaf chunin or jonin we see, some of the relatives like hiashi dying to protect neji and hinata or at least maybe knowing because he is old. As for the case with guy would of served the mentor death for Lee to grow and frankly naruto nre healing power made sakura look irrelevant for alot of people.

The problem with the War arc isn't a lack of death, its the lack of meaning. Who cares if a character lives or dies if they do not matter in the story?


From what I recall didn't the manga say like 50,000 ninja died during the war. Did those deaths make the story more meaningful, threatening, realistic, and so on? No? That is because, those death's didn't matter. A big problem in Naruto is a lot of the characters (even fan favorites) do not matter. You can kill off 99% of the cast if you want and it won't affect the story that much because they are just that unimportant.


So If I were to change something about the war arc, it wouldn't be to have more characters die. Its to do what I posted above; to have the cast have their final trials to show their growth and what they are going to do after the story is over.

#990932 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 09 February 2024 - 02:25 PM in Naruto General

So no deaths in the war, including might guy?

Yes. For Guy he lived to show off Naruto's new power he got from the sage. OK.


Now what you are suggesting. Instead he died. OK. Its doesn't change that much in the story. Even the sequel. I guess people will call it deep meaningful realistic some other buzz word, that he died after giving his all fighting Madara but he was done either way in his involvement in the story. So his life and death is an unimportant coin flip by that point.


The problem with the War arc isn't the lack of death; its that it is largely pointless filler fights. The war again should have been the final trial for the cast; strengthens their resolve to do whatever they are going to to after the story. The problem is the cast is so underutilized and underdeveloped it didn't happen, but it also doesn't matter if they lived or die because they don't have much of an impact on the story either way.


Neji's death matters because was one of the few characters with a story and his death allowed his intended fiancé to latch on to the only other story she had; her feelings towards the main character.

#990930 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 09 February 2024 - 12:01 AM in Naruto General

I meant who should have died in the war in general, not only among the k11

And again for a third time, none. They all should had an individual reform that they wanted to work on to change the ninja system. Kishimoto didn't develop them, so most never really had any reforms they wanted to work on. So the ending and the sequel had to scramble to give some for them to do. But that failure doesn't mean the cast needs to die.


A character journey's end does not only mean the only path is their death. It can just be the completion of a goal.

#990928 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 08 February 2024 - 02:02 AM in Naruto General

Again, as Nos said. The thing is the none of the K11 should have died during the war arc. The war arc should have been the cast final challenge that strengthen their resolve to go about their individual reforms. The problem is they are so underdeveloped and underutilized that it doesn't happen. So, the War arc is largely filler to pad out the manga's length.


Here is an obvious example of what should have happen with Neji. Hinata's and Neji's fathers fight it out. Hinata's father loses to his brother due to some reason. Neji and Hinata step in. Neji shows off moves that are only taught to the clan's heir. His father realizes that his brother is grooming his son to be the next clan head by marrying Hinata. After he is defeated and is being seal away. His brother, son and future daughter in law all show their resolve to reform the clan. Yes, it makes clear by this point Hinata should have moved on from Naruto. He thanks and forgives his brother, apologizes to Hinata, and gives some fatherly advice to Neji; all the while lamenting he won't be able to go to their wedding but he will be watching and always be with them.


Here is one for Sakura. She fights Naurto's grandmother, that as a joke looks exactly like a mature version of his sexy jutsu minus the whiskers marks. This leads into two jokes during the fight one, Sakura constantly thinking about how she will never let Naruto use that jutsu again because it will embarrass their...I mean his daughters and two, how there is no way she is Naruto's grandmother as that would make the Fourth his father and Naruto would have told her about something that big. Grandma Namikaze didn't approve of Minato and Kushina and hopes they didn't get together before she died young; when Sakura finally just asks if Minato knew any girl from the Uzumaki clan. Which annoys Sakura, causing her to fight harder to defend her man...wait not man; she meant friend, just friends. When she is defeated and being sealed away Naruto comes in, she instantly realizes that he is her grandson, and through some quick banter between him and Sakura realizes she is her future granddaughter in law even if Sakura won't admit it yet.

#990918 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 06 February 2024 - 12:05 AM in Naruto General

What Nos said. Anyways, its not like most of them are that involved enough in the manga story to add anything beyond shock value; beside Shikamaru.


Who would care if Kiba or Shino died?


Hinata's death would mainly just be to end "her story." So, her obsessive fans working in the anime staff can no longer keep trying to make her the core of the story.


Chouji? Kishimoto already killed Asuma for Shikamaru's growth.


Lee was pretty much replace by Gai in part two; so why bother.


Tenten is not that important; besides the Lee Spin off manga.


I guess Ino the only one because her death would affect Sakura.

#990911 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 19 January 2024 - 07:42 AM in Latest Releases

Ah. The chapter was release today. I thought it was going to release on the 20th again like normal.


Summary Time: Chapter (8)6. Three Years...You know, the time skip doesn't feel like three years have passed in story. Granted, if Ikemoto didn't have someone breathing down his neck; it may have taken him three years to even reach this point in part two.


Cover Page is Shikamaru.


Incase people forgot those two elders that were The Third Hokage's teammates are still around and are still the elders. Shikamaru is reporting to them on what has happened. They tell him that Bolt must be eliminated and they need to talk about the village's budget. Also Shikamaru has not officially taken the title of Eight Hokage...is this some act of humility or has Ikemoto been informed people didn't like the idea of him being hokage?


Shikamaru has Ino bring him old mission records...as the flip only affected memory not physical evidence. They have never done this sooner because Ikemoto is one of those bad writers where things can only happen if they are on screen. Also apparently, from what I have been hearing, people are trying to convince themselves that Shikamaru knows about the switch and has a plan. No, to both. He only got suspicious about it last chapter after being informed by Sai of what Madoc said. As for a plan? He is a stupid useless Kishimoto character not a brilliant near flawless ikemoto character; of course he doesn't have a plan. Ino asks him what is up telepathically and he wants this kept a complete secret while he investigates.


Oh Hime is telling Nail about the Tree people not Shikamaru, I guess because Shikamaru is a filthy worthless Kishimoto character. Moe asks...sorry this is so stupid. Moe points out that only a handful of people know Naruto is still alive themselves (Nail, Moe, & Hime) and Bolt and Sasuke. Bolt and Sasuke are discredited because they are criminals. But for some reason if those tree people come around asking for Naruto; people might realize he is still alive...what. Why? Why would the village believe the tree people? Why would they not just assume the tree people are misinformed or lying? And again, this is another nail in the coffin on how stupid the sealing Naruto away instead of killing him was. Oh Cups might have been listing in.


On to Bolt, Salad, and the Clone. Salad is embarrassed over her the hug she gave Bolt. Clone realizing it is too awkward for Salad tries to break the ice...oh God the side profile of Bolt is so bad. Bolt is there to inform Salad of what happened to her father. He is trying to make this quick before Nail senses him.


Nail senses Bolt's presence in front of Cups. Cups sick of Nail mistreating him uses a snake to knock him out...remember that Nail is Bolt's great rival, who he must defeat to rescue his parent and likely save the village if not the world. So, he can find Bolt himself to workout his mixed up feelings. He used to live his life kissing Bolt's ass but when he tries to do it with Nail, he keeps kicking him away. He contacts Shikamaru, who then uses Ino to open a private link with Bolt.


Cups starts a fight with Bolt. Bolt has an attack called purple lighting. Bolt decides to leave the village so he out of Nail's sensing range. Shikamaru asks if he is Uzumaki Boruto. However, Cups put his little white snake in Bolt's pants. So, he was able to track him.

#990896 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 07 January 2024 - 04:23 AM in Naruto General

Going by the Cover of Weekly Shounen Jump for the past few months. The Tops three are still One Piece, Jujutsu Kaisen, and My Hero. The next three are Sakamoto Days, Blue Box, and Akane Banashi.

#990882 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 29 December 2023 - 05:11 AM in Latest Releases

https://www.youtube....3LkcvwwveDEcldD my review of the last 3 chapters with luckychi

Just for the record. I do the summaries without images because the images' source may be taken down eventually...also this site can be a pain with some images. You are doing a video. When going over the summary showing the images gives the viewer something to look at.


Also during a discussion podcast. The summaries should be done concise and gone through quickly so you can get to the meat of the show. The discussion. Rambling and meandering through the summary chases off viewers. For example, "Chapter 3. Boruto shows off his new attack that one-shots Code by inflicting him with Vertigo. Then Kawaki interfered allowing Code to get away." Then, go into detail in your discussions.


My Summaries are play by play both to go through the story and to express my problems with the plot as I read it. But, it shouldn't take more than a few minutes to read one of my Summaries. Even if you are going to do a play by play it should still be structured to make sure there is no meandering or rambling. 


The way you decided to do you reviews of the chapters is not the best. 1-3 was intro as well the fight against Punk, 4-5 were the introduction to the tree people who got caught as well as who they are going after, and by the looks of it 6 onward will probably deal Bolt back in the village. 3-5 is, "Well Bolt just one shotted Punk, therefore reducing his threat level to mere nuisance, so here are the new villains for the arc Tree-People." Also. Summary. Discussion. Summary. Discussion. Is not the best structure. Go through the chapters you want to talk about then discuss them.

#990874 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 26 December 2023 - 06:41 PM in Premiere Screenings

So was the boruto anime put on hiatus or cancelled before ending on the last chapter of part one?

*Checks the Wiki* The anime ended with Bolt's fake death. Which was the arc before the final arc of part one the big switch. So, yes.

#990861 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 25 December 2023 - 11:19 AM in Latest Releases

Oh just to remind people that only people's memories were change not physical evidence. Now they only bring up a family photo. But that also means records and documents like birth certificates and the various personnel files like from the Kakashi face reveal one-shot (where Team 7 trying to figure out a way to see Kakashi's face had already looked through at least two different public records then when Kakashi disguised suggested sneaking a peak at a third file his registration form) should have remained unchanged. As well as video recordings, I bring this up since Bolt was interviewed at least once and was introduced as "Boruto Uzumaki, son of our Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki."


The fact that they only bring up the photo as well as forgetting these other pieces of evidence kind of shows how smart the person writing this is. As well as how dumb the idea was. 

#990858 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 20 December 2023 - 06:21 PM in Latest Releases

This hug from Sarada to Boruto, if BoruSara happens, will be similar to Sakura's hug to Sasuke with Naruto watching. However, if it's BoruSumi, it will be akin to Sakura's hug to Naruto with Hinata watching after the fight against Pain...

Worse is that they are incorporating various elements of NaruSaku into BoruSara... At the beginning of Boruto, I thought they would make BoruSara a heterosexual version of NaruSasu

This chapter pretty much makes it clear the pairing is Boruto and Sarada. Sasuke says those two will save the world, he ask Bolt to take care of her, and the hug while the clone is watching.


The post Pein hug was suppose to push NS. It was suppose to cancel out the Hinata's suicidal charge. Either way if Ikemoto is referencing it or not, I don't see this as pushing The Clone as the love interest. Her look said more, "I'm sad i won't being marrying Bolt, but I'm willing to stpe aside for my friend Salad's happiness." Than, "I will still end up with him in the end."


Sarada is Sakura 2.0. Sakura with all her flaws that made her hated removed. She is not a female Sasuke.


For BS to be a SNS clone it would require for Bolt and Salad to have a rivalry of mutual respect. Salad was not that involved in the plot enough to have a rivalry with Bolt and Nail took over Sasuke's role of being the bro bond bro of bro rivalry bro with Bolt. So BS has always been a less interesting version of NS. 


Sumire, the Hinata Clone is a creation of the anime staff and they were the ones pushing her. If they are not pushing. Then, it defaults to Sarada being the love interest.


Also Ikemoto really doesn't have time to waste. He has ten volumes for part two and that's about 40 chapters. So after this one, he has 35 chapters left to tell the rest of his plot. So setting up BS so there is no pairing conflict later and resolving the switch issue quickly. Is something Ikemoto has to do.

#990856 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 20 December 2023 - 04:23 PM in Latest Releases

DragonBall Super has reached its 100th chapter. They ended the movie adaptation arc. Which I thought was fine, as it was Toyotaro adding his own taste to the story instead of a copy and paste. 


Summary Time: Chapter (8)5. Target...most of those shut down where I live due to all the lootings.


Cover page is Sasuke with a tree in the background.


The chapter starts out with a flashback to Bolt's training under Sasuke until he got stuck in a tree. It says something about how awful Bolt's design and hairstyle normally are, that this undetailed messy mop is his best look so far. Apparently, in a year's time Bolt has nearly mastered everything Sasuke could teach him. Remember, Sasuke is "the most powerful ninja in the world" at the moment; of course barring any random Ikemoto character. Christ, I know they are trying to make Bolt a genius but it would have been better if he was only half trained by Sasuke and then had his training completed by Clone Jiraiya. So the incomplete training under different masters create flaws in his style that he must over come. Sasuke then talks about how Bolt reminds him of Naruto with his determination, and he believes that he and Salad are the only ones that can deal with this issue...oh Ikemoto trying to show that he is considering bringing Salad into more importance. Doubt anything will come of it, but I suspect this is a result of people not being please with how she has been shown these first few chapters of part two. As well as how she behave by the end of part one.


Then they fight Punk with Sasuke taking his eye. He tells Bolt to run and take care of Salad. Then he is put in the tree and Bolt picks up his sword.


Oh no. Now he is posing somewhere with his current haircut...this is why you don't cut your own hair people.


Back to the Village...oh it was Moegi that was stuck in a tree...again it is hard to tell who is who with Ikemoto's art. The Neo-Ino-Shika-Cho and Konohamaru swear revenge... the lessons of Naruto put into practice, start a new cycle of hatred, never forgive; another success Naruto. Oh Tree-Moegi, who they decide to name themselves Matsuri can sense their feeling through the tree I guess...does that mean Tree-Sasuke has to hear all Bolt's heart to heart with Sasuke? Tree-Jenga, whose name is Jura, then talks about how they are all still the ten-tails, therefore one being, however due to Punk's foolishness they are experiencing independence and consciousness for the first time, and they state their goal is to eat both Bolt and Nail. Also, Tree-Jenga also feels a strong need to eat Naruto as well...is...is he getting that desire from Sasuke? 


Oh Hime is listening in to all of this. Is she going to tell anyone about this new threat?


Apparently, due to their new freedom and minds they want to eat more people instead of just Otsutsuki. Tree-Moegi wants to eat Konohamaru...again is the desire to eat Naruto from Sasuke? Tree-Sasuke name is Hidari which means left-hand/side. Tree-Bug (he is the only one not named here, so again, I suspect he is the first one to be defeated) looks straight at Hime and declares he is going to eat her, and Tree-Sasuke is Salad. So the person he cares most about is his daughter; he has never mentioned Sakura in Boruto and certainly not in this chapter. You know, going off the SS manga Sakura might actually enjoy being eaten by Tree-Sasuke. So they can be one for all eternity...Is Sasuke's fear making sure Tree-Sasuke doesn't want to eat Sakura?


Oh Madoc is back and he is talking to the Clone. He points out he knows Nail has his daughter's data because he recognizes the modification to Nail's body as his own work. You know, I was expecting him to not be affect by the switch because he is an Ikemoto character. The short shock at the start of it was all that was going to happen. Sai was overhearing this on the monitor and informs Shikamaru. Salad and the Clone discuss how that's the case, when they still have photos and other physical evidence that Bolt is Naruto's son. Apparently, because they trust their memory over physical evidence. Then Bolt appears behind them and Salad runs up to hug him with the Clone watching on. Guess they are confirming BS.

#990851 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 17 December 2023 - 03:22 PM in Otaku Square

One piece is getting a remake by wit studio of the anime's 25th anniversary covering the East Blue saga


Its likely trying to get people into the anime that watched the LA. People get scared off by the number of episodes the anime has and how much of it is filler. One Piece Kai, is an easy way to get people into One Piece.

#990847 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 17 December 2023 - 09:02 AM in Naruto General

I see. Thanks.

So the movie is basically in limbo while the show may come to fruition due to the success of the One Piece show.

Yeah I don't really know what to say at this point, Netflix like you said does have that history of releasing stuff regardless of the quality, for them and most streaming platforms it's not about quality it's about quantity. It's about having a big enough catalog to justify the price and to attract people to their platform by having the viewers go "OMG look how much there is here." So a Naruto show might actually exist at one point.

Even if they do let's say a portion of the beginning of the manga, will that be enough to draw in people? Considering that most people who would watch it are old fans and know how the story goes and ends and continues after the ending.

I say it's a tough sell no matter what they do.

The movie was in limbo and may have moved out of it, only due to One Piece.


A big problem with the appeal of Naruto is something antithetical to Modern Hollywood. Naruto strives towards his dream trying to move pass his sad past, Hollywood wants their character to obsess over their oppression as they think that makes their characters deep.

#990845 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 17 December 2023 - 12:40 AM in Naruto General

One significant change I would personally make for a live action Naruto series is make Tsunade the inspiration for Sakura in wanting to be a kunoichi, and maybe this could be something that is talked about amongst the girls.... Like a passing conversation from Ino to Sakura and those tales gives her the motivation...



The reason she would want to be a kunoichi most of all is to help those in need, and the leave the romance aspect to a high minimal focus. 




That would be me though.   

That's Tenten. Sakura became a Ninja because of the fact she was a child born in the village and was sent to the academy. She didn't have much choice in the matter. Her idol was Ino.


So is the live action 100% confirmed or just a project that may see the light of day?

Their are possibly two live action that may be put into production. A Lionsgate movie and a Netflix TV show. Both due to the success of the One Piece adaptation. 


The Lionsgate movie has been 'in development' since around the time of the ending. It has been stuck there due to Naruto fall from grace and more importantly sales. If it's gotten out of it, its due to One Piece.


Netflix tend to produce and release the stuff they make regardless of quality. They started I think this year after One Piece was successful.


Both of these will take years to produce before they ever hit any screen.

#990842 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 16 December 2023 - 02:06 AM in Naruto General

So, on the topic of a live-action series, I see three potential ways this could go. 


1: SP is directly involved and keeps everything the exact same, and maybe even does more damage to Sakura's character.


2: The studio producing the show is completely woke (which is outlawed in Japan) and makes every worst possible decisions. 


3: We get a good producer who reads through the entire manga, thinking Naruto will either die or end up with Sakura, and then gets kitten slapped across the face when NH happens out of nowhere. He/she thinks that's completely stupid, and puts Naruto with Sakura or kills him off. Both endings are superior to what we got with the original crap. 


Also,,, can someone please tell me WTF was the point of the Anbu?! I thought these guys were supposed to be the best of the best. The elite of the elite. The last guys you wanna F with, and yet they're torn to shreds in every single fight they're ever in. Konohomaru from episode 2 could probably just sneeze in the general direction of these guys and still kill them by accident~ 

The ANBU were create to show how dangerous Haku was, after that they were faceless elite mooks.


Faceless means forgettable and disposable. It really inconvenient if a character that has a name and a face has to die to make you consider the new foe a threat, but its easy to create a new faceless elite mook to exist to just die. They are used to show the strength of their opponent because you are suppose to consider them the elite of the elite. So, when they are defeat that means their opponent is even stronger then that.


As for your three choice.


1) Kishimoto is a big fan of Hollywood movies and would likely want to involve himself. Shueisha and Kishimoto hold the rights to Naruto, SP only has control over the anime. They would have to become producer to involve themselves. Granted if they do they wouldn't keep it the same. They would rewrite the entire story so that Hinata was always involve and the story was always about Hinata.


2) Did they outlaw "woke" or do they just not like it? Anyways, that will likely happen unless Kishimoto or the companies control them to prevent that.


3) Unlikely. 

#990838 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 15 December 2023 - 08:37 AM in Latest Releases

The thing I want to know Bail is why is this trash so protected why are they keeping this going?

Oh that's easy. Ikemoto's Contract with Shueisha.


I explained this years ago when Kodaichi was "let go," but corporations don't really like to fire people outright, because then they can be sued for wrongful termination of employment; yes, even in Japan. So what most corporations prefer is contracts that last for a fix term that have to be renewed every couple of years, instead of permanent employment. If they like the contractor's work, they renew it. If they do a great job, then that employee can renegotiate for better terms. If they do a poor job, corporations don't renew and simply let it expire; therefore firing the person without risk of being sued. 


Corporations when they have a bad employee prefer not to go for contract termination, unless they have to due to the employee breeching the contract in someway that justify their firing to protect the company from being sued, and would rather just let the contract expire. So what do they do to this employee they want gone, but don't want to fire them? They just put them somewhere where they won't cost much or do much harm to the corporation, while they wait for the contract to expire. You have to really piss them off or they feel you won't sue them to get many corporations to fire you early instead of just waiting for the contract to end.


(Those Hollywood strikes that happened for a few months were part of renegotiating their contracts that terms' were ending. They will renegotiate in three years.


Kathleen Kennedy has remained the head of Lucasfilms despite all the damage she has done is because of her contract. Before George Lucas handed it over to Disney, he made Kennedy's contract ironclad; that pretty much prevent any termination of the contract beyond expiration. The times her contract was up for renewal, there were reasons Disney found to keep her. People hope with the failure of Indiana Jones, Willow, the overall failure of Star Wars, and the problems in Florida removing Disney's government safety net will finally force Disney to let her go.)


Now, I do not know much about the contracts mangaka have with their magazines'. However, when Kodaichi left he said that he was contracted to do 15 volumes and that it was the halfway point of the manga. Therefore, it is likely that Ikemoto is still under those next 15 volumes. So 30 in total, Boruto: The Never-Ending Prologue was 20 volumes. That means Boruto part two is 10 volumes under the current contract. Now, reasonably if a manga was successful they would renew it for longer. I believe the corporation refuses to extend his contract.


Here is what I think happened. Ikemoto always just wanted to coast off Naruto's legacy and milk Boruto for money while putting minimal effort into the manga. When the contract was up for renewal his bosses wondered, why it wasn't selling? So he put the blame on Kodaichi, or Kodaichi got the blame because he was the writer. So Kodaichi was let go and he hoped to coast for another term. However, the reason they somewhat let it go on was the success of Boruto's contemporaries had internationally, so the pressure was off Boruto, but now those manga are ending. So, they decided to look into, why Boruto wasn't making the money they were promised? When they realized Ikemoto was costing them money and was wasting their time. I suspect they ordered him to speed up the manga to get to part two, and if it isn't successful they will terminate his contract early. As the cost of continuing his manga is more than what he could get from suing them. If he is fired, they likely won't be able to use Boruto anymore depending on what amount of rights belong to him, and depending on that. nH/SS is intrinsically tied to Boruto. When its gone, they maybe gone as well.


Ikemoto probably has some level of rights to Boruto character at least the ones that were introduced in Boruto. So companies might be reluctant to give that up, as well as Kishimoto probably doesn't want to stab him in the back, and SP investment in the Boruto anime (yes, they put it on Hiatus but clear a lot of their staff is invested in nH and their story being canon) are factors protecting him.


TLDR: Ikemoto was under a contract that prevented Boruto from being cancelled as easily as other manga, but recently the poor quality of Boruto finally got on executives' nerve; so they ordered him to get to part two and put more effort into it or it will be cancelled.