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There have been 105 items by Bail o' Lies (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#990619 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 22 September 2023 - 09:14 AM in Naruto General

I never understood why Kishimoto was the only mangaka who couldn't get the romantic pairing he wanted, despite others in the same circumstances having succeeded. Kubo is the best example of this: Bleach was on the same studio as Naruto, and the fans wanted the protagonist to end up with someone else, but Kubo went with the pairing he wanted even though it went against the wishes of most fans.

I thought about the reason and noticed that, between the years 2000 and 2010, female characters in shoujo who had pink hair or a transformation that turned their hair pink usually ended up with a black-haired character. The best examples of this are Tokyo Mew Mew and Shugo Chara!, both of which aired on TV Tokyo.
I remembered that TV Tokyo changed the pairing dynamic of Blue Dragon, which in the game was practically a retelling of Naruto-Sakura-Sasuke, with hints of a Naruto and Sakura pairing. In the anime, the protagonist got a Hinata 2.0, the rival ended up with a random girl, and the heroine ended up with a Sai-like character who appeared in the second half. I have a feeling that if TV Tokyo did Slam Dunk, they would put Haruko with Rukawa and we wouldn't have the Haruko and Hanamichi wedding poster. And if they did a Kingdom Hearts adaptation, Kairi would end up with Riku.

Editors often try to get their writers to change something so it makes it feel like they had a part in the story. Most Mangaka just ignore any demand to change the pairings. Kishimoto was surrounded by people (anime staff, editors, and assistants) that were supporters of Hinata, and Hinata was "perceived to be" popular in the most important market for the series, The US. That pressure made Kishimoto yield and became an example to mangaka after why they should never do something like that to a vital part of their story.


In case it wasn't clear even from the get go, the entire series is an after thought in an attempt to squeeze out more money out of the franchise with Kishi showing no emotional investment in it's writing even before it started. Even the initial writer I feel did not want to do it as more than as a jumpstart to his career as a manga author if not artist at the same time before he does his own work. you don't feel any passion in the series even at its highest points. but that may be just me since I don't read it but I just read the summaries and obviously I don't glean anything from that alone but the summaries don't feel appealing enough compel me to read it either

That is quite accurate, reading it or their interviews you get the feeling that neither of them really wanted to work on Boruto. They saw it was an easy way to boost themselves, so they could do their own stories after working on Boruto for a couple of years. O course the backlash destroyed Naruto and they were required to do more than they were willing to make it successful, so instead it has damaged their prospects.


Kodiachi was just some random writer Shueisha had that did light novels for them. He did one of the post-endings Naruto novel and probably agree to be its writer, because Ikemoto didn't think he could handle the writing aspect, as well as working with the anime staff to keep the manga and anime consistent. He probably help form Boruto because he had his own issues with living in the shadow of his respected professor of a father. He also probably was the one behind Amando/Madoc, Clone Jiraiya, and probably was the one ensuring that Sarada was involved in each arc. He did not take the decreasing financial support from the company like not having an editor after a certain point well. So his attitude caused him to lose his job.


Ikemoto was Kishimoto assistant for 15 years; he did the backgrounds. He was the one that agreed to take over the sequel so Kishi didn't have to do it. I suspect he is at least partially responsible for the ending; as he probably convinced Kishi to go with what he thought was popular. So he can have the most successful and easiest position. Of course it backfired. Kawaki/Nail is his character. He is obsessed with making the story what he perceives to be cool while not really putting in much effort. From I understand he has gain a rep as a lazy uncreative tracing hack that seems very very fond of young girls. 


What I disagree with you on is that TV Tokyo was collaborating with Studio Pierrot to have that happen, not that Studio Pierrot has nothing to do with it.  What happened to Blue Dragon is purely SP's initiative, because as they've shown us throughout Naruto/Boruto's run, they have established a notable precedent of bias when it comes to their depiction of assertive women vs non-confrontational, big-boobed fanservice. With Blue Dragon,  they did more than rewrite the romantic dynamic of Kluke and Shu's relationship, they completely altered Kluke's character into a tsundere for no apparent reason and made her a healer instead of an offensive magic caster as she is the original canon of the games.  Whereas with Bouquet, aside from her being an anime-original character created by Pierrot for fanservice and to be nothing but an obsessive love interest for Shu, her ability literally revolved around her getting butt-naked and then later on, she got the power to transform into whatever she sees (including a version of Kluke with a larger bust, which is SP's infantile way of saying "Shu doesn't need the real Kluke since our OC can become a better/sexier version of her if she wants to") and copy any Shadow power that she wants. You even have the villains of the series constantly commenting on how hot she was during the series' run. In other words, she was a complete Mary Sue.


Then you got Twin Star Exorcist, where they made Mayura (the soft-spoken, big-boobed childhood friend of Rokuro, the male protagonist) seem more important in the anime than she actually was in the manga, and even tried to suggest that Rokuro had feelings for her when he's completely oblivious to her and primarily focused on Benio in the source material.   They even mildly attempted this in Black Clover's anime adaptation at first before they were shut down by Tabata, who's one of the few Japanese creators to openly confront and criticize any changes to an adaptation on social media.


Point that I'm making is that this is all SP's prerogative, where they take liberties to facilitate their own barely concealed fetishes when it comes to female characters.

They apparently did the same thing with Tokyo Ghoul. And damaged the story so bad that the mangaka had to reset the manga with a part two to try again, which they again screwed up that anime's part two, and then the mangaka had beg people to see the live action movie to show his story was good.


SP is the ones doing it as they are the ones making the anime that go against the manga's story. Tv Tokyo are the distributors their crime is only not putting their foot down and stopping it.

#990622 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 23 September 2023 - 05:24 PM in Naruto General

It's funny that Naruto is only series I know of that actually did that. There could be more but yeah we see now the disastrous consequences of changing plot trajectory especially last second. Granted there was so much else wrong with the War arc and it could have been done better and I attribute it to Kishimoto being wishy washy about the concept of war and giving unnecessary drama to characters he wasn't focusing on anyway with bringing back the dead on both sides etc. etc. Granted there were good and bad moments admittedly on that plot point but it was still mostly unnecessary though in the grand scheme of things. Ninjas just have to deal with death and lack of closure even with their loved ones sometimes. And even if it is, there are other ways to do it besides resurrection. Again that is just my opinion on it.

In theory the war arc should have been the final trial for the cast before the final battle. But. A big problem with the war arc is that there were so little focus on the side cast beforehand that there wasn't much reason to care about their own little battles.


For example. Why should you care about Hinata's father facing off against his Brother if they haven't been referenced since the chunin exam?


You also had character he just introduce like Darui who your suppose to care about.


Also this is where Naruto really went into auto pilot as Ninja Messiah as Kishimoto all but completely stop having Naruto be questioned.


Then he did something I have never seen done before and after he did it you know why with bringing the army to the final battle. As they turned out useless and just stood around as slack jawed lemmings.


Editor sometime are helpful to the story. It is clear in Akane Banashi that the editor has a lot of influence as it is very similar to another manga he edited Act-Age. While making sure to deal with any problems that lead to that manga's downfall.

#990645 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 28 September 2023 - 07:24 AM in Naruto General

interesting the description says naruto's been in love with her since the academy. This must come as a shock to certain fans that are in denial

It is not like they are going to read it, and if they do; they will just complain on twitter. If they don't just assume its a mistranslation.


Most Japanese fans have either gone, "well Kishimoto must have planned it but it doesn't mean its worth a watch," or, "it was a decision made to appeal to the gaijins' market so this isn't even made for us." So it isn't that big a deal for them to go, "yeah Sakura was the love interest and heroine till the ending happened." Though to be honest, even in the State your not going to fine many who care, because Naruto hasn't been that big in over a decade and most haven't watched Boruto. It the ones that do care and will have a hissy fit that have to be appeased.


As for anything related to Naruto's family life after the ending compared to Kishimoto. NS was likely to be happy, since it would be based on the hope he could finally spend time with his family. nH is based on the reality his wife is upset he sold out and the selling out back fired so he has to work on fixing what his selling out has caused. SS is what it is because Sasuke on some level symbolizes his brother and he doesn't like the idea of his twin brother sleeping with his wife; so he wants it loveless with Sasuke as far away from Sakura as possible.

#990690 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 18 October 2023 - 09:10 PM in Latest Releases

Well, I was disinterested in this enough I didn't read it till the next one was about to come out. Should I make topic for each chapter or just leave this as the summary and discussion topic?


Summary Time: Chapter (8)2. Tree...given how these title normally come about I guess there is a tree near the end of this chapter that is brought up in conversation.


Cover page is Salad. Her outfit is black as primary and red as secondary colors.


Punk standing on one of his nudist is impress by how fast Bolt arrived and that he should have just done this earlier...it took this moron three years to do this. To make Bolt seem cool to the reader, he is 'stoic' and tells Punk to dismiss his nudist and he will let him live. Punk act surprised by this since two years ago he dominated Bolt in a fight. Bolt point out he is the one who took Punk's left eye. Salad is just standing around while these two try to be cool through banter. Bolt tells her to evacuate the remaining civilians. He also order Punk to dismiss the nudist while he still has control over them. 


Neo-Ino-Shika-Cho comes in and fights the nudist, oh they brought the daughter along on Blond Sai's cartoon duck. A nudist attacks the duck causing the daughter to fall off. Nail comes in to attack the nudist. The daughter keeps calling him "big bro," which he has apparently repeatedly told her not to do...does he even bother putting any effort in keeping up the charade? You know for his apparent hatred of the Ootsuki and everything to do with them; he is completely dependent on their powers for everything. May be intentional, but still makes him look like a moron. A nudist attacks him and calls him an Ootsuki which pisses him off. 


Back to Bolt to show how cool he is while fighting Punk and his nudist. He uses his sword skills to chop up all the nudist around him. Wait, so you can just cut them up to defeat them? Is their threat just their numbers and their ability to call in back up? Behold an army made out of the world tree that threatens to consume the world. I think the Zetsus were more of a threat. An attempt of a joke, Punk responds to his minions being defeat that Bolt wasn't completely bluffing.  Bolt proceeds to warn Punk about the true horror of the ten tail.


Salad runs towards a group of nudists unleashing a fire jutsu and a chidori. After some mooks praise her one of the nudist gets up and tries to bite her, but a mook gets in the way and the nudist turn into a tree. Then we see other nudist doing the same thing to other people.


Punk goes over what he knows. Apparently, the ten tail is suppose to consume Ootsuki to turn into a world tree to consume the world, but they also consume anything else until they get an Ootsuki. Bolt tells him that was the case but Punk enhanced them by making his nudist. I guess he accidentally made it so anyone can be consume to make a world tree or something. I also feel I must point out that even if that is the case, that is unintended, as they were just suppose to be threatening because of their numbers and their ability to call in back up. Which I said before was lame as they go down in one hit when either Bolt or Salad attacks them. That as well as them only being a real threat due to Punk's incompetence; makes him look even more pathetic. Bolt tells Punk to destroy them while he still has control of them. Punk ignores it because his goal is to destroys the world anyways. Bolt says he will let him live if Punk shows him to where the main body of the world tree is...then go with him, he wants to drag you to it to sacrifice you. Punk refuses...because.


Bolt charges up his new attack a rasengan uzuhiko...spiraling-sphere maelstrom-sun. 

#990691 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 19 October 2023 - 06:39 AM in Latest Releases

Sorry. Just want to point out how stupid this is.


Punk: HA HA! I attacked the village to see if I could lure Bolt here. So, I could capture him to sacrifice to the ten-tails.


Bolt: I am here.


Punk: Ah. You got here quicker than I was expecting. Now to capture you to bring you before the ten tails to sacrifice you.


Bolt: Salad go off so I am alone with him and his nudist minions. Punk destroy your nudist. 


Punk: Oh you destroyed a squad of my nudist, but I can overwhelm you with their numbers soon enough.


Bolt: Your nudists are too dangerous to control. Also take me before the Ten Tails.


Punk: I will not destroy my nudists and I will not bring you before the Ten Tails. Where likely most of the nudist that I plan to overwhelm you with are. Instead, I will kill you here. Die.


I think if Bolt told him he wanted to fight, the idiot would suddenly become a pacifist. Yes. Yes. I know they want them to fight in the village. But, for Punk, what is the difference between fighting Bolt in the village and in front of the tentails; if he thinks he could still beat him like he did 2 years ago?

#990692 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 19 October 2023 - 06:46 PM in Latest Releases

So this chapter there probably going to show how strong Bolt has gotten using Punk as a punching bag. Problem with that is its trying to show how much Bolt has grown but his strength level was so poorly define that his growth has little meaning. Most of the fights in part one had were either a Naruto/Sasuke fight that Bolt got involved in or were so lackluster that you can't really feel how strong he was beyond the story wanting you to think. That Bolt, Nail, Punk, Moe, and Hime were all the most powerful beings on the planet who could defeat anyone else (because most of the rest of the characters were made by Kishimoto while they were made by Ikemoto...besides Bolt.) This also means, we don't really have a good sense of how strong Punk really is so him being beat up by Bolt isn't as impressive as it should be.


Summary Time: Chapter (8)3. Uzuhiko...oh so this is all about showing off Bolt's new attack and power.


Cover page is the daughter; her design is so bad.


Punk repeats Bolt's new shinjutsu' name. He notes its is not the same as Bolt's vanishing rasengan. So he set some of his belt marks around Bolt so he can attack him from behind. He grabs Bolt's arm, taunts that he can't hit him with it now, and activates his karma seal. Bolt retorts/informs that he said 'killing Punk would be easy' and he is already halfway there. Some wind effects that have been surrounding Bolt since he activated the jutsu now start to swirl around Punk's arm. He then warns Punk to take him to the ten tails or die. The manga tries to really make Bolt cool, by doing the stoic bit Goku always does when he gets a power boost. Doesn't work here that much because expression have always been a problem with Ikemoto. So him serious or goofing often look the same. Punk attacks Bolt but can't hit him. While Punk is shock by this. Bolt hit him with the full power of his attack more of they wind effects around center on his hand and blast Punk away. 


Oh, we get Hime's and Moe's peanut gallery commentary from wherever they are. Hime thinks it is just a basic attack. Moe says Bolt is using the planetary rotation. Does he have the Omnipotence now too? Feels like we do have a new person in charge of the story; as in Boruto this side commentary would have been half the chapter, instead its done in more or less one page.


Bolt is surprise Punk is still standing, but that jutsu had little effects and show no damage on Punk to show how strong it is. Bolt's wind effects pick up, and Punk falls over. The Uzuhiko is a rasengan that uses the planet's chakra (so natural energy/sage mode...but not because?) and its rotation that will never stop affecting Punk. So it more a debuff that gives a sense of permanent vertigo than an damaging attack; from what I have seen. If it was present as that, instead of a move that was suppose to kill someone in one hit. I would be mildly impressed. Since he can't stand anymore Bolt goes up to him and tell him to take him to the Ten Tail. Then right on time Nail attacks. Then the others arrive. Bolt ask they not interfere with his conversation with Punk. Punk tries to leave during this distraction but Nail shrinks his belt marking near him. Shikamaru give the telepathic approval to finish off Punk once informed. Bolt tell Nail not to which gives Punk time to summon one of his nudist to escape. Shikamaru tell them to finish off the rest of the nudist once informed. Nail wants to fight Bolt.


Cut over to Salad inspecting the shmuck who got trapped in a tree. Since she can stand on it and not die its not as dangerous as the actual ten tails tree; unless they forgot about that little fact. She and the other mook can't really tell what is going on but Salad notices that the guy is still alive.


Bolt and Punk have a back and forth. Oh Bolt had a toad sneak onto Punk so he could find the ten tails location. Oh the old man is stuck in a tree now. So I guess Punk did know that they do that and saw it as a good thing. By the end of the chapter the Toad informs Bolt they have located the tentails... I thought Bolt made a contract with the snakes not the toads?


Well the lackluster fights from part one have not gone away. The combat in all three chapters so far has been so dull and flat. 

#990694 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 20 October 2023 - 09:53 PM in Latest Releases

Why not just do a blue vortex discussion thread

I'm asking should I make this topic 'that,' though I don't know how to change the title, or should I do the individual chapter topics like I did for Boruto?

#990697 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 23 October 2023 - 08:48 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I mean if you see what happens in dragon quest the character who's similar to sakura does move on

Who? Are we suppose to know which dragon quest character you are referring to by instinct?


With all the craziness that we had  to deal with regarding the NH and SS fans (and still do, with less intensity), we can easily forget that they are NH and SS fans out there that are chill and can see reasons.


Some fans can enjoy the idea outside the canon reality (like fanfiction) and hate the canon, some can accept that the writing was kitten but accept the rest and some, while not agreeing with everything, can admit that NS (with SK) was the most logical pairing(s) that would affect the story a lot better for the majority of the main characters and also, would have a much better flow with the story in general. 


 I have a friend that was shipping NH and I told her, read the integrality of the manga vs watching the anime and you know what, she did and said that it did make a lot more senses to have NS as canon and understood now a lot better my points. She even said that while she was no longer a fan of the series, that with all what she compared, she would have probably change from NH to NS for sure.


Hell, when starting watching the anime, I was a NH shipper (not an hardcore one though just enjoyed it a little) but as soon as I started reading the manga, I switched instantly on NS. With that point in mind, I totally get why, only anime fans (mostly the westerns fans), ship hard NH because right from the very beginning (at least, with the fillers episodes between the first part and shippuden), SP was bias with Hinata. 

The anime had a lot of filler promoting Hinata because the staff was obsessed with her. It is why they ended Naruto marrying Hinata because that was their end goal all along. Without the anime, Hinata is a character that's barely involved in the story and barely interacts with Naruto despite professing love for him. With it, while she still isn't involved in the story that often, she is constantly by Naruto side, and constantly thinking about how much she loves him.


Most Western fans seem to hate reading anything, and prefer just to watch a tv/movie/anime and accept that as canon. I lost count of the people I have met that say they love an adaptation, that they love as well as care so much about the story, that they wish to learn more about it, but will never read the source material. Saying excuses like they want to watch all the show first before they read the book, so they won't get spoiled. Then they never read the book. Even if they do, they hold the adaptation over the source material, and will differ to that when inconsistencies happen.

#990699 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 24 October 2023 - 05:32 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Who? Are we suppose to know which dragon quest character you are referring to by instinct?
It's pretty obvious the one with pink hair, huge strength, tsundere personality, and healing ability in adventure of dai.

And if one has not watched Dragon Quest and had no clue who you are referring to or even if they did still wouldn't know because your statement was to vague? Also, not helped there is more than one dragon quest game...like 12 and a MMO I think.


Pink hair from the adventure of dai...So Maam.

#990701 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 24 October 2023 - 09:02 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

ame="totherpage95" post="990698" timestamp="1698113580"]

Maam and Popp was one of my favourites too. The chemistry was there and the way the love confession was made: very classic:) (search for YouTube video on Maam x Popp if you dont mind spoilers). The manga was one classic piece, and Im glad it was made before the internet became widely accessible. The love triangle was setup just nice to get you invested into the story. Fully recommended.

Are people having problems with the quote button or something? Mine seems to be fine.

#990703 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 24 October 2023 - 09:38 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Also they would need to come up with the story. Before they were just copying-pasting the movie in their own art style with a few tweaks here and there. If they are doing something original why trying to keep with the movie. That takes time to figure out.


Which is why I would have preferred they did their own story instead of doing the Last movie. Since the last is built around making Hinata the heroine and love interest.

#990706 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 26 October 2023 - 06:29 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I've tend to notice that with books like lord of the rings, game of thrones and Harry potter. Comics people are ethier more aware of the movies or cartoons depending on the era they grew up in and get suprised when the adaptions of comics are a mix of different stories rather than a full on adaption, though comics continuity would make it more impossible to ever full adapt stories unless their are elseworld stories. Though games have started to become as big of a medium.

My guess is because they are more accessible to watch and consume, especially with streaming services in recent years. Another reason which came from a youtuber called lily orchards who did a video on making fun of J.k.rowling, during which mentioned that due to the education system making reading more like a chore for kids, becoming less fun making it into assignments of highly revied books by adults. With some only getting back into reading when a fun book at the time like Harry potter came along.

So I wouldn't be suprised if many of the anime only watchers would view the 700 hundred chapters chore to read, even though the anime became worse than that due to filler.

Video games surpassed comics about 20 years ago, the fact that comics have been in decline since the 90's not helping them, and they surpassed Movies in profits almost ten years ago. Though that went unnoticed due to the stranglehold films have over western culture. Granted, I am assuming you are thinking games are only recently getting big due the things like, the success of the Sonic and Mario movies and such.


Comics despite the fact they were holding up Hollywood for the past decade, are not respected. Their stories are not respected. Their writers are not respected. Their art is not respected. Hollywood does not respect anyone but themselves. For comics, they see it as a pathetic boy hobby they want to turn into a girl hobby, since they assume the boys will just accept it, and see their fans as losers that they can milk for money. People at Marvel have made it clear they prefer to hire "fans" not fans. They see people that have actually read the comics as a red flag, and don't hire them. They want people who will do whatever they want with the IP; then use the 'bigot shield' when it backfires. Over actually making an adaptation.


Remember, the only reason the One Piece Live Action turned out the way it did was Oda was an executive producer and force them to follow his story. If not, the "fan" writers and "fan" directors would have made another Live Action Cowboy Bebop. Same with the Mario movie, before Nintendo intervened it was going to be another mess and then they step in.


As for schools making reading a chore for the students. It not a problem that they make students read for assignments the problem is that is likely the only time they ever read if at all. Hell, when I went to college, I knew a girl that never even read a single line of Shakespeare before a class we took together; because apparently the schools in California just gave them power-point outlines of the books and stories that were required reading. Harry Potter was often the only book they ever read for enjoyment; if they read them and not just said they did while only watching the movies. Which is why millennials obsess over it.


Watching something on TV is often a passive way of absorbing a story. Books require active absorption as you have to imagine what happening in your mind about what you are reading. One of the reasons storytelling quality has gone down in the West is because they stopped reading. Another is, they know if they play the virtue signaling game, they will be given a pass; so they don't put the work in.

#990715 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 31 October 2023 - 06:00 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Honestly if they kept going with what nick Spencer did I'd see more people reading those comics. Granted they are rebooting ultimate spiderman under John Hickman telling a new adult spiderman I hear discribed of being like Peter B. Parker from spiderverse.

They have no interest in continuing with Mary Jane and Peter Parker together in the comics. Remember, Nick Spincer did that to recover after the 'Captain America is a Nazi' story flopped. Once his rep was restored, he left, and they broke them up again. Marvel Comics has no interest in having those two together in their comics; outside of a temporary last resort.


PPxMJ happen outside of comics because their relationship existing is casual fans knowledge. So it not being there would negatively affect sales. The comic's creators don't think that because they know the comic fans will buy no matter what because the fans are convinced they must keep buying the comic issues in the hope their purchase will magically convince the writers and editors to put them back together. 


No I'm talking about at least for over a decade, since games games like the last of us came out and were mega popular. I wouldn't really say that with every comicbook movie, as directors such as James gunn, josh weadon and the russo brothers I recall were comicbook fans.

From everything I have read and heard from one piece fans and youtubers nothing implies they would of done another Cowboy Bebop and that the showrunner is a passionate fan of one piece and wouldn't do anything without oda's approval. Nintendo and Mario I have no idea about, all I recall is that you had the anti woke crowd acusing it of being a feminist movie with how princess peach was portrayed in the trailer only to u-turn when the film turned out to be really popular.

You think books with pictures with link comics or managa would be at least somewhat appealing since they do have visual images to look at. Not to mention you can read a chapter like naruto in a few minutes.

Cowboy Bebop was not their first live action adaptation of an anime Netflix did, just the last one before One Piece. They are generally all the same. The difference for One Piece was the mangaka was an executive producer and he ordered reshoot when the adapters were up to their usual antics.


I'm not much of a Nintendo fan, so I'm sure I didn't make many post about Mario movie and especially about Princess Peach in it. As for people don't liking Woke movies. People have been burned so often by bad products that call them a bigot for even expressing even the mildest criticisms. It is only natural to express caution towards sequels and remakes. Go in expecting it to be bad, enjoy it if its good, worry if the sequel will fall off. Better than the fan desperately holding on to hope the companies and writers that hold them in contempt will finally listen.


Comics problem is they are so minor in the cultural landscape only a small amount of nerds read them. Manga is more popular and read. But again, people will defer to the anime adaptation because even with pictures they are too lazy. 

#990717 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 01 November 2023 - 02:51 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Which is further galling and hypocritical since a major reason that they created Ultimate Spider-Man was because they were convinced Peter was more "relatable" when he was a highschool kid without any serious romantic relationships.

The reason they keep putting Peter Parker in Highschool over and over again is because they want him to be the young web-slinging web-head with no responsibilities, fighting bad guys while constantly quipping, selling pictures of himself to the Daily Bugle for pocket change, and getting with model hot high-school girls the writer always dreamed of. With Great Power comes Great Fun and Zero Responsibility, to them. Also despite the fact, I think, Peter graduated from High-School in issue 15 of his story and his most of the famous events are actually him in college.


He is only allowed to be older in Into the Spiderverse and those Sony games is because they want him to be a Mentor to Miles Morales. So, they can eventually replace Peter with Miles. Ah, apparently Insomniac/Sony games have already declared they are doing so.

#990740 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 18 November 2023 - 01:38 PM in Naruto General

That Naruto-Boruto Ninja storm game is out. Probably not till next week we really know any numbers. But looking at youtube. The highest recent video numbers are around 200K views while most average around 15k high to 6k low views.


Oh by the look of one image Boruto's online player character now has black hair. So either they switched it before launch or her hair changes in the story...oh story.

#990743 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 18 November 2023 - 10:52 PM in Naruto General

Ok was bored so look up the game and watched the specials original game story cutscenes. You know the one that Therece thought was going to be the greatest story ever.


The games cover is five different Naruto. Part one and two Naruto, Sage Mode, Long Coat Kurama mode, 9 tailed beast sage boosted kurama mode. No Boruto or team seven. This game is called Naruto-Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storms: Connections, and they don't even have their second main character on the cover instead 5 different versions of one. That is as funny as it is pathetic.




The story opens up with the big bad cult leader talking about how their world is at peace because everyone is connected through memories. So he ask what would happen if those memories were taken away? So now all the villages are fighting again. This guy is a follower of Pein who claims to have inherited his will; which shows again that Naruto failed as those guys should have followed Naruto as Pein's inheritor. Naruto and Sasuke are also fighting and Naruto is under mind control. Boruto asks how did this happen.


So now to show how it happened. Neo Team 7 just finished catching a cat; can they come up with another D rank mission. Bolt leaves quickly to play his new video game, Ninja Heroes. Apparently, the reason he is playing it is so he can get a rare replica of Naruto's old necklace for his sister. He plays the game he decides to use his actual name...did no one teaching him about online privacy? The avatars are all the Naruto cast old forms, what a lazy & cheap mmo, surprisingly Bolt picks his father, and so Nanashi sticks out for being the only original looking character while posing as an event guide NPC. Bolt ask her to tell him what he should do to play the game, she tells him to read the manual, he refuses out of laziness, and she chews him out for being spoiled...30 seconds and she has him pegged. He finally annoys her into helping him, and then when she does he keeps bugging her until she has to handle everything.


Naruto and Shikamaru are in a meeting with Sleazy Inventor. Some employee stole some inventions from his lab...do the ninja villages do background checks? He also stole a scroll on the "history of the warring states seal." It is a list of people seal away during the warring states period, where they are held, and why...they can seal a person away for a hundred years!? And Naruto at no point thinks "this is horrible" and that they should release them. Then try to integrate them to the modern peaceful era? No. No. Just keep them locked up for all eternity or till the seals breaks; which ever comes first.


Bolt meets up with his friends, Shikamaru's son who plays his uncle Gaara & Blond Sai who plays Deidara, and convinces them to play the game with him. He notices Nanashi and talks to her. His friends notice that she behaves differently with Bolt than she does with anyone else...probably because everyone else knows what an npc is while he doesn't.


The next day the team goes on a mission to investigate a disturbance in the forest of the northern part of the land of fire. They find out the disturbance was caused by a glowing giant and they think it was Susano...the big bad released nanashi and she used her's. Bolt then spends time with his team and they agree to play the game with him. Salad chooses her mother Sakura she considered picking Naruto but didn't want to play a male character, and Cups chooses his creator Orochimaru...what an awkward group. Also Orochimaru bought two games so Cups could give one to Salad, they also call him Cup's "parent."  Since they met Nanashi along with Bolt they decided to also be friendly with her.


Turns out the video games is made by the big bad's cult to do something...stabilize the ninja that been seal away for a hundred years or the IT redux.


Naruto informs Bolt that people are collapsing while playing video games...why yes, this is made by CC2, the people that make the dot hack franchise. He informs his friends and they decide to investigate. And he experiences Nanashi's memories when login in. That night the IT happens and the leaf villagers are confused...do they not remember what happen like 15 years ago?! The moon flashes and they have the sharingan pattern on their hand. People who were playing the game at the time do not have the mark.


The next the day event to get that necklace finally happens...he going to win it, since he used his real name, and then the necklace is going to be used to control Naruto isn't it? Nanashi is reluctant because she knows what going to happen and tries to get Bolt not to go for the event. After talking to Bolt, Nanashi does something to crystals that have the old cast in them. It starts sealing off the memoires of those that got the seal. Then putting them under the big bad's control. So they start preparing for war. How are mind control people preparing for war suppose to learn pain and that war is bad? Any lesson on this is loss. If it was, "he took away their memories and then they went to war with each other," that's one thing, but they are all under mind control. Either make them kill themselves or use them to conquer the world. This war amongst the mind control is stupid.


That was the first hour of four hours of cutscenes. 


The team goes to Naruto. Seeing Bolt Naruto temporarily breaks free of the mind control due to Kurama protecting some of his memories. Tells them to go to Sasuke and inform him of the big bad. They immediately meet up with Sasuke and inform him. They also meet the Sleazy Inventor, who was also unaffected because he was also playing the game. He informs Sasuke about the game. And then Cups decides the story is too complicated for their audience to follow, so they decided to do a few recaps to catch everyone up...that's not me saying it. Sasuke and Sleazy realizes that the headset is transferring the players mind to a digital tsukuyomi world. Oh the scroll was information on dangerous genin who were sealed...dark. And again, why didn't Naruto ever think of releasing these children and tryo to give them a second chance of life in this peaceful era?


Sasuke orders the team to go into the game to try to find info. Bolt's teammates quickly realize the Nanashi is the uchiha controlling the game's/illusion world. After being doubt by Bolt for a second she instantly comes clean about everything. Yes she is in control of the world, she is working for the cult because they released her, the headset was draining their chakra both to restore her and to power an engraved tsukuyomi, and that event was to beat up the minds of the people she need to control with the one Bolt beat up being his own father. She was able to do this with her own special uchiha power Yachihoko. She is doing this because she want the ninja world in turmoil, due to her dark childhood trauma and resentment of the peaceful world the current generation was able to live in. She fights them. Then after the fight leaves. After she leaves a glowing ball creating cracks to try and help stop the chaos...I think its Toneri. Oh it is.


Toneri is going to help stop the war by restoring the memories that were lost and points out that it will that a significant amount of time to pad out this story with filler and flashback to Naruto. In fact, Naruto is so important because he is so CONNECTED to everyone whose memories were lost as he either knows or is know by everyone. So Bolt goes into the past to watch the event of Naruto. They inform their group what has happened. Then its just a montage of praising Naruto's story which I am skipping. Oh and apparently as he was doing this he also got to see fragments of Nanashi's past as well and why she is they way she is. Parents died, was told to abandon her birth name Hikari, treated as a weapon by her clan, and then sealed away by Senju and Sarutobi clans.


While that going on the war happens then is over once Bolt is done. Bolt's friends find the cult's lair. He goes there. Then he fights Nanashi. She eventually breaks down due to forming a bond with him. The big bad uses a combination of scifi ninja tools and seals to regain control of her. Eventually Naruto and Sasuke come in for the save. The big bad goes into speech mode and starting on about resetting the ninja world and pretty much what Pein and Sasuke wanted to do. After being defeated he reveal he gain artificial sharingan eyes with Nanashi's power. He uses this to absorb the powers of everyone was marked to give himself a susano...oh I guess that susano from before could have been him doing a field test. When it looks like Naruto and Sasuke are about to lose Bolt shows up and was given a power boost by Nanashi. They defeat the big bad. Standard shounen defeat lecture. And Nanashi seems to have died. He gives the memory crystal to his sister to make up for not getting the necklace...as seen with her previous behavior she would probably kill him otherwise for his failure.


Post credit true ending. To save Nanashi.


Due to the events all the pets have escape and they need to catch all of them...CAN THEY THINK UP ANOTHER D RANK MISSION!?! Bolt is depressed after moping around Toneri contacts him on a way to revive Nanashi. Oh the game has been taken over Train Boy (who did not appear in this) family company Kaminarimon. Toneri makes the manner to do this so conditional so it can't be repeated...isn't this at least the second time Bolt has travelled to the past by this point? He also points out that by doing so will make nanashi have a happy life in her time, but due to that all the events that happened in the game will be erased once its done, and the game itself may never exist. So he goes to the past gets capture and thrown into the same jail cell that has Nanashi. How convenient. Also, why yes, she pretty much has the same backstory as Kimimaro. Bolt break the jails seal and fights off the pursuers so Nanashi can escape. The Uchiha clan members point out that all of them exist to be weapons for their clan and she is no different. When they about to deliver the killing blow; Nanashi joins the fight. They defeat the clan members and escape. Dawn comes and the time limit Bolt can stay in the past is reached. He starts to fade while they have a heart to heart. Bolt also tells Nanashi her real name that she had forgotten, Hikari. So the present is overwritten and the cult is easily taken out by Sasuke. With Bolt only having a vague sense something good happened. Naruto also finds a scroll where it has Bolt's name in it.


So, this was suppose to be the story according to Therece that would erase Ikemoto's dark influence on Boruto and restore it to its glory or something like that? Well there were parts that weren't bad but I don't think its that good. Not helped that story is set up to erase itself instead.


1 hour of establishing story, then recap and flash back, the big fight, and then a post credit true ending that erases the story.


You know I don't think outside of Salad's player character, mentions, and flashbacks that Sakura is even in this game's story.


Thinking on it its kind of hard to place this story. Bolt has his karma seal but he is friendly with Sleazy Inventor. In the manga he has a grudge against Sleazy due to the chunin exam that isn't resolved till right before he meets Nail.


Also the Main cast Is Bolt, Cups, Salad, Sleazy, Sasuke, Blond Sai, and Shikamaru's son. No Fat Filler, Metal Lee, Train Boy, Repeater, or the Clone. And especially, no Nail.

#990744 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 20 November 2023 - 07:09 PM in Latest Releases

Well lets see if this further convinces me that Kishimoto is actually in charge now. Also Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


Summary Time: Chapter (8)4. The Awakening...either Bolt has a new super mode or this is about the ten tails.


The cover page is Nail...god, he looks like a douchebag.


Starts off the Punk looking over his ten tails and remembering Bolt's warning before dismissing it. The toad that attach to him show a metal leaf pin. The toad with Bolt tells him to go over there already and Bolt mentions not being as good at his grandpa at something...oh, great. He uses the flying thunder god to teleport over there...great, he knows his grandfather signature move wonder if he will also learn sealing which his father never learned. Punk is shocked Bolt is there. When Bolt looks at where the ten tails was its gone. The toad that was on Punk is also shocked because it was just there a second ago and Punk clearly didn't have time to move it. Then they eventually notice a clone of the old guy named Bug standing there...the name so dull I don't feel like either giving him a nickname or remembering it. They notice the the real Bug is still in the tree. And Bolt realize it too late, the Ten Tails has Awaken...that was fast. If this was Boruto that would have taken at least 20 chapters if not 40. The Tree-Bug decides to attack Bolt because he is an Otsutsuki. It can talk and ask if Otsutsuki Boruto is offering himself to it. Bolt removes his debuff on Punk because he wants him to help put down the tentails. Punk ask if its copying Bug's mind, Bolt says it copying the minds of everyone that been absorb by his tree.


...Then. Fuck. Me. Is that Jenga or another Otsutsuki?...No wait. They are more Ten Tails the have gain sentience because of Punk. And another the looks like mustard... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! What is she wearing?! She looks like an alien jester mixed with some weird 80's leather rocker pop deva outfit. Oh there is another one with his face hidden that is suppose to be ominous...likely the reveal is suppose to be shocking and I guess we are somewhat suppose to recognize them from their jawline but its Ikemoto's art, so it always hard to tell who is who, and I don't care to guess right now. Since, it will either be reveal by end this chapter or the next.


Nail informs Hokage Shikamaru what has happened and that he thinks Bolt and Punk are now working together. Then Salad steps in to defend Bolt. Nail points out the bolt cannot be trusted because he is an Otsutsuki. Salad points out he is also an Otsutsuki. Nails says he is different because he want to get rid of the other then kill himself...ok I'm starting to like his plans again. Salad declares she will be the next hokage. Shikamaru tells them to stop fighting.


Back to the important part of the plot. There are now 4 Divine Tree Humans: Tree-Bug, Tree-Jenga, Tree-Mustard, and Tree-Sasuke. Yeah, it seems Sasuke is also stuck in a tree somewhere...wait Bug and Sasuke are in a tree (k.i.s.s.i.n.g) but what about Jenga and Mustard? Jenga used to be the tree's keeper before Punk so lets give that a pass, but Mustard? Well, everyone I guess you can enjoy the mental image of Sasuke stuck in a tree somewhere with dog peeing and birds kittening on him. Also the means Sakura is the last Team 7 member still active and we all know she not going to be of any importance in this plot. So they attack Bolt. Tree-Sasuke can use chidori. Punk, in a rare show of intelligence, realizes that they are going to defeat and absorb him on their own; which is his goal...which Bolt clearly forgot about or figure survival and protecting humanity was more important than growing the world tree that would destroy humanity; which, again, is his goal. So he leaves Bolt to fend for himself, Bolt is force to retreat as well. Tree-Jenga attributes his escape due to them just awakening and their curiosity outweighing their drive to eat him...damn it, why they put pleasure before business; when killing Bolt would have been both. At least for me.


Bolt is seen leaning against a tree...oh please tell me this is the Sasuke tree. Oh it is. Bolt has also partnered up with Clone Jiraiya...well I guess they had to drag him back into the plot eventually it was weird that he stopped existing for like 50 chapters. Which is about at least 4 years.

#990745 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 21 November 2023 - 04:16 AM in Latest Releases

So reddit I go to see reaction.




Some find it funny how much a jobber Punk has become since...honestly, his full power was unleashed.


They hope that the Tree-Sasuke is for Salad to fight...I doubt it. Salad never got a shinjutsu power boost. Her role in the story is to have faith in Bolt and proclaim that she will become Hokage. The Tree-Sasuke is to be the dragon that is personal with Bolt. Let's see the ugly Tree-Bug will be use to show how to defeat them, Tree-Mustard will probably fight Nail, Tree-Sasuke will be the dragon that torments Bolt, and then Tree-Jenga will be the big bad.


Someone gave good insight of Nail. He is mentally weak lacking the strength that make most shounen characters strong, trying to act tough to hide it, but not as cold hearted as he needs to be for his plan.




Again they really hope Salad is going to fight Tree-Sasuke.


They try justifying why Bolt learned FTG.


Wait they think that the women tree could be Moegi if its not Mustard...right Ikemoto probably didn't make them look that different, so could be.


"So we've gone from Alien Gods, to Cyborgs stronger than Alien Gods, to 10 tails morphing into tree people that I assume are stronger than both the Alien Gods and the Cyborgs."




Some people are really pissed that Sasuke was taken out of the story like Naruto was.


"Sarada could have a great narrative facing off against kawaki as their core ideologies clash , and the confrontation was interesting but at the end of the day sarada isn't given any powers to make a difference, you just know whatever sarada does she will be attacked by kawaki and will be used to prop up boruto the saviour who will defeat kawaki for her.
Sarada comes off as all bark no bite where she's facing off against kawaki who can do whatever he wants regardless of what she says. She needs powerups to have standing and authority, or she becomes like what shikamaru is as hokage currently."
"The prevailing theme of Boruto: when you cannot make your own cast compelling, humiliate the previous cast at every opportunity so you seem superior by comparison.
It might be passable on its own, but Boruto is a complete abomination as a sequel."
They complain that despite the hype the Uzuhiko now seems like a waste of time.
Apparently  Kishimoto may have named his son "Sasuke."
Oh Good, other think the designs are horrible as well.
"Kishimoto is not writing this. He hasn’t left a writers Comment on ANY of these chapters. What did he leave a writer comment on? The most recent Minato one-shot
He hasn’t talked about Boruto AT ALL for the past what 3+ years he’s been “writing”? What did he talk about most recently? Oh the Minato one-shot, where he even says he was excited to work on Naruto again.
Very unlike Kodachi who left a authors comment every time Ikemoto did and actively talked about the series’ future. Again Kishi hasn’t said a single word about Boruto in YEARS. He hadn’t even been credited once as scriptwriter like Kodachi was EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER.
Last thing that convinced me is that Kishi blatantly talks about how much he loves Kurama. He would’ve NEVER wrote that goodbye scene between Kurama and Naruto, that was godawful and not Kishi’s style at all"
"Idk how people read 700 chapters of Naruto and don't have a feel for Kishimoto's writing style. When I read the Minato special after reading months of Boruto, I just felt whiplash. Like holy hell, this special was so Kishimoto it was beating the breaks off me. And I mean that in the most positive way possible. The difference in how they write is just night and day to me, and when I look at Boruto it's just...nothing. Nothing from that 15 years of experience of writing that made Naruto Naruto."
"The lack of impact these fights have in the art is actually laughable. how do you draw a chidori/rasengan clash looking that mid???
Not a bad chapter this time around, but once again the edgy dialogue continues to make me not take any of this kitten seriously."
Oh The anime is still on Hiatus...probably the smartest thing SP has done in over a decade.
So Boruto Part one ended under 100,000.

#990747 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 21 November 2023 - 07:59 PM in Naruto General

The nanashi is naruto's child from another universe story would have been a lot better

Most story ideas would have been better than this. Granted it is at least better than it being Bolt's PC.


I honestly think that someone working at CC2 made a NS child Character on their engine at some point and they just reused it. Of course changing it to an Uchiha so they could have magic sharingan powers to justify her existence like all uchiha have.


Honestly the MMO Part felt so pointless and poorly made and seemed done because they had familiarity with such stories due to dot hack.


This story and their historic mode, which is a montage of Naruto's best hits to me, make its seem like originally. They were going to do the Boruto story but then they realized while storyboarding to adapt it, that the manga's story was too short to make a game out of. So instead, they went back to Naruto as well as made their own story to try and make a 12 hour game.

#990749 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 22 November 2023 - 12:02 AM in Naruto General

I wouldn't be suprised that's where the design for nanashi came from. Story mode from the boruto manga would just mean boruto, kwaki, naruto and sasuke would just be played in the story for 99% of the time to be honest

Pretty much.


Laying it out. In the manner of a ninja storm game:


Battle with Femmy would be a cool intro fight they usually do.
Richie Rich tutorial chapter ending with a fight against Molding cannibal.
Nail Intro: Spar among Neo-Team 7 with scientific ninja tools, battle again Kara puppet bots, battle against Cyborg Ao, maybe battle against clone Jiraiya, battle against random outer mook to show off Nail. Of course they would have to introduce the scifi tools that are then never used again after this arc.
Nail brought to village: Mustard attacks, Jenga first fight, Blacksmith fight.
Enter Madoc: Fight of Clone Jiraiya verse Jenga, Jenga part two a couple rounds of that to show of Suicide Nuke Mode and Bolt being taken over by Femmy. 
Punk: Him fighting random mooks, Fighting him a few times, The stab of Bros, Him fighting Moe.
Hime & Moe brought to the village: Fight against Nail, big tragic free for all against the cast to escape the village and set up part two.
With cutscenes to both set up the fights in between all of them. Of course they could add in a few fights and events here and there though even then. Does anyone really feel that would be interesting? A big problem with Boruto is none of its fights are that impressive unless its Naruto and Sasuke. Also probably it would have been difficult since part one ended what about 6 months ago and all the last arc does is add Salad's mangekyo.

#990752 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 22 November 2023 - 08:26 PM in Naruto General

You really can't forget about me, can you? I never said anything like that. Since you quoted me months later, I will clarify some recent events for some delusional fans who are still mourning NaruSaku death after 9 years.

Oh you're back. Or were you never gone and just lurking without logging in, or worse you had friends lurking...Wait, I see you wanted to show off those rings, isn't that cute? 


Anyways. This was one of your big arguments. Just because you're not here doesn't mean when it finally released we can't talk about it, or your talking points.

I stated that they would disregard the Boruto manga storyline due to its poor quality and Ikemoto's inability to craft a compelling narrative or produce decent artwork. This has nothing to do with the canon couples.

The producers admited that:
As you can see, they would rather create their own story instead of use Ikemoto story.

Well, I was going off gut feeling. Nice to know it was the case, and sad at the same time. Normally, a company would try to hide something this bad.


From what I recall you were hoping they were going to erase Ikemoto's story. That's kind of hard to do with a self deleting story.


Anyways I thought it was a bad sign that they weren't just adapting the story like they did for every other Naruto game they did. But instead doing their own filler story. Even then I thought they were still going to adapt Boruto. Instead they did Naruto's Greatest Hits.  He is not on the cover, instead 5 different Naruto, and for 3/4th of the game you are playing Naruto or Bolt playing a Naruto NPC. How is this suppose to promote and lure old fans in to Boruto when they do everything to hide him?


How is this good for the IP when they are doing everything they can to run from it?

- Instead of focusing on Boruto and Kawaki, they shifted their focus to Sasuke and Naruto.

- Rather than the Otsutsuki, they centered their attention on the Uchiha clan.
- Instead of the Karma power, they focused on the Sharingan.
- War and clans conflict instead of the aliens.
At this point they're just try to milk out the Uchihas and popular plots then tried to hide it by adding Boruto's character in the game.  

Weren't most people getting sick of the Uchiha's over focus years before the ending?


Again. Why is it a good thing for the companies to have to hide all that make up the Boruto's story? They want them to support Boruto without knowing anything that makes it up other than being a sequel to Naruto. In that case, why should they be continuing it? Again, if Boruto ends so do likely the pairings you like if not the whole franchise.

Despite your alleged popularity of NaruSaku, which led to a decline in the franchise's popularity due to fan backlash, the game producers remained oblivious and made no alterations to the canon couples. Instead of developing an alternative NaruSaku family, they introduced a New Team Special featuring Sasuke, Sakura, and Sarada. 

Well, I guess that is true from a certain point of view. If 99% of the customer base has left because they didn't like the ending, didn't like the change of pairing, or just didn't like the sequel lead the came from the change of pairings. So in a way removing NS can be the cause of their decline, but also going with nH/SS.

As you can see, Nanashi was just an Uchiha wearing a blonde wig instead of a NaruSaku daughter from another dimension. Let's hope that every blonde character introduced is a NaruSaku son.

Pretty sure Nanashi/Hikari was a girl not a boy, and her appearance was different because of a full body illusion not a wig. Don't worry it quite clear you don't notice or understand a lot of things. So, I don't blame you, for not noticing.

Also today is the official couples day in Japan.

They still are using the Canon Couples propaganda and ignoring NaruSaku.
They released a pair of rings referencing and paying tribute to Sasuke and Sakura.
A big japonese Japanese site conducted a popularity poll to find out which couple is the most popular of all mangas. Guess what? 
1 - Sasuke/Sakura from Naruto
2 - Naruto/Hinata from Naruto
3 - Yoh/Anna from Shaman King.
4 -  Lloyd/Yol Forger from Spy X Family.
5   - Ichigo/Inoue from Bleach.
Everybody in Japan hates the canon couples and everybody misses NaruSaku.   :umm:
I really admire the anger and some desilusional NaruSaku fan theories  fans 9 years after the ending.
Let's wait. Maybe in 2050, a NaruSaku son from another dimension will appear, or Kishimoto will express regret for his canon couples decision, stating that he lost his wife based  Sakura to Sasuke due to the influence of the evil editors and Hinata fans.

Ah your running or back to lurking now again.


Guess these are what brought you back because you thought they were wins, and are leaving before they become losses, again.


1. Part one of Boruto ended selling under 100,000, and was likely ordered to rush to its ending due to low sales.


2. The SS manga barely managed to get half that, and who knows for the other one.


3. The Boruto anime is on hiatus and still hasn't come back.


4. There was suppose to be a four episode special of Naruto that keeps delaying itself due to fear of low views.


5.  No new movies, despite all it contemporaries making tens if not hundreds of millions hand over fist with those now a days.


Now we are waiting for the sales data on both: Part Two to see if it was able to gain a following, and a game with a self deleting story. And you show up with some cheap ring, and some random poll without any data on either?

#990763 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 24 November 2023 - 11:39 PM in Naruto General

One Piece hasn't really been second to Naruto since about 2016 when streaming took off, add in the successful live action (which can be shown to people that refuse to watch cartoons,) and its likely the One Piece is more well known than Naruto is at this point. Not helped that its been stuck in it nadir in terms of relevance since the ending, and by Boruto's poor reception not helping in getting out of it.


Think about it. The One Piece's live action adaptation has been worked on for years and has been released. The Naruto Live Action Adaptation has only been announce it has writers that are going to start working on it; after One Piece Netflix was shown to be a successThat saying they (Shueisha/Netflix) didn't have enough confidence to risk doing it first, and instead went with One Piece. Because they must have seen it as more likely to be profitable. Now that it is, they are now willing to risk a Naruto adaption.


Hell, remember that Naruto had a live action movie that Lionsgate supposedly been working on for the past 9 years that has simply been milled around by putting some writers on it to write a scrip, then store it.

#990768 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 25 November 2023 - 07:03 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku



"Idk why this is so funny, toneri basically told boruto that his mom was a second choice. Imagine if boruto asked how his parents got together, and Toneri said it was because of genjutsu."


                Toneri:" Back then, Naruto saw Sasuke, an elite student, as his rival, and seemed to have a crush on Sakura.

The, "seemed," means they are still trying to justify it by the Last. That Naruto wasn't really in love or didn't really have a crush on Sakura; only seemed to be because it just a part of his rivalry with Sasuke to go after the girl that Sasuke had feelings for.

#990780 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 27 November 2023 - 01:31 AM in Naruto General

Live-action is currently on the works... oh boy.

Not just one but possibly two.


I think it was mentioned a few pages back...


Oh what do you know. Yesterday, they had another announcement about the Naruto movie.


So lets do both.


Lionsgate's Naruto Live action movie: From what I recall and suspect. This was part of the deal for Kishimoto to go along with the ending and the planned sequel, "Boruto." Kishimoto is a huge fan of Hollywood movies and probably enjoyed the idea of his story becoming a Hollywood movie. Problem is that the ending happened and Naruto fell from its lofty perch. Which moved it from being made to constant production & development.


Every Hollywood Movie Company has thousands of IPs that they own the movie rights to, but never plan to actually make an actual movie out of; they have those rights to make sure their competitors don't have them, so they can't make millions from that IP. Now of course, they would eventually lose their movie rights if they didn't do anything with them, especially if those rights were given by another company. So how do they make sure they keep the movie's rights? Simple, by having a movie in constant production/development. They do this by having a guild writer write a script for them. Then they have some low level exec read it. Then they store it. More likely that script may be use for another movie later on. Sometimes they even get a director in between jobs on board as well.


That was Naruto's Live Action Movie's fate for the past nine years. Every few years or so they get a writer to write a script for a Naruto movie to assure Shueisha they are working on it. Maybe a director if they really need convincing. Then store it once they stop asking questions. Citing difficulties of some kind as justification.


If that has changed recently, it is only because of Netflix's One Piece, not anything Naruto related.


Netflix's Naruto: Apparently at some point, they gave the right to a live action tv series to Netflix. Which they then gave to one of the writers of Witcher: Blood Origins. Now Netflix is far more willing to produce the stuff that they buy the rights to; so this may actually be released. And its up in the air, if it will be another One Piece, or one of their regular live action adaptations of an anime like their Cowboy Bebop live action adaptation. 


Again, this is due to the success of the Live Action One Piece; not anything Naruto related.

#990783 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 27 November 2023 - 02:45 AM in Naruto General

Lol Id laugh so much if they made Naruto and Sasuke gay. We all know what Netflix is like as unlike Oda. Kishi has no balls so he'd do whatever Netflix says.

The time to make a Naruto Live Action was early 2000. 2012 at the latest. Now a day it going to be a mess.


They will probably try to make the cast different races, gay, or trans.


Naruto: The one that is going to have the most focus on their representation changes as he (even that is probably going to be in question) is the main character. Are they even going to even try to make him have Blue eyes and Blond hair? If he is a minority, they are going to go on and on about how oppressed he is, and if he is white, then he can't complain about it or will get lectures on 'white fragility' or something like that. Then, if the progressive decided that he is "queer coded" and they stick with the canon pairings...Oh the hissy fits that will happen. And, if they even shown the sexy jutsu, then they will also declare him trans.


Sasuke: Will probably be fine due to them just needing to make another Kylo Ren/Edward Cullen/Jon Snow. I pity the sap they get in the role though. As he will be stalked after by desperately lonely women for decades. And there will be blood fights between him being gay or not.


Sakura: Depends, if they remove her hitting and lecturing Naruto. Either she will be a kitten or they will have to come up with things for her to do so she isn't seen as useless therefore problematic and sexist. So she may be turned into a girl boss.


Kakashi: Will be played by a semi-famous actor, so either the best actor or clearly barely putting in any effort, that is likely years too old.


Shikamaru: Will probably be lectured and reduced as a male character can't be the smartest especially if he is lazy casually smarter than everyone. Unless he is a soy face hipster that a stand in for the writer/director. May end up in a gay couple with Chouji. Remember, men can't be close friends to modern writers. If they are close, they must be gay.


Ino: Likely made into either a complete slut or covered up more than a nun in convent. Also, she and Sakura/Tenten/Hinata may end up as lesbian couple. 


Chouji: Will largely be fine due to being the fat kid. Problem is he will go from pudgy/big bone to morbidly obese. With lectures on body acceptance.  


Kiba and Shino will probably be fine...they will probably be made gay to have another gay couple


Hinata: Depends. Do they see her as regressive or a self insert? If they think she is regressive; complete personality change. If they see her as themselves. Did anyone see Velma? Think that and that's not even getting into the Hyuuga clan issue.


Lee: Will probably be fine...if also made gay. Either in love with Guy or Neji.


Tenten: Is the most sporty of the girls, so either lesbian or trans.


Neji:...Depends how they handle the Hyuuga issue.


Tsunade: Girl Boss


Jiraiya: Castrated. 


So a for possible outcome for a Naruto Live Action. Imagine a gay transgender Steve Urkel chasing after Edward Cullen, when he not constantly moaning about how oppressed he is, while Ken Watanabe playing Kakashi keeps pulling his mask down to show his face every five seconds, and the women they get to play Sakura will constantly quip with a smug look on her face as well as she will on social media declare that all fans of Naruto are sexist that shouldn't complain about anything as well as saying they shouldn't watch it.