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#875020 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Pix on 09 September 2015 - 03:48 AM in Konoha Theater


*sighs and holds this up*

You literally said it here or do you wish to change your words again? You even accused her of not being a NS fan.

You need to stop talking now because you either are denying it to save face or you have no idea what the hell you are talking about. Just stop before you shoot yourself in the foot.

What Junko said was that she could be happy for it, if it was supported and done well. That is what she said, but the fact that everything just happened with little to reason just for the sake of happening means that Naruto, as a character, has becomes something different. Something she lost connection to. You know, like how all of us lost connection to the important factors of Naruto when the pairing kitten reared it's ugly head?

This is the same women who, when asked by fans on what would Naruto do for a hobby, said "Ask Sakura out on dates."

Sorry, just came back after avoiding this place. 


"Ask Sakura out on dates" Proof. I've never seen this before but I would love it if you posted a source for it, cause until then I still don't think Junko is pro NS. 


Secondly, saying that she's probably not NS doesn't mean I'm "accusing" her. You're acting as if not being an NS fan is bad. 


Thirdly, you already shot yourself in the foot but whatever dude. :roll:  All I care about is proof showing that Junko actually supported NS, cause right now, NH and SS are bringing theirs to the table, but NS- an already dead ship- has nothing.  


I'm not saying this as if I didn't support NS, I'm saying this because I need more validation.

#875018 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Pix on 09 September 2015 - 03:41 AM in Otaku Square

> Read the Ochako x Deku moment 

> Didn't care about anything else in the chapter. 


Yes, I guess sometimes I am shipping trash. 


But in all serious I don't like the villans' designs. And that's a first, considering how I'm infatuated with the detailed character designs of Bnha.

#875017 The Future of Naruto Franchise

Posted by Pix on 09 September 2015 - 03:37 AM in Naruto General

no you cannot say the same thing because naruto never actually had actual points where it was going to end, it was milked for all it was worth and even the so called ending wasn't really an ending.

 whereas dragon ball once was going to end at tournament piccolo fight, then it was going to end at frieza, then it was going to end at cell games, then it actually ended at buu until now and its only being continued because the author and fans wanted it to.


also dragon ball's several end points were written well enough to where you don't have to worry about unanswered questions and lack of closure, whereas all the endings you guys fall back on on naruto are all going to have some kind of unanswered questions and lack of closure,heck even part one ending like that would have unanswered questions since the majority of the story info of the akatsuki didn't happen til shippuden, their goals, plan, why they want the tailed beasts, everything, hence why you have the ovas and fanfiction, you need them to fill in the blanks to fix this, heck even the ending wasn't an ending.


quit insulting dragon ball and putting it on the same lvl as this crap dude....

I can insult it all I want because it's my opinion??? 


Your argument doesn't stand. You can literally read Naruto until the Pein arc and call it a masterpiece. Same can be said for comic books, same can be said for yes- DragonBall Z.  


And just because you think it's well written doesn't mean others do. I mean, literally Dragon Ball is still going. There is no end point.

#875016 Magi: The Labrinth of Magic

Posted by Pix on 09 September 2015 - 03:33 AM in Otaku Square

Noooooooooooooo. Nooooooo.
And what happened to Kougyoku?

My baby didn't get exiled, which is an ISSUE. 


Like, she is literally a military war general and a princess of the KOU empire at that. What type of life could she possibly get from living in Hakuryuu's kingdom that's not crappy? She'll probably be publicly shamed, and hate the fact that the new "emperor" killed her brother. What can she do now? Go back to her mother? Honestly Koumei and Kohei were saved- they got off easy. They get to start their lives all over again instead of rotting in jail like Kouen's household...or say....dealing with Hakuryuu's KITTEN like Kougyoku.


The same does not apply for Hakuei, who loves her brother, but for Kougyoku she literally has no purpose staying in Hakuryuu's empire.

#875014 Nanatsu No Taizai

Posted by Pix on 09 September 2015 - 03:27 AM in Otaku Square

I just came to say that I was revived for that Ban x Jericho chapter. Otp sails....(but still fails)....

#870088 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Pix on 19 August 2015 - 03:42 AM in Konoha Theater

Nothing shows her liking the ending either, but I love the logic of "If you don't say something negative about it, then you must love it."

So basically...she is indifferent.

Of course, with the way Kishimoto bashes his character and insults the fandom...I could argue Kishimoto doesn't like it either.

Does that mean if I don't talk badly about the Star Wars prequels / Micheal Bay / or anything that people are trending to hate that means I think they are the greatest thing on this Earth?


I've literally never said that either. I'm just saying that she never said anything against it. 


She even went on to talk about how nice Sasusaku would be as a couple, you know, before gaiden came out. 


Nobody ever said she loved it. I'm just saying there's no solid proof that she was against it.

#870027 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Pix on 19 August 2015 - 01:07 AM in Konoha Theater

Nothing in that shows her disappointment in the ending. 

#870026 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Pix on 19 August 2015 - 01:05 AM in Konoha Theater

Why do you say this?

Is it because she isn't bashing the Bolt movie? She already got out of doing Naruto's son because of this mess, what else do you expect her to do? She already said how she felt no love between Naruto and Hinata and said that Naruto and Sakura's bonds are closer than Nh and SS put together. So what else do you want?

-sigh- This all gives me heart burn.

of course the Naruto fandom is not one to talk

"We are not gonna give Kishimoto a dime for this kitten anymore" *everyone goes to see Bolt the movie for the SasuNaru sexicles*

That's.....literally not why. 


It's because everything that she's said has pointed towards her liking the ending. Not just NH. Besides, what if she's tired of voicing the Naruto series for other reasons? She never said it had anything to do with NS, we just assumed. We tried to do the same thing with Chie too. It's not like with Kishimoto where we have valid proof that he's a [insert curseword here].

#870022 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Pix on 19 August 2015 - 01:00 AM in Konoha Theater

if you mean the little "melody" ns kid that people claim junko was the one who drew it, it's false


if you mean the interview where she said naruto's and sakura's bond is stronger than a lover's, it's true.

I feel like that was damage control.


Piiiix! Haven't seen you in a while. Missed you around here.

Yeah I'm really not interested about anything Naruto related anymore lol.

#869818 The Future of Naruto Franchise

Posted by Pix on 18 August 2015 - 01:23 PM in Naruto General

dragon ball is unique though, you can't compare it like those because it was supposed to end multiple times and those end points are written so well, that even if dragon ball super and beyond was bad, you can fall back on the original dbz or dragon ball and pretended the continuations never happened, so it will never be truly milked to the point its ruined, can't say the same for naruto, sailor moon, and others though.


heck it applies even more so with the dragon ball super and gt stuff because gt was fanmade, and super/the movies all just take place during that timeskip at the end of the series and fill in the blanks, but we don't necessarily ever needed that filled did we? akira's continuing it because he and the fans want to continue it. if it does get bad, it won't ruin the original series at all.

Can't the same thing be applied to Naruto then? 


No matter how crap all of these add ons and spin offs get, we can always go back to the original manga and completely forget about the fact that in the end, the entire story will go nowhere.

#869816 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Pix on 18 August 2015 - 01:20 PM in Konoha Theater

Hey are you guys sure Junko was a NS fan? Cause I'm starting to believe that's false.

#867065 Fantastic Four Flops big time!

Posted by Pix on 11 August 2015 - 03:39 AM in Arts & Entertainment District


Well Spiderman is getting a third reboot, and fans are actually excited about this as it will be the first time Marvel will get to work on their own franchise, and unlike the Fantastic 4 Reboots, each of the reboots have more than one movie attached to it, and were not universally panned as all the F4 Movies have been. (with the exception of Spiderman 3, that movie was just wierd.)


Fans want to see the F4 movie made by or in collaboration with the Marvel Studio's that would renew interest in the franchise.

Spiderman is getting a third reboot? Not happy.

#866968 The Future of Naruto Franchise

Posted by Pix on 10 August 2015 - 08:46 PM in Naruto General

Shounens don't end until they stop selling. Sailor Moon ended, the anime prolonged the manga but it also ended. We got a crapload of merchandise, and now we have a reboot almost 20 years later. 


Now how many people do you hear saying they hate Sailor Moon and it's franchise? Compare that to how many people say they hate DBZ or Naruto. 


That's the thing. SJ just doesn't know when to stop. They end up destroying the series just for the sake of forced mass appeal. They need to change their gameplan.

#866967 Fantastic Four Flops big time!

Posted by Pix on 10 August 2015 - 08:41 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

We just have to hope that like Sony eventually did with Spiderman, Fox will be more willing to work with Marvel in a reboot. This might actually be really good for the fans if the movie tanking in the box office could open the door to such a partnership.

But seriously? A third reboot? I think people would really be fed up with that. The only hope is for a good sequel. 

#864115 Boruto One Shot

Posted by Pix on 03 August 2015 - 03:43 PM in Latest Releases

This is why a franchise like DB can continue to be milked because it does not lie to its fans and mislead them.

Also even though he wasn't able to write DB like he wanted, at least Toriyama doesn't hate his fans.

#863693 Boruto One Shot

Posted by Pix on 02 August 2015 - 07:35 PM in Latest Releases


Yep! :D The only question that reamains is whether he was a guy or a woman durring! :lmao:

No another question: Who did he sleep with?? :shock:


And like, what if he's actually Karin's child??? :shock:

#863665 Boruto One Shot

Posted by Pix on 02 August 2015 - 05:50 PM in Latest Releases



#863608 Boruto One Shot

Posted by Pix on 02 August 2015 - 03:45 PM in Latest Releases

We found out who it is within the day of early screening. Is it really that much a mystery for people to buy a ticket to find out?

Is it true that it's Orochimaru?

#863073 Naruto Hollywood Remake

Posted by Pix on 01 August 2015 - 04:54 AM in Naruto General

He will make hot titanic night between eren and mikasa :fu:
Oh and mikasa will bring down Titan queen with a flamer, if it not enough an unstoppable robot Titan from the future will come to kill her, because her son will stop Titan to rule the world.

Lmaooo you're making me laugh!! This is exactly why he should remake AoT. XD

#863052 Naruto Hollywood Remake

Posted by Pix on 01 August 2015 - 03:30 AM in Naruto General

Not all Hollywood comic adaptation movie always success. Before x men movie, all good comic adaptation movie come from superman and batman.

The good video game movie exist, it is resident evil.

Michael bay will destroy AoT and will make it's all about explosion, hot chick, and ghetto joke.

I'm laughing because it's true.  :cry:


Well then let's give AoT to the guy who made Titanic and Avatar. Idk, but for some reason I think AoT would be the PERFECT anime to get a Hollywood edition. 

#862923 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by Pix on 31 July 2015 - 08:10 PM in Otaku Square

I give up. I can't pretend like I'm still interested in Bleach anymore. Just notify me when it ends.

#862922 Naruto Hollywood Remake

Posted by Pix on 31 July 2015 - 08:01 PM in Naruto General

Hell on Earth is coming and we need to prepare. 




Seriously, genuine question: Why is it that whenever Hollywood adapts comic books into movies they're always box office hits, yet whenever they remake video games or anime it's always a failure? The last great hollywood movie about a game was Mortal Kombat, and that was in the 90's. Plus I think Michael Bay would do quite a good movie version of Attack on Titan...


Well anyway, I hope this movie fails and never happens. 

#859374 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Pix on 23 July 2015 - 05:46 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

marvel destroys dc in live action, but loses in animation. and thank goodness there's no batman in marvel ^_^

Finally someone spoke the truth. 


Also DC kills Marvel when it comes to video games. 



And also, I still despise Kishimoto. His distaste towards his own female characters is ridiculous.

#858550 Hunter x Hunter

Posted by Pix on 21 July 2015 - 03:08 AM in Otaku Square


It's sad when you see that Kishi's best arc's original idea didn't even came from him

Exactly! I didn't even realize this until I read HxH. It really makes you re-think everything about Naruto, even Part 1.

#858494 Hunter x Hunter

Posted by Pix on 20 July 2015 - 11:03 PM in Otaku Square

I'm sorry. What is Chimera Ant Arc? :headscratch: Does the anime that was made by SP years ago has it?

It's the infamous arc that took 2-3 years to finish due to hiatus. But it's also one of the best written arcs in any shounen. It's when they have to fight the Ant King who basically extremely overpowered. It's in the 2011 version.