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There have been 49 items by Sarahmint (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#888259 NaruSaku Official Adaptation on Netflix/Anime? Would you Support It?

Posted by Sarahmint on 19 November 2015 - 08:01 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Sounds great, but it's more likely to happen if it was an Alternate Reality since Naruto is owned by a company that wants to keep the theme for kids and an affair is more inappropriate then genocide, ironically

#883595 Vagabond

Posted by Sarahmint on 24 October 2015 - 03:47 AM in Otaku Square

The story is amazing!  The art is beautiful.  You will be gripped by the first page.  I'm on the first omnibus volume right now.

#869367 Found a great artist? Share them here

Posted by Sarahmint on 17 August 2015 - 05:34 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Shiae: http://www.pixiv.net....php?id=3356340  Cute Sakura and enticing moments of Naruto and Sakura here.


Post another

#867390 FF.Net down?

Posted by Sarahmint on 12 August 2015 - 03:19 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

It should be over now.


Proof: https://www.fanficti...utes-23-seconds

#864917 SasuKarin Appreciation Thread

Posted by Sarahmint on 05 August 2015 - 08:45 PM in Crazy Love


Yeah, that's what I think it is too. And seriously, we've seen that Hinata never was brave enough to try to tell Naruto how she felt, and when she did, she did it when she knew she'd die as well as her lack of faith in Naruto, but no NH fans ever go out of their way to notice that while we and others have, just like how the SS fans hated Karin because of SK, and how she was a better fit to Sasuke than Sakura is, like NH is with Sakura to Naruto.


I got into watching Naruto after watching that scene with Hinata confessing to Naruto and dying in attempt to protect him.  It worked.  But if she survived, he should have come to her at the end.  I was upset at Sakura for coming up to Naruto after everything that happened and punched him.  I took Naruto's accepting her embrace as exhaustion (I was not familiar with Naruto at that time and didn't realize she was on his team).  Hinata smiled from a distance happy with his happiness.  


Unfortunately, he said nothing to her in the coming days or weeks after that, even though he  clearly remembered what she told him during the war when he looked at her and said "you are stronger then you look" or "you are strong I can see it in your eyes" with a smile.  He never confessed to her during the war.  You think you may die or she may die, so if he had to wait for the war to end to confess his love, it's not love enough.   NaruSaku grew on me, especially with the cpr kiss and heart massage.  At the same time, it was presented with humor and alongside SasuKarin (which I just had a feeling that it would not happen, even though I preferred Sasuke with her or any other girl not Sakura).  


If Naruto replied with a yes or no after the Pain arc, it would have been more meaningful and make him less of a douchebag that he ended up being at the end.  


Even Kishi had a hint about it in the script.









I think it was more about admiration than love when I reread the manga. I think it was his ability to never give up that inspired her and maybe she confused it with love. I think Naruto indirectly pushed Neji towards Hinata.


That confession was so contrived and forced. I mean after doing almost nothing in part 2 out of nowhere she confesses and Naruto turns Kiyubi which is lame to no end. This was the moment when Kishi was starting to let his fans influence him.


I think Karin was one of the better characters introduced in part 2 (she had potential too but Kishi never used her). I mean she was hot in her own way. She was funny and had chemistry with Sasuke. She never hesitated to scold and boss him around when necessary. They are trying to justify sasusaku for the same reason they hate Karin... ironic ! If we take the "canon" for granted, its Sakura who is completely crazy for hooking up who is the worst dad in the history of worst dad and never standing up for herself when she has every reasons to do so.

This is everything I loved about SasuKarin.  The moment she grabbed his sleeve to be with him alone is the moment I sunk into the ship.  I stopped after he stabbed her, but something pulled me in the direction of him being content with her.  He was lost without her.  He truly lost himself when he was going to give her up.  If he didn't care for her anymore, he still did react when Kabuto was talking about Karin to him.  She was the only girl who would stand up to him and lead him.  
That is what SasuKarin would have been.  
Instead we have a broken promise of Naruto never leaving Sasuke alone and Sasuke broken and apologizing for fighting against an evil government that tried to execute him along with his family when he was only 8.  Karin would have made sure that Sasuke had Konoha reveal their responsibility in the Uchiha genocide since she is related to it's "hero", followed by Itachi's post-mortem pardon.

#864150 SasuKarin Appreciation Thread

Posted by Sarahmint on 03 August 2015 - 07:06 PM in Crazy Love




by mokonaxmodoki

#861006 SasuKarin Appreciation Thread

Posted by Sarahmint on 27 July 2015 - 01:12 AM in Crazy Love











#860777 Crazy Requests Thread

Posted by Sarahmint on 26 July 2015 - 07:23 PM in Crazy Love


#860065 Sasuke Uchiha Appreciation Thread

Posted by Sarahmint on 25 July 2015 - 05:57 AM in Naruto General

I only support him up to chapter 698.  He should have adjusted his Revolution to include Naruto as a partner and never apologized for fighting evil.

#860064 Crazy Requests Thread

Posted by Sarahmint on 25 July 2015 - 05:54 AM in Crazy Love

How many people here like SasuKarin?

#860036 New Kishimoto interview

Posted by Sarahmint on 25 July 2015 - 04:04 AM in Naruto General

There's already a little part of it translated and surprise, surprise...it looks like we got our typical Kishi  BS :facepalm:



He thinks it's funny!


Sadistic bastard.  


Kishi has no love for Sasuke.

#859136 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Sarahmint on 22 July 2015 - 11:07 PM in Konoha Theater

I hope to god that Kishi means "this is the story I've always wanted to write about Naruto" when he says that in the description, because if the ending didn't corrupt Sasuke's character enough, having him want to "make sure the nature of Shinobi doesn't change" just makes it worse and makes me want to avoid the movie entirely...Another part of me wants to watch it just to see what kind of Stoy Kishimoto will make.  Meanwhile I will be pretending Boruto is Naruto and Sasuke is Jiraya because that/this is not the Sasuke I we know & love (if you do even like him at all).

#858428 If Sasuke had killed Naruto, would Sakura still be in love with him?

Posted by Sarahmint on 20 July 2015 - 05:02 PM in Naruto General

She still loved him after he killed Danzo and tried killing his most loyal companion, so....

#857591 World Building

Posted by Sarahmint on 18 July 2015 - 08:26 PM in Naruto General

I'm working on a personal fanfiction project for myself (and many others who were disappointed with Kishimoto's apparent lack of interest and rushing the ending after ironically prolonging a boring war).


What are your fanfictions, headcanons, or speculations about the general world of Naruto?  We only know of five main villages but are there any other smaller villages like Uzumagakure or Amegakure? 


What do you think the religions, politics, or economics behind the world?  


Are there rifles like there was in part 1?  Is the economy still based on the A, B, C, and D missions like part 1?  Is the Chunin exam still seen as olympics or war as it was suggested in part 1?  Is Amegakure destroyed after part 2 from Konon's death, or does Naruto go and take care of it (instead of neglecting his promises and his friends like chapter 699-700)?  


Does your own preferred ending change the outcome of the world?  For example, would you rather have Naruto go with Sasuke and the rest of Team 7 to Otogakure to make sure there is peace in the region to avoid another war instead of having Sasuke just leave and Naruto let him (after his promise to never leave him alone)?



This thread is for you to add your own world-building ideas

#856154 Konoha and Tobirama demonization

Posted by Sarahmint on 11 July 2015 - 08:11 AM in Naruto General

The moment I learned about Itachi's motivation, my first instinct was "well this is kitten", while my second thought was "wait a minute!  Naruto is going to defect from Konoha only to return and become Kage or something even greater to end the evil system!


Soon I believed Sasuke was going to be this.  


That was shattered in chapter 699 with "I'm sorry for everything I've ever done".  Well that was easy, Naruto.  Sasuke just removed everything that he stood for on a whim of laughing at Naruto and giving up on trying to kill his dearest friend.  Naruto does nothing about changing the system either (along with getting the credit for Ino and Madara's work of uniting the world and then uniting their hearts).


As for Tobirama, he did contribute to one of these steps:




And Hiruzen completed the genocide with step 8. This was absolute as he died with only Itachi and the elders knowing about it.

#855720 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Sarahmint on 10 July 2015 - 06:25 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Itachi was.such a tragic character. A shinobi who's own genius was perceived as the ultimate threat. Who's kindness and devotion became his eventual downfall. Labelled a traitor for his unglorified loyalty,he even killed his own parents for the sake of the village. The curse of the Uchiha clan. A powerful and genius clan of shinobi who are bound to others by a loyalty that cannot be broken by natural means. They even unlock their true power from grief driven by watching a loved one die, even more power taking the eyes of their own kinsmen.


So by killing his own parents for the sake of the village, you are saying the parents are not the village.


Sounds like something Kishi wrote.

#854432 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Sarahmint on 07 July 2015 - 03:41 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I'm convinced that this story was written on the fly with no end planned until the last hour when it was halted.  


It reads like a "What happened next?" game the staffers at Shonen Jump just made up.  


If you put it together, the pieces don't fit.  Sakura getting nervous over Sara asking if she is even married with "I'm sure he feels the same way" to Shizune saying Karin "was a long time ago".  It's worse then a lame (and obvious) red-harring.  It's completely spontaneous.  First we have what seems like Shisui coming back because he misses Itachi.  Then he is an experiment from Orochimaru who is obsessed with Itachi for no reason whatsoever.  Not to mention he was a retcon because Danzo got his arm from the senju cell experiments Kabuto told Team 7 Yamato survived.  Another retcon is Sasuke leaving the village on his own, this time he's not on his own but next to Naruto who tells Sasuke "I'll go with you".  


Most of all, I refuse to believe Sakura would be that cold as to cover up Sarada's own doting godmother's existence.  It makes her look superiorly manipulative and selfish.



And I even wrote a rant after chapter 5 before not reading 6th chapter only to read chapter 7 because Karin is in it.  I love Karin to bits.  Glad she is one of the few characters that remained herself and was not destroyed.



Adding these:


At the end, Gaiden feels so empty
I expected this, but I feel so empty about this ending.
Yes, what I wanted to happen most did happen - Karin is Sara's godmother and has a bond with Sakura that is very very strong.
But that's all I got.  Just that.  Just Karin being her awesome self that was probably the only character not ruined completely by the series.  
Naruto redeemed himself to me when he comforted Sara in chapter 9 and how he let the shins live.
All the other characters I love just crumbled.  Don't get me started on Sasuke. Sakura is worth nothing but Sasuke's wife.  Many other characters were basically in the background.  
Most importantly, the entire 10 chapters is equivalent to Dora the Explorer asking "Here is Mama, Papa, and Baby Uchiha. Who is Baby's Mama?  Mama Uchiha" instead of giving us actual SasuSaku material, we get "they are married by a thread and nothing but a thread".  We could have gotten Sarada getting stronger.  We could have had an Uzumaki chronicle of Kushina, Mito, or  Karin and Naruto working together on something.  We could have had so many things but all we get is a waste of time.
Karin was the only good thing about this series, and the only reason I continued to read it.  
I did not even bother reading chapter 6.  
Call me when Karin returns because I know she is not going to be in Boruto.
Oh, I also want to see Uchiha Sarada Hokage.  
Till then,
Goodbye, Naruto
Naruto Gaiden 5
it feels like this chapter spit on every character I love.  Sasuke is a kitten dad and learned nothing and is not a representation of PTSD survivor like he use to, but a neatly placed character next to Naruto (and other things, I could go on with how far he has fallen). You take away all the relatability of a character when they are broken for years and then just do a 360 out of nowhere and they are fine. Karin is not even a character. She is only a red-herring plot device. Yahiko created the Akatsuki with Konan and Nagato, not Obito or any other zetsu-like entity no matter what they claim. Naruto already died being a liar in the previous chapter. Even Danzo is ripped off and I actually liked Danzo as corrupt and delusional as that coward was.
So Sasuke and Naruto continue to cover up things that people should know, even though they are ninja that endure.  What a ridiculous half-assed excuse for everything.
All you can learn from Naruto is if you want to get power, be popular. Psychological torture makes for a good mate. And - Genocide is heroic because it's ordered by your good government, as a good guy.
I'm so done and I'm so mad and I'd rather be a Game of Thrones fan where my favorite character dies then change constantly for plot stretch connivence and Dragonball Z power scaling continuation.
On to Vagabond and other good manga...
Currently watching Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit

#849783 SasuHina Appreciation Thread

Posted by Sarahmint on 27 June 2015 - 10:34 PM in Crazy Love

*Shudders*....Why does this thread exist ?  :ermm:


There was a time when we believed Sasuke was not a psychopath, but rightful in his quest to destroy all the evils that wiped out his family (like planing to destroy Konoha - it was just and right from the perspective of an Uchiha who is just trying to survive and protect himself for the sake of his family having one person left).  


Hinata is sweet and shy and Sasuke would have been similar.

#845549 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Sarahmint on 19 June 2015 - 03:20 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

At this Point, no matter what happens, it will be ridiculusly funny.


It feels like Sasuke married Sakura out of guilt, just like Naruto "fell in love" with Hinata out of guilt.


SS kiss? Who cares. "Otto", "Danna-sama", If you Need a reminder. They're distant. They always were and they always will be.


That was the whole point of Kakashi's shaming Sasuke for not loving Sakura back. 





Imagine if Sasuke was female and Sakura was male.  This speech from Kakashi always felt very rapey, tbh.

#844316 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Sarahmint on 17 June 2015 - 04:56 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

There may or may not be a flashback with a SasuSaku kiss scene in chapter 8.   


The only reason I absolutely detest that ship is because it is presented as Sakura needing Sasuke to love her so she feels good about herself with Kakashi telling Sasuke he's obliged to love her, and if he cannot love her then he cannot be a good person.  Kishi pushes the idea that for Sasuke to be on the "GOOD" side, he has to love Sakura despite having no apparent interest in her and he should be shamed for not loving her.


I just don't get it.  


I know Kishi wants people to like how things turned out, but SasuSaku is the absolute worst couple I have ever read in fiction since Claire and Ron (White Oleander novel) and Nick and Helena (Boxing Helena movie).

#844312 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Sarahmint on 17 June 2015 - 04:54 AM in Naruto General

There may or may not be a flashback with a SasuSaku kiss scene in chapter 8.   


The only reason I absolutely detest that ship is because it is presented as Sakura needing Sasuke to love her so she feels good about herself with Kakashi telling Sasuke he's obliged to love her, and if he cannot love her then he cannot be a good person.  Kishi pushes the idea that for Sasuke to be on the "GOOD" side, he has to love Sakura despite having no apparent interest in her and he should be shamed for not loving her.


I just don't get it.  


I know Kishi wants people to like how things turned out, but SasuSaku is the absolute worst couple I have ever read in fiction since Claire and Ron (White Oleander novel) and Nick and Helena (Boxing Helena movie).

#829901 Fifty Shades of Grey: The movie

Posted by Sarahmint on 25 May 2015 - 06:01 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

After being alarmed there was a thread for this, I'm not so worried anymore after reading the comments.



Did you see this?


#820935 Should Sasuke Have Died?

Posted by Sarahmint on 11 May 2015 - 05:39 PM in Naruto General

Sasuke should use his death via rinne tensei (outer path) to revive the Uchiha who were killed by Itachi, and Itachi.  That would not only be a fitting death, but would be a fairy tale ending for him as he could finally protect the ones, the only ones, who he loved.

#816241 What are your canon NaruSaku headcanons?

Posted by Sarahmint on 04 May 2015 - 07:37 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

What are your canon NaruSaku headcanons?  


In this thread, if you have any canon NaruSaku headcanons, let us know.



~ Here are mine ~


After the wedding in The Last, Sakura and her fake smile made it home after a great day and night . . . only to have a wave of sadness wash over her causing one meow of a cry before she fainted for the first time.


Sakura became close with Naruto the more she spent time on team seven and got use to his antics.  The Forest of Death brought them all closer.  Sakura shared bi-weekly correspondence with Naruto when he was training with Jiraya.  When he arrived back into Konoha, Sakura thought he was hot and began flirting with him, really starting to like him as someone more.  She secretly considered her time with Naruto that day as a date that was interrupted.  Without realizing it, she was falling in love with him . . . but she turned her heart slightly away from him the moment she was in Sasuke's presence at Orochimaru's hideout and never let herself believe she loved Naruto again . . . until it was too late and she could no longer deny it to herself. . . so she did what she could to take the Uchiha Sasuke prize and held on to it and the facade with her life.

#815901 Love is worth (SasuSaku break up)

Posted by Sarahmint on 03 May 2015 - 07:50 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

1) To be honest Sasuke was never shown, after the massacre, to be someone who wanted acknowledgement from others. The only acknowledgement he ever really wanted was from his father and Itachi. What Sasuke wanted post massacre was power and was willing to do almost anything to get it. So long as it wasn't the way Itachi got it. He was praised a lot when he was still in Konoha so he has no need for more praise considering he had a new target at that point for his revenge.


This makes Sasuke more of a mission based killer. He focuses on a target and will do whatever needs to be done to eliminate the target. It's the mark of a particular kind of psychopath. His initial need for revenge turned into a constant need for revenge that can't be sated. First he wanted revenge against Itachi, then Danzo, then all of Konoha and then the elemental nations and the ninja system as a whole. 


2) Sasuke's family will always be special to him because their deaths were his trigger. No matter how much he hated his brother initially Itachi is forever a part of his lost family and he can't shake that. Sasuke is a full blown psychopath with sociopathic tendencies, but not a true sociopath. If he was a true sociopath his families massacre wouldn't have affected him the way it did.


Now with Naruto, Sasuke only really showed him any kind of empathy at the beginning. Understanding his loneliness. After Sasuke's defection their interactions were antagonistic with Sasuke being shocked at Naruto's empathy for him. Never really the other way around. And that final battle being at VotE was less about it being sentimental for Sasuke and more of a dig at Naruto since the last time they fought there Sasuke was the one that walked away the winner. Plus everyone knew that's where Kishi would place their final fight. That was done more for nostalgia purposes than anything else.


It's ironic how the sharingan power "feeling too much" contradicts Sasuke as a full blown psychopath.  


I'm not saying you are wrong.  I'm saying Sasuke's canonical powers contradict the fact that he just might be a psychopath.  


The ending of Sasuke just leaving Naruto in 699, then again in 700 with Sasuke not having anything to do with family (which we were lead to believe was the most important thing to him the entire series) just adds to the psychopathy of the character. 



BlackBird, do you think Sasuke would be psychopathic if there was no coup and he still had his family?  If there was a coup and he still had his family?  Also, does his failed goal of becoming the world Hokage, to carry the burden of hate and pain from everyone on him and to have everyone hate him and rile against him, make him psychopathic?