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There have been 1000 items by ns.Believe.It (Search limited from 22-June 23)

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#820938 Should Sasuke Have Died?

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 11 May 2015 - 05:50 PM in Naruto General

Yes, Sasuke should have died-- way back in Land of Waves. Shame on you Haku, you could have done everyone a favor.   

#792360 Sakura Hiden

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 01 April 2015 - 03:20 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Hey Bro glad to have you back again  :hi5:  :manhug: . I'm here as always creating kittens and being busy at work XD . How are you !? XD .

Man, its been a while ! Glad to catch-up with you again. I'm good, albeit a little busy. You know how it is in the sixth semester  :sweat:

How are you? How's work? 


And..Arsenal on course for another FA cup triumph.. How sweet is that ! 

#792349 Sakura Hiden

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 01 April 2015 - 03:14 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Same here man! :argh: I wanted to PM you but I thought you left :umm:

You can do that. Still get notifications via mail. 




Anyways, Engineering is going just fine  :wink: All of submissions were done today and so I am free now. But it sure is keeping me busy these days. It stresses me at times XD I rave and rant and swear at the college then XD

Haha, that's the collegelife-story of majority Engineering students( especially boys I guess) bhaiyya  :hehehe:


Class pe soya karo, assignments copy karo, copy karne ke vakth lecturers' name le ke swear karo, submit karne ke baad time-waste karo, exams samay tension karo, somehow pass ho-kar celebrate karo.




Firefox us busy being a perv  :hm: He has a lot of work these days.

Why am I not surprised?  :chuckle:

#792288 Sakura Hiden

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 01 April 2015 - 02:47 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

ns.believe.it :argh: YOU ARE BACK BRO :argh:

I was wondering when I'd catch-up with you  :wink: How have you been? How's engineering going on? Work-load stressing you out still?  :P

And where is the mighty Firefox ?  :D

#792274 Sakura Hiden

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 01 April 2015 - 02:39 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I think that was around last year around chapter 693? But who cares.

I like you and I'm glad you're back.

Haha, Thank You ramenanmitsu  :smile:



Your sig continues to make me feel, mate


Hope you appear here more even if you say its difficult  

What could've been..what should've been..Too bad Kishi didn't think the same.


Yeah, I will try to visit more than recent months. Do JamesCassidy, Inferno and KnS post these days?

#792255 Sakura Hiden

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 01 April 2015 - 02:30 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Are you back for good? :argh:

Probably not. I can never bring myself to visit Naruto sites as much as I used to back when Kishi looked to be a sane writer. Will definitely post from time to time though, at-least to say Hi to you all. 

#792247 Sakura Hiden

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 01 April 2015 - 02:24 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I don't mind arguing with you since you don't make up kitten like other people. Although, your comment on how you recently think Hinata could've been a better heroine is something I can never agree with.

Hi Ramenanmitsu, right to the point as usual I see..  :D


Regards to those comments' about Hinata, you'll have to refresh my memory cause I don't remember posting anything as such  :sweatdrop:  Tbh, I've not even posted on here recently...

#792227 Sakura Hiden

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 01 April 2015 - 02:12 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Dude, how have you been? :argh:

Hello there unburnt ! I'm doing good, thank you. I hope you are well too ?




And well, I believe there is a side that think like that NU01 is one of them, I believe?  :zaru:

Haha, yeah. I remember comments like those used to end up with Naruto vs Sakura : Who is to blame more? I'd most often find myself agreeing with AHK and Narufan85's views with regards to that discussion. Remember having strong arguments with ramenanmitsu  :D

#792214 Sakura Hiden

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 01 April 2015 - 01:58 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Is there any section of the fandom that is sympathetic to Naruto, as he was forced to love Hinata and become a scumbag because of her? Or is there just rampant hatred for him, her, Sakura, Sasuke, and everyone else?

Haha, man am I glad to see you still thinking about it all from Naruto's pov, like you've always done  :D

You know I'm with you on this :P   

#792211 My Blog

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 01 April 2015 - 01:52 PM in i-Blog



i guess everyone here's moved on from Naruto, and narusaku? seems like it. 

I'm afraid this is true in my case. Ofcourse, I'll always be a NS fan at heart and Uzumaki Naruto will always be my favorite fictional character. 


Anyway, nice to see you still writing great omakes :D  

#792204 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 01 April 2015 - 01:37 PM in Naruto General

@ultranx, I'm doing good too, not really a fan of the dragonball series though  :D


Thanks to all who responded. Glad to see so many familiar posters' still being regulars on this site. Also, its really really nice to see Kishi's disgraceful attempts at wiping out any memories of NS from his manga have not had a bearing on the majority here.This community seems to be going as strong as always.


Team NaruSaku forever.  

#791378 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 31 March 2015 - 11:10 AM in Naruto General

Wow, its been a while. Anyone remember me ?  :P  How are everyone doing ? 

#759273 The Official Pokemon Thread

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 15 February 2015 - 02:10 PM in Otaku Square

This series is still going on ?! Holy moly ! And why is it that the original Ash Ketchum looks way more mature and wise than the Ash 15 years( is it..?) later ?  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:

#759271 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 15 February 2015 - 02:02 PM in Naruto General

Wow, the last time I was here, all discussions took place on Chatte's thread... I think. How are everyone doing ? How is the Naruto fandom these days ? Has the series crashed and burned ? Has Kishimoto gone bankrupt yet ? 


So many questions  :D

#759270 My Blog

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 15 February 2015 - 01:54 PM in i-Blog

Hi remember me? Its been a while  :D Glad to see you are still writing great omakes  :wink:

#733964 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 16 January 2015 - 03:21 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Damn, I notice that only a handful of members remain in this site. How different it would have been if a certain someone had the balls to do what's right and give the story the ending it deserved...!


I hate Masashi Kishimoto, that is all. I know its wrong to wish ill for any person but in this man's case, I can't help it. I hope his future works flop and his days as a 'professional' mangaka are numbered. 

#733937 My Blog

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 16 January 2015 - 02:22 PM in i-Blog

are my omakes still good, or have they gone bad? i'm out of good ideas lol

Nah, as good as always. Keep up the good writing  :yes:

#732272 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 14 January 2015 - 03:35 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I knew it.



Nice to see u man

Hey man, nice to catch up with you too. Its been a while... 100's of pages of comments and don't really feel like reading them lol. Has there been any more hilarious interviews from Kishi in the last fortnight..? 

#732255 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 14 January 2015 - 03:16 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

That's true, but The Last is set to break the originally established record by leaps and bounds. Hell! It might even surpass RtN by a whole billion Yen if the international release garners enough profit at the theatre.

Just because a movie is a box-office hit doesn't mean it ain't kitten.


If a movie is a hit, its either a) amazingly good or b) amazingly kitten. Average to good movies seem to remain just that...average. Its the new trend I suppose- 'Average is boring but kitten is entertaining'.  

#722940 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 03 January 2015 - 06:44 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

you'll like thisthen. look at the top rated comment with 896 votes.

Excellent post but its missing the most important, concluding line


Masashi Kishimoto taught me to never read what he writes ever again '. 

#722745 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 03 January 2015 - 11:26 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I just found my new screen-saver 


#722661 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 03 January 2015 - 07:49 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

OKay if you just started reading my first few posts I don't blame you. But can you please read the whole thing then come back?

Np, I did read the whole exchange. 

Because you're twisting my words acting as if I never claimed how chapter 699 was bad to Sakura's character when I agreed with AHK that it was. I don't really see what you want me to do other than wanting me to talk more badly about Sakura. (Which I don't mind doing if you're giving me some extra dollars to buy some pizza by doing that)

Again, I never said you didn't acknowledge Sakura's faults. I just felt it was unnecessary to make it a debate of who out of Naruto and Sakura was more awful in the end.


You aren't aware of this I'm sure... but there was a similar sort of debate two-three days ago about Sakura's confession in the Kage arc. It turned into Naruto vs Sakura blame game in the end. I don't know why people do that. Giving opinion is one thing but bashing other characters at the expense of defending one's favorite character is disappointing to see. 

Your whole Post is an endless LAP about how bad chapter 699 is to Sakura's character and I stopped reading there. Because there's no point for me to read it when I already said that it was bad to her character.

Heh, Sorry about that. I started writing and found it difficult to express my disgust at the way Sakura was handled in a sentence or two. Plus, I had to defend my stance on why Sakura deserves flak for 699. 

Edit: if you read and still want to continue PM me mate. Let's discuss over a glass of wine and some cheese.

Lol, Definitely  :D

#722631 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 03 January 2015 - 07:01 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Sigh......we ended this debate ages ago. And you want to bring it up again? Me and AHK agreed and agreed to disagree on some points.
Do you want to start a new debate or continue the old one?

Hey, you can't blame me cause I only just read your posts :chuckle:  Its now morning here. I just wanted to add my two cents. We could debate but its best to take it to PM's perhaps.  



And yeah way to twist my words. You talk as if I never acknowledged how 699 kitten on Sakura's character. Which is exactly what I agreed on with AHK. 

Yeah, I did see it. I never said you didn't acknowledge Sakura's faults did I..? I only said you shouldn't make people out to be anti's just because they point out flaws. I said stuff about Sakura and I've written LAP's on Naruto's flaws a few days back. 


But that doesn't mean I am anti-Naruto and anti-Sakura. You know that, don't you..?



Feel free to continue with your LAPs. Because I don't. Not until you actually read what I wrote. But then again, I had enough team kitten for the day that I wouldn't respond even if you did. Thanks. 


#722617 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 03 January 2015 - 06:48 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

ramenanmitsu, Why do you find this incessant need to turn this into 'Naruto VS Sakura: Who is more to blame' contest..? Why do you find it necessary to always twist all the blame onto Naruto when anyone even tries to point out Sakura's faults..? Why do you automatically assume that anyone who dares to point out Sakura's flaws are anti-Sakura..?


AHK asked whether Sakura was getting the same level of hate that is being directed towards Naruto in the Japanese fandom. He's pointing out Sakura's words/ actions in 699 were simply awful. He's not the only one who thinks so ! You say '' Naruto was also awful '' when there was no need to bring Naruto in the equation. Its not as if he said Naruto was flawless. Heck, he even agreed with you and pointed out both characters suffered. Now you say '' Okay, but Naruto was more bad. ''.....! 


Why..?! This is not a contest man  :confused:


Even the staunchest of Sakura fans don't defend her words in 699. Why ? Because they care about her, they care about her development. They wanted Sakura to become a strong, independent woman who won't take crap from any man, especially Sasuke. Instead we get a half-assed apology from Sasuke and Sakura says - " Sorry..? for what..? ". It was disappointing to say the least that she felt Sasuke didn't even need to apologize for all the physical and mental pain he caused her. 


It did not end there. She proceeds to ask if she could accompany him in his journey of atoning for his sins. Kishi destroyed her character right there and threw all her development down the drain. 


Think about the implications of her words. The moment Sasuke was on the good side again, she is ready to forgive all the crap he did and prepared to leave everyone behind and go with him. Does it not make her look as if she used Naruto and everyone merely to get Sasuke back..? Does it not make her look selfish..? Does her blushing and words to an undeserving Sasuke not destroy her integrity as a character and as a woman..? 


You argument is that she only wanted to leave on a temporary basis and that its fine for a wife to go with her husband. For one thing, Sasuke is obviously distant from Konoha and everyone there, it wasn't temporary. As far as the second point is concerned, they were not married. Forget married, they did not even have a decent resolution ! We see Sasuke apologize, we see Sakura cry and call him 'baka' and then... that's it. 


699 hurt Sakura and you know that. And just because I point out her flaws DOES NOT mean I'm pro-Naruto and anti-Sakura. I have no problem in acknowledging that the Last destroyed Naruto. 


Just because I like a character does not mean I should ignore their flaws and shift blame onto other characters. This would make me no different from those insane Hinata worshippers. If pointing out certain flaws of a character makes me an anti, I guess I'm anti-every character in Naruto.

#721969 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 02 January 2015 - 07:22 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Re Team Seven, its safe to say Kishi failed on all levels. Like I mentioned before, Kishi did not bother to develop Team Seven in the beginning, stuffed Team Seven's bond down our throats for the entire part two and ultimately he wasn't arsed to give them a decent ending. 


Kishi needed a reason to explain Naruto and Sakura's persistent attempts to rescue Sasuke and ' because of Team Seven bonds ' probably seemed like the easiest answer. Forget the fact that such a strong team connection was never indicated in the first place, forget that this bond was embarrassingly one sided with Sasuke routinely insulting and attempting to kill the other two, what irks me the most is the way Sasuke was handled in the end. 


Its pretty clear from Kishi's words that he never intended to portray Sasuke as the bad guy BUT he failed, once again. He overdid Sasuke's 'confused boy' act, especially in the Kage arc. I think even Kishi realized that there was no coming back after that point. However way you look at it, Sasuke was a criminal. There was simply no way he could come back and live in Konoha as if nothing had ever happened.


As far as my opinion goes, I think Kishi had two options--


First one was Sasuke being held responsible for his actions, being punished for his crimes. 


Second one was Sasuke realizing the errors of his way, acknowledging Naruto and Sakura so that they could have one final moment of laughing together again, then move on from Konoha completely. Team Seven should have been given a final resolution then and there and Sasuke should have left with Taka.


Kishi partially went with the second option and it baffled me. Sasuke decides to go on a journey, hoping to atone for his sins. From the epilogue chapter and the movie, its clear that Sasuke never settles down in Konoha. He isn't connected with Naruto anymore, he has left Konoha behind and is on a journey on his own. And that makes sense. What doesn't make sense is that he still has one very strong tie with Konoha-- He married Sakura and has a daughter living there !  


Clearly Sasuke does not want to, does not deserve to ever be a part of Konoha. Why did he have to be married to Sakura and have a family he has no interest in..? Why was he not allowed to move on completely..? Why did Sakura have to settle for such a life with a man who is never there for her..? 


If this was Kishimoto's idea of a realistic, heroic ending for either Sasuke or Sakura, he really needs his head examined cause its anything but realistic. Sakura should have moved on from Sasuke, Team Seven should have got their last moment of laughing together again and Sasuke should have completely left behind Konoha.