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There have been 12 items by Iwantbuns (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#959913 Name 5.....?

Posted by Iwantbuns on 10 January 2018 - 11:06 PM in Fun Cafe


#959912 Heaven & Earth Discord

Posted by Iwantbuns on 10 January 2018 - 11:06 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Yay discord! I wonder if many people will join though...

#959559 Happy New Year 2018

Posted by Iwantbuns on 03 January 2018 - 10:05 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Yes, I do hope this new year brings more NaruSaku fanfiction and fanart... lol

#959558 SasuKarin Appreciation Thread

Posted by Iwantbuns on 03 January 2018 - 10:01 PM in Crazy Love



I still wonder. Kishi was less than 50 chapters from the ending and he just throws in scenes & panels like this. Either he gets giddy from trolling the fans or he threw in what he knew he could never get to do...  :confused:


Those panels were soooo harsh... it was so painfully obvious what the pairings were supposed to be x(

#959557 Name 5.....?

Posted by Iwantbuns on 03 January 2018 - 09:56 PM in Fun Cafe

3. The Last Naruto Movie (*barf*)

#959008 Need To Find More NaruSaku Doujinshi

Posted by Iwantbuns on 25 December 2017 - 07:05 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Yeah, I don't think there are many NaruSaku doujinshis unfortunately. I wish there were though, and if anyone does know of any more, that would be cool!!

#959006 Opinions on Sasuke

Posted by Iwantbuns on 25 December 2017 - 07:02 PM in Naruto General

I love Sasuke but I think they dragged his revenge for a little too long... Shippuden Sasuke was so disappointing, he should've just came back to his friends and been good again! Why'd he have to be so evil at some point x( I mean, his evil moments were pretty funny sometimes, but honestly he should've just come back. But I guess it's understandable from Sasuke's point of view. Still, Part 1 Sasuke will always hold a special place in my heart. After all, I feel like he just gets sort of psycho and not cool at all in Shippuden.


Anyways yeah, I like Sasuke. He's a fun, cool, character.

#954300 This website used to have a fanfiction section, what happened to that?

Posted by Iwantbuns on 08 November 2017 - 08:13 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

That would be so awesome if there were a fanfiction section like that... I hope someone can bring it back

#954085 BlackBird's Sketches

Posted by Iwantbuns on 05 November 2017 - 09:30 PM in Artists' Square

Damn, your Kakashi drawings are awesome!! He always looks so cool. Nice artwork! :D

#949852 New generation problem.

Posted by Iwantbuns on 23 September 2017 - 05:24 PM in Naruto General

Yeah, I know a lot of Naruto fans that admit that they didn't like the ending of Naruto... I never really talk about pairings with other people in real life, because hello, it's not a romance manga - but when we start talking about pairings it's mostly because of the ending of Naruto. Which was pretty bad... Naruto as a person is just sooo off. He's not his usual self, and tbh that haircut can go dieeee.


I don't think anyone actually takes the ending seriously, because the pairings actually didn't make sense. Even in a couple ways, NaruSaku wouldn't have even made sense - even if it would've made the most sense.


The ending should've been more focused on Naruto, but that wasn't the case. Sasuke and Hinata are great characters, but it shouldn't be about them at all, y'know?


And in the Boruto anime (my guy friends keep making me watch it, it's so torturing), whenever Sakura's in trouble she ALWAYS calls for Naruto. She never ever calls for Sasuke. 


anti sasusaku thing on boruto.... i mean theres a bajillion things but

#937644 Started an Anime Clothing Co.

Posted by Iwantbuns on 18 April 2017 - 03:56 AM in Artists' Square

That anime and chill one is really nice!! :D

#937402 Is there any taboo ships you ship? like something like incest?

Posted by Iwantbuns on 15 April 2017 - 06:33 PM in Fun Cafe

Oh yes definitely caught myself liking ItaSasu... it was so weird. I liked their bro-mance very much! :)