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There have been 44 items by meri-chan (Search limited from 15-June 23)

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#679211 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by meri-chan on 29 November 2014 - 11:09 PM in Konoha Theater

Well to begin with, lots of things need to change, starting with theme and plot. And characters. And drama. And setting. And...Sigh...I want a rewrite...

If this movie is about NS romantic love, not NH. Are you still request to change the theme and plot to be about friendship? 

Honestly, I'm happy about the theme, plot, setting and everything in the movie, but I hope it was about NS romantic love.  :thumb:



As a NaruSaku fan, yes, I would love to see a romance movie about Naruto and Saku, but as a Naruto fan first: Is this what I really want? Though the series in itself is about Naruto's life, and although love is an important part, SP and Kishi just took a dangerous move by taking the romantic route. Neutral fans DON'T care about romance; romance could have just been a subplot with Team 7 as the main focus of the movie, and it would still be awesome.

My brother has literally no interest in seeing the movie after having seen the trailers.

 Isn't that is why they don't cover it in the manga, but in the movie. Naruto is the main protagonist of the story, of course, as a  fan of Naruto, people would want to see how his love story begin and end. 

#679174 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by meri-chan on 29 November 2014 - 10:46 PM in Konoha Theater

Favorite new comment of the day from a raging neutral/Team 7 fan:




This backlash is a 1000x more entertaining than this kitten movie. :chuckle:

Wow calm down. There are many Naruto movies that centrist around team 7 and friendship already. This movie is about Naruto's love story , I 'm pretty sure if Sakura is the person Naruto loves, we will all be so energize and happy about this movie theme too, but is too bad that is not Sakura.

 I hate the fact that Naruhina happen at the end, but I don't discriminate.  Nobody going to take away Sakura heroine title!  :th_yeah: 



So in this movie Naruto saves Hinata from Toneri and marries her?
Funny. Naruto saving Sakura from Sasuke and marrying her would've made more sense.


Simple, Sakura doesn't love the hero, but the villain!

#668564 Rants on Hinata

Posted by meri-chan on 22 November 2014 - 04:02 AM in Naruto General

She is one of the Kunoichi that i like beside Sakura, but i never imagined she will get the hero's heart at the end. Congrats to her and all her supporter. I like Sakura more, but she looks prettier, just my opinion.

#664053 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by meri-chan on 18 November 2014 - 01:04 AM in Konoha Theater

Plus there is no relationship. Sasuke and sakura were never in a relationship. So there goes the culture side to it.
Again if sasuke and sakura were in a relationship you could say that she was hoping to get the old sasuke back that loved her. But he never loved her. Plus kakashi said she doesn't want him, she just wants to save him.
It's sad that bleach did a better job at accepting ships.

Did bleach have any potential soon-to-be canon pair? I haven't read bleach since Aizen Arc, I shipped Ichiruki, but I know the chance is almost impossible to happen since Ichigo never show any romances feeling for any females in Bleach.

#662274 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by meri-chan on 16 November 2014 - 04:33 AM in Konoha Theater

Sorry but AnimeGirl is right. You have to search NaruSaku/NaruHina/SasuSaku in japanese too and not Naruto x Sakura / Sasuke x Sakura / Naruto x Hinata, otherwise you get non shipping related stuff. I don't know where that rumor of Name x Name search come from, when you go on a japanese site, people talk about pairing as we do by using NaruSaku / SasuSaku / NaruHina. 
Anyway, I know people don't want to base the popularity of couples on web research but here are other proof of the pairing popularity: 
サスサク 1855
ナルヒナ 1143
ナルサク 862
Google search: 
サスサク 222 000
ナルヒナ 208 000
ナルサク 152 000
And now, what I'm gonna say can't be proven, you can just trust me if you want.  But when you go on japanese site like forums or Yahoo questions, when the topic is about your favorite couple, you will most of the time see SS in majority and NS and NH more or less at the same level of popularity, but with NS a little bit more popular than NaruHina. 
Keep in mind that I'm only talking about the big 3 couples. I'm not mentionning other pairing like KakaIru, NaruSasu or even ShikaTema which is very popular too.
Off Topic: Thanks to all the people who took my side yesterdays, I was really touched and happy about it. Thank you.
Just done with the coding of Hinata's character. 
It's been 12 years since the anime started...
No way, the day of a song sung by Hinata came, even in my dreams I wouldn't have imagine it!
It's a nice/tender ballad that fits Winter perfectly, it's a song that is overflowed by Hinata's love for Naruto.
Everyone, please check up!

Thanks for the more accurate translation.I'm a fan Nana Mizuki singing, I can't wait to hear it.

#658017 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by meri-chan on 12 November 2014 - 01:26 AM in Latest Releases

Every body keep repeated that "Naruto loves Sakura", but did Naruto ever said directly that he loves her, sorry but I don't remember. I think he said that he like her because she cute back in chapters 3 or something like that, that's all i remember. Please don't bashing on my hero, please consider his fan feeling too. Thank you.

#654962 Is this for real? NaruSaku was originally going to happen?

Posted by meri-chan on 10 November 2014 - 12:32 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Never heard of this before, it sound too fake. I doubt it.

#654324 What would you rank Naruto as a Series?

Posted by meri-chan on 10 November 2014 - 04:05 AM in Naruto General

I read Naruto since I was in High School, Naruto is part of my most precious childhood memories even now, therefore I look up to Naruto in term of ambition, inspiration, never up, hope, dream, friendship, family, bond, hardship and so many things that I have learned to get through by read and watch Naruto. I change a lot because of Naruto's nindo that inspire me to be who I am today that's way I love Naruto's character, manga from the bottom of my heart/with my whole heart. I will definitely give Naruto 10/10  . :D


Ending satisfy or not?

The ending pair is little unexpected, but overall the manga is one the most wonderful master pieces of work I have read. Since I learned about Naruto childhood past and watched Naruto bond with his family in RTN movie and in the manga, I always hope/wish for Naruto to have a family of his own and have a son and daughter and achieved his dream.


My Wish for Naruto to have and to achieved at the end?

  1. To have his own family   :thumbsup:
  2. To became cool a father :thumbsup:
  3. To have a son and daugter :thumbsup:
  4. To became a hokage :thumbsup:
  5. To have Sakura by his side :down:

:naruto: Everthing that I truly wish for Naruto became reality, I can't said I not satisfy with Naruto ending because is not true! minus NS


I admit that NS not happen make me sad too, but to be honest I know NS won't happen since Hinata character start to have more development during the war and the most obvious evidence is in Chapter 615 then again when Sakura confirmed her feeling again in chapter 693. Naruto won't force against anyone to loves him, Sakura loves Sasuke since the part 1, I don't HATE Sakura for choose Sasuke because love is not something that a person can force another person to change their hearts suddenly. I love Naruto's character because he isn't a selfish brat who will do that to his friend. He will not force/hurt Sakura by making her to choose between him or Sasuke, he always so cheerful and support whatever that will make her happy that's is why I :love:  NS relationship. NS does happening in my opinion, but not in a romantic way, their friendships is what most important and inspire to NS fandom, attracted to see their relationship blossoming and to became loving them, Sakura see Naruto to be annoyance in part 1, but became to truly acknowledge him in part 2;even though, is not in romantic, but I still find it a wonderful relationships.Therefore, I will not used this action to downgrade a great manga like Naruto. 


Thankful, Inspire, Loving:

Last but not least, Thank you so much Kishimoto for worked so hard these past 15 years on Naruto, to you it might be just a manga, but to me is a "guide book of life" that have inspire me and change me to be a better person. I love everything about Naruto and wish it will never end, but everyting has it's own ending so I have to let go as well. Thank you so much!!!! :thanks:


*sorry for my bad English

#651995 Important Announcement: NS Mangaka Candidacy

Posted by meri-chan on 09 November 2014 - 01:04 AM in Naruto General

Foolish DATTEBAYO!I don't think Japanese fan will anti-nh that much, she is the most popular female in Naruto universe afterall.

Life moves on, just move on to a new shipper pair if that's all you care about.

#651922 Will you read the Spin Off?

Posted by meri-chan on 08 November 2014 - 11:49 PM in Naruto General

It has actually been confirmed that it will NOT be done by Kishimoto but by the guy that did the blood prison movie and wrote the gutsy ninja novel . I will try to find the screen , it is one of the other threads
Edit : http://www.narusaku....c=14640?&page=5

I thought he will write a side-novel about Kakashi, but the mini series is written by Kishimoto.

#651886 Will you read the Spin Off?

Posted by meri-chan on 08 November 2014 - 11:19 PM in Naruto General

No, not to mention it will not be written by Kishi.

Its confirmed that Kishmoto will write a new mini-series title "a newly budding Konoha story" will launch next spring 2015.


#651065 Spin Off Anime (Part 3)

Posted by meri-chan on 08 November 2014 - 12:26 PM in Naruto General

Really? I can't wait to watch! Where is the source?

#651061 Will you read the Spin Off?

Posted by meri-chan on 08 November 2014 - 12:24 PM in Naruto General

I will definitely read the new generation and see how they are different from old generation because Naruto taught a me lot a of things. I grew up reading naruto, is part of my life. I hope it was never end

#647480 NaruSaku is canon to me.

Posted by meri-chan on 07 November 2014 - 02:51 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Like I said This week's chapter is non canon.

 I feel bad that NS didn't happen, but I'm happy to see their kids generation. Sakura daugter is kind of cute :love: but Bolt is f***ing cool. I can't wait to read the next generation part. 

#647469 DOn't f**king blame Naruto(character)

Posted by meri-chan on 07 November 2014 - 02:46 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku












#647381 Bolt+Himawari Appreciation Thread

Posted by meri-chan on 07 November 2014 - 02:16 AM in Naruto General

Are they twin? I'm just been curious why only NH have two kids while everyone else only have one kid. Bolt look cool while Hima-chan look cute. I already exciting to reading part 3.

#626054 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by meri-chan on 02 November 2014 - 06:38 AM in Konoha Theater


Too bad Naruto already had his first kiss. -_-

I hope u aren't talking about his kiss with Sasuke because that was his "first kiss"? lol

SasuSaku is dead as a doornail.No need to mention that kitten.Its just NaruHina thats the problem

Agree! SasuSaku is a pair that impossible to happen unless Sasuke have amnesia and lost all his memory or something like that, then Sakura might have a chances.

I'm sure Naruto loves Sakura more than Jiraiya loved Tsunade.

???? I think Naruto loves Sasuke even more than anything else. lol

#625785 What You Wish From The Final 2 Chapters

Posted by meri-chan on 02 November 2014 - 02:35 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I wish for Sakura to move on from her Sasuke-kun and see Naurto (in a romantic way). She is now a strong and beautiful Kunoichi, but just hate the fact that she can't give up on Sasuke. My last wish for Sakura to accomplish!

#621503 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by meri-chan on 31 October 2014 - 02:26 AM in Konoha Theater

Why are people making a big fuss over this movie?  Sakura is the one that never loves Naruto and he deserve to be happy too. If Hinata is the woman that make Naruto happy then he can date her or marry her. If Sakura want Naruto to be her man, she has so many opportunities, but she refused to accept him and chase after Sasuke all this year. I love NS, but the outcome is too obvious.

#619392 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by meri-chan on 30 October 2014 - 03:50 AM in Konoha Theater

So the retrieve team are Naruto, Shikamaru, Hinata, Sakura and Sai? What about Sasuke? I want every body to participate in this war since it might be Naruto last movie.

#615186 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by meri-chan on 26 October 2014 - 11:17 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Not to be a negative but isn't Sakura kinda destroying NS? Negative or not, l want to hear how you guys feel. Since she confessed to Sasuke in front of Naruto, haven't you guys started doubting? Like it or not you know kitten is going to happen with NH this movie. this movie focuses a lot on hyuugas (Hanabi)...so yea. 
Someone please explain how NS can be canon at this point. I want to hear honest opinions, not ns forever and whatnot.

There's are only two chapters left, i guess 50/50 chance, but i doubt it be happy ending either. I guess it be a open ending.

#615148 Why do people here think Hinata is selfish whereas treat Sakura as a goddess?

Posted by meri-chan on 26 October 2014 - 10:26 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Both are well respect Kunoichi, I don't see why we need to compare their actions. "Hinata is Hinata and Sakura is Sakura." Hinata just want to saved her important person I don't see why people here/anywhere will/should be label her action "selfish". [I'm sure everybody remember that not even a single person will step out to the battle field to help Naruto when his was pin down by pain.Fukasaku was kill and shima was about be kill, naruto can't even saved a sinle frog, he was about to be captured by Pain if Hinata didn't step in and helped.]

Don't get me wrong, I love Sakura and Ns, but i don't see why Hinata action is selfish. 😈I admit I hope it was Sakura who saved Naruto instead, but is all in the past.That's why I glad Sakura saved Naruto later on <the kiss alive moment>, but too bad naruto lost consciousness.

#613192 Volume 71 Cover

Posted by meri-chan on 24 October 2014 - 11:38 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

What is this! One of the worst naruto cover ever. Sakura look like a muscular man. At first I though she was a character dragon ball. :down:

#607586 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by meri-chan on 20 October 2014 - 01:34 AM in Konoha Theater

Right here



Wow.. Hinata looks beautiful on this pic. Her clothes does look like Short-Sleeve Kimono. I surprise she doesn't wear jacket anymore, maybe, she has more confident in the movie.  Looking forward to see Hinata's development and Sakura's development in the movie.

#605218 Possible NS Spoiler In Movie The Last

Posted by meri-chan on 17 October 2014 - 02:08 AM in Konoha Theater

childish people always make silly thing like this and made us happy for a short moment.