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There have been 129 items by BlueStarSaber (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#990626 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 25 September 2023 - 11:12 AM in Naruto General

Sakura has been voted 1st for strongest female character by Japan fans



#990628 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 25 September 2023 - 04:22 PM in Naruto General

How Japan and the west view it are probably different

#990637 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 27 September 2023 - 03:58 PM in Naruto General

The problem with kishimoto trying to base his family life on naruto is that naruto is a character that can be in a 1000 places at once so he has no exuse not to spend time with his kids and instead makes him look like a horrible father that doesn't want to spend time with his kids

#990642 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 28 September 2023 - 06:50 AM in Latest Releases

Did a review of the first 2 chapters with luckychi https://www.youtube....baDB5hj2zG-Odj6

#990643 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 28 September 2023 - 06:56 AM in Naruto General

Thanks for repeating something weve all heard for the 1,000,000,000th time over these last 9 years.

Well you bringing up his home life with his kids has been repeated just as many times

#990644 dragon quest: the adventure of dai infinity strash

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 28 September 2023 - 06:56 AM in Gamer Lounge

Don't think I have seen anything related to that game

#990646 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 29 September 2023 - 01:34 AM in Fun Cafe

I just threw the water

#990650 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 30 September 2023 - 11:38 AM in Fun Cafe

Ouch that's gonna hurt

#990655 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 01 October 2023 - 10:24 AM in Fun Cafe

Malfunction in the machine

#990659 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 02 October 2023 - 12:07 AM in Fun Cafe

Duel of fates

#990663 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 03 October 2023 - 12:17 AM in Fun Cafe

Nah I'm a jedi

#990670 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 04 October 2023 - 04:15 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Found these videos talking about everything wrong with the ss and nh relationship



#990673 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 04 October 2023 - 05:15 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Noted I think it fine to do some video and articles now and then to point out the problems to to newcomers so they see it isn't one-sided as some nh and ss fans make it out to be.

To be fair luckychi she talks about other stuff not just shipping.

#990693 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 20 October 2023 - 09:35 PM in Latest Releases

Why not just do a blue vortex discussion thread

#990695 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 21 October 2023 - 03:12 AM in Latest Releases

Your choice

#990704 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 24 October 2023 - 11:14 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Who? Are we suppose to know which dragon quest character you are referring to by instinct?
The anime had a lot of filler promoting Hinata because the staff was obsessed with her. It is why they ended Naruto marrying Hinata because that was their end goal all along. Without the anime, Hinata is a character that's barely involved in the story and barely interacts with Naruto despite professing love for him. With it, while she still isn't involved in the story that often, she is constantly by Naruto side, and constantly thinking about how much she loves him.
Most Western fans seem to hate reading anything, and prefer just to watch a tv/movie/anime and accept that as canon. I lost count of the people I have met that say they love an adaptation, that they love as well as care so much about the story, that they wish to learn more about it, but will never read the source material. Saying excuses like they want to watch all the show first before they read the book, so they won't get spoiled. Then they never read the book. Even if they do, they hold the adaptation over the source material, and will differ to that when inconsistencies happen.

I've tend to notice that with books like lord of the rings, game of thrones and Harry potter. Comics people are ethier more aware of the movies or cartoons depending on the era they grew up in and get suprised when the adaptions of comics are a mix of different stories rather than a full on adaption, though comics continuity would make it more impossible to ever full adapt stories unless their are elseworld stories. Though games have started to become as big of a medium.

My guess is because they are more accessible to watch and consume, especially with streaming services in recent years. Another reason which came from a youtuber called lily orchards who did a video on making fun of J.k.rowling, during which mentioned that due to the education system making reading more like a chore for kids, becoming less fun making it into assignments of highly revied books by adults. With some only getting back into reading when a fun book at the time like Harry potter came along.

So I wouldn't be suprised if many of the anime only watchers would view the 700 hundred chapters chore to read, even though the anime became worse than that due to filler.

#990707 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 26 October 2023 - 11:47 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Video games surpassed comics about 20 years ago, the fact that comics have been in decline since the 90's not helping them, and they surpassed Movies in profits almost ten years ago. Though that went unnoticed due to the stranglehold films have over western culture. Granted, I am assuming you are thinking games are only recently getting big due the things like, the success of the Sonic and Mario movies and such.
Comics despite the fact they were holding up Hollywood for the past decade, are not respected. Their stories are not respected. Their writers are not respected. Their art is not respected. Hollywood does not respect anyone but themselves. For comics, they see it as a pathetic boy hobby they want to turn into a girl hobby, since they assume the boys will just accept it, and see their fans as losers that they can milk for money. People at Marvel have made it clear they prefer to hire "fans" not fans. They see people that have actually read the comics as a red flag, and don't hire them. They want people who will do whatever they want with the IP; then use the 'bigot shield' when it backfires. Over actually making an adaptation.
Remember, the only reason the One Piece Live Action turned out the way it did was Oda was an executive producer and force them to follow his story. If not, the "fan" writers and "fan" directors would have made another Live Action Cowboy Bebop. Same with the Mario movie, before Nintendo intervened it was going to be another mess and then they step in.
As for schools making reading a chore for the students. It not a problem that they make students read for assignments the problem is that is likely the only time they ever read if at all. Hell, when I went to college, I knew a girl that never even read a single line of Shakespeare before a class we took together; because apparently the schools in California just gave them power-point outlines of the books and stories that were required reading. Harry Potter was often the only book they ever read for enjoyment; if they read them and not just said they did while only watching the movies. Which is why millennials obsess over it.
Watching something on TV is often a passive way of absorbing a story. Books require active absorption as you have to imagine what happening in your mind about what you are reading. One of the reasons storytelling quality has gone down in the West is because they stopped reading. Another is, they know if they play the virtue signaling game, they will be given a pass; so they don't put the work in.

No I'm talking about at least for over a decade, since games games like the last of us came out and were mega popular. I wouldn't really say that with every comicbook movie, as directors such as James gunn, josh weadon and the russo brothers I recall were comicbook fans.

From everything I have read and heard from one piece fans and youtubers nothing implies they would of done another Cowboy Bebop and that the showrunner is a passionate fan of one piece and wouldn't do anything without oda's approval. Nintendo and Mario I have no idea about, all I recall is that you had the anti woke crowd acusing it of being a feminist movie with how princess peach was portrayed in the trailer only to u-turn when the film turned out to be really popular.

You think books with pictures with link comics or managa would be at least somewhat appealing since they do have visual images to look at. Not to mention you can read a chapter like naruto in a few minutes.

#990711 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 27 October 2023 - 01:37 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

The good things they are doing is Spider-Man. Like no way home, Spider-verse and Insonmiac.


Honestly if they kept going with what nick Spencer did I'd see more people reading those comics. Granted they are rebooting ultimate spiderman under John Hickman telling a new adult spiderman I hear discribed of being like Peter B. Parker from spiderverse.


Because they listened to Bendis when he stated that established lore, personalities, relationships, etc. didn't matter and to write whatever you want in continuity.

Where did he say this? If it was because of the ultimate universe, that logic would only work in a eleseworld universe without the main continuity like injustice.

Though etheir way I'm not suprised as bends has always had a mixed bag of a reputation with comicbook fans.

#990732 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 08 November 2023 - 11:21 PM in Otaku Square

Well that was the darkest chapter of one piece yet

#990735 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 14 November 2023 - 11:34 PM in Fun Cafe

Stan Lee has been dead for 5 years now

#990741 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 18 November 2023 - 02:17 PM in Naruto General

The hair style changes in the story, she is an uhchia from the clan war period

#990746 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 21 November 2023 - 07:27 PM in Naruto General

The nanashi is naruto's child from another universe story would have been a lot better

#990748 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 21 November 2023 - 08:32 PM in Naruto General

I wouldn't be suprised that's where the design for nanashi came from. Story mode from the boruto manga would just mean boruto, kwaki, naruto and sasuke would just be played in the story for 99% of the time to be honest

#990753 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 22 November 2023 - 10:32 PM in Naruto General

Narusaku never died May not be canon but still lives on in fanon. Can't blame people for thinking that nanashi looked like a narusaku kid, wouldn't be suprised if it was intended as a bait in switch to get people talking about the game. There have also been polls that have Japan fans wanting them separated as well https://www.crunchyr...iately-break-up

#990754 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 22 November 2023 - 10:35 PM in Otaku Square

Yes it's the best of the big three and best world building in manga