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#532074 Naruto 677

Posted by Psychox on 25 May 2014 - 09:47 PM in Latest Releases

Since i'm against 4 i think.
i'll just pinpoint some aspects.
Sakura doesnt have infatuation for Naruto therefore her way to display romantic love is different, she would think about her feelings for him in cases like CPR that's not something Hinata would do.

Haha , i think the site went high wire , i can see my name on words i haven't spoken XD.



#532065 Naruto 677

Posted by Psychox on 25 May 2014 - 09:24 PM in Latest Releases

At that moment she didnt just think about Sasuke, it was emphasized mostly her confession to him.
It gives romantic implications.

She thought how she confessed to him ,okay ,and? We saw Sasuke saying  kkthxbb and that  was it . Naruto's reaction to Sasuke's decent into darkness was far more dramatic than that.  Naruto remembered Hinata trying to save him , would that mean he loves her? Of course not.



Never implied it.



That's what you want though , Sakura to have thought something of the lines of Hinata's thoughts when her cousin died .Comparing Hinata's act with Sakura's , they can't even begin to match.



Doesnt disregard my point.


That they are strong? Sure, Kakashi and Naruto also care on the same level ,even more than that or you forget she was gonna give up on Sasuke more than once?

Still those werent the reasons and neither why she loves romantically.
They way that Kishimoto addresses love, which is the word that is implied it necessary doesnt mean "romance".


Tell me then , what do you find romantic in Sakura's actions to both Naruto and Sasuke. What and how do they differ?



 Didnt understood this implication i think you mistook what i said.



No, i directly understood what you meant ,you're having some troubles.


"they have enough" none of the reasons "Naruto was always at her side", "Naruto is a hero", "Naruto always supported her", "Naruto can make her happy", all those is basically all the things Naruto did to Sakura and mostly NS development up until that confession, and still didnt made Sakura love Naruto romantically, so i dont think it's enough when it lacks Naruto changing Sakura and the forehead aspect, so it indeed lacks development.
Naruto still needs to resolve Sakura's insecurites and recently it was shown her problem with powerups, with her being behind Naruto and Sasuke and failed to stand on equal grounds with them.



I haven't stated those,and i won't because they are crappy reasons ,and that's not why i ship them ,really.  And for the better , it would've made Naruto a nice guy in contrast with Sasuke ,and the whole ''Sasuke's evil  that's why NS will happen '' trope who parrot it all the time would be right. Well, on this one i'll agree, Naruto has to make a move aka confessing or addressing her forehead.

Naruto did that already in 631 ,she craved his acknowledgment. Her forehead issue isn't connected to her power ups.


And since Kishimoto loves parallels what Minato did to Kushina surprisingly is what is missing on NaruSaku development.


Yeah, Naruto actually opening up and telling Sakura why he likes her.

#532058 Naruto 677

Posted by Psychox on 25 May 2014 - 08:56 PM in Latest Releases

it almost give that impression, before she was going to leave Naruto behind and later asks him to bring back, she cant be blamed but of scenarios are immature.
And it's shown that she was selfish on the poal when Sai tells her that Naruto loves her, that bought pain to him and she did that without thinking.
She passed her own burden to Naruto and he accepted it.
About KM4 doesnt connect with that scene but shows that it changed but is not an indicative off romantic thinking.
About Hinata once again, it's romantic desires but it's promptly infatuation which is a bad one, dont try to put Hinata and her thoughts into this to try to disprove my argument.

Impression are just that, impressions, you can interpreted it when nowhere was hinted or foreshadowed of her thinking or wanting so. She doesn't owe anything to Naruto, not back then , not now even. Sai told her what the POAL was doing to him , Sakura wasn't aware of Naruto's feelings for her, as soon as she came to know, she decided to brake it.  I think you forget that Sasuke's Narutos friend as well.  I dropped the KM4 accident to remind you why she was doing it all for Naruto and not for herself,i am not here to quarrel on the romance of that scene. You're argument is kind of weak to start with , trying to compare Hinata's alleged true love in that of Sakura . This isn't about selfishness or selflessness , it's about being able to understand each other and ground one another, which HInata doesn't fit in the picture.



When Sakura is about to kill Sasuke via flashbacks, her thoughts about him before she reach Sasuke and also when Karin and Sakura has that empathy moment where each other understands that they love Sasuke without having to talk.



She thinks of the old image of Sasuke or better yet , she thinks of Sasuke = loves him. Indisputable .


Trying to disprove my argument using things that doesnt address to my point?
This has nothing to do with my point, Sakura doesnt need to act like Hinata to show romance indicatives.
Like you say she's not Hinata.

 Disprove you point? What point ? You want Sakura to fangirl over Naruto, to droll over him . And for the better she ain't Hinata.


Are you once again not being able to read my post?
i basically expressed that she has platonic feelings for Sasuke but wanting to save Sasuke is also part of her feelings and it is one of the things that make seem that those platonic feelings aren't selfish neither immature.


 Doesn't matter ,they remain platonic ,nothing more.



Okay so let's talk about my logic.

"Deep care, smile"
How this makes her love romantic in nature?

"Yamato saying that Sakura may even hold more than friendship"
Open to interpretation, he was trying to say that her feelings for Naruto are more important and then was going to point out that she loves Naruto but if it's romantic in nature that's the debatable part, i believe it's not since she evaluated her feelings for Naruto on the confession and it didnt reached that conclusion.



IF want to stay up and chat on what romance is , you better find some other , i am not fit well for the job, not because i can't give my insight ,but because i find it unnecessary to say when a girl likes a guy or not.

If you're guy who applies to double standards then we could go on for ages, cause she has smiled at both Sasuke and Naruto, although the most care and smiles she has given to Naruto solely as shown on enough  panels.
Open to interpretation ? ''Its quite obvious you l-''  If you can't finish the 3 letters that are left, you'll lose and hangman game. 

If you say so.


That only brings the fact that she viewed Naruto as a man and nothing else, if she had romantic feelings for him the scene doesnt indicated that since shortly he acts as an immature kid and later she says that "he's still the same" with an annoyed face.
The second time she views Naruto as a man is when Sai tells her that Naruto loves her.


I think viewing Naruto as a man ,had happened in the Land of Waves arc, oh and FOD , or you'd need a memory freshener ?  Huh, so , when you bare romantic inclinations that makes you a man? I didn't know that.


@Psychox and Shadow Wolf.
I dont think logically the manga supports the conclusion you both support, i think that Sakura doesnt love Naruto romantically and will end up loving him that way close to the end, because it lacks development.
And as for the present she holds platonic feelings for both Naruto and Sasuke.


It lacks development? How much more do they need ? They have enough ,more isn't required . What more needs to happen? The manga to end maybe?

#532050 Naruto 677

Posted by Psychox on 25 May 2014 - 07:07 PM in Latest Releases

Like i said, her caring deeply for Sasuke and with the current indicatives, doesnt show that she her nature of her feelings for Sasuke are romantic but they're not selfish anymore.

This makes some sense.


I'm not arguing her confession to Sasuke btw, i'm not denying that it was selfish, you probably read my post wrongly, she was selfish on the POAL, she was selfish on her confession, it's not a point to argue on here, what i'm saying is bringing it to compare and say "her love for Sasuke is selfish" and "her love for Naruto is selfless" are not valid parameteres since it changed during the course of the story, Sakura's feelings for Naruto didnt showed to be of romantic nature and currently arent different from the ones like Neji, Kushina, Tsunade and other character excluding Hinata because of the reasons posted above.



Did she say - '' Bring Sasuke back for me'' ? No. But to drag him back to the village and to save him from the path he choose . IF you want to think that she wanted that for herself and herself only ,be my guest . I can easily point out the KM4 accident where she yells that she's gonna bring him back for Naruto's sake. The parameters aren't analogical since from part 1 to present Sakura's shown nothing but selfless love for Naruto , for Sasuke however,  it was for her own needs. I doubt any of these characters have chemistry with the main character and blush at his appearance. That's not romance ,however it will contribute for a future possible relationship of romantic matter.  Because Hinata  fantasized about Naruto's hand or what? How can i not question that when her motives of loving Naruto are that he's a major fighter and doesn't give up . That's about it,and that's pure romance? I am missing on all the part where Naruto's whatever are involved and stuff like why else she finds him appealing .



I'm not talking about Sai, i'm solely pointing out that she having the guts to kill Sasuke and later wanting to save Sasuke when it has nothing to do with the nature of her feelings for Sasuke.
Indicates that those feelings for Sasuke aren't immature but doesn't show that her feelings for Sasuke are of romantic nature.


This is how you can confirm it ,right?Via his dialog. Or maybe via the Samurai bridge scene? Yes, otherwise we'll have a team 7 sandwich after the war.



That's basically what i'm saying, first off her confession, there were no romantic nature on that because she had other issues during the confession like wanting to bring Naruto back and to break the POAL, that alone shows that the purpose of the moment wasnt for Sakura to convey her feelings.
With Kishi showing indicatives that her feelings for Sasuke are still of romantic nature.
About the second part since you mixed the confession with saving Naruto during the war arc.
What she did that is no different than Neji, Kushina and others, and those are the same kind of love, Sakura has yet to show something different than that, which is obvious, that her feelings are of romantic nature, flashbacks tend much to tell about feelings and Sakura during that moment was focused on Naruto's desire to be hokage but not her own feelings for Naruto which is important.
Many people got disappointed with that moment because probably they expected Sakura to think about her moments with Naruto and not wanting to lose him rather than that, and being honest her thoughts focusing on his dream to be hokage when she was pratically dead was kind of weird to me.


She had to face her feelings for Naruto without figuring out what they were beforehand. She was trying to hide the truth of what is to be done with Sasuke, that doesn't mean that she lied and it most definitely doesn't imply that she loves Sasuke .And if you're talking about the the 540 scene ,it's pretty obvious that it's a contradiction with words and mental  image drawn.
 What do you want Sakura to do more? There's that, but in those circumstances she's fully centered on Naruto and won't let him die ,she puts her everything for him . What would've been a better image - she thinking of how she loves him and want to kiss him or maybe hold his big hand? In these situations you'll give the mud under your fingernails for the person you care who's apparently fading away by the second.

Romance because she showed indicatives of wanting to be with Naruto romantically speaking off, her comment when she held Naruto hand, her claming she loves him during the pain arc and etc..
[Infatuation desires]

Oh, okay, i didn't know you want Sakura to be like Hinata . Well, Sakura isn't her.

I dont see how this scene void my argument actually it enforces it, by saying that Sakura's feelings for Sasuke has changed which on my opinion is correct, they likely arent of romantic nature anymore and she's not selfish towards him.


Oei, enforces it ? Are you reading word by word or you just read ''has feelings'' ?  There's that duty,kindness that doesn't add up. That's just it, she doesn't  love him romantically ,but bears deep platonic feelings for him , just like you said  -''Neji,Kushina, etc.'' . Naruto has the same feelings for Sasuke, or you're trying to tell me that he has more than that?

#532029 Naruto 677

Posted by Psychox on 25 May 2014 - 05:03 PM in Latest Releases

I hate to be the opposition but i think it's going to be a LAP.
First off things arent black and white and Sakura's feelings either if they are still romantic or not, i dont think they are immature anymore.
I remember when i said that Sakura tried to leave Naruto behind during her confession for Sasuke the argument that she was 12 years old and could not be judged because of this, if it's that so the argument here would be the same, Sakura was a girl and it was normal for her to be immature and she was immature on other moments too like the POAL and etc...

Oh, so that means that her feelings of caring deeply for Sasuke aren't romantic ,but somehow are more mature than that. What does that mean? Maybe it means that she went from full on in love with him to a universal worshiping of him or something like that. I can't comprehend what you're trying to explain here,mate. 


What Sakura did was for herself , not Sasuke and not Naruto ,  each and every  word of her confession screamed  of it . It was all done for herself and nobody else . If memory serves me well , Sakura asked Naruto to bring Sasuke to the village not in her embrace . Now , this could be easily twisted into believing that after Naruto drags Sasuke's ass back to the village she'll have another shot ,but that's speculation and it remained untouched , so we can't make any assumptions on what it is without having any proof whatsoever . Don't dwell in the was ,mate .




Now here comes the second part the "Nature of Sakura's feelings", Sakura's feelings for Sasuke are questionable currently if they are still on romantic nature, during various moments like the confession when she tried to kill Sasuke and when she still wanted to save Sasuke from darkness those alone already indicate that her love for Sasuke are not selfish anymore but however, nothing indicates that the nature of her feelings for Sasuke are still romantic.


If we are to believe what Sai said - which many people do ,that she went to kill him because she loves him so much , then her intention was anything but selfless,because he said,she wanted to remember and cherish the old Sasuke ,in other words, she was allegedly doing it for herself. Well no, that's not how it is.



As for her feelings for Naruto, it's certain they arent romantic in nature, as it was indicated on the confession when it was proved that "she loving Naruto romantically" was proved to be false, and her thoughts about Naruto doesnt indicated romance, like as an example during the CPR on which if it was to indicate romantic feelings the correct flashbacks were to be her moments wiht Naruto not something about hokage.
On which pass the indicative that her love is nothing of romantic yet.
As for "puts Naruto before anything at any cost regardless of whether she will be alone, she shows signs of a deep love".
It's no different than the love Neji, Kushina, Tsunade and other characters showed towards Naruto, excluding Hinata because it was shown to be of romantic nature "if it's stronger or weaker" not the point of this post and that never showed her cherishing Naruto's goals.




Why is this thing always brought up, her alleged fake confession? Oh?During her confession we got in her head and you saw how it was proven to be false and that there were no romantic inclinations ? She wants to make Naruto happy by fulfilling his wildest and most craved  dream and did what she could to keep him alive till the plot kicked in and Minato transferred the other part of Kurama in him.  That's what we call selfless feeling ,because she wants to see him alive,well,smiling and satisfied. More than that in love you can't ask.

Yeah, if it's concerning Hinata it's 100% romance cause her feelings aren't that obvious ambiguous as Sakura's .


As to finish, i dont think Sakura's feelings for Sasuke are selfish because if it remained as it is, there's no explanation about why she wants to save Sasuke or even wanting to kill him, regardless the questionable fact is that if it's still of romantic nature or not and as for Naruto, they arent of romantic nature because Sakura didnt give hints it might be that.


Yeah, because this down here means a complete void.

#531563 Naruto 677

Posted by Psychox on 23 May 2014 - 11:53 AM in Latest Releases

This is just people trying desperately to find ways to make Hinata relevant. She's not immune to the infinite tsukuyomi she got trapped just like everyone else. The only ones that we've seen to be probably immune or just didn't get caught are Ten-Ten and Bee (I'm talking about living beings). Ten-Ten hasn't been caught yet and Bee we don't really know because we never saw his eyes to confirm if the infinite tsukuyomi works on him or not.

Yup, just like all the hyuuga would have to be immune/partially immune  , that's grasping for straws to make her somewhat relevant as you said.

#531554 Naruto 677

Posted by Psychox on 23 May 2014 - 10:39 AM in Latest Releases

What do you want me to say?

Whatever you wish .


It is pathetic for the two of them from where I look. Sasuke degraded Naruto, ignored him, and tried to kill him too, yet he still thinks he's his friend. It was the same with Sakura. But Kishi thinks this is cool, making Naruto a hero and Sakura a kind girl. So we have to accept. That's what I meant.


This has to do with bonds. Naruto can connect to a Sasuke on a level no one else could ever do and vise verse . He was one of the first people to acknowledge him and see him not as a monster and that in Naruto's eyes is quite the major  thing .And you forget that saving Sasuke is the plot . Sakura wants to help Naruto and knows how precious Sasuke is to him and does what she can to help him ,even though she was ready to remove him from the living to stop Naruto from hurting .

Naruto is the hero, that's that obvious.

#531544 Naruto 677

Posted by Psychox on 23 May 2014 - 09:05 AM in Latest Releases

The rest... It doesn't matter if Naruto does it out friendship and Sakura does it out of romantic feelings. Naruto and Sakura both did pathetic things (for example Naruto hyperventilating and fainting), even if Sasuke was equally evil towards the both of them. I also complained Naruto telling Hagaromo that Sasuke was his friend was pathetic, but it happened. I also complained Sakura loving Sasuke was pathetic, but it happened. I can complain and you can complain, but Kishi likes this a lot.


Also, Sakura looks pathetic if she moves on now instead of after the murder attempts. He's ignoring her? How is that worse than trying to kill her? The choice between the two is the better option for her character. Dαrkrєrsŧ understands what I said about this.

Dude, are you 100% sure you're a NS fan? Drama/Angst =/= Romantic love .


Pathetic things? You call hyperventilating and fainting pathetic? This is like calling a heart attack pathetic  , Sasuke is someone who Naruto cares quite a lot and him being lost in darkness didn't bring a positive effect on Naruto's feelings overall , pathetic ? That's called a strong bond.


I don't know what more has to happen to become clear for people that Sakura doesn't love Sasuke romantically , Kishimoto made a whole dialog - in Kakashi's  mentality how Sakura still cares for Sasuke but doesn't love him that way ,but no, all of that was ''ambiguous'' and she still loves him romantically and her feelings have deepen , even though , she is a kind of girl and is doing it out of duty.

#531363 Naruto 677

Posted by Psychox on 22 May 2014 - 07:52 AM in Latest Releases

No falling out of love with someone who degrades you, ignores you and tries to kill you 3 times is a pretty valid reason for any person with commom sense, logic and dignity(execpt in Kishi's world of course). That she still has romantic aspirations for Sasuke right now doesn't make her character any justice, it just makes her a fool.
Sakura choosing Naruto over Sasuke is good for NS but I don't see how it's good for her character, her feelings for Sasuke and the love triangle hurt her character more than anything else.

Good, she's a kind girl for trying to help someone who tried to kill her and is doing it because it's her duty not out of love. As long as she doesn't do it because of her tru luv that's acceptable.

Exactly, as i said on tumblr already , if we are to coincide that all those chapters where she allegedly is in love with Sasuke - her ''fake'' confession to Naruto , under the samurai bridge , 540, are indisputable love of romantic matter  , then we have to consider Naruto possibly being in love with Sasuke , cause he wants to save him to from darkness etc. And we all know that's not how it is .

#530881 Naruto 677

Posted by Psychox on 21 May 2014 - 12:08 PM in Latest Releases

I gotta say , Naruto and Hinata do have something in common  - they both have a unike catch phrase respectivelly.

#526728 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Psychox on 08 May 2014 - 10:48 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I don't understand how SS can think of "Sasuke is jealous because Sakura ignored him and kept talking to Naruto" as a good thing. This statement itself is absurd, but even if it was true, shouldn't they be threatened with the fact that Sakura only had positive interactions with Naruto, even with Sasuke nearby? 

I've seen Sasuke getting jelly because of Naruto's power, twice, to imply that he's jealous now of him because Sakura doesn't pay attention to him is worth getting around this statement ,cause it's more than made up. I can sit all day and suck stuff like that out of my thumb and still it won't make any  sense with any of the canon matherial .

#510636 662 SPOILERS

Posted by Psychox on 22 January 2014 - 06:32 AM in Latest Releases

People are already pissed. :lmao:


#509841 Naruto 660

Posted by Psychox on 15 January 2014 - 07:18 AM in Latest Releases

^You can draw just as good as Kishi , so maybe it was you XD?

Btw, happy new year everybody! :P

#507980 Merry Christmas!

Posted by Psychox on 24 December 2013 - 04:13 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar


Celebrate whatever Holiday you are having today ,tomorrow ,the day after or w/e it this or the week after might be. Wish you the best guys,stay awesome.
:grouphug: :happy: :3.

#507428 Naruto 659

Posted by Psychox on 17 December 2013 - 03:15 PM in Latest Releases

^Then its all over for ''them'' , not that its not already,lol :D.

#507426 Naruto 659

Posted by Psychox on 17 December 2013 - 03:08 PM in Latest Releases

Or Sasuke gives his life to ressurrect Naruto.

Lol, that ain't happening :D. But wow , Naruto will die ! :D Finally ! :D Okay ,that's horrible for me to say ,but at least we will see some drama and of course he will be resurrected xD! Otherwise the manga ends :D.

#507413 Naruto 659

Posted by Psychox on 17 December 2013 - 02:01 PM in Latest Releases

About time..

#506912 Naruto 658

Posted by Psychox on 11 December 2013 - 06:52 AM in Latest Releases


#506745 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Psychox on 09 December 2013 - 08:15 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

It wasn't an important scene.


Just reaffirmation where Naruto's heart belongs, maybe Kishi thought "in case someone is wondering".


If by someone you mean 2/3 of the fandom ? Then yes :D.


I stopped reading at "From what I've heard, the word girlfriend and girl-friend are the same in japanese"

This is something that is really pissing me off. no matter how many times you tell them kanojo anly means girlfriend, they keep telling it means a friend who's a girl. 

I'm sure it's just a deliberated denial, because you can easily search on the net and find out it has no other meaning than "she" and "girlfriend/sweetheart".  

I don't even know why it makes me so upset, after all, they can think what they want, no? I should care less, but this is an injure toward Kishimoto's manga to constantly deny his work and spread the world falses informations about it. I wonder if some of you feel the same about NH denial (not only chapter 631). 


It matters little how its translated , the context is clear - Naruto wouldn't get a thwack on the head by calling Sakura his girl-friend , its illogical and disingenuous to deny this.

#506608 Nelson Mandela is dead. : (

Posted by Psychox on 08 December 2013 - 11:47 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Rest in peace.

#506573 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Psychox on 07 December 2013 - 09:08 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

the most ridiculous thing i heard is sakura ignoring naruto after sasuke came back. coz she was happy sasuke was back and called his name first before naruto. never mind sakura had a real talk with naruto about her battle capabilities, she's the only one to worry about naruto when he shield everyone with the cloak, or that she thought about him one whole chapter when shikamaru was going to die.


That's what they want or believe ,i don't know. It appears that they will never concede  that Sakura will be over Sasuke and that  red herring Kishi used during Sakura's  confession to Naruto, that also 540 was the horrific dead of NaruSaku, 615 was the next, 632 the last, actually it looks like NS has died quite a lot of times :zaru:  , believe it . We have so many lives , its ridiculous , cats got nothing against us :D.

@James, Too bad however that no matter how many their  numbers ,Naruto plot >their desires.

#506532 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Psychox on 07 December 2013 - 03:40 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

okay.. that post didn't make any sense to me lol...


from that post it sounds like ns is a formidable monster that needs 2 factions to bring it down  :lmao:


Yes, it appears we are some kind of a monster that lurks under the bed or a evil monkey who lives in their closet ,pointing to be very afraid ,cause the manga is ending soon and their false hopes for which they  are clinging will crumble  . From that post a lot of people rioted ,but some are calming the others down ,because there is a plauge running  loose and it needs  to be stopped .



NS nearly dead after 632? I don't even understand how they come up with such conclusions.


I don't know whether to feel irritated or sad that people have gone into such denial.


Its both actually. The conclusion is that Sakura blushed at Sasuke ,screamed his name therefore she loves him and Naruto will never be loved so... yeah . When refuted they bail out or start bashing you .

That's why when Sakura was worried about Naruto in the chapter when she entered his heart and gave her all to save Shikamaru ''Naruto needs you...'' the same people began bashing her for that sole purpose ,because their otp's  is sunk lower than Titanic after 631 . Its pure anger , grasping at straws just to bring down NS . It died back in 468/9 , 540, 615 - 631 happens just a joke ,632 ....

I don't know what to say anymore .


#506474 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Psychox on 06 December 2013 - 07:57 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

That's the definition of trolling, those posts has no logic other than bait people like you and me to reply on the thread as soon as you reply they win.

Then i guess this is the perfect answer to their so called arguments.

#506467 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Psychox on 06 December 2013 - 07:13 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I dont feel any energy leaving my body all that i saw was



That's more or less true , but after a while it gets just frustrating, so much negativity ,forget the logic and that sort of things , its written so sharp and so edgy that after a few minutes you've absorbed some of those folks negative energy  inside you :pinch:  :argh: . Maybe its just me ,but its true :D.


#506463 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Psychox on 06 December 2013 - 06:05 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Remember guys no fanbase basing. Just a reminder.



Stay away from anything NaruHina trust me. It drains positive energy. That includes staying away from Naruto Forums and youtube comment section.


Yup, I've felt the energy leaving my body when i visited the anti ns tag and those sites you've mentioned,its just awful .



In one of my videos, I had a poster write

"Kishimoto says only sakura can save sasuke from darkness"

-sigh- Where do people come up with this stuff?


That is interesting since its content comes from the other sub section of the fandom who don't care about SS at all , inflating Sakura's love for Sasuke making it that she will have some impact on his course of life while manga wise its false  from that line Sai used to mislead Naruto and its kept is such high standard . This is the only thing that is taken at a face value while everything else he says its disregarded and he is ill informed.

I guess at the end when the balloon pops it will come nothing but air and a lot of disappointment .