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There have been 28 items by narusakurama (Search limited from 09-June 23)

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#924990 the saiyan ninjas!

Posted by narusakurama on 31 October 2016 - 07:40 PM in Writing Discussion

Any chance you could put them on ff.net ?

#921942 Naruto Shippuden 475

Posted by narusakurama on 29 September 2016 - 08:02 PM in Premiere Screenings

Why does Sasuke seem to have a pig's nose in the first  screenshot ? :lulz: That one looks poorly drawn and colored , the others are ok . 

#905028 Naruto Shippuden Episode 452

Posted by narusakurama on 14 March 2016 - 06:05 PM in Premiere Screenings

All these uchiha stories, starting to make me threw up. Kishi should just make Sasuke the main character from the start, since his background get explored THAT DETAIL. Not even Uzumaki and Minato clan get explain ....


Well , considering who is doing this , I prefer that  they do the Uchiha rather than attempting  to come up with some back story for the Uzumaki clan and screw it up .

#902717 Naruto Shippuden Episode 449

Posted by narusakurama on 19 February 2016 - 06:35 PM in Premiere Screenings

Wow , that animation . Did they hire some rookie animators that work for cheap  for this ? 

#901819 Naruto Shippuden episode 447

Posted by narusakurama on 11 February 2016 - 05:38 PM in Premiere Screenings

Regarding the ratings , I think it was TouKen4Life3g that mentioned one of the recent fillers had a 0.3 rating . Not sure how ratings are done in Japan , but that is very low rating  either way . Usually  ,  shows that get or go below 1 rating  , are canceled .

#900063 The 'Hinata' look and Naruto's popularity

Posted by narusakurama on 28 January 2016 - 06:11 PM in Naruto General

Yes, this is exactly what I was talking about. I didn't notice before, but since the ending (the hate of a self-reliant type like Sakura and the worship of a weak, submissive girl like Hinata) I've seen the stereotype more and more in Japanese culture/media/manga/anime. I originally thought that the switch of Hinata to heroine of Sakura was just for cash, but now I think it's deeper.


And you're right about Kishimoto having traditional Japanese ideals, meaning conservative towards women. I don't think he was like that at the beginning of the manga — Look at Naruto in the pilot! He's about as far from conservative as you can get! — but Kishi's grown that way of the course of the series. And sexism in Japan in a serious thing: Women who dare to return back to work after having a child are called 'devil wives'!!! Crazy! And combine that with social attitudes towards dating now (the Japanese youth are shunning it), taking the traditional salary-man jobs and working 70 hours a week (again, Japanese youth are shunning it), and the future numbers that show a decrease in population from lack of procreating couples...you can see how there's a social tug-of-war between the old ways and the new.


I just wonder if it was an issue Kishimoto didn't care about back in 1999 when he was in his early 20s and creating the manga, versus now, in his early 40s, with kids of his own, at the end of the manga. Because the end pairing doesn't fit the beginning. 


And it's not a hard leap to make that the marketing teams would be happy pitching a docile, easy-on-the-eyes heroine such as Hinata over one like Sakura, who doesn't have a real-life counterpart in current Japanese culture. 


Also, that's not to say there aren't modern girls/women who like Sakura and NS in Japan. Just that they clearly weren't allowed in the room when the decision to switch heroines was being made. If there are even any women in positions of authority in that industry at all!


I agree, the combination of the hardcore shipping of NH from the West, the prevalence of a feminine beauty ideal and the conservative views of women's behavior and roles in society were just too much to fight against. And who pays for it in the end? Sakura who winds up a single parent, doomed to clean Sasuke's house for the rest of her days!! Because to go to work now would make her one of those 'devil wives' in Japanese culture.


Hinata looks plump and happy in her role, but Sakura's homemaker role rings hollow. It's not a happy ending. It's uncomfortable. I think Kishimoto unwittingly made a statement about the problem of gender equality and stereotypes in Japanese society right now. 


I still think it was all just for cash . The quality and originality  of the newer works is decreasing so  stereotypes are  used as compensation which is probably why this appears to be more common of late .

Same with Kishi , at the start the manga  was his top priority . Then it became popular and it started making lots of money and gradually Kishis' priorities started changing . With that , quality also started declining  which in turn meant less money . So  he   had to do something to boost popularity and keep the money coming in , probably also advised by the editors . They studied the market , saw that the Hinata stereotype as heroine brings in more money and Kishi adopted that into his work .

As for Kishi himself , I don't think he shares this view of Hinata being the ideal woman  . To me  he seems more like a SS type that dreams himself as the Sasuke type of man .

#898718 Fairy Tail

Posted by narusakurama on 18 January 2016 - 06:42 PM in Otaku Square

Ha, out of all the theories , I bet no one's thought of an anti magic tumor . Guess he needed Brandish to pay back Lucy for saving her life .

And I wish he would show a bit more of some battles rather than only the outcome . Though the 4 wizard saints seem to have lost so fast , that there was probably  nothing to show .

And even though Warrod's thoughts imply that Yuri's dead , I think God Serena is actually him . Most likely  Zeref brought him back to life in another failed attempt to create someone powerful enough to kill him .

#894932 The Great NaruSaku Fic Listing III

Posted by narusakurama on 26 December 2015 - 01:30 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

About Wilderness, would you say that if it was to not be updated ever again, it would still be worth reading as it is right now? I've been wanting to read it for a long time, but haven't gotten around to it due to the lack of updates.

But if there would still be something to get out of it as it is, I'd love to give it a shot. :sweatdrop:


Definitely worth it in my opinion , the available chapters are great .  Though skip the latest one if you don't want to end it on a cliffhanger .

#894122 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by narusakurama on 21 December 2015 - 11:02 PM in Naruto General



Not really; Sasuke is the most popular character no doubt, but Hinata isn't very popular in japan, Sakura is. Only in the west is Hinata popular. Sakura isn't well like enough in Japan though, but she still sells more than Hinata. SP does not favor Sasuke/SS at all. Hinata, yes, but only those creepy guys. If SP did favored Sasuke/SS we would have seen more fillers and scenes with them. But they don't; we even have filler of Sakura herself saying that she used to love Sasuke, and even removing canon scenes from the manga that SS was mad about. They do favor NH, no doubt. But you still have ones who favor NS. In the manga there was a part during the war Arc, where Sakura had to be saved by Kakashi (if anyone knows the chapter), but the anime changed it to where she fought back. The anime had changed a lot of canon scenes, so it's not impossible to think that won't change.



They can bring NS back as close friends. And if they risk deeper, romantically. Not everyone watch The Last, even if Kishi said it was canon. You saw that they brought RtN to the anime. They can easily work around it. Instead of having Sakura wait for Sasuke, she decides to start dating instead; they don't need to follow the novel, they don't even follow the canon manga. It's simple, if they want to include moments in the novel they will, if they don't, they don't, if they don't want to follow a novel, they won't follow that novel. The Last left a two year gap within the timeline, and they do have full reign to do what they want. SS had a moment in 699, but it's not hard to have Sakura go on dates, it doesn't need to be romantic. They only took itachi Shiden because Itachi is popular, and the staff does favor Itachi, but they never decide on any of the other novel to be apart of the anime when they could have in JF.



 Is it good? I heard a lot about it. 


I agree that things may change . I just  doubt that SP can do a proper job of resolving NS , either in a romantic way or just as friends .

If the ones who worked on the last won't be involved , then just maybe there's hope for them .

#894094 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by narusakurama on 21 December 2015 - 09:12 PM in Naruto General

Right! And since things were left so undone at the ending, for Naruto especially, it might actually work in their favor one day. The big gap in the story left by focusing on Hinata and dumping Naruto means that future illustrators have a ready-made starting place: Finishing Naruto's story. Which is why if interest is still ongoing in the story (even if it's through Boruto) then there's always a possibility of revisiting the original series and setting things to rights.


Exactly!!!!! There are such big holes in the story that it almost set up to be filled in later on. It's totally wide open. There was no resolution of NS, no SS. No nothing. Only the movie about Hinata. So there's lot of avenues where they can go back to the original story, if they feel like they'll make money off it.



Hmm , I have mixed feelings about this . Considering who is in charge now ,  having some Hinata and Sasuke  fanboys filling the gaps of Naruto's story is not something I look forward to.

#893902 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by narusakurama on 20 December 2015 - 10:53 PM in Naruto General

Sasuke is just never going to smile, when he's with those girls.


He only smiles for his true love ....

#893781 Fairy Tail

Posted by narusakurama on 20 December 2015 - 09:26 AM in Otaku Square

Nice set up for many interesting battles , but I wonder if Mashima will be able to show all of them or he will only show the outcome of each.

Imagine the one between the top wizard saints for example , could be awesome .

As for Brandish , seems predictable that  Lucy will save her life and she will end up switching sides .

#893778 Naruto Shipuuden - Itachi Shinden ~ Hikari to Yami

Posted by narusakurama on 20 December 2015 - 09:02 AM in Konoha Theater

Isn't this the story where itachi could date girls because he was to obsessed with his baby brother and everyone made comments about him being incestuously in love with him?

:wot: Is there even such a story ? As in , official story in a novel or something ? 

#893598 Naruto Shipuuden - Itachi Shinden ~ Hikari to Yami

Posted by narusakurama on 19 December 2015 - 03:46 PM in Konoha Theater

Bleah , they don't know how to better milk this cow anymore :) . Are they planning to animate the story of every top 5 popular character , see which one sells better ?

#893485 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by narusakurama on 19 December 2015 - 08:46 AM in Naruto General

I guess this was their plan all along and I think this explains the ending and everything after it . We don't know how Kishi trully wanted to end his manga , he seems to only have cared about Naruto vs Sasuke . But , it is clear that people from the magazine wanted to continue milking Naruto . Since Kishi would not draw it for them , they got his assistant and convinced Kishi to end his manga so that it fits with this whole new series that they had planned . Well , "new" as in the same as Naruto just with different character names .


This is why Naruto has to be a scumbag dad , this is why Orochimaru is alive and well and has a kid too . I am actually glad that these guys are NH fans , I don't want to know what they would have turned NS into (I feel sorry for Shikamaru and Temari )

#893189 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by narusakurama on 17 December 2015 - 05:18 PM in Naruto General

I meant within the fight like "lack of ninjutsu" or "lack of actual ninja combat" etc.


I would have to reread that part in order to give a proper answer , which I would rather not do  . But the fact that I already forgot the fight details  speaks for itself about how remarkable the fight was .  Would have been better if at least Naruto had won .

#892683 Naruto Shippuden episode 441

Posted by narusakurama on 13 December 2015 - 02:40 PM in Premiere Screenings

he said kate theory was "retard" and I think this made some people start believing he was a troll


I'd say that comment itself is more likely to have gotten him banned , specially if it was made in the thread specifically created for theories such as Kate's .

And as far as I know , anyone is  welcome here , regardless of who they ship , as long as they can be civil and not insult people they don't agree with .

#891935 Fairy Tail

Posted by narusakurama on 07 December 2015 - 10:14 PM in Otaku Square

Well, Rave redux could happen here. But we'll see.


Did Rave have a happy ending ? I've heard Mashima said something about people not liking how Rave ended and that's why he wants to make it a happy ending in FT .

#891898 Fairy Tail

Posted by narusakurama on 07 December 2015 - 06:17 PM in Otaku Square

I'm still hoping that when Natsu becomes end, he becomes "evil" or just has a darker personality. It didn't necessarily sound like that way when they were discussing it in this chapter, but I hope it still comes true.


I think the power of nakama will fix him , if it even comes to that . It will probably go even further and it will turn Zeref  "good" too , especially since he's been rather uncertain about being either good or evil .

#890504 Fairy Tail

Posted by narusakurama on 30 November 2015 - 07:50 PM in Otaku Square

I agree. It is rather strange but I am curious. This has to play well carefully. Though I did joke that the series got cancelled since taking out the main villain in a very rushed manner is always the solution. Regardless, we don't really know what's going on with Zeref like being taken out or not.


There will still be Acnologia left as villain , I guess . I honestly do not think Zeref will die , maybe the god the cursed him will intervene .


If Zeref does die , this would be the one thing he wanted  since he became immortal , so I guess it would make sense from that point of view . It would be kind of anticlimactic though , especially after the set up chapter with his meeting  with Acnologia .

#889890 Naruto Shippuden episode 439

Posted by narusakurama on 27 November 2015 - 02:37 PM in Premiere Screenings

SP should just learn from Kishimoto . It is better to kill a character rather than attempting to give it a resolution .. and failing .

I also did not know that Tsunade's biggest dream was to read Jiraya's books .

#889270 Honest ask; going from 0 to 100% how much do you believe ns still has the pos...

Posted by narusakurama on 23 November 2015 - 05:56 PM in Naruto General

I think it's a razor-thin chance, but if they realize there's still money to be made, then why not. Crazier things have happened. And the ending of the manga was so poorly and hastily done, and The Last was such a one-sided love-story of a movie, there is really a great big vaccuum where they could revisit the Naruto series. I mean, if they wanted to say it was a genjutsu, it wouldn't be a stretch. It would be completely part of the original story. In fact, it almost feels like they built in an easy excuse with the whole exploration of a dream world and alternate universe, just as a jumping off point to go back and reconnect to Naruto in the future. Should they choose to.


When it comes down to it , any chance of ever seeing NS in some official way hinges on that : is there any money to be made from it ?  Of course , even now money probably can be made from an alternate story , but it would  most likely be less than what they get from the current ending .


Maybe some day, in a few years , when most NH/SS fans are done with Naruto , a reboot movie with a NS ending and their family   might be successful enough to  make money . If more so , Kishimoto somehow wakes up ( read gets his head out of his ass ) and realizes that  his ending was trash for the epic 15 years story of Naruto , and he decides to also tackle some , if not all  of the  unresolved plots , there will  definitely be money to be made from that .

#888618 Honest ask; going from 0 to 100% how much do you believe ns still has the pos...

Posted by narusakurama on 20 November 2015 - 06:42 PM in Naruto General

What? Can't understand an example too? That means, Minato and Kushina are connected with the Red String of Fate. In order for Kakashi stay with Kushina, Minato has to die. Same thing happened with Neji. If him and Hinata are connected with the Red String, Neji had to die to Naruto stay with her.


Hmm , maybe you mean Obito / Rin instead if Minato/Kushina ?


And I think Hanabi meant that in the manga ending Kishi did not draw any NS interaction . as if their bond and history never existed . Forget about anything romantic , he did not even bother to draw a simple tank you from Sakura to Naruto . The only  resolution NS got , if it can be called that , was the BS conversation they had in the last , from which we found out Naruto was interested in Sakura just because he was trying to one up Sasuke ... :headscratch: :facepalm: :bash:  -- which is  an explanation SP screen writer came up with rather than Kishi. 

#887892 Honest ask; going from 0 to 100% how much do you believe ns still has the pos...

Posted by narusakurama on 17 November 2015 - 11:31 PM in Naruto General

No chance , SP is still NH , even if , supposedly , some of the female staff supported NS .
The people that did the last also call the shots on the anime direction .

#886569 About that forehead...

Posted by narusakurama on 10 November 2015 - 05:27 PM in Naruto General


That doesn't make sense though. The forehead poke was a specific thing between Sasuke and Itachi. I can't imagine why Kishi would choose to use that gesture with Sakura unless it was meant to emphasize her forehead and create a throwback to ch. 3.


Exactly , it was specific thing between Sasuke and Itachi , so the scene itself is relevant  only to Sasuke's character and it was just a coincidence that it also touched on Sakura's insecurity . Had it been any other gesture from Itachi , Kishi would have had Sasuke do that instead , without him ever mentioning anything about Sakura's forehead .