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There have been 68 items by {Jade~Rabbit} (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#426350 Naruto 615

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 02 January 2013 - 02:30 AM in Latest Releases

I'm sick of all of the ship teases honestly. kitten got boring after all this time.

And his main funding is in Japan so what's going on? Is he REALLY trying to make his manga fail by asserting NH - knowing over there that Sakura's all the rage?

Whatever, his manga. Better ones out there that's for sure.

#426322 Naruto 615

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 02 January 2013 - 02:12 AM in Latest Releases

Well if they're on the same cover together, I'd assume the same thing...

I don't care if NH becomes canon anymore. I still like NS.

#426303 Naruto 615

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 02 January 2013 - 02:00 AM in Latest Releases

Eh, maybe but it just seems like a lot going on and the last thing we need is to be fussing about a character that Kishi's decided he will never change.

Pity though, she had potential.

#426297 Naruto 615

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 02 January 2013 - 01:55 AM in Latest Releases

What cover? Link please?

#426294 Naruto 615

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 02 January 2013 - 01:54 AM in Latest Releases

Okay, yeah I see things do seem to be heating up.

If it will cool things down I will keep my Hinata comments to myself and we can go on about the chapter.

#426286 Naruto 615

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 02 January 2013 - 01:49 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (HalfStarStudios @ Jan 2 2013, 02:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
True true. I shouldn't be giving out personal information like that.

.....Why so snippy?

#426282 Naruto 615

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 02 January 2013 - 01:46 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (HalfStarStudios @ Jan 2 2013, 02:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That tends to happen when people can't give a good argument. Can't blame them. It's not their fault their mother did all types of drugs when she was pregnant with them. xD

Whoa there... you need to be careful saying things like this.

#426279 Naruto 615

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 02 January 2013 - 01:44 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (HalfStarStudios @ Jan 2 2013, 02:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, she did. Is that the only thing on her mind? No. Is that the main thing on her mind? No. What is? Fighting this war with Naruto.

Hinata's character doesn't have much dimension. It's nothing wrong with assuming it was on her mind.

And that's just it. Naruto all the time with Hinata. Look at Ino and Shikamaru. They just lost their father's and did they go all "oh wait - Naruto!", they mourned to themselves as best they could without letting it affect them but their certainly not thinking about romance. The point is, her feelings for Naruto are clouding EVERYTHING for her.

It's not even worth discussing. Hinata's a satellite character. Everything she does involves Naruto yet there's plenty more here at the war that are also thinking about Naruto AND their family members.

Hinata would rather give a speech and then turn around and fangasm for a hand holding.

#426263 Naruto 615

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 02 January 2013 - 01:36 AM in Latest Releases

She started the lecture after the slap right? Idk, I couldn't go reread it after the panels of Neji laying there dead. Just couldn't handle it. =(

Either way it's all the same. She's still thinking about romance with the guy after her cousin just died and there's a war going on....

#426256 Naruto 615

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 02 January 2013 - 01:31 AM in Latest Releases

No one's discounting that she encouraged Naruto beautifully. What's annoying about it is that she goes from giving a badass lecture to cupping the guys face and fangasming for holding his hand.

That's like if Sakura were to say "Omg Sasuke-kun's sooooo warm I can feel his muscles!" when she hugged him from behind after he flipped out on the Sound-nin during the Chunin Exams.

That's distasteful period - fangasming during a serious situation. I'm glad Sakura DIDN'T do that.

#426244 Naruto 615

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 02 January 2013 - 01:16 AM in Latest Releases

In response to Halfstar, I see where you're coming from but I just want to clarify something (if that's okay).

I was once a HUGE Hinata fan. Loved her more than most other characters, except Gaara, Neji and Lee. It wasn't until I got deeper into the story that my love for her began to deplete because of how her character is in the series. I'm disgusted with her because she's so single-minded all of a sudden. I know she's not like Sakura --- she's not trying to get over her childhood crush and that's what disturbs me.

True, Naruto's never done anything wrong to her to make her stop liking him but the only reason why I think it's great if she did get over him is because of how much more powerful she would seem. Sakura too. If they get over their childhood crushes, they can be the image of female power in that they struggled with love like a LOT of us girls have but realized that their true strength lies in themselves. It's one thing to love a guy, but Hinata's love for Naruto comes off more as admiration that she's confusing with love and Sakura's is like infactuation and girlish dreams - so much to the point that she's convinced herself she's in love - that's what I believe. I believe Hinata admires Naruto and wants to be like him - she doesn't need to be with him and I just wish she could see that. I believe Sakura's convinced herself that she's in love with Sasuke - why? Not sure yet but it seems this way. It seems like she's assuming she's in love with him and to make matters worse, every time she considers her feelings for Naruto, it's like he's convinced HIMSELF that she loves Sasuke and as a result, Sakura's assuming the same.

I feel like Hinata and Sakura haven't really had a choice in here. Strange yes, and it probably doesn't make much sense either but that's just it - it doesn't make sense. Hinata at this point (not because I'm Pro-NS) should be satisfied with Naruto for who he is and realize that he's more than just a proud failure, he's a human being and he struggles, he feels, he dreams, he learns, he grows and he exists JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. If she could do this then I'm sure she would know that all he needs is her friendship - not her romance. She's a Hyuuga, a strong Hyuuga who's been through a lot and learned from him but she isn't the only one he's changed. As soon as she realizes this she should stand by him as a friend nothing more.

As for Sakura, I feel like the sooner she realizes that she has a voice, a chance, strength and experience to add to improve herself - the happier she'll be and the sooner she'll be able to accept having felt strongly for Sasuke but realize that she and Naruto are BOTH hungry to get their teammate back - not for romance - but for love. Because they love him and care for him. The sooner Sakura decides to stop fighting behind Naruto or before him and start fighting WITH him (much like she said she would in 573 - so I'm hoping) she'll be stronger - not just for NS - but for herself. For her to realize she's strong would be amazing.

I also hope that Sakura will see that SHE does have feelings for Naruto and also that SHE needs to convince Naruto that she has feelings for him. Last time, things didn't go too well but she still has a chance.

Sorry for the LAP but just wanted to put that out there....

Simply put, I'm not angry with Hinata for being a threat to NS. I'm angry with Hinata for being a threat to herself. In the event that NS happens, what will Hinata do with herself? If she decides to be Naruto's friend - she will flourish. If she continues to pursue him - she's just a pairing fodder...

#425893 Naruto 615

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 01 January 2013 - 07:59 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Tendo Ryuken @ Jan 1 2013, 07:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
so, you were a fan of a girl pining to get in a guy's pants?

Sadly yes I was. I always hoped Hinata would become more than that. I always saw her relationship with her team and Neji as well as her clan as being her ultimate source of growth. All she's done is chase Naruto and as a result, she's become a poor excuse for a character and a horrible example for girls looking up to her. She's pathetic. There's no excuse for her behavior.

QUOTE (kidNinja @ Jan 1 2013, 07:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To be honest, I wonder if Kishi has been making Hinata unlikable on purpose. Thinking about how she's been this entire war arc and other Naruto media, this seems to be the case.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Kishi quoted saying "That he didn't give a single hoot about her."

I also wonder if he regrets creating her in the first place...

Sometimes I think so. I think he's purposely setting her up for a troll - good thing I'm no longer interested in her to even care.

Not sure, that'd be great if he did.

QUOTE (xxRomanceGirlxx @ Jan 1 2013, 07:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I always absolutely love your posts, Jade~Rabbit. And agreed. Neji's death was very sloppy. Admittingly, I didn't realize how badly it was until 615. I have always preferred Neji over Hinata. In fact, I never really cared for her to begin with. Honestly, if Kishimoto had to kill a Hyuuga, I would have preferred Hinata to die instead. Why? Because Neji is an underdog. Not powers-wise of course but he was still part of the side branch. A lower rank than the main branch. That's why I would much like to see Neji lead the Clan. Not only would be be a much better leader than Hinata ever could be, it breaks the Hyuuga tradition. Plus, honestly, I feel like Neji really showed how much he deserved that. And the most annoying thing? Kishimoto killed off Neji just so could Hinata could grow. One of my favorite characters was killed off for Hinata. That really upsets me.

Aww thanks. a_squish.gif

Same here, I was halfway imagining that chapter 615 would have his teammates reactions to his death and maybe some words about him as man from someone - Hinata barely did this, imo. I wanted Neji to live and rule the clan along with Hinata - believe it or not, I wasn't always a NejiHina fan, I originally liked her with someone else but it wasn't until I saw how great she worked in a team with Neji and I started to look at their relationship as something that could strengthen her. They always seemed to correspond well. Neji was her saving grace in my eye. Relationship or not I wouldn't loved to see her get over herself, team up with Neji and rule to clan and also to start to see herself on the same level as others and not just chase Naruto.

I feel like Neji dying for Hinata was a waste. She's still immature and selfish. The only thing she cares about is Naruto and herself. It feels like she only spoke on Neji just to further her goal to hold Naruto's hand.

I'm sorry, just putting this out there, but sometimes I feel like Kishi did this just because he had something against NejiHina... not sure why. Maybe it's because of the holding hands over his dead body and him dying in the first place. It's a baseless thing to say I know but sometimes I wonder...

Also completely hated the hand comment. I respected Hinata for the first time in my life since the Chunin Exams and she has to go and disappoint me by reverting to fangirl mode. I lost my respect for her. I don't hate her but Hinata has once again proven why I shouldn't like her. I no longer have faith that she will be anything but a fangirl. Fangirl-Hinata her whole life. down.gif

I don't hate her either, but I just don't like her character anymore. I can't even be happy that she's spoken up for once because it just seems like it was done in her desperate need to get Naruto to look at her.

#425880 H&E's NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 01 January 2013 - 06:48 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

D'awwwwwwww those panels are so damn cute! wub.gif

There's no reason for these two NOT to be endgame. So much build-up - it just seems impossible for it to be any other pair besides NS.

#425871 Naruto 615

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 01 January 2013 - 06:29 AM in Latest Releases


I will admit that when I first read the chapter it made me think NH was canon but oddly enough I still have hope for NS - I'm just gonna be chill about this though because I don't think Kishi even understands how badly this chapter is making his manga out to be.

I've been looking at Japanese posters on blogs and they don't seem pleased with this chapter at all. Because of Sakura's role so far and how poorly Kishi treated Neji. I wonder does he understand how impersonal he comes out with how he handled Neji's death? Everyone expects for an author to care about their characters, no matter who they are. If you're going to kill off a character, do it respectfully. It just seems like Neji was used in a poor attempt to scare us all into believing that this war is serious .

Neji deserved a better death BECAUSE of the fact that he was such a beloved character. Not only that but Kishi himself took time to develop Neji as a character period. Any character you create and then trash them just off a whim is disrespectful not only to his manga but to his readers too. Impersonal is the biggest word I can use to describe all of this. Cold-blooded too. Added on to the fact that you have Naruto and Hinata holding hands over his dead body and Hinata thinking about how big Naruto's hand is when her cousin just DIED for HER.

Shallow, immature and disrespectful.

I used to be the biggest Hinata fan but now I don't care at all for her. I blatantly dislike her now.

I hope NS happens more than ever now. Just to spite Hinata and also in my stupid hope that she will become more than just a girl pining to get in a guy's pants.

#423079 Naruto 615

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 27 December 2012 - 05:08 AM in Latest Releases

Yeah, well NH is canon now.

Didn't see that coming but it's alright I guess.

#423077 615 spoilers

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 27 December 2012 - 05:05 AM in Latest Releases

Well, judging from the chapter, it looks like NH won afterall.

Sorry guys, looks like we were wrong... a_comfort.gif

#423060 615 spoilers

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 27 December 2012 - 04:30 AM in Latest Releases

Oh well, if NH gets confirmed in this chapter then alright. It's a shock of course but I'm not angry. It's been a long ass pairing war and for one pair to get confirmed would just ease some of this stressful fighting.

NS would have worked soooo much better imo but it's Kishi's manga and he's free to do as he pleases.

I've already said on NF that if NH is confirmed I will congratulate them and move on. It looks canon by the picture but I'll just wait until tomorrow to give congrats.

I still love NS canon or not. I hope everyone else here will too.

#422983 Naruto 614

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 26 December 2012 - 08:30 PM in Latest Releases

Hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas! a_squish.gif Mine could've gone better but it's fine lol

QUOTE (Phantom_999 @ Dec 26 2012, 05:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
SO. Anyone betting Neji fans will commit suicide next. dry.gif I mean, Will this lead to another incident like that Russian Itachi fan-boy? headscratch.gif

Okay, I know you don't mean any harm by this but really this is harsh. I'm a hardcore Neji fan and suicide never crossed my mind.

Just be a bit cautious with what you say, alright?


Have spoiler's been released yet?

#422087 H&E's NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 20 December 2012 - 05:09 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

I really don't know lol kishi and his slow moves. laugh.gif

#422085 Naruto 614

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 20 December 2012 - 05:06 AM in Latest Releases

I think the NH is about to cease pretty soon too. I hope so, but right now I'm just chill about all of this. ermm.gif

#422080 H&E's NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 20 December 2012 - 05:02 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

Well we're all over 16 at this rate! laugh.gif Definitely of mature age I guess right?

#422068 H&E's NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 20 December 2012 - 04:48 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (Don-kun @ Dec 20 2012, 04:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Am 25 and most of the times you find me wallbash.gif myself for gating into does annoying arguments with other fandoms, when I can clearly see that they are twisting the Manga so it can fit their arguments.

LOL Wow, we're all old here huh? laugh.gif I know the feeling. I've been doing the same every time I see these Neji supports NaruHina comments but I try to ignore them because we all make assumptions based on how we perceive things. I talk to the NH fans that will listen - especially the ones who are logical and look at this manga for what it is.

I'm really confused as to how this chapter was NaruHina. He said her name? Well, he said Neji was badass and held the guy laugh.gif . Her protecting Naruto is normal too because everyone's there to protect him. I didn't see NH here. I saw the actions of Hyuuga's all protecting Naruto together. Heck, what if Hinata disappears next chapter - just like Ino and Shika kind of did?

QUOTE (swagosaurus @ Dec 20 2012, 04:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree. I'm sick of the fandom's negativity towards everything. We're all a bunch of Negative Nancys and we need to be more happy about reading a free manga online.

Bolded: I'm 17. I should be worrying about college, graduating school and getting a job...nope.

spend my hours posting about a fictional relationship in a manga from some dude in japan.

LOL Agreed! We're not paying for it! 8D

I've just completed my finals in college, I should be registering for classes next semester - but I might just look for a part time job for a while, this last semester of school was rough for me. I had a break-up and it pummeled my self-confidence for a while... sad.gif

#422059 Naruto 614

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 20 December 2012 - 04:40 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Poison_In_Your_Coffee @ Dec 20 2012, 05:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
HEA means Happily Ever After. It's the happy ending.

Karin is certainly another possibility for Sasuke. Thought, she did sort of indicate that his good looks are no longer enough to keep her interested since the incident with piercing lightning and all that. One thing that keeps me hopeful when it comes to SS is that Karin did get over Sasuke (or did she?) when he tried to kill her. Why didn't Sakura? Is Kishi trying to show that Sakura's feelings for Sasuke are truly unconditional? Or is he trying to show that Karin is the one for Sasuke since she doesn't take that kind of kitten from him (or does she)? If I were Karin, I wouldn't piss off the man who tried to kill me by slapping him. Sasuke does seem more stable now, so maybe he wouldn't try to kill her for doing that.

Edit. To be more on-topic. I don't think Hinata is going to die in the course of this manga. She has already survived one attack when Pain tried to kill her. And now Neji sacrificed his life to save her (and Naruto). There is no way she will die now that another character has done such a thing for her. Or I will be very, very suprised if she does.

QUOTE (neoshadow @ Dec 20 2012, 05:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm not saying I disagree with you because I do agree I don't think Hinata will die but remember Neji was critically injured and almost died during the Sasuke Retrieval Arc, admittedly that was during Part 1 and not against a major villain but still I don't think you can expect characters to be immune just because they've already survived once. Neji's death to me goes against that line of thinking.

And as you said you expect Kakashi to die which is an opinion shared by a good portion of the fanbase from what I've seen and he's already died once.

Honestly, after Neji's death I would not say Hinata's 'safe'. Just like with Gaara's situation now. He's had a 'death' but he's still not 'safe'... As much as I want him to be.

I don't think anyone's safe anymore. I really don't.

#422043 Naruto 614

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 20 December 2012 - 03:57 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Fenris @ Dec 20 2012, 04:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know some people probably don't expect this... but, I do for some reason, from what I've seen in Naruto, (fillers, canon, etc) Naruto has no problem yelling at girls to prove his point. He could completely demolish NH in a few words if he blows up on Hinata from always being with him and not taking care of herself or Neji, for example -- and neji died protecting her, and she's still worried about him, per say. I could see him doing that to shake something up in her to make her courageous and independent without always relying on him or protecting him.

Wow, I thought about this too... mellow.gif

#422038 H&E's NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by {Jade~Rabbit} on 20 December 2012 - 03:46 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (Don-kun @ Dec 20 2012, 03:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes it's nice, I wish some users were more open minded about the Manga but I guest you cannot win it all since this place is really nice and more importantly they love both Naruto and Sakura, plus we can speak our mind without any worries that someone will neg you, report you or bash your speculations comment in another thread.

Me too. What I like about you guys is that you all have different ideas for NaruSaku, openly discuss them and still support the pairing. You guys are so realistic and logical and I love that. ^^
I'm not worried about negs really. I don't even care for them anymore. I don't even want to argue about pairings anymore. That's why I stopped debating for NS. People will always fuss or twist words and it's not necessary. I rather enjoy my ships, talk with other fans and leave it at that.

I'm 20 years old - muuuuccch too old to be arguing about fictional characters. laugh.gif