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There have been 8 items by Uzumaki Naruto (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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Posted by Uzumaki Naruto on 06 March 2013 - 04:54 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

I love this show. I hope it becomes really big, like super big. It's one of the better shows that I have seen in the longest time.

#431650 Naruto 616

Posted by Uzumaki Naruto on 21 January 2013 - 06:19 PM in Latest Releases

After reading this chapter, I decided Kishi is a kitten. What a way to toy with pairing fandom lol.

#424029 H&E's NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by Uzumaki Naruto on 28 December 2012 - 05:21 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

The only thing I can say that might even give the slightest slimmer of hope is that Naruto only views this as a friendship thing and that Hinata will see that Sakura is the one for Naruto.

However I highly doubt this and even if Naruto did look at is at a friendship stand point, this is likely just to push the two together more and more through out the time in the manga until the 99.9% becomes 100%

#423280 Naruto 615

Posted by Uzumaki Naruto on 27 December 2012 - 07:58 AM in Latest Releases

What I'll never understand is all this build up with naruto and Sakura. From when he got back (Starting of Naruto Part 2) till now. There was little to nothing (or just a few rare moments for her) going with Hinata until she declared she wanted to hold his hand during a fierce battle to the death (Which is beyond me why anyone would do that unless some how gave them mystical power or need two people to do a high level jutsu) The development is trash and I'm still furious about it. Naruto and Sakura's friendship will always be weird and in bad taste now because of the way they act towards each other.

Well to me the ship is likely sunk and I'm drowning. Though the spirit of this ship will live on and I believe in that. If we are extremely lucky maybe Kishi will pull off a manga miracle for us and we will make it on our last legs.

What sucks the most is I really loved Sakura's character and how she was with Naruto. It brought life to the manga.

#423253 Naruto 615

Posted by Uzumaki Naruto on 27 December 2012 - 07:39 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (kidNinja @ Dec 27 2012, 02:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Calm down lol. Didn't you see Sakura's reaction in this chapter to all of the NH nonsense?

I only saw one panel of her reaction and it more looked like the situation not what might actually be developing from the two. So I don't know where this Sakura's reaction is coming from and how it effects what has happened.

#423216 Naruto 615

Posted by Uzumaki Naruto on 27 December 2012 - 06:52 AM in Latest Releases

Well I stopped reading naruto, just wiking it most of the time to get an idea of what was going on. This manga in the right now is a a big disappointment to me, in which case I don't think I'll continue reading it in any way or form other then Fanfiction with NarutoxSakura. The NxH pairing makes no sense in anyway to me other then it magically happened in Hinata's favor. This chapter left me with a bitter taste in my mouth and a heart full of disappointment. I would even have preferred if no pairings happened or a digimon ending where things could be implied for any of the pairings. This manga has fallen hard. We never really saw the villages true hatred for Naruto, just mostly implied. heck the only one who we ever saw take action was Mizuki. Sakura just showed annoyance cause Naruto interfered with her obsession with Sasuke. So as far as seeing Naruto being treated poorly we hardly saw that part of the struggle. This avoid killing and forgive everything crap is bull. It makes the manga a bit pathetic. (sorry for my rant, but NarutoxSakura happening in the manga was the only thing left keeping a hold on me to read the story, due to the story losing its appeal in my opinion).

What's worse is, if I even hear that SakuraxSasuke get together, to me that is 10x worse then NarutoxHinata and I absolutely hate all hinata type characters to the point where i refuse to watch shows with a character with her unless the character is killed off and doesn't effect the main characters love life with someone actually cool. In either case SakuraxSasuke makes me sick to my stomach because what Sasuke is and what he has done. It sends a bad message to people. Even if Sasuke is forgiven it doesn't mean he and Sakura should end up together. It's just wrong. Like an abusive boyfriend and a girlfriend who won't let go of him. how do you cheer for that or think that is a good idea to show in your manga that, that is ok?

Once again sorry about my rant, but this will be the last chapter I will ever read unless some how NarutoxSakura happens (which at this point is unlikely). I have never felt so sick from a manga when the pairing I wanted didn't happen.

#423067 H&E's NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by Uzumaki Naruto on 27 December 2012 - 04:45 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (kidNinja @ Dec 26 2012, 10:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did anybody genuinely like Sakura in Part 1? I admit I HATED her BUT I managed to tolerate her and support NS because that's what Naruto wants/wanted. I was initially hoping for another girl (preferably a girl jinchuuriki or however you spell it) but Part II truly changed my view on her and her character development fully made me a believer.

I actually liked her in part 1. Mostly cause it was Naruto's crush and I like tsunaders. Though I'll admit at first she was a little annoying, but over time her character developed. From seeing Naruto to a different light during Land of the Waves arc, to needing to grow, to finally making the decision that she wants to get stronger. Each and every bit influenced by Naruto in some way, shape, or form. To me she is probably one of the characters who developed at a nice pace where she learned and really changed to what she is now. I like how she acts and thinks now more then ever. She is one of few characters that, even though she is a main character but is also a character that sits next to the main character in view, she gained enough screen time to show true development over time where her changes weren't instant but growing at a nice rate where you actually watch the character grow. I love that a lot about her character. It wasn't just once change, but many changes step by step and was filled all around. That to me is a lot better then one character trying to gain/fix one trait about themselves.

#422893 H&E's NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by Uzumaki Naruto on 25 December 2012 - 07:08 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (Tsubaki @ Dec 25 2012, 12:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
People! Vote for Narusaku danarusakunp3.gif


I will never understand SasukexSakura's popularity. If you think about it (with out knowing that Naruto can heal fast because of the Kyuubi) Sasuke would have killed Naruto. He would have killed Sakura. He would have killed Kakashi with little hesitation. He put Sakura in awkward positions and shows no true love for her. So if they are a Sakura fan who wants Sakura to be happy, Naruto would do more then that. Otherwise there might be more people out there who like the idea of being in a abusive relationship or something. This really can't lead to happiness. To be honest if Sakura love isn't still the immature false love she had a kid or just love for a friend to have them back (at most) then I would be disappointed. Like what more does Sasuke have to do lol?? To me it sends out a bad message to everyone.

NarutoxHinata, is an odd pair, not in the way where they are uniquely different. It's that one is uniquely different while the other one is shy, quiet, and just learning to gain confidence. She has a one to a few track mind. She really doesn't know anything about Naruto and yet has love for his confidence. There maybe couples like this in the world that are happy but it is a very rare few and entertainment wise not very fun to watch in my opinion. To be honest I can't even imagine Naruto even enjoying company like that, I know I would absolutely hate it. There would be like no argument, no fun, just Hinata being obedient to Naruto's stupid whim. If Naruto were to fall in love with her, it would more like be out of desperation for the need of love and that someone loves him. It wouldn't be anything for a long term happy relationship.

What those two pairings lack NarutoxSakura doesn't. Heck at my job, the best married couple or even couples that I meet are similar to each other or act like Naruto and Sakura except with only light pats instead of Sakura's hits lol. These couples are usually married and range from young to old. I love being around these people, they actually bring some joy to my work. The best part is, that they are the majority of couples that I meet. They truly enjoy each others company.

Sorry ranting here, I hope there will be more stronger moments with Naurto and Sakura sometime sooner or later. Hopefully even one that directly or indirectly seals the deal between the two. Naruto manga has been dying down on me a little lately and I think it's been a while since we saw a good NaurtoxSakura moment.