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There have been 6 items by Super Boom (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#733806 Most tear-jerking moments in manga and anime

Posted by Super Boom on 16 January 2015 - 05:03 AM in Otaku Square

Really? I did not cry when Mogamett died he was wicked man. 



You might not have liked him personally, but it's clear the author's intent was for him to be redeemed. Or at the very least, for his motives to be sympathetic. His backstory was honestly one of the most tragic in the series.




My List


-Graveyard of the Fireflies: Whole Movie

-Penguindrum: The lamb analogy/story

-Rave Master: Reina, Hardner's Revelation

-Bleach: Five Lifetimes Confession

-Fairy Tail: Pretty much any Character death kills me

-Magi: Mogamett's Backstory, Alma Torran Massacre (that poor child x.x)

-One Piece: Usopp Leaving, Merry's Death (that ship had more development than Naru/Hina ;_;) 


Probably some more I'm missing. The events only really make sense if you followed the series, but I'm too lazy to go into detail.

#729522 Psycho Pass

Posted by Super Boom on 11 January 2015 - 06:50 AM in Otaku Square

Psycho Pass, it's called? Sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out sometime.

#701775 Top 5 Hottest Girls in Attack on TItan?

Posted by Super Boom on 12 December 2014 - 04:57 AM in Otaku Square

1.) Historia


Don't feel right doing 2-5 since it would imply someone else was in the same league. I guess I could make a non-Historia list.


Inferior Non-Historia List

1.) Petra

2.) Mikasa

3.) Sasha


Too lazy to go past that.

#699969 Salty?

Posted by Super Boom on 11 December 2014 - 02:45 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Personally, I'm salty that Neji died. Pretty much what killed my interest in the series in the first place. Though I admit I'm saltier now that the manga ended...and I know he only died to turn his irrelevant cousin into a viable love interest.


As for the word itself...I don't know, it's better than "butt-hurt" IMO, given the alternate meanings. Though there's much worse internet slang out there. 


But in this context...fans that cling to the ending because of their pairing and don't bother to analyze the obvious issues behind it really don't deserve your time. They're just sheep really.

#667457 Kishimoto on why Sakura is with Sasuke, and other horrible ideas.

Posted by Super Boom on 21 November 2014 - 02:42 AM in Naruto General

I posted this on another forum when the manga ended, but I was hoping that the ending Kishi came up with was something he did at the very last minute. Either just cause he wanted to end it, or wanted to create an opening for Naruto GT, and needed a bunch of random kids. It wouldn't make me happier, and it wouldn't change my opinion on his writing ability...but at least I could take solace in the fact that the man could still be a somewhat decent human being.


I certainly can't say that anymore. 

#664070 Does the 'shocking ending' confirm NS as the OTP?

Posted by Super Boom on 18 November 2014 - 01:33 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I think the shocking part is that (up until 693 at least) people thought it would be good and it wasn't.


Well played, good sir. XD


I thought the random modern buildings were pretty shocking. Does Naruto take the subway to work now? It's pretty shocking that Naruto thought that hair-style looked even remotely good. Sasuke's kid looks like Karin, maybe the shock is that Sakura is dumb and doesn't realize Lettuce isn't hers. Nah, just kidding, that's way OOC, that wouldn't happen. I'm pretty shocked at how Hinata's breasts got smaller. Didn't realize that ever happened in manga. Maybe Naruto asked her to get augmentation to look more like his favorite girl. It'd be pretty shocking if surgeons like that existed in a shounen world.


The only thing that doesn't shock me is that Naruto's kid is a One Piece fan. Can't blame him...he probably dreams of a better universe than the one he's stuck in.