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There have been 2 items by Madz (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#519908 Most disturbing fanfiction you ever read?

Posted by Madz on 25 March 2014 - 10:39 AM in Naruto General

I think when it's concerning fanfiction related to manga, these disturbing theme (incest, rape etc) exist because unfortunately the manga's world DOES frequently contain these themes.


As much as I LOVE mangas and the Japanese culture, I have been forced to realise that the Japanese taste in terms of litterature can sometimes quite....disturbing. Or maybe they are more honest about it? They are open about liking incest/rapes/torture/ - and express these tates without any inhibitions in their litterature.


The past year I have (finally) started to read other mangas than Naruto / Bleach / One Piece(the nicey adventurous types) etc, and trust me, the fanfictions mentioned here is much more TAME as some of the mangas that I have come accross! And I'm talking about very easily accessible mangas, as accessible as Naruto etc and present in all manga sites. But read them did I, out of (morbid) curiosity- gritting my teeth and holding my horrifying heart to be able to go through some of them and sometimes just could not.


So, what I'm trying to say is that the people who actually wrote these disturbing fanfictions mentioned above maybe be those who are used to those types of mangas too.



#514359 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Madz on 09 February 2014 - 04:18 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


Very long time no see, you all...

A bit off topic...I'm currently watching the first anime of the shippudden arc (the Gaara rescue arc - currently being re-aired in my country), meaning that I'm once more being subjected and awed by Sakura epicness...Really, she is just too...sublime at the beginning of the shippuden arc, isn't she? Her growth, her saving Kankuro and her fighting with Sasori.

And what with the current manga chapter of her saving Naruto - it's such a good parallel which I'm enjoying so much! The fiery way she says " I will not let you die..."

Ah, I never regret that she is my most favorite character of Naruto series. She always lives up to my expectation of her!

Viva Sakura-chan!