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It's Dead Jim

Member Since 14 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 22 2009 05:23 AM

Topics I've Started


14 August 2009 - 10:41 PM

Man, so I've been lurking here for kind of a long time, and I figured it was time to join! It's kind of really exciting to be part of a group that understands why I like NaruSaku as opposed to other pairings (none of my friends agree with me facepalm.png). I'll also have you know that I'm still terrified to be posting xD. But that's what these "introduce yourself" sections are for right? Yeaaaah. Alrighty, moving on.

Hmm, about me... I read everything, I just finished a 2000 piece puzzle (and all of you should be VERY proud of me), I love nerdy things, and I want my wedding cake to be shaped like a giant katamari.
It's nice to meet all of you! Also, just as a side note, I've worked as a vet tech for three years, soo I'm basically Kiba's sister (well, if I ever get into vet school) and you can ask me things about your animals if you'd like XD. Because I like answering questions. Also, my cat keeps walking on the keyboard.

HELLO WORLD! biggrin.gif