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In Topic: The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

24 July 2009 - 02:16 AM

QUOTE (Nee-sama @ Jul 23 2009, 11:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So I just copied your post in the correct thread since yours got closed down and I want to respond. smile.gif Though I see some people beat me to it sleep.gif meh

Number 1) This is a story, not real life. "Just a crush" doesn't exist in the literary world, especially when you're talking about the Hero.
I can point out a few concrete examples of his love as well. Chapter -3-, here we see Sakura introduced for the first time and it's made perfectly clear what Naruto thinks of this girl. No other girl receives even half of this amount of attention that Naruto focuses on her. Shortly after that, when we see the almost-kiss Naruto realizes why he likes Sakura, which is huge because it distinguishes her from others. Hinata is bright and beautiful, just like Sakura, but the reason Naruto doesn't see Hinata in that light is because Sakura is his emotional equal. Meaning, what he realized from transforming into Sasuke and talking with Sakura is that she thinks like him. She is virtuous and seeks acknowledgment just like him, plus after the Haku/Zabuza fight we see that she has the same philosophy and beliefs as him. An example of how Sakura's behavior matches Naruto's more than Hinata's is the obvious fact that Sakura isn't ashamed or too shy to show her affection for Sasuke, whereas Hinata can't admit her crush on Naruto to anyone.

Furthermore, Naruto willingly, completely, unquestionably sacrifices his own happiness for the sake of Sakura's happiness. Promise of a Lifetime, "I'll bring Sasuke back" -for you-. Obviously, he was already going to try and bring Sasuke back cuz that's his buddy, but he went ahead and made his self-sacrificing life-time promise to Sakura just to ease her broken heart. Is this something you would do for someone you think you kinda might like a little bit?

It's at this point in the story, after the promise, that he stops "pursuing" Sakura and doesn't show his affection almost to the point of trying to hide it altogether.

You're right about Sakura having feelings for Sasuke still. It shows in her eyes in the reunion scene post timeskip, and I think it shows in chapter 319. However, you can't deny that Naruto has also grown in her mind as just as important a person as Sasuke. Evidence of that can be seen as early as chapter 236.
The difference between Sakura's converstaion with Yamato and with Karui is this: Yamato spent time with her and was making a statement based on observation, whereas Karui was asking a direct question for an answer that was not so obvious. And Sakura couldn't answer one way or another. Why? It's not because she couldn't admit her feelings for Sasuke, but because she is feeling conflicted. Sakura never got any closure after Sasuke left, and that is to say that she still has a lot to say to that guy!

Thank you for admiting that was no bro-sis hug! laugh.gif But you're right, although it was FABULOUS to see and led to much great fanart, it wasn't much of a step in the right NS direction. Well, let's face it. Naruto's trying to hide his feelings for the sake of keeping his promise and she keeps trying to feed him ramen and hug him... she don't know how hard she's making it for him.


So, could Sakura's mixed feelings and previous rejections lead to Naruto finding happiness with Hinata? The answer, still, is no. They would not be able to have a intimate relationship because 1)Naruto is a busy guy.. he's got a world to save and a hokage-ship to earn&keep so that pretty much leaves no time for dating a kunoichi that is also busy with missions and being the heir to the leadership of the Hyuuga clan 2)Naruto will probably never be able to "move-on" from his feelings for Sakura and sadly his life-time promise and it just wouldn't be fair if he was with Hinata but still dreaming of the past. (Once again, this isn't real life, so even though there are couples who have done exactly what I just described as impossible for Naruto, it's not going to happen in this manga.)
Does this also mean that Sakura can never have an intimate relationship with Naruto because of her first love for Sasuke? NO! Because they have always been together, their relationship has developed beyond friends. They are partners already, in work and life, if not romance... yet.

Lol I pretty much said what I thought on what you said in my replay to catsi...So please check that out if you want a round about thing of what I would have said to you. However...I believe your a bit to biased to talk to on the subject due to you view though D:...When I say that I mean you saying "NaruHina...? No way in hell" again para-phrasing. Lol but thanks for your opinion and not flaming me happy.gif

In Topic: The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

24 July 2009 - 02:06 AM

QUOTE (catsi563 @ Jul 23 2009, 10:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ill try my best cover each point in turn for you

First let me start by saying thank you for not flaming me and showing your views on NaruSaku.


first your in correct in that he has never shown any affection to Sakura through out ther series. in point of fact he has shown multiple instances of affection towards her, but these like most of the narusaku relationship are subtle and in line with other similar relationships in Shonen manga. In regards to it being a crush this is in correct maybe at first but not after part 2 began.

Crushes do not stand aside for another guy so the woman in qustion can be happy, crushes do not try and assure the woman in question that the one they claim to love will be fine and wont leave for power or revenge, crushes do not make a lifetime promise and then proceed to put their life on the line literally to retrieve the crush of said woman for the sole purpose of making her happy.

these are not the actions of a "crush" these are the actions of a someone with a boog heart who holds a person in a very special place in that heart. the willingness to sacrafice ones own happiness for that special person even if it costs you your very life is a powerful element in japanese culture and story telling especially when it comes to romance.

in regards to never saying I love you this is also an element of Shonen story telling. one best exemplified by Ruroni kenshin where he in the end never tells the girl he loves that he loves her. no he Like Naruto tells her something far more important in Japanese culture.

I will protect you with my life. and then proceeds to do so.

in part 2 these moments are amplified even more by naruto doing what he can to protect Sakuras feelings when shes confronted by Karuis questions about Sasuke.

Naruto and Sakura are a slow developing relationship one that is based on trust and a slow growing affection between them

Hinatas confession was an amazing moment for her I agree but it is not the dazzling light and music from heaven confesison of ZOMGeverlasitng true lub that many would have you believe. It is a self confessed "Selfish confession" one done int he heat of the moment by a person who again self confessed believes she is going to die. and nearly does.

the confession in this context is done to show Hinatas final growth as a person from someone too afraid to talk to naruto to one willing to as she herself puts it willing to stand at his side instead of in his shadow. thus she steps up, but with that confession she also closes any doors because the development she needs to turn that confession into a romantic one is not present. Kishimoto has not developed Hinatas character for nearly 450+ chapters and with out that development thta someone like Sakura has recieved any further action becomes forced and unbvelieveable.

Nicely put, but wouldn't you do that for a dear friend as well? I mean they have known each other for quite a while now. I couldn't imagine not willing to put your life on the line for a friend. I just so you know...I didn't see the confession as a "OMFGNARUHINAFTW!!11"...I realized that the moment although touching, was still one-sided. And realistically, how could Kishimoto actually get Naruto to have a moment with Hinata other than such a sporadic moment like that? What was he going to do? Stop the Manga have em' sit down and talk about there feelings...? Obviously couldn't happen like that. As far as Sakura and Naruto spending loads of time together, well to me doesn't hold to much water since they don't have a moment every single time there together. To say NaruSaku is still developing slowly but surely is like the whole Patient Love thing, still, the fact that Naruto is with Sakura ALL the time is without question helpful and needed for a believable bond to form to have a relationship.

Wouldnt it for you? the girl of your dreams whom you dont know if youll ever get a chance with tells you shes willing? would you doubt it? or would you dive headfirst into it with all your heart?

Whoa...? Since when was Sakura the girl of his dreams? To like someone isn't enough but there instantly the epitome for you? I have a bit of trouble with that...And apart from being biased...I wouldn't be against the idea of giving someone a chance either, I.E. Hinata. Especially with the way he is.

Naruhina is one sided im sorry to say this my friend but Naruhina is probably the most onesided pairing in the history of manga. Naruto has had count them "one" a grand total of one interaction with her that could be considered serious character based development. once in 450+ chapters, this especially with multuple chapters where Kishimoto could have deliberatley put in moments where they could have interacted or discussed feelings. He ha sintentionally done this.

this leads to only one logical conclusion. that Sakura a ahcaracter who has interacted with him from chapter 3 onwards to now has been a character of priority to him. We have seen multiple examples of Sakuras growth not only as a person but as a characte rin the story and with her feelings towards Naruto.

With Hinata we have seen honestly Zero growth. shes the same character she was in part 1 only with ((no offence )) longer hair and bigger boobs. Again dont get me wrong i think hinatas a sweetheart but she ahs had zero development compared to sakura.

And NaruSaku isn't? The main base for NaruSaku is completely hypothetical as is NaruHina. An assumption, "Sakura is ALWAYS with Naruto! She must have some romantic affection by now!" = "Hinata finally said it! Why would Naruto say no?!"
To say Naruto still likes Sakura well...Don't you think it would only be fair to assume that Sakura still has feeling for Sasuke? Growth...I have read the NaruSaku manifesto and it seems in terms of "growth" for Sakura's feeling for Naruto. We've gone from, "I hate Naruto" to someone she could admire, I suppose this could to lead to some romantic feelings however this was about square one for NaruHina, we knew that Hinata admired him but...That was it. For Hinata's growth thoguh, Zero? That's a bit harsh don't you think? For someone to go from a stuttering wreck who could not articulate herself for more than 2 seconds before fainting to willing to die for the one she loved? "Zero"...? Tough crowd...

As to Sakura yes she does have something about sasuke she needs to confront but that is a discussion for another time. Suffice it to say but her reaction in that moment is understandable a person she may still love has joined an organization that is intent on harvesting her friend and teamate (naruto) another person she may love, and who is responsible for destroying her village and putting her master in a coma.

Disregard my SasuSaku comment...I'm answering as I read... Lol thanks for the open-mindedness.

Im surprised all she did was cry the emotional backlash on Sakura would be enormous.

As to Yamato other hints have been dropped by Sai of all people and kakashi and Tsunade in regards to how Sakura feels to Naruto and Sakuras own actions also speak to this, her willingness to throw ehrself at the 4 tailed Naruto to save him, her willingness to feed him (a very intimate action in japanese culture), her calling for him to return when all hope seemed lost, and lastly the Hug.

the hug is more signifigant then the confession and it is a HUGE moment for them because of one innarguable fact.
Sakura is the one who initiates it. from 450+ chapters when she began bys aying the one I hate is naruto, to now when she sees him alive and initates as you yourself put it an intimate full body hug. this is a sign of her "still growing" but very strong feelings towards him and more importantly she does so in FULL view of peers, family, friends and complete strangers.

As to Naruto not hugging her back he was in shock, rememebr the gal of his dreams hugs him out of nowhere and whispers thank you look at his eyes hes not angry or upset with her, hes gobsmacked, wide eyed with is she hugging me? reactions.

Same can be said for the confession. Hinata did that because she wanted to (Der...) die protecting the one she loved; or at least attempt it. Hinata's growth at it's best. As for Naruto not responding...Think of the circumstances. "Balls...I'm about to get got by Pain...Hinata...?! The hell are you doing here?! GTFO! Wait you love me...?" *Brain dies* To be so utterly hated by everyone for a pretty good portion on your life. You only bond being that of friendship and then for someone to come out and say "I love you!" Pretty sure anybody would be a bit dumbfounded.

And if you want further proof of how the hug is taken amongst the crowd just look at Hinatas reaction on the very next page. She is wide eyed and smiling, her reaction is clearly shown in a single panel that focuses on her face. The only reason for an artist to draw a persons face in this context is to show the persons facial expressions and reactions to an event, and to emphasize that specific persons reactions.

she is shown with a warm and open expresion fo happiness and acceptance, meaning she understands this and is happy for him.

I really do hope you aren't one of those people that figures "Hinata supports NaruSaku!" She's happy for the same reason Sakura is, He's ok! He just came back, alive. And you've already mentioned it, Sakura has been the one with him this whole time. Don't you think it'd be right for her to give him the hug? It's not like Kishimoto could have had Hinata do it. I'm a NaruHina fan saying that would have been bad placement for a moment...

Ill deal with this separately due to it being a separate scenario.

What if Hianta never said I love you? how would I ask you. this be any different from what happened prior to the act in question. it wouldnt be any different for Hinata shed still be a background character whos plot relevance went out with the chunin exams in part one.

If Sakura confesses< yeah we would milk the heck out of it, after all for Sakura it would be a HUGE character moment for her, a moment where she stands up and takes her feelings in her hands and makes a deliberate and direct choice between Sasuke and Naruto, and when she choses Naruto she choses to follow the feelings and growth in her heart that have been occuring since chapter 3 where she hesitantly says "maybe I shoudl try being nicer to naruto"

I think I forgot to point my issue out with this one...So what Sakura going to do? Settle for Naruto? Remember when Sasuke was leaving the village? Sakura~ "I love you so much I can't stand it!" And then something along the lines of her going with him. And then many chapters later for her to go... "Eh Naruto, we been together a while right? ~NaruSaku thing~ I love you now!" Doesn't that make her seem a bit floozy?
Naruto gets back and hinata gives hima hug. now Id have an issue with this because it would be incredibley out of character for Hinata and come from Nowhere. Sakura at leats has had the character devleopment to this point to justify her rushing up and hugging naruto (after clobebering him for being an reckless idiot again) the moment of affection between them has been building for 450+ chapters and was well done.

But shy little Hinata ((who hasnt confessed)) faints constantly around him and turns redder then a tomatoe when he looks in her direction suddenly fidns the courage out fo nowhere to rush up and give him a big hug. Please my suspencion of disbelief only goes so far.

I did take that a bit far didn't I...? Lol

In conclusion the essence of what youve asked is why these are important, they are important becase they come at a peak moment between Naruto and Sakura, moments when after long and carefully done character devleopment the two express affection for each other in their own way. Naruto through Sacrafice, and Sakura through expressing emotions and actions that 447+ chapters ago would have been all but laughable.

What makes part of this diffiuclt is that many people in my opinion misunderstand Hinatas character. they take the shyness and confession and lump it into ZOMGItmustbelub !! reactions.
but Hinatas in many ways is not a character based on love like Sakura is. Hinatas character is based on her admiration for Naruto and her ((again self admitted)) desire to surpass him the person who has inspired her to not be a quitter or loser.

Oh what the hell...Where still on her admiration bit?! "I love=admire you!" Your making this hard...I'm trying to see eye to eye but for god sakes man! Just because you wish something didn't happen doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Naruto is much to Hinata what Sasuke is to Naruto in someways. He is her unreachable goal the element which pushes her to excel. her crush on him is legit but is part of her admiration for him and must be viewed in this context since it is spoken in this fashion from her own words in the manga.

More than a crush now...but again...Thank you for your opinion happy.gif

ironically in the very same chapter which leads to the oft debated confession.

if you want an alternate view of what I believe Hinatas true courage would be , check out my fan fiction.net page and look for my story Where I stood. It has a good grasp of what I think Hinatas thoughts and growth might be in the future.