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Soukaze Mizuki

Member Since 15 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 28 2010 04:05 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Fanfiction Hates

21 August 2008 - 08:32 PM

Fics that use way too many curse words.... To create great fanfictions i don't think that every other word should be F this or F that!!! I'm not too fond of AU, either, but there have been some that were actually good so I cant say they are all bad. I am just trying to say that if the author is writing for that series he or she should at least write in the world those particular characters are from per say.

In Topic: Kakashi arc

16 August 2008 - 02:26 AM

In the upcoming arc i would think we will see more of Kakashi's past and how it all went down. In example, what happened to the last team mate, Rin, and as well about the Magenkyou Sharingan. Though, ultimately, I would officially show to all my inner fan girl if Kakashi was to rip away that blasted mask of his. He is my utmost favorite character of the Naruto series and to finally see him with out it will be a dream come true. laugh.gif

In Topic: Marry an anime/manga/videogame guy or girl!

16 August 2008 - 01:53 AM

No one has chosen him yet!!! YAY!

I choose Hatake Kakashi from Naruto! My first and only true love lol, jk