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Member Since 28 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 06 2014 05:44 PM

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Teen Wolf

25 March 2014 - 07:24 AM

Hey, so I was wondering if we had any Teen Wolf fans up in here. It's a great show (much more sophisticated and mature than it sounds - they kind of got stuck with the title because it's a remake of a cheesy 80's movie of the same name) and there is a ship that is so much like Narusaku it's not even funny, called Stydia. It involves the guy (Stiles) having a crush on a pretty, shallow girl (Lydia) for years before the start of the series. At first their relationship consists of him pining for her and her pushing him away, and then it progresses to one of genuine friendship and trust, as he learns to put aside his feelings for her (even though he obviously still has them) and her becoming more confident in showing her true self as well as demonstrating genuine compassions for the people around her (especially Stiles). It's such a strong ship (half of the season finale was them clutching each other for support, I'm not even joking) like Narusaku, and yet like Narusaku it is a SLOW BURN and will probably not become canon until the very end of the series.
Like Narusaku, their teamwork is ridiculously good. Lydia is a genius who studied Archaic Latin because she got bored, and Stiles is a spazz like Naruto. Also, he gets possessed by a demon fox spirit in the most recent season. So yeah. It's essentially live action Narusaku. If you're a fan of the show and know what I'm talking about, I'd love to discuss it with you! If not, seriously to watch the show. It's hilarious and full of the most ridiculously wonderful bromances (if Scott and Stiles don't make you cry at least once per season, you're not human).