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Member Since 04 Sep 2007
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Plot bunny

29 September 2007 - 11:40 AM

Hi all, newbie here! smile.gif

I have an idea about a NaruSaku fic, but I don't have the talent, nor the time to make it into a fic. So, I thought I could share it and maybe someone would be inspired enough to make something out of it.

It would be canon-compliant, meaning, everything that's happened in canon up until now would be taken in consideration.

Considering that

Naruto has been paired up with Hinata in the latest chapters
, by the end of the arc, these two could develop some sort of friendship and a certain amount of comfort. She would not faint when he's around and he'd invite her out for ramen. A certain pink-haired girl would witness such a go-out and would mistake it for a date. A new set and very unpleasant feelings arouses and our favourite kunoichi is starting to realise how her feelings have changed. She becomes jealous of her and starts worrying she's missed her chance because she was so late in realising her feelings. She starts feeling awkward around him and noticing all the things about him that she didn't notice before: kind of like seeing him in a new light, now perfectly aware of her feelings. It doesn't take long for him to notice that she's been avoiding him and acting weird around him so he confronts her. At first she denies everything and acts like everything is normal, but he sees under the exterior and at a certain point she kisses him, unable to find the right words to answer his questions.

This is the general idea and if someone adopted it and took on writing a fic, I'd be very grateful. It's not necessary to follow all my ideas, and of course the ending won't be the kiss: I just wanted to leave that open. wink.gif

Thanks for reading!