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random naruto fan

Member Since 31 May 2016
Offline Last Active Jun 01 2016 01:50 AM

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In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

31 May 2016 - 04:35 PM

a religious cult would be more like you hinata and sasuke fanboys and fangirls, you could check all our threads and we've moved on to other series, dragon ball, one punch man, seven deadly sins, steven universe, digimon adventure tri, etc, and now you're trying to tell us we hate the series religiously when we hardly ever talk about it and mostly just laugh at how bad it is and talk about other series and just talk to each other? your comment is EPIC FAIL.


you hardly talk about it? This entire website is devoted to your pairing, and this specific thread is all of you talking about your pairing, it's over two thousand pages. 


you guys are a disgrace to any fandom. I feel bad for the dragon ball, one punch man, nanatsu no taizai, steven universe and digimon fandoms for you guys being a part of it. 


who the hell says epic fail anymore? 

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

31 May 2016 - 04:04 PM

Alright i'll make one more comment. 


When did I say I hate Sakura? If you read my post you would realize that that's not the case at all. I love Sakura. You guys are literally proving my point- you ignore the substance, and the evidence I provided to why NarutoXHinata/SasukeXSakura makes sense, and instead write me off as a troll, and put words in my mouth. I never said NaruxSaku fans disgust me, you guys specifically disgust me because you take it too far. You're the ones who think your opinion is superior. 


Aw none of them were any of my posts. I'm some what sad i wasn't one of the ones not included in that. Then again "hall of anal devastation" sound incredibly homophobic. So can we use that to get one of the mods to delete these post and block his account? We already are stuck with the db troll. Do we really have to suffer another one.


Also what does it say about a group that they literally went to a site. So they could stalk it in order to get post so they can make a slideshow of over 500 images to gloat. Kind of creepy.

it's not homophobic you moron. It's referencing how EXTREMELY butthurt you all were about the ending. And like I said i'm not a naruhina fan, while the main series was going, I was just a fan. I liked all the character, Hinata and Sakura. Now that the series has ended, yes I am content with the pairings. But I wasn't desperately hoping Naruto and Hinata would be together in the end- because IT WASN'T IMPORTANT. I'm not trolling, why don't you all actually respond to what I have to say? You won't, you'll all just say things that are convenient for your pairing and write me off as a troll. You guys remind me of a religious cult. You guys are the ones who won't listen to reason. 


They aren't debating or bringing another side to the argument. They are just here troll, and gloat. Since their pairing "won." They believe they are in the right and are morally superior because they are respecting Kishimoto's "authorial intent." There is no debating them because it's in one ear and out the other. I actually understand the bases of nH fan position. They didn't care about the plot because Naruto is just a guilty please made for kids, and the reason they kept reading it was because hinata was their ideal woman. She is quite, obedient, had a sexy body with huge breast, submissive, and was completely and utterly fanatically devotional to her man. They hate Sakura cause she represent all the woman that didn't immediately spread their legs for them despite being such "nice guys."

Jesus christ just stop. I'm not trolling, why don't you actually respond to my argument instead of whatever nonsense this is. Like I said i'm really not a NaruHina fan- that is to say yes I was content with the ending, but while the series was still going I wasn't desperately hoping they would be together. There's no debating with YOU because it's in one ear and out the other. See how I'm actually responding to the words in your post? You didn't do that. You say I don't care about the plot? I guarantee I care way more about the plot and the series than any of you. Naruto is my favorite series of all time. 


"They didn't care about the plot because Naruto is just a guilty please made for kids, and the reason they kept reading it was because hinata was their ideal woman. She is quite, obedient, had a sexy body with huge breast, submissive, and was completely and utterly fanatically devotional to her man. They hate Sakura cause she represent all the woman that didn't immediately spread their legs for them despite being such "nice guys."



I never said any of this and you're literally putting words in my mouth. You're a moron if you believe what you're writing here. Hey guess what? I'm gay, so this nonsense you wrote does not apply to me at all (or anyone really). You are a stupid person lol. A very stupid person.


And what are you talking about that Hinata is the only one who finds happiness in the end? Naruto is happy, he achieved his dream HE LOVES HIS WIFE, even if you won't admit it, and his children aswell. And Sakura is happy too of course. Ugh you guys are so stupid I really can't. 


Ugh I really can't with you guys. You really do resemble a religious cult. 

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

31 May 2016 - 07:33 AM

If you think that Naruto being Asura's reincarnation changes anything, you're dead wrong. It doesn't negate all of Naruto's hard work up until this point. Given everything on a silver platter? You're kidding right?

What the kitten are you talking about 'gloss over the detail about how he became Hokage'- literally the series is the story of how he became Hokage. He saved the world you dips.hit. 

Naruto AND Sasuke are the main characters- if you don't realize that much than I don't know what to say to you. I'm gonna expect irrational and bias responses from all of you, just like this one. I'm not gonna respond from here, or check any of your responses. I've said what I have to say, and of course no one is going to agree with me, (this is a forum completely dedicated to NaruxSaku after all, and the place where this came from....http://imgur.com/a/XKwJ4#0 so there's no point in trying to reason with any of you) 


I honestly feel like all of you don't understand the series you claim to be so obsessed with.

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

31 May 2016 - 07:08 AM

Let me start off by saying I am a huge Naruto fan, always have been. It's my favorite series of all time. I love it. That being said..


This is a debate thread right? So there shouldn't be a problem with what i'm about to say- that is unless by debate you just mean talking about why Naruto and Sakura should have ended up together instead of Naruto and Hinata- but that's not a debate, that's just one side.


Anyway I don't represent either side. Although I am completely content with the ending of the series, I think it ended perfectly. I just wanna say a few things, after reading a bunch of comments that came from this site, I felt like I couldn't ignore it. You could say it's totally a waste of my time to be writing this, but it is what it is- some of the narusaku shippers- actually most...completely disgust me. 


Not because you ship them- but because of the severity of your comments in regard to the ending. 


I'm sure you guys are familiar with what i'm talking about: http://imgur.com/a/XKwJ4#0


Okay so listen up- what is wrong with you guys lmao- I mean seriously. Naruto is not a romance, it's never been about romance- yet you guys let this ship interfere with your overall enjoyment of the series. The amount of comments where you guys were willing to write off the entire series, calling it trash, all because you didn't get your ship- which seemed very unlikely to happen in the first place. You guys were all completely in denial. It's fine to ship a couple, but when you let it get in the way of your overall enjoyment of the series- placing the shipping higher than anything else in the story- when it's not about that at all- that's problematic. Look at the comments in there, it's honestly disgusting. As a representation of people who enjoy the series, you guys make us look really bad. People saying they wasted their life on the series, saying that they are seriously DEPRESSED because Naruto and Sakura didn't get together. And the thing is- if you would actually be honest with yourselves, you'd realize that HinataxNaruto was established and became more prevalent as the series went on. It would be one thing if you were just upset- but the most of you curse naruxhina, and all the people who are fans of them, or fans of Hinata. You HATE Hinata (a fictional character, one who happens to be a great person, and literally the first person in the entire series to acknowledge Naruto from the very beginning, while everyone else hated him, including Sakura.) Let's fast forward, she confesses her love to him, and it was genuine. Sakura confessed her love to Naruto, and Naruto told her he knew it was a bold faced lie. (How did you cling to Naruxsaku after that?). By the time Neji died, it became very clear to everyone else that Naruto's love interest- if the series ended with him having one- would be Hinata. But you guys stayed in denial- all the way upto chapter 699- before you could no longer deny it. What i'm trying to say is, after chapter 700, all the people who said things like "This has been a waste of my life" and "Naruto sucks now" (just because of a single chapter, among 700), well you are not true fans. You're just obsessed with your silly ship. If you all love Sakura so much, you'd think you would be happy for her, since she got to be with Sasuke who she was in love with from the very beginning. NaruSaku fans went as far as to send Kishimoto death threats because of the ending, and started petitions demanding he change the ending....are you kittening serious? Who the kitten do you guys think you are? It's not your series- if that's the way you react just because something didn't go the way you wanted in a fictional story, well you're just extremely immature. 


Here's my opinion on how things ended up.


I personally didn't think Sakura would end up with Sasuke, but now that she did, i'm happy. She always loved him- and true love doesn't disappear. I know all of your counter arguments- Sasuke tried to kill her, etc- but the point is that you can't control your feelings- she will always love Sasuke. 


Let's take a look at what Sakura says to Sasuke before Naruto and Sasuke go off to their final battle.


"I...I know there's nothing much I can do to stop this... But I still love you!! I never though you'd turn out this way!! I couldn't be there for you when you needed help...or even stop you from going down that path. All I could do was just sit here and cry. It's disgraceful, really! But..But, Sasuke-kun! If I still have a place in that heart of yours, even if it's just a little...Please don't go! If we're together again...i'm sure we'd be able to go back to those days!"


Sounds kinda familiar right?...it's the same thing that happened when Sasuke first left the village and Sakura pleaded for him to stay, or for him to take her with him. This clearly shows that Sakura's feelings have not changed, not even a little bit. But you guys choose to ignore all the evidence that supports SakuraxSasuke or NarutoxHinata. 


Let's look at what Kakashi says right after that.


"Sakura...Sakura really wanted to save you. This whole time... She wants to save you, there's nothing more to it! This girl here, who nearly lost her life to you...she still cries tear for you, whenever she thinks of you. And the only reason was because she loved you so much that it hurt! She suffers from loving you!"


Kishi is showing us that even though all this time has passed, even though Sasuke tried to kill her, she can't stop loving him, even if she tried- because you can't control what your heart feels. It's actually a beautiful thing, that she loves him that much after all of this- it's a testament to how strong her love is. How could you guys read this and still think that she would end up with Naruto? 


As for NarutoxHinata- well that relationship makes perfect sense, and to all of you who think other wise, think that it 'came out of no where'- well I wanna know what series you were reading- because Hinata is clearly the logical choice for Naruto's love interest. I could go into the examples, but you guys know the series, there are tons of them. She has been in love with Naruto from the very beginning. She understood Naruto more than anyone, even from the beginning. Every other character (including Sakura) took time for them to acknowledge Naruto. Hinata was a step ahead of them, she knew his worth from the beginning- and Naruto helped her grow as a person. It's a beautiful story here too, if you would open your eyes to it. 


But the thing is, everyone can have their own opinion, that's completely fine! It's how you all reacted to the ending that is disgusting. 


I keep saying 'you guys'- well i'm sure there are some of you who this is not directed it- sane fans who just so happen to ship Naruto and Sakura. This is not directed at you. Well I should stop writing now it's getting lengthy- If you guys were truly fans of Naruto, you would understand that the ending really was not bad at all (look past your kittening ship) and you would understand that the last kittening chapter doesn't define the entire series. God damn.