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Member Since 05 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 13 2014 06:36 AM

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In Topic: Chapters 699 And 700 The End

12 November 2014 - 10:42 PM


Sad that when a normal fan could think better way to end.


Still a better ending than the canon... oh, who am I kidding? Even a kid could do so.



Your conversation reminds me of this page: 




"I feel like I finally understand why I like her."

He understands her. 

They have the same wish. Being aknowledged.


It breaks my heart again.... they were so perfect for each other ... 


They are, and, imo, they will always be.

In Topic: Chapters 699 And 700 The End

12 November 2014 - 07:29 AM

I was playing AC Unity, but I can't let go NS  oh man. I hope 4life have luck with Halo.


Oh man, it was easy for me. I don't know, video games are the best way to keep me distracted from anything else. When I feel down because of anything, I sit down and play a good game with an amazing campaign. I wish I could be as concentrated as I am playing vidya when I sit down to study; alas, it's impossible. The only downside is that when I am extremely disappointed by a game, there's nothing else I can do to distract myself... but that has only happened once.

In Topic: Chapters 699 And 700 The End

12 November 2014 - 05:50 AM

IGN gave it a 7.8, still going to get it anyway.


Yeah, I bought it anyway, along with the MCC. I also went ahead and bought the Season Pass, so I went all in with Unity. After talking to a friend who has the same preferences in vidya and films, I came to the conclusion that I've never regretted buying an AC game, so I'll keep buying them until I actually do.




Sasuke support I thought that because I'm hurting a terrible Sakura so much also of Sakura-chan Do thou and Tatte Tsu what Bakayaro you should step aside Sakura-chan is not the matter nice, is not it so much good either Naruto I like Sasuke if you place up Te it'm kinda Oko is not it so much Kedooko




I was over Naruto, or do not want to see children of story to build you guys a new era?




It starts and that were being attracted to most relationships of certain coupling If you are along the original. Of course Naruto → cherry → it to Sasuke of the triangular relationship was believed to continue until the end ... it only with white to irresponsible for Sakura from just two-part second half ...




Women's "Of Naruto ~ everyone that you have retired to watch impatiently by catering mess is supposed to be great from the first moment better is that came out personality and is Mendokusaku Orochimaru Orochimaru I was interested."




前におわす四人グループがナルトの最終回について談義してる シカマル結婚して欲しくなかった〜って言ってる


Have four people group to impose before will lecture about the final episode of Naruto

You are saying - you did not want to Shikamaru married
Sakura-chan and Naruto is similar to the mother of Naruto I thought it was think it 's impossible love, but Naruto dies Sasuke I think that birth cherry and children
Sakura and Sasuke is whether ah ah ah ah ^^^^^^ Naruto lived marriage car chan you are I thought resembles like a person and marriage syrups and have been laughing how Toka Wow Sakura chan said Te myself, surely ...
Surely because Naruto was directing Tteyuu similar is whether ... Kushina and Sakura was the kind of stick how It 's Imasara ...
And Naruto synchronization members became mom is Toka mom Association and ~ Na happy When occasionally or concerns of that Toka each other in the home of parenting and gathered the children been especially laughter I said there complaining of husband



All of these reactions only go on to further show that the suckiness of the ending is not because of the results of the "Great End-of-Series Pair-Off". We got a story until 698, and then it just becomes another story with an entirely new cast of characters. It's jarring. I've come to accept the ending as canon, as hard as it was, but I know I'll never be able to get over it.

In Topic: Chapters 699 And 700 The End

12 November 2014 - 02:08 AM

Damn, I was gonna reply to a few people, but I lost the quotes... Anyway, someone mentioned the silver medal argument, and the way I see it, that's exactly what happened; the story established Naruto's unwavering love for Sakura, but he had to settle for Hinata because Kishi made Sakura end up with Sasuke. The reason Hinata is relegated to a silver medal/pairing fodder role is because her character and her relationship with Naruto was not built upon enough throughout the story to warrant romantic feelings between them. It seems Kishi/SP want to mitigate this mistake by devoting a film to the beginning of their romantic relationship, but there's something wrong from the get-go: it's been 2 years since the end of the war, and Naruto still hasn't even acknowledged her confession. "Her feelings have not reached him", says the synopsis of the movie. How, in the span of what I assume will be days, at most weeks, will Naruto suddenly acknowledge Hinata after years of knowing her feelings for him and what will happen with his previously established unwavering love?


I think Kishi when sitting down to write 699-700 at some point noticed he always wanted to write a shoujo, so he made that ending in order to write The Last as a shoujo anime film.


Some of you say the last chapters were character assassination; the way I see it, the whole story was assassinated, which is why I can't take Kishi seriously anymore in whatever he does from now on.


I'm glad this season is full of good anime (I'm drowning right now in over 20 this season alone), so Naruto's bad ending doesn't really affect as much as it would have months ago. I'm also glad I got Assassin's Creed: Unity and Halo: MCC today, next week comes Dragon Age: Inquisition, and I'm getting Sunset Overdrive on the Holidays. Plus I may be getting involved in a blog making game and film reviews, so I'll definitely be busy (too busy to lend any attention to Naruto) next year if all goes well.

In Topic: Chapters 699 And 700 The End

11 November 2014 - 09:19 AM

I don't need closure. What I need a real ending for the series, which was exactly what we didn't get with 699-700, and The Last won't solve that.