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Member Since 29 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 11 2014 03:45 AM

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Nice to Meet You All!

29 September 2013 - 11:14 PM

Hi, my name's Christina! c: Uhh, I started reading/watching Naruto this summer since I heard it was ending soon and I prefer reading and watching things that are complete! (Little did I know there's probably still a year left on this manga.... oh well, I'm hooked!)


I've been lurking here as an anonymous guest and reading fanfictions and I don't know if I'll be posting much, but I'll try to!


I guess here's a little about myself? I haven't done introductions in a while:

  1. Obviously my favourite female has to be Sakura. My cousin insists that she's useless but I find it really admirable that she's such an average character (doesn't come from any famous clan, no kekkei genkais...) and yet she's been able to accomplish so much.
  2. I really should be reading my Psychology textbook right now
  3. I'm Canadian and in the eleventh grade.
  4. I lurk around on the Narusaku tag on tumblr quite a bit
  5. Whenever something romantic happens on any side of a pairing I substitute Iruka (someone who's equally as close to Naruto but not romantically involved with him - unless you ship it??) doing the same thing (e.g. sacrificing himself for Naruto/begging Naruto to bring Sasuke back) to see if Naruto would react in the same way.
  6. I think I'm opening the spoilers wrong? Every time I try to open one a new tab pops up but nothing shows up on that tab... I'm using Google Chrome, if that helps!

Nice to meet you all, you all seem like lovely people! c: