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Member Since 28 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 06 2012 02:19 AM

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In Topic: Naruto Shippuden 257

05 April 2012 - 06:47 PM

Yay, even the anime knows nh/ss is canon mwahaha.gif

In Topic: Naruto 573

10 February 2012 - 05:15 PM

Also, Naruto didn't really look into Hinata's eyes in 559, nor mentioned anything about the confessions. In fact, I remember him having his back towards her, while Naruto looked into Sakura's eyes straight forward. So what does that mean? You think for someone who just got told someone loved him he would have a response after....what 100 chapters? Hell, if he can tell Hinata she is strong in the middle of a battlezone and Hinata can confess her love for him in the middle of the Pein fight. I am pretty sure, Naruto would have given her an answer by now. So what do we take that as?

Are you denying Naruto's words? Naruto' himself said; he knew what Hinata thought just by looking in her eyes. Not surprised you're ignoring it considering NS fans loves doing that '' ignoring''.

There is facts and there is speculations, there is theories and then there is fabrications. This is a fabrication. You say you care about Hinata and her feelings, but what about Naruto's feelings? What if he doesn't love her or sees her as a platonic love? I see it as being Platonic. "It's official, NaruHina is strictly platonic. Hinata totally sees Naruto as a brother and she wants to protect him like he was protecting her. 100% sure it will work" See I can make statements too. Doesn't mean they are right.

If Kishi was to have Naruto answer "you're a great friend but I like someone else", he certainly wouldn't go about it the way he did in this chapter as that would be setting her up for a massive dissapointment. There was ample time for Naruto to gently turn her down, but instead, we see that she is more determined and confident than she ever was. Naruto is not a jerk, if the answer was a simple "thanks but I'm not interested", he would have told Hinata long ago instead of letting her keep her hopes up. He knows what a unrequited love feels like.

Meanwhile, Sakura and Naruto have moments of every kind: Romantic, anger, confession, admiration, depression, jealousy, and especially supportive. Hinata really knows nothing of Naruto, but Sakura knows everything. She knows how he thinks, breathes, and how he feels. She knows just what he needs and she knows she can be the one to give it to him. Whether it be support or something more. She wants to do the best for him and take his pain away. I don't hear Hinata jumping on that one. Hinata just doesn't see the Naruto Sakura does and this is what faults her. Being a teammate was a big help on Sakura's part.

This is the biggest factor is any romance story: Interaction. NaruSaku has tons of it. Most of the manga has them two together experiencing everything together and they know more about each other than anyone knows about them. Though I think Naruto is a bit stupid when it comes to girls, but he is a guy. All us guys are like that. That is the one big thing NaruSaku has. It is not one or two moments of love. It's a whole manga of experience that keeps on going. It doesn't need to be romantic, it can be as simple as them getting along while walking down a road or Naruto telling a joke every now and then. It doesn't all have to be romantic to be a "moment."

So much emphasis has been put on Sakura's feelings for Sasuke lately, and so little nothing on Naruto's feelings for Sakura, that I believe you are mistaken in your analysis. For NS to happen, a LOT of development would be needed to repair the damage caused to it in the kage meeting arc.

Seriously, Sakura has acknowledged the hero and good man Naruto has become, so Kishi burned one of his major tool for turning Sakura around with that.

He also ruined the "Sakura finding out Naruto loves her" by having a 3rd party confess for him.

He also ruined MANY old NS moments with the Kage meeting arc. You can't say anymore that Yamato implied romantic love with his comment, not after his reaction to Sakura's confession. You also can't say "Sakura has been slowly falling in love with Naruto" <insert feeding/blushing/etc scene here> because Sakura herself revealed that she never looked at Naruto in a romantic way.

So all the "romantic development" between NS actually never happen, it was wishful thinking.

On the other hand, Kishi has revealed NOTHING of Naruto's romantic feelings ever since Hinata confessed. The door is still open there, while he would have to pretty much start over with Sakura -> Naruto.

All that Sai's flashback did was remind us that when Hinata confessed, Naruto still had feelings for someone else (since the flashback took place BEFORE Hinata confessed). But don't you find it awfully convenient that Kishi has not touched Naruto's feelings for either of them since? We've had plenty of Hinata -> Naruto and Sakura -> Sasuke moments. But no Naruto -> Sakura one. If Naruto is still sooooo in love with Sakura, why isn't it showing? Up to Hinata's confession we always had sporadic reminders of Naruto's feelings for Sakura. But not since then...

It's Kishi himself that is emphasing Hinata and Sakura's romantic feelings while neglecting Naruto, the fans are just taking what he is giving them.

If Naruto's feelings for Sakura are still as strong as ever, why isn't it showing while we had plenty of demonstrations from Sakura and Hinata?

Hinata has always been extremely insightful when it comes to Naruto. She wouldn't be this confident without reasons. She obviously took his "don't be so hard on yourself, you're strong" comment as an insentive to keep going, and I think she was right to.

Oh and...goes back to celebrating. Will be back here if someone answer me.

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread!

10 February 2012 - 06:44 AM

Hinata's extra bit of confidence is the result of Naruto telling her that she's strong in 559 (what Naruto said then meant a lot to her as her "thank you" expressed) and whatever message transpired through the two of them looking at each other's eyes. I'm not of the opinion that Hinata's "confidence" in this chapter is due to the two of them talking about the confession. I consider it a result of chapter 559. I was 90% sure would be canon after chapter 98 but after this one it became 100%. Whatever you guys say smile.gif.

''Goes back to celebrate''

In Topic: Naruto 573

10 February 2012 - 06:43 AM

Hinata's extra bit of confidence is the result of Naruto telling her that she's strong in 559 (what Naruto said then meant a lot to her as her "thank you" expressed) and whatever message transpired through the two of them looking at each other's eyes. I'm not of the opinion that Hinata's "confidence" in this chapter is due to the two of them talking about the confession. I consider it a result of chapter 559. I was 90% sure would be canon after chapter 98 but after this one it became 100%. Whatever you guys say smile.gif.

''Goes back to celebrate''

In Topic: Naruto 573

08 February 2012 - 06:59 AM

yay naruhina --Click here to view--
Hinata had more panels and space than the rest of the rookies, with a noticeably more personal and undeniably romantic inner monologue, if this isn't Kishi turning on the lighthouse's signal so the NaruHina ship arrives to port safely I don't know what it is.

At the very least, we the NaruHina fans can expect Kishi to provide us with a NaruHina resolution once this arc is over, for those powerful words coming from Hinata's heart also contain Kishimoto's promise for resolution.