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No matter what pairing occurs, there will be a losing girl

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#1 Inferno180


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Posted 10 March 2014 - 08:15 PM

This is another thing I wanted to add in, as we all know, kishi hasn't been the best in his writing when it came to the romance subplot, mainly due to the many cases of unretqiruted love. It's because of this the pairing war has become as ugly as it is, but in the long line of things, because of this whole love chain with hinata to naruto to sakura to sasuke, its always had the aspect that no matter who wins, one character will in effect "lose"
What do I mean by this? I mean that ever since one other character was added into the chain, its really made an ordeal in that no matter which pairing or pairings occur, one character no matter the situaiton will be left without any notability, no pairing, no love whatsoever. Its a cruel aspect to think because we can say in most cases, other things equal assumption, any of the characters in this love situation could have some relationship, but among the pairings, the most well known, the big 3, NaruSaku, SasuSaku, and NaruHina, many assumed have been the central aspect of this winners and losers, yet the fact is, this is a simple overslimplication. Many would say the manga either goes:
NS happens so Sasuke and Hinata "lose"
SS and NH happen so "everybody wins"
What we can infer from this general statement though is no matter what happens, NS or otherwise, Naruto and Sakura are granted to win no matter what by this overslimplifcation.
Yet the case here is, why SS and NH when SS has been well, more antagonistic in development on Sakura and NH has just been infrequent while despite getting the majority of screentime, NS is still mocked or dismissed by many other fans?
It seems to many that if NS happens, Sasuke and Hinata lose, despite this, Sasuke doesn't even matter and to another, Hinata would be the only real loser in this pairing aspect
"But this is why NH and SS should happen because everyone would win." Yeah and it would also pose a problem of love can be true because sakura only hoped for a smug bastard like sasuke to become all warm and fuzzy and naruto to give up completely contradicting himself. Development or no development aside, this is just an oversimplfication that existed and was accepted until a certain point in the story.
Well to see why this overslimpflication isn't as easy as it once was, its because of the other characters, but one in particular I said has caused a shift or addition to this main chain of Hinata to Naruto to Sakura to Sasuke to he doesn't care. To say this, we need to cut down the big pairing tree.
As we know we can say this:
Sasuke is loved by Sakura, Ino, and Karin
Naruto is loved by Hinata
Sakura is loved by Naruto and Lee
Otherwise other minor nudged or probed pairings we can say like ShikamaruIno, ShikaTemari, InoSai, etc, anything thats only had a minor hint or notification is dismissed already, seeing the above, we can count these following pairings: NaruSaku, SasuSaku, NaruHina, SasuIno, SasuKarin, and LeeSaku. So we have 6 pairings, these all have been shown in more than one way or another, but out of them, one caused a new "addition" to upset this simplification of NS happens or not.
First, We look at SasuIno, though Ino loved Sasuke, her role and the lack of detail for her part in the story is not been focused on, because of this, her crush isn't labeled as important. So SasuIno is not a practical storywise pairing because it hasnt been focused on.
Second, we see LeeSaku, though it was shown in greater detail in the old chunin exams arc, it never went fullblown mainstream. It has its comic side in the SD spinoff, but its just that, it hasn't been emphasized or given time onscreen so what does this mean? Its in the same pit as SasuIno.
So now we have the big three and suprisingly, Sasukarin. Now many would say Wait SasuKarin? Didn't that pairing die in the land of iron or isnt Karin just a crazy minor character? In all actuality, the presence of Karin interupted the simple presence of this everyone wins aspect many have with NH and SS.
In reality, the chain is Hinata naruto sakura and sasuke on one end, but on the other end of sasuke is hanging Karin.
Now why is SasuKarin here despite being a smaller pairing? Well its just because Karin is here, because of her involvement with sauske, Karin has something the Sakura doesnt even have, its been her general association with sasuke, being present and having her feelings emphasized in those events that puts this pairing on an opposite anchor basically the opposite side of the scale on one end to where NH lies.
Why is it like this? again
Ino's love for Sasuke has been hardly brought up, even then its been in the lesser degree of whats actually occured in the story from what sakura has. Basically Sakura's impacts from loving sasuke have shown more in the story. The other deal with Lee's for sakura is just a short term one thats a minor scaled one that doesnt have major importance to the overall story. Its kinda sad for Ino and Lee but their loves have not been used to that full scale event to merit a position of this acnhorage that the others use.
So why is it that SasuKarin is the only non-big 3 pairing to find an anchoring on this "one person shall lose scale" Because its simple:
Karin and the aspect of NS or NH+SS occur and everyone wins didn't orignally involve her, when she came in and SK began, it was a third sasuke loving girl who appeared, however unlike SS and SI, Karins has been shown in a degree, but as the story developed there are other reasons to.
Simply at this point, If we had to look left to right, the real pairing chain would be like this with regards to flows of mutuality:
Notice the labels, you may be confused but I will explain, Hinatas to naruto is we know Hinata loves Naruto and Naruto is nice to Hinata, but the I there means, its really unaccounted for, this is going in line with the unresolved/unasnwered aspect of NH, its only one way as we know but Naruto is at least nice to her.
Naruto to Sakura and vice versa, this is set up because we know they are highly friendly to each other, the I here means, its not full term despite being the closest to an acutal BF-GF deal, Naruto loves Sakura, Sakura cares a lot for Naruto that much is true.
Now look at Sakura and Karin to Sasuke, its one way, simple because Sasuke doesn't love anyone or either of them. He is inbetween but the deal with Sakura is, Sakura isn't trusting sasuke while Karin to Sasuke is well, its just back to normal, I would have put the untrusting stuff but as of the apology Sasuke gave to Karin and how she is just well, normal as she has been around him for most of the series, its just she trusts him but Sakura doesn't.
So what can we see from this scale left to right? We can conclude that because Naruto and Sakura are more central, they are safe. Sasuke has the advantage of a 2 way path on his end while naruto is protected from losing due to his position between hinata and sakura. So what does this mean?
No matter what pairings occur, either Hinata or Karin ends up losing.
Yet this is still a very simple way of saying it. Again, we need to look at how the story flowed, but this is the current path. There are a few more ways to actually cut this down.
1. Sasuke is exempt to the results of this chain no matter what, its because his character has never had any need or focus on some romance aspect towards another girl or intimate relationship. Sasuke's character hasn't had this all these years, there would be no point for it at this moment, the only love he has had was the aspect of love from Itachi, brotherhood, and that of his clan. For Sasuke to get loving all these years later and so suddenly would be out of character. However there is an aspect on why this makes SK possible and a reason for it at the end of the scale. While sasuke doesn't have love for Sakura nor has he had any at all, with karin, despite what time was shown (even for a minor situation people make over the him trying to extingush the amterasu during the bee fight when it hit her) its the fact that SK has one major advantage over even the big 3, its the aspect of being the open ended pairing. It could possibly occur or have a hint of occuring due to the fact that its not because of her involvement or the time she has had with sasuke, its the fact that once sasukes demons are solved, there is always a possible hint because it would go against Sakuras development to just remain the same after all this time, but because Karin has been present around sasuke and had more screentime with him, it opens a better possibility to this.
2. Sakura's development has been drastic between Naruto and Sasuke, while its gotten better with Naruto, its been strained with sasuke, as recently as 635 we know she doesn't trust sasuke, yet its what do we expect between Sakura and Sasuke in the end? Just simple friendship, its not the recent events or the Kushina parallel, its the fact that sakura spent most of her time with naruto and just the fact that one event to the other put more emphasis on growth from what was once hate, to friendship, to compassion for naruto. Events like 457, 469-470 (yes this was part of it the aspect of her trying to make amends), 573, 630, 631, and yes 662+3 wouldn't be thrown in if it lead to nothing. As the writer of the "Narusaku is the big picture pairing" article said, he made a point about, the whole aspect of the pairing events lies on Sakura because she is in the center, Sakura is the sole character who has the descision of either its NS or SS for her and the resulting in either Hinata or Karin losing. Yet as the story goes, when we get events like her seeing narutos condition, wanting him to be hokage, and vowing not to let him die or telling everyone not to let him do it alone (again riding off the land of iron events) its just been general development for her. While her development with sasuke has been well, simply counter productive, she was nearly killed, saw how twisted he became, and was cautious of his appearence at the battlefield, even not trusting him as of recently. While nothing is needed on the Naruto side of deal for matience, Sakura's development cannot go in reverse just for the fact of her own character, Sakura will like sasuke in the end, but its only because she forgives him by means of naruto as the only sensible envisionoment. She trusts Naruto to make everything right.
3. Kushinas foreshadow means Naruto will be a winner no matter what: Lets be honest, no matter how the kushina arguement was debated even with it currently leaning on NS, Kushinas foreshadow means Naruto will win no matter what. Kishi hinted one pairing would be born from a case of unretiquited love returned and well, until 631 came out it was debated between NS and NH. Well as of now, its most recently leaning on NS. It made it clear that there would be a pairing and half of it was naruto, the other half a girl like kushina, though people sitll debate, its not suprising that it could end up NS. Unless it really did turn out to be reattributed as fans wanted or it was just a hoax, its not going to gain much respect for a grand trolling element if it wasn't of any importance in the first place. I mean how some fans claim 645 destoryed the Sakura-Kushina parallel despite naruto being compared to both parents throughout the series and how some thought it brought in a link of Minato to Hinata (despite no evidence of anything related between Hinata or Minato even feasibly existing). Others still disregard it mainly because of the sakura link. Really its simple, either its a foreshadow giving us a hint of NS at this point or it isn't. If it wasn't even needed though it shoudn't have existed and Minato should have just said thankyou to sakura instead of asking if she was his girlfriend.
4. Rather Naruto is the main character, he will get a girl no matter what. He is the progranonist, the hero, his role means his goals and priorites come before anyone else. This yes means if he still loves Sakura, then NS has priority over both SS and NH, this is because since Sasuke doesn't "desire" anyone then its bypassed but going down the scale, Sakuras (old) want of Sasuke and Hinatas want of Naruto are both over written. Naruto's goals have priority.
5. Hinata is at a disadvantage being an infrequent character, this is a simple reason. Though she loves Naruto, its not enough, with events like 631 landing on NS and Hinata herself not able to join Naruto in the extraction/revival event, its just constant missed development. Hinata is minor so this is a disadvantage. Yet Karin is minor too right? Well I would say she is a rare moderate character, she has a fair appearence but shes inbetween the scale of she has her importance and otherwise is just not needed at points. Bascially I say Kairn is the type of character who has done more than say Hinata and Shino, but less than other major ones like Tsunade, Gaara, and Shikamaru. She has her events but not as many as the other 3. Hinata though, she has her moments but due to her infrequentness its unresolved, a funny shocker is how even after being stabbed by sasuke, he at least resolved that with karin in a sense and they moved forward. Sasuke has yet to apologize to Sakura (and Naruto) for that matter. The stuff with Hinata is still left in the dust, the only notion of anything of her events was in 559 when naruto remembered how she defended him from pain, but that was it. Nothing on the confession yet even 6 years later, meanwhile we got a lot of progress with the NS stuff, even the minor Kushina foreshadow was built upon, Sakura has been weary of Sasuke, Karin was at least apologzied too and had her uzumaki chain power manifest itself as well. Even with 615, the whole hand holding remains buried and at this point its been more of an emphasis on nejis death, even to Naruto. Hinata goes on with the hand holding like in 633 but to naruto, this entire war arc, its been Neji's death, not the hand holding. Even then Naruto still told his dad he considered sakura his girlfriend, even liking that notion and Sakura has moved forward in the recent situation being there to help naruto in his near death event. Hinata as unresolved makes her stuck where she is, at one end of the scale while karin is at her end simply because she had the intial love and a bigger development involved with Sasuke compared to both Sakura and Ino.
So what can we conclude from this:
Sadly, there is no "everyone wins" situation like NH and SS originally wanted. But we can conclude:
1. Naruto and Sakura still win no matter what, either together or apart, they get someone. Even if Sakura is independent, she is a winner because the whole chain hinges on her choice even if sasuke would or most likely would still not return the feelings after all this story. Naruto is ensured because of the kushina foreshadow and being the main character.
2. Sasuke's character is exempt from this, it doesn't matter who he ends up with as he hasn't loved anyone at all.
3. No matter what, its either Hinata or Karin who loses, yet even at one end, SK has the advantage of at least being open ended, while there will be one canon pairing, kishi never said anything about more open ended ones and its very possible SK could be the main open ended pairng.
Other things to consider:
NS has the advantage due to the lions share of development and a bit of foreshadowing from 631, it has to lead somewhere, otherwise why bother with this and not focus on NH?
NH has issues with infrequency, its harder for it than ever due to the 631 sakura-kushina stuff and Hinata sadly being left behind after tripping in 662.
SS has been antagonistic, we cannot just see it as like everything sasuke did suddenly didn't matter, otherwise it bears risk to both his character and sakuras development if she would still just blindly love him. As I said before, she can forgive sasuke because of naruto. But to keep sakura consistent, the whole aspect of SS to have even mattered would be for her having gone into the change over the story of the antagonism the love put on her, again SS has its role as an antagonizing element on sakura's development and to a lesser extent naruto, mostly this mainifested in the land of iron events but its shown its antagonism on sakura with 635. Its a negative relationship but it has its role in the story. Otherwise how would sakura have learned the difference between ideal love and the real thing if events like the land of iron didnt occur? Part of SS is yes, being a catalyst force of antagonism on Sakura which eventually helps promote the scale of NS. again her releationship with naruto has only gone up, never down. SS only ends as friendship because of what naruto does, if anything SS becomes what it was before Sasuke left, but they remain friends, Sakura loving naruto in the end is still fully acceptable and believeable tat this point.
SK despite being a lesser pairing than the big 3, it has its purpose. Karin isn't any opposite to Sakura, she isnt an anti-heroine, she has her serious and funny moments, she isnt just a character given an important role like Ay, Mei, and Ohnoki who depsite being kage were absent for about 3/4ths of the story, Kairn has been around for about, I'd say roughly half the seires overall but has been around since the itachi pursuit, she has her role but its just that, like NS had the main focus and most of the development and progress and advancement, SK had its own small space to grow despite the other 3 major ones, despite the conflicts of the other 3, SK has its own little small potential by all means that it has the freedom to become not an offical pairing by any means, but it has a good potential to become an open ended one.

Edited by Inferno180, 10 March 2014 - 09:01 PM.

When people insult my OTP

Insulting a man’s ship, be worse than insulting his mother.

#2 Gojira



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Posted 10 March 2014 - 09:20 PM

Kishi could always just bring Neji back and make a couple of inbred hyuuga bebes with Hinata 


problem solved


I always thought that was kind of wierd, Neji has an attraction to Hinata but aren't they...like....cousins?  :ermm:


#3 Hanabi



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Posted 10 March 2014 - 09:25 PM

SS and NH happen so "everybody wins"


Ino? Karin? Lee?


@Inferno180 LeeSaku is not like InoSai.

i won't be surprised if they have another moment soon

Edited by Hanabi, 10 March 2014 - 10:53 PM.


I can't even say good bye to you for the last time

I'm sorry

#4 Gojira



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Posted 10 March 2014 - 09:35 PM

Ino? Karin? Lee?

:pimp: You just answered your own question there.


#5 Hanabi



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Posted 10 March 2014 - 09:45 PM

:pimp: You just answered your own question there.

damnit. okayy lee is awesome like that :fu: nothing to discuss further.

Edited by Hanabi, 10 March 2014 - 09:46 PM.


I can't even say good bye to you for the last time

I'm sorry

#6 sushi.


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Posted 10 March 2014 - 09:57 PM

Ino? Karin? Lee?

They are just like Hinata.

I wonder why the fanbase thinks Hinata holds more weight than them. Ino, Lee, Karin, and Hinata are all side characters. Even though they have feelings too, they won't be considered in the end. I think Kishi gave them love interests so we could sympathize with them. In the middle of all this mess, they like everyone else, have internal struggles. It makes them more human.


#7 Hanabi



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Posted 10 March 2014 - 10:21 PM

^Kishi wonders why too.. but he makes money off them so he's not really complaining.. 2010 interview is a bit funny though.


I can't even say good bye to you for the last time

I'm sorry

#8 TheFirstEvil100


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Posted 10 March 2014 - 10:28 PM

Well as far as we really just wait hell Lee might die this week boom one more out the way then Ino well she could be with Sai or Choji 

#9 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 11 March 2014 - 12:43 AM

Well, not like Hinata will suffer eternally. So she will be fine.

#10 JG111580



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Posted 11 March 2014 - 02:24 AM

I see Kishimoto as having written this story leading to a happy ending. Here's the way I think it will play out.


Sauske has no intent for romantic involvement other than rebuilding his clan. Therefore, if he is redeemed (which I believe he will be) and ends up with anyone, he wins.


Karin is every bit the fangirl that Sakura was, except that she has special abilities that Sauske might find useful. She is fixated on him, even after he attempted to kill her. I gues if Sauske were to end up with anyone, she's the best candidate because she sees it as a win in her own mind.   


If there is no moment where Naruto makes his feelings for Sakura clear, it would be OOC and a loss for him. No matter how you look at it, Sakura has been Naruto's focal love interest since chapter 3. I don't see him, being the main character, ending up in this situation. Therefore NaruSaku = win, Naru/anyone else = loss.  


Sakura has been the heroine and romantic epicenter of the of the manga since the beginning. I think that she suffered and still does because Kishimoto wrote the naive fangirl portion of her character too well. Though that part of Sakura is long gone, she still receives flak for it. Her feelings for Naruto have steadily grown throughout the story, some of which she may not have identified or accepted at this point. To have her simply go with Sauske because she liked him in the beginning would be a terrible loss for her character development. The whole point of her character is to be awakened to who Naruto is and what he means to her. Therefore, she only wins if she ends up with Naruto. Sakura winding up alone would be a loss because she failed to find the person that truly understood her as she thought Sauske was in the beginning.


The problem with NaruHina is that it operates under the same principles as NaruSaku. Both have development of a character working to have their feelings acknowledged by another. I think that this aspect is why the pair gained such popularity. Hinata's issue is that she has focused so much emphasis on Naruto that she has failed to forge her own identity. Therefore, if she is forced to find her own path, it would be a win for her character. If NaruHina happens it would actually be a loss.  


End Game



Hinata - indepedent, strong individual with a possible alternative love interest


Wins all around and a happy ending.


#11 shisui


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Posted 11 March 2014 - 02:47 AM

For Sasuke to get loving all these years later and so suddenly would be out of character. However there is an aspect on why this makes SK possible

and that aspect is a double standard.

Edited by GoogleIsMyFriend, 11 March 2014 - 02:48 AM.

#12 Inferno180


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Posted 11 March 2014 - 03:45 AM

Well I mean is in the entirety of this long ass post its really this summed up:


NH and SS had an ideal philosophy for happening, aside from having a basis kishi could have molded to have the pairings occur with "the right stuff" this would mean none of the main characters would lose.


This ideal was cut down though because of sasuke leaving.


The main aspect of NS happening or not is that Naruto and Sakura are ensured in some pairing either together with each other or otherwise in this aspect.


The idea of the loser being either Hinata or Karin though is due entirely to Karin being at the other end of the spectrurm. Coupled with Sakuras development in regards to naruto and sasuke, sakura by logic cannot just revert back to loving sasuke or else all development is rendered useless. Otherwise its also her growth towards naruto that gave SK a special situation.


SK has room to be an open ended pairing by the series end on these accounts:


-Because Sakura has development with Naruto, what she initially had for sasuke cannot occur without bearing risk to her development. Basically sakuras positive growth with naruto and strained growth with Sasuke in a way opens some leeway for SK to grow but only by one condition, when sasuke's demons are finally ended.


-As I said before, Sasuke is exempt, as long as the story with his goals are still in motion, the pairing cannot occur, but in this case he is exempt because the aspect of love towards any girl for now is not critical to his character. Though SS and SK have had antagonizing events on Sakura and Karin respectively, he at least apologized to Karin. Its only by series end, when Sasuke has an open future free from his hate or power driven reasons for attempting to be hokage. Because we need to concur that obviously Sakura will change, most rationally assuming she goes towards Naruto, Sasuke would change in his own indiviual meaning by well, being happy again, its only when sasukes issues are resolved, SK finds a bit of a capability of being open ended, not developed but open ended even if it remains one sided on Karins end. NS can happen independently for many reasons, but unlike the big 3 which are interlocked in some aspects of occurances, SK out of the minor pairings, it managed to sneak up and by plot design, it has a decent chance of surviving as an open ended pairing in the end once sasuke is well, aka Happy again, he doesn't need to love anyone but its the fact of him having his own open future once naruto manages to pummel sense into him at last. Really We know Naruto is going to be hokage and Sasuke has to change too for the better by series end. Sakura is going to change, everyone will. So even if Sasuke retains his attitude, if nothing changes even as Karin would still most likely be loving him, its an aspect that we can say NS is canon (if it goes that way) but SK can be open ended even if the attitude remains (minus the power driven goals he has). I mean unlike even SS, Sasuke at least apologized to Karin, thats a start to fixing his actions towards her.

When people insult my OTP

Insulting a man’s ship, be worse than insulting his mother.

#13 xxRomanceGirlxx



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Posted 11 March 2014 - 06:15 AM

The affections of characters like Lee and Ino don't seem to matter. They're not focused on enough to be taken too seriously or to view as a potential reciprocal pairing. Hinata's feelings are more recurring since they literally take up most of her character (something neither Lee or Ino have), but once again it's not enough to mean NH will happen. Naruto displays no feelings for Hinata. She revolve around her feelings for Naruto, but ultimately his feelings matter most.


Hinata would end up "losing", but I don't expect her to break down and cry over how she'll never be with Naruto or something like that. Maybe more sadness than Lee would show over NaruSaku, but certainly not to the level aspects of the fandom think (a.k.a those NH fans who say Hinata will die if Naruto never choses her :facepalm:)


Sakura choosing to chase after Sasuke for some god forsaken reason wouldn't be considered a "win" love fulfillment-wise or character development-wise. Sasuke will never end up with her. Never. There's no term possible to encompass how OCC that would be and even SasuKarin has this label to an extent because of who he is. It could only happen if Kishi abandons all logic and I don't see him doing that.


Karin's more iffy ... I'm inclined to say her feelings don't matter either, but it's weird how Karin's affections for Sasuke persist despite the near-killing attempts while Sakura's are wavering as she matures and grows closer to Naruto.  Sasuke has no romantic love for Karin and I still stand by him loving anyone that way extremely OCC, but an open-ended route leaving up to reader's interpretation or vague hints that might mean they'll end up together would be the best route. It's not well-developed enough to make canon the way NaruSaku is. There's still no guarantee SK will happen since Sasuke is still pretty stagnant with her despite its potential. It's all up to Kishi.

"I absolutely can't let you die! I can't! I won't let you die ... your stupid dream ... now it's ... it's right in front of us!!"                                                                             ----Sakura Haruno                                                                              



#14 itsmesakura


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Posted 11 March 2014 - 12:27 PM

Despite of other SS, NH, and LS moments NS can't be beaten... It has such a great development of relationship, and also the perfect ideal chemistry... Funny, fresh, love, romantic, etc.. It will be very impossible if NS didn't happen, because of all the pairings, NS got the most development and chemistry bond


Maybe NH and SS situation will be 'deal', but we don't prioritize the number of fans here... The fans are only supporting the fandom and vote for what they think they like, and nothing else.. They didn't have any control over the story plot... In this case, despite of the number of NH and SS fans combined, they still can't force Kishi-San to put NH and SS a canon because that will meant putting and forgetting NS aside


Now I know if NS didn't become a canon there will be a lot of complains or critics from any manga reviser or writers (real writers, not just any obsessed, one-sided, and illogical writers), because I know they see a lot of chemistry, potential, and developments inside NS, despite them not roaming and voting for it... They'll wondered why Kishi-San didn't put a pairing that only have few moments and no developments instead of the pairing that got a lot of interactions and bonds... I am telling you relationship status is important.. We don't use one-sided lover or secret stalker or old crush or old friends anymore.. We use friends, romantic interest, etc.. And in this case Naruto and Sakura are both romantic interest.. Hinata can be considered as a lover and Sasuke as a friend.. If everyone in the Naruto fandom that is soooo anti NS just learn how to open up their eyes wide and use for just once their logic they'll see clearly the relationship pattern...


I mainly talk about NS here, because I feel like some of the fandom just prioritize what they like and what they disliked can go down into the rubbish bin.. They saw only the surface and rarely the actual development... They wanted what they want, and put aside all the chemistry, all the developments, all the interactions, all the bonds, everything... They just see what they wanted to see and close their eyes when they see what they don't want to see

If you want something JUST GO FOR IT




#15 Jenskott


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Posted 11 March 2014 - 01:05 PM

I just do not get the "If NH does not happen, poor, poor Hinata will be left alone!" argument. Not hooking up with the person you had a crush on when you were twelve does NOT doom you to celibacy and a lifetime of pain, torment and despair.


If Hinata does not get together with Naruto she will meet another person. Even it is possible that person will not disregard her altogether like Naruto does.


Regardless, that "Everyone win if it is NH+SS" logic does no work. What about Karin, Ino and all Sakura's classmates wanting Sasuke? What about Sasuke not wanting anybody? What about Lee and Naruto wanting Sakura?


And what about KURENAI? Her husband died, leaving her and their unborn child alone. That is worse than not hooking up with anybody when you are a teenager.


And what about Tsunade? She lost Dan. And later Jiraiya.


What about Sandaime? He lost his wife.


What about Iruka? He lost his parents.


What about Konan? She lost the two people she loved the most. 


What about Kakashi? He lost everyone he cared for. His words.


Honestly, when you think about it, there is -almost- nobody in this series has not lost anyone.


So, why Hinata is the only person can not be left alone? Why is her pain more important than everyone else? Why are her feelings more important than everybody's -including the main characters- feelings?


I just do not get it.



Kishi could always just bring Neji back and make a couple of inbred hyuuga bebes with Hinata 


problem solved


I always thought that was kind of wierd, Neji has an attraction to Hinata but aren't they...like....cousins? 


Neji was not romanticaly attracted to Hinata. That was a crack pairing.


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#16 Nate River

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Posted 11 March 2014 - 01:30 PM

I agree, I can't imagine Kishimoto is making her pairing decision on minimizing the number of people in the series who might feel bad about the outcome (I don't think Hinata will be all that upset about it, anyway).

It happens to almost everyone at some point in their life.

#17 luffyq1


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Posted 11 March 2014 - 01:33 PM

I just do not get the "If NH does not happen, poor, poor Hinata will be left alone!" argument. Not hooking up with the person you had a crush on when you were twelve does NOT doom you to celibacy and a lifetime of pain, torment and despair.


If Hinata does not get together with Naruto she will meet another person. Even it is possible that person will not disregard her altogether like Naruto does.


Regardless, that "Everyone win if it is NH+SS" logic does no work. What about Karin, Ino and all Sakura's classmates wanting Sasuke? What about Sasuke not wanting anybody? What about Lee and Naruto wanting Sakura?


And what about KURENAI? Her husband died, leaving her and their unborn child alone. That is worse than not hooking up with anybody when you are a teenager.


And what about Tsunade? She lost Dan. And later Jiraiya.


What about Sandaime? He lost his wife.


What about Iruka? He lost his parents.


What about Konan? She lost the two people she loved the most. 


What about Kakashi? He lost everyone he cared for. His words.


Honestly, when you think about it, there is -almost- nobody in this series has not lost anyone.


So, why Hinata is the only person can not be left alone? Why is her pain more important than everyone else? Why are her feelings more important than everybody's -including the main characters- feelings?


I just do not get it.



Neji was not romanticaly attracted to Hinata. That was a crack pairing.

Truer words have never been spoken. The only thing I'll say is that Neji did find Hinata cute when they first met, so there is some level of attraction that Neji sees in Hinata. But other than that, their relationship throughout the series is more like a big-brother-little-sister type.


#18 Sakamaki Izayoi

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Posted 11 March 2014 - 01:38 PM

Naruto must follow Momo-chan plans.
The only way for everyone to be happy is to set-up a harem, once Naruto becomes hokage he can pass a law allowing himself and Sasuke to have as many wives he want, so he can love Sakura and return Hinata's feelings.
And Sasuke can have Karin and Ino at the same time.

Edited by Dαrkrєrsŧ, 11 March 2014 - 01:38 PM.


#19 Jenskott


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Posted 11 March 2014 - 01:41 PM

Truer words have never been spoken. The only thing I'll say is that Neji did find Hinata cute when they first met, so there is some level of attraction that Neji sees in Hinata. But other than that, their relationship throughout the series is more like a big-brother-little-sister type.


Thank you.


I remember that scene, but honestly I did not read it like Neji feeling attracted to Hinata. I think several of my cousins are cute, but I am not attracted to them.


I agree, I can't imagine Kishimoto is making her pairing decision on minimizing the number of people in the series who might feel bad about the outcome (I don't think Hinata will be all that upset about it, anyway).


Thank you. And exactly. What does sense it make?


Should Kishimoto pairing up a cannon fodder shinobi showed up in a single episode ten years ago so nobody will be left alone? "Hinata is more important!" I hear someone protesting. Yes... she is marginally more important.


Naruto must follow Momo-chan plans.




If it is a character from another series, I do not get the shout-out, I am sorry.


I think in tvtropes called that The Tenchi Solution, named by Tenchi Muyo (an anime was somewhat sucessful in America in the late nineties. I watched some episodes but it never got my interest). Several girls were behind the main character. And the main character took the spineless' way (running away from them). Amusingly and ironically, according his family's laws, he could get married to everyone if he desired (and his suitors agreed to, of course).


Anyway, I do not want seeing Sasuke with anybody, left alone Ino.


Edit: Double post, sorry.

Edited by Jenskott, 11 March 2014 - 01:48 PM.


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#20 James S Cassidy

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Posted 11 March 2014 - 02:06 PM

Great post.

I could argue the whole "Hinata love" thing an say that "Well, it is not technically love..." but I don't feel like opening a whole another kettle of fish.

I am surprised so many discredit or not include Karin in the pairing wars and in fact sometimes act like she is not there at all. I could argue that these past couple of chapters really were meant to show the devotion these girls have for the ones they love and how far they are willing to go. Whether you agree or not, Karin shows that she is willing to risk her life for Sasuke even though she isn't technically saving his life. I think people need to understand that just because a scene is overblown romantic does not meant it wasn't a pairing moment. Sometimes the love is in the subtly of the action. The means behind their motives.

NaruHina...I am not sure why people think that if Naruto doesn't get with her she is going to be an emotional train wreck or as some have claimed she would commit suicide. If that really happened, that really shows how selfish and conceited Hinata is. Yeah, she will be sad as any normal person would, but at the same time true love is wanting the best for the one you love even if it means with someone else.

Sasuke and Karin...well honestly, between SasuSaku, SasuKarin, or SasuIno, this is the only couple that really works now doesn't it? Karin is the only one that really puts up with all his crap while everyone else either wants to change him or ignore him. Karin, technically, is the best love interest for Sasuke cause she accepts him for who he is. Plus, as you said, she has been around him longer than any other girl in the series. Probably not a coincidence as Kishimoto could have easily put Sakura in Karin's shoes.

Pairings like LeeSaku or SasuIno kind of died a long time ago.


Edited by James S Cassidy, 11 March 2014 - 03:01 PM.

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