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Bail o' Lies

Member Since 06 Apr 2015
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In Topic: Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

23 July 2024 - 06:32 PM

As usual thank you, Bail... You have infinite patience! :thanks:


So, Salad looks more and more like the typical damsel in distress... Poor girl, she is now branded as Boruto's future woman and, as a fighter, she was also overtaken in a corner kick by Hinata's daughter.... What a miserable life! :pinch:


There is no escaping this unpleasant fate, which will of course be foisted on us as the happiest possible future for her. :down:


When this Boruto tomfoolery began, I didn't know whether her being Uchiha would save her from the unfortunate fate to which female figures in this franchise are subjected (excluding Himechan's daughter, of course), namely that of becoming sentimental appendages of the protagonist...
I now have the answer. :sad:

It is tragic to know how this will all end when I despise the BS couple with all my might... And some SS fans even say that this pairing was done because Ikemoto is a NaruSaku fan... Give me a break!

Like I said other times, Kodaichi seemed to be the only one of the three that realized they needed Salad involved in the plot. Even if it was just have her do one thing each arc. Once he was gone, Ikemoto didn't care about her nor have a role for her till the end of part one. He is not a NS fan, they just can't accept that he is a bad writer and screwed up their pairings.


As for Kishimoto, I still say its more he is stuck in how heroine were portrayed in the 80-90s in shounen manga than anything else.


Salad was at best Sakura 2.0. Sakura with all her flaws removed, and the combined powers of her parents, super strength and all the uchiha abilities to make Sasuke able to rival Naruto. She should of had no problems staying relevant. But Ikemoto's power creep is the worse I have ever seen. Bolt and Nail became stronger than either Naruto or Sasuke almost instantly and immediately near the start of the story, and making everyone else irrelevant.


The best character to compare her to is Karou from Ruronin Kenshin. A decent fighter on paper, but way out of her league, to the point she mainly exist to be rescued by the main character, and be their love interest. 

In Topic: Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

20 July 2024 - 05:10 PM

Oh this came out yesterday...eh, no one paying me to be on time for this. Surprisingly a lot has happen since the last chapter. There was a Debate on CNN that by all right should end Biden's campaign, and someone tried to assassinate Trump with him getting an iconic photo from it.


But since people are going complain about politics if I talk about that. I'm going to do what I originally planned on doing with this chapter. Is Boruto worse than the Acolyte? I honestly hope it isn't.


Summary Time: Chapter 12...A full year of this now. Title: Thorn Soul Bulb...what?


Cover page is the Clone...may god her face looks awful, she looks like a blow up doll. Also, wasn't her hair purple? I recall her design in the anime pretty much being different shades of purple. Why is it now blue? Is this to make her more like Hinata?


Chapter starts with the cast reacting to Bolt's appearance...him coming in to save Salad, not how goofy his design is. He puts down his sister next to Salad and ask Konohamaru to keep her safe...why did you put her down next to Salad then? Does he not believe Salad can take care of someone right next to her?


Tree-Sasuke attacks. Bolt uses a wind attack...I think. There are no visual cue to show the attack so it just looks like a force push. Tree-Sasuke goes into the belt markings.


Back to Nail and Mustard. Mustard contacts the sensor division with their permanently active telepathy line to ask where is everyone while Nail just looks at Tree-Jenga.


Back to Bolt. Konohamaru chews out Bolt because he is still under the effects of omnipotence. Salad tells him to focus on their current enemy. Oh so that's why Kodaichi's insert is still up, he is part of the sensor division and Bolt asks him to sense for Tree-Sasuke, he also chews Bolt out. Then Salad asks about if Tree-Sasuke relates to Sasuke being stuck in a tree, and since info has not been spread at all this is the first time Konohamaru has heard of it. And wonders if this is the same thing that happened to Moegi.


....Bolt informs them that they need to beat Tree-Sasuke to free Sasuke, and Konohamaru wants to know how he would know this. I guess Bolt read the script. Normally, yes beating these do free the person, but the characters aren't suppose to know that at the start. So there is drama in, "wait if we kill them what happens to the person imprisoned?" Clearly, they aren't bothering with that.


Thankfully Tree-Sasuke was nice enough to wait for this info dump to be over before attacking. He does that by sending out some nudist. Fight. Fight. Fight. Desperately trying to make Bolt look cool. Salad attacks one and Tree-Sasuke pops out of the Nudist to eat her...now before you ask, why is the person they are after fighting? That's because Bolt told her to while telling the two that are not targets to back up. Why...probably so this could happen. So Bolt can save her.


Bolt lands a hit and we see how the tree-people heal. They go back to their base and absorb some of the world tree roots. Once he heals he pops out and does something?...Oh, he put more marking on the ground through his eye...


Salad see they need to bait him, so suggest Bolt fly and wait for him to go for her again to attack. Bolt decides that stupid, he is not going to listen to a woman, and instead he going to use a full power Uzuhiko...that stupid vertigo attack? What is he going to see if the tree-people can throw up? Oh it clear that they know their new signature attack was lame in its first showing. So they are trying to re-explain again and hope its cooler now. It still uses the centrifugal force/rotation and the planets chakra (nature's chakra like sage mode but trying to treat as something new or different) to power it. So same as before they just hope this new blast will make it look cooler. Its power is limitless. Oh Wait! They did add a restriction, he needs both feet on the ground to charge it.



Konohamaru uses his rasen-barrier to protect Bolt. Bolt whines about him not protecting the daughter, he argues back with he thinks this is more important, and there are already two people with her. Salad is grabbed...and somehow uses chidori stream to stun Tree-Sasuke and then pull him out of the belt...


Bolt fires his Uzuhiko which they try to make it impressive. It near one shots Tree-Sasuke. He nearly escapes but finally Nail does something useful and shrinks the belts so he can't escape. Then he finishes him off. Leaving only the "Thorn Soul Bulb," which Bolt grabs and ask Clone Jiraiya for confirmation. I guess if they feed that to Sasuke he will be released. How do the know this? I don't know. Tree-Jenga intervenes from long range to protect his colleague, knocks down Bolt, the Bulb flies to him, and Tree-Jenga decides Bolt needs to die due to knowing about the Bulb.


...How is this worse than the acolyte?

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

19 July 2024 - 05:14 AM

Oh there is going to be a crossover comic with TMNT and Naruto.



In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

05 July 2024 - 01:05 AM

Hello, Bail!

it is always a pleasure to read your posts!


Absolutely. they wanted their cake and eat it. I agree.

it's just that I didn't know what the initial idea was.
The fact that the first step was taken out of a feeling of doormatism (really childish, come to think of it) came to me while reading a blog in which I participate, where written testimonies of ways of working within anime production are reported. I was very struck, while reading these excerpts, by the testimony of an animator.

He reported that, in an anime production, the decision of one fairly powerful person can decide the fate of an entire work.


Therefore, thinking about how then hime-sama-kun-dono-san-chan is defended, hailed, and justified in the various versions of Naruto-Boruto, I really began to think that it was the excessive devotion to that character the main reason for the decision that started it all. But then, of course, one also had to try to drag along as many readers as possible....

There, that was the sore point. How can you raise a new and large generation of readers when you treat your readers as morons as these producers did.

I must admit, however, that with some of the fandom they did it. I'm talking about the ones I see justifying this stylistic and narrative horror at every turn.
And then I wonder if they are not really trying to build up an audience that is completely devoid of critical sense, or if they simply despise the audience they are addressing.

The anime staff lusted after Nana Mizuki and the idealized woman they created in Hinata Hyuga.


Hinata was just originally a minor character that Kishimoto cared so little about he didn't even given her much of a story. First, to the character beaten up by Naruto's opponent to make the reader more invested in the tournament fight, and then, to marry that person to show how far they had come due to Naruto's influence. His lack of care meant he didn't interfere when he should have; when they started adding traits and scenes to make her "Naruto's perfect woman" at least according to the anime. However, no matter how important they tried to make her in the anime she would always be unimportant because she isn't tied in anyway to the main story. When they tried to do that at the end and then tried to make the entire story about her with The Last it helped to destroy the franchise


Nana Mizuki was a young beautiful twenty year old woman that was just starting out when she got the role as Hinata. And it is very clear the anime staff lusted after her. So, they did anything they could to make sure that she had to keep coming to their offices as often as possible, so they could look at her. Which means Hinata constantly appearing in filler. Stephanie Sheh has said she was annoyed by her role as Hinata as she would constantly have to come in to do a recording and be informed she was only going to say one line, "Naruto," over and over. As for Nana Mizuki thought on this, I don't know, but I will point out once she got herself established the roles she picks seem to be the opposite of Hinata as possible or at least an interesting take on the archetype at the minimum; especially after 2014 when her characters cause both Toriko and Naruto to go under.


Japanese Otaku are the same in and out of the anime staff so they liked Nana/Hinata, and hated Neji as he was her intended love interest.


American fans and western fans tend to be spilt by gender. Males like her because the perfect woman and the ultimate victory over girls like Sakura that friend-zoned them. Females like her because they self-inserted and saw themselves as the perfect victimized princess and Sakura was wrongfully stealing the man that belong to her.


In the end it was more they wanted their fantasies to come true and convince people to see how they did; than wanting to trick their audience.

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

03 July 2024 - 10:55 PM

Hello everyone! :love: :love: :love:
Guys, is everyone well? Sorry for my long silence: I had lost my password for the forum. I finally managed to find it! :sweatdrop:

We are ten years after the end of Naruto. What do you think, having reached this point?

I've been pondering lately…

When the story ended I wondered about the reason for such a decision.... Surely, while they wanted to continue the series with a new generation, it could have been carried on EQUALLY with Naruto and Sasuke's children. There would have been no need to necessarily pair them with Hinata and Sakura (respectively). Then... why?
I thought about it and this is my assumption.

Those who wanted the ending thought it for HINATA. I don't know if it was out of zealotry toward the character or toward the voice actress, but anyway so I believe.

Why I think this I will calmly explain in more posts. In the meantime, tell me what you think.
I have always loved the debates in our forum! :yes:

They wanted a sequel, they wanted the huge international fanbase that Naruto was famed for, and they were told Hinata was the desired love interest for Naruto by a majority of the fan base; of course push along by her fanatics in the anime staff. SS happening was to put away the spare and make a love interest for the sequel's main character. On paper, there should have been no problem.


However. The fanbase that supported Hinata being the love interest was overblown. They destroyed the original story to make it happen. Their new main character is unlikable. They added problems to the ending pairings when their supporters desired them to be perfect and flawless fantasy relationships. Also the person they put in charge of the sequel made a poorly drawn, drawn out, and uninteresting story that disinterested most people.