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milan kyuubi

Member Since 23 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 02:30 AM

#991334 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 13 September 2024 - 12:16 PM

Data does not lie. Sakura reigns. lol :hehehe: Haters can cope with their "It's because she bla bla bla". And have in mind that Haruhi was literately the name of the anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. So most of search was probably people serching the anime.


#991329 Emi Shinohara Voice actress of Kushina has died!

Posted by milan kyuubi on 10 September 2024 - 04:22 PM



Her acting on the night of Kuruma's attack was top notch.

#991152 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 26 May 2024 - 12:32 PM

I am now 30 years old




#990895 2023 Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year

Posted by milan kyuubi on 06 January 2024 - 03:17 PM

It's Christmas Day tomorrow! :D   Merry Christmas everyone! :happy:



#990890 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 02 January 2024 - 06:03 AM



HAPPY NEW YEAR, let's hope this year will be better than last and cause it was News Year some sweet NS art I found.



I see your fanart. :hehehe: And I raise you one by LadyGT!  :wub: 


#989870 Last NaruSaku AMV you watched...

Posted by milan kyuubi on 17 June 2023 - 08:09 AM

#989758 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 10 June 2023 - 06:11 AM

Just found this. Don't know to laugh or..... :chuckle:


New official Naruto tarot cards


#989725 About Sakura's love confession to Naruto

Posted by milan kyuubi on 06 June 2023 - 01:36 PM

Seeing how Kishimoto contradicted himself in a really disgusting way post ending. I see no reason why my head cannon is any less worth then his statements. At least I read the manga in a real way. Unlike how they accessed us of reading the manga in a wrong way and everything was a red hearing.


So I think Sakura did lie but she also told the truth. She did lie when she said she doesn't care about Sasuke anymore. But based on all the scenes prior to this one. She did tell the truth of loving Naruto. Just remember even as early as the bridge arc and Yamato's words.


As I said in another post on this forum Kishimoto had this stupid self in forced rules. Otherwise the whole shipping would have ended during this scene.

#989720 If you could add 1 fight for a Naruto Character in the series what would it be?

Posted by milan kyuubi on 06 June 2023 - 05:53 AM

I have several for Sakura. :sweat:


  • Sakura vs Sasuke: Small fight he first time hey meet in part 2.
  • Sakura vs one Peins body.
  • Sakura vs Konan: One on on fight.
  • Sakura vs Sasuke: Kage Summit. Battle to the death. Which was interrupted by Naruto.
  • Sakura vs Edo Chiyo
  • Sakura vs Edo Zabuza and Haku
  • Sakura vs Obito: This one would be a shorter battle. But I would have liked that Sakura was one of the reasons Obito changes his mind. Due to his and team 7 parallels.
  • Sakura and Naruto vs Sasuke: Finale battle. Naruto and Sakura would fulfill their promise to each other and fight Sasuke together.

#989679 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 31 May 2023 - 04:28 PM

Asked ChatGPT some questions. :hehehe: :sweat:


Songs that describe NaruSaku

Other anime couples similar to NaruSaku

50 reasons why Naruto and Sakura should have been together in the end of Naruto.


#989676 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 31 May 2023 - 03:26 PM

I wish to share the imo best fanfic where ending was done justice. :sweat: I highly recommend this to everyone who has the time to read it.


Lifting the Dream by HawkofNavarre


Summary: Post chapter 698. Maybe there really was a happy ending after all. [Team 7 centric. NaruSaku]

Rated: Fiction T - English - Friendship/Romance - [Naruto U., Sakura H.] Sasuke U. - Chapters: 4 - Words: 51,509 - Reviews: 128 - Favs: 679 - Follows: 329 - Updated: Jul 1, 2016 - Published: Jul 7, 2015 - Status: Complete - id: 11363687



And it's been ages since i posted this. :hehehe: i really feel the need to do it again!  :lmao:




#989675 One Last Rant

Posted by milan kyuubi on 31 May 2023 - 03:25 PM

Bumping this thread. :sweat:  Nostradamus love your posts! :sweat:





Yeah, she said I love you and he reponded with an indirect "I hate you." Obito gets called a "cool guy" and he can't even muster up an honest thank you for Sakura? 


It was the only time Naruto uttered strong words of disapproval toward anyone in the manga — anyone out of all the serial killers and crazies he's come across — and it was towards Sakura, after she'd confessed her love and begged him to return home.


People still get hung up on the idea that Sakura was lying and manipulating. But Naruto was an ass, plain and simple. In her face, in front of their friends and teachers. It's the strongest statement of dislike he's ever made. 


And now, looking back, we should have seen this crap ending coming. Kishimoto was right! He really doesn't know how to write romance!


This goes with Kishimoto's stupid rules he forced on his own characters.


  • Naruto can't become Hokage until he brings back Sasuke.
  • Naruto can't admit his feelings toward Sakura until he brings back Sasuke.
  • Sakura is not allowed to move on until Naruto brings back Sasuke.
  • Naruto/Sasuke conflict can only be resolved in the last chapters/end
  • Parings left for the end. Not letting characters progress for sole reason of baiting fans.

Characters become stagnant. Unable to have character progression. The "rules" I listed basically create a vicious hellish loop circle. As such I would say imo Naruto and Sakura's characters suffered the most. It's why in your post we have ooc Naruto. Naruto was turned obsessive and controlling towards Sakura post Pein arc. He wrote in his own mind what he thinks Sakura is feeling, wants etc. That no matter what Sakura does/say, if it goes against his opinion of her. He would label it false etc.


If we knew what was coming we would have seen this ooc horrible/disgusting writing much sooner. But we were tricked with crumbs and false hopes. Looking back. Naruto truly become 100% different manga post Pein arc.


Change the scenario. If Sakura admitted she loves Naruto in any other time. Before or after the "confession". Does anybody really thinks Naruto would be happy, elated? You know Kishi would have Naruto still be a massive jerk because Kishi wanted to milk the parings fans. And that's why those self imposed rules he forced on his characters led to utter ruin.


To add upon my points:

The rules imposed by Kishimoto on his own characters indeed had a significant impact on their progression and created a repetitive cycle that hindered their development. Naruto can't become Hokage until he brings back Sasuke. This restriction limits Naruto's personal growth and his ability to fulfill his aspirations. It puts an unnecessary condition on his path to becoming Hokage, making his journey feel somewhat predetermined and rigid. By breaking free from this constraint, Naruto could have focused on his own growth as a leader and a shinobi, rather than constantly revolving around Sasuke's return.


Similarly, Naruto's inability to admit his feelings toward Sakura until he brings back Sasuke restricts the potential for emotional growth and deeper relationships. It implies that Naruto's emotions are solely tied to his mission of bringing Sasuke back, which undermines his character's complexity and emotional depth. Allowing Naruto to explore and express his feelings for Sakura independently would have given him the opportunity to mature emotionally and develop more authentic relationships.


Sakura's situation is also affected by these rules, as she is not allowed to move on until Naruto brings back Sasuke. This limitation places Sakura's personal growth on hold, forcing her to remain fixated on a specific outcome. It prevents her from exploring her own desires, ambitions, and potential romantic relationships outside of the Naruto-Sasuke dynamic. This restriction stunts her character development and perpetuates a sense of dependency on the actions of others, rather than empowering her to forge her own path.


The conflict between Naruto and Sasuke being resolved only in the last chapters or at the end further contributes to the stagnation of their characters. While their rivalry is an essential aspect of the story, confining its resolution to the very end creates a prolonged sense of repetition and delays their personal growth. Allowing their conflict to evolve and find resolution throughout the narrative would have provided a more dynamic and satisfying character development arc for both Naruto and Sasuke.


Lastly, the decision to reserve pairings for the end of the story, rather than allowing characters to progress naturally, can be seen as a tactic to manipulate and bait fans. By stringing along readers with false hopes and crumbs of potential romantic developments, it creates an artificial sense of tension and prolongs the resolution of relationships. This approach hinders the organic growth of characters and can lead to disappointing outcomes for those invested in specific pairings.

Overall, these self-imposed rules imposed by Kishimoto hindered the character progression of Naruto, Sakura, and other characters, limiting their growth, emotional development, and dynamic relationships. By breaking free from these constraints, the narrative could have offered a more authentic and satisfying journey for the characters, avoiding the negative consequences that resulted from these rules.



Imagine scenario where Kishi did the points I listed above? The dude would have been international star.

#989664 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 30 May 2023 - 07:48 AM

 let me add a bit to this i see the NS family as full of love and affection and very playful until its time to be serious than the gloves come off so to speak, Also the kids would be pranksters but not as a need to seek attention but a need to prove themselves,  Awww but mom dad once painted the 5 faces of hokage monument we had to one up him with all 7que exapserated sigh and nostalgic smile


I wrote a short oneshoot of how I imagine the second part of last chapter would be when they show the characters in the future. I focused only on NaruSaku family. :sweat:





Naruto sat at his desk, stacks of paperwork piled high in front of him. His office was adorned with various mementos and pictures of his family, bringing a warm smile to his face as he worked. The sun streamed through the window, casting a gentle glow over the room.


With a sigh, Naruto reached for his quill, ready to tackle the tedious task at hand. But just as he was about to dip it in ink. A grin played on his lips as an idea formed in his mind. "Shadow clones," he thought. "I can use them to finish this paperwork in no time and spend some quality time with my family."


With a swift hand seal, Naruto dispersed a couple of clones, each taking a portion of the paperwork with them. He chuckled to himself, imagining Tsunade's exasperated reaction when she found out.


As the clones busily worked away, Naruto's thoughts drifted to Sakura, his loving wife. Even after all these years, he still felt that same rush of affection whenever he looked at her. Her vibrant personality and unwavering support had been the foundation of their relationship.


His mind then turned to their children. Shinachiku, a lively and spirited young boy, showed immense potential as a shinobi, just like his father. Hanami, their little flower, possessed a gentle nature that melted Naruto's heart. Together, their mischievous pranks brought immense joy and laughter to their family.


Naruto wiped away a tear of happiness, grateful for the life he had built. The laughter and love that filled his home were the true rewards of his journey.


With the paperwork now taken care of by his clones, Naruto leaned back in his chair, a sense of contentment washing over him. He couldn't wait to join Sakura and their children, ready to create more cherished memories together. Naruto whispered to himself, "I am truly blessed."


Naruto's eyes widened in surprise as Iruka burst into his office, gasping for breath. The urgency in his voice was evident as he delivered the news about his children's mischievous escapade.


Without uttering a word, Naruto's mind raced, analyzing the situation unfolding on the Hokage mountain. He walked towards the window, his gaze fixated on the painted faces. As he observed Shinachiku and Hanami gleefully splashing paint, a hint of amusement tugged at the corners of Naruto's mouth.


But then a critical expression crossed his face, and he realized that they were not defacing the mountain entirely. They were missing a crucial detail. Naruto suppressed a smirk, masking his amusement behind a serious facade.


Turning to Iruka, Naruto spoke in a firm tone, determination shining in his eyes. "I appreciate you informing me, Iruka-sensei. I will take care of it."


Before Iruka could respond, Naruto swiftly leaped through the window, traversing the village rooftops towards the Hokage mountain. His movements were swift and graceful, reminiscent of his days as a renowned shinobi.


As he reached the mountain, Naruto landed with precision, his gaze fixed on his mischievous children. Shinachiku and Hanami paused in their playful endeavors, surprised by their father's sudden arrival.


Naruto approached them, his expression a mixture of seriousness and warmth. "Hey, you two," he called out, his voice carrying a stern yet gentle tone. "What do you think you're doing?"


Shinachiku and Hanami exchanged nervous glances, realizing they had been caught in the act. Naruto's eyes softened as he crouched down to their level, a hint of mischief glimmering in his eyes.


"You know," Naruto began, a mischievous grin forming on his face, "if you're going to paint the Hokage faces, you have to do it properly. Let me show you how it's done."


With a playful wink, Naruto grabbed a paintbrush and joined his children, guiding them to add intricate details and vibrant colors to the faces on the mountain. Together, they transformed the defacement into a beautiful mural, honoring the legacy of the Hokage.


Iruka remained in the office, taking a moment to catch his breath and allow his tired muscles to rest. He couldn't help but chuckle at the situation he had just witnessed. Naruto's children, it seemed, had inherited their father's mischievous nature. He fondly remembered the days when Naruto himself was a prankster, causing all sorts of trouble around the village. It was a relief to see that Naruto had outgrown that phase, but now his kids were carrying on the tradition.


Lost in his thoughts, Iruka was suddenly interrupted by the presence of an ANBU squad appearing in the office. Their expressions ranged from confusion to amusement as they peered through the window at the Hokage mountain faces. Iruka's curiosity piqued, and he couldn't resist joining them to see what was happening outside.


As Iruka approached the window and looked out, his eye twitched in disbelief. There, he saw Naruto not only allowing his kids to continue their pranks but actively helping and teaching them how to improve their artistic mischief on the faces of the Hokage mountain.


Not having any other choice, Iruka and the ANBU squad made their way to the hospital in search of someone who could exert control over the mischievous Uzumaki family. They needed someone who could rein in Naruto and their children's playful antics before things got out of hand. They found themselves standing outside a familiar room, and upon entering, Sakura Uzumaki greeted them with an exasperated roll of her eyes.


"What did the idiots do now?" Sakura asked with a mixture of annoyance and amusement evident in her voice.


Iruka and the ANBU squad exchanged glances, their faces sheepish. "They are defacing the Hokage mountain faces," Iruka confessed, his tone filled with concern.


A smile tugged at the corners of Sakura's lips. She knew all too well about her husband's mischievous tendencies and the influence he had on their children. But despite it all, they were her beloved idiots, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of affection for their antics.


"Alright, I'll take care of it," Sakura replied with a determined glint in her eyes.


With a swift motion and a burst of chakra, Sakura disappeared from the hospital room, leaving Iruka and the ANBU squad in awe of her skill. They knew that when Sakura got involved, things were bound to be resolved swiftly and efficiently.


Iruka's footsteps were slow and deliberate as he made his way back to the Hokage's office. There was no rush in his stride, for he needed time to process what he had just witnessed. As he turned his gaze towards the Hokage mountain, his frustration reached its peak. He hadn't anticipated Sakura joining in on the fun.


Naruto and Sakura stood amidst the colorful chaos, their laughter filling the air. Paint splatters adorned their clothes and faces, but they couldn't care less. In that moment, they were not the Hokage and a respected medical professional. They were simply Naruto and Sakura, a couple deeply in love.


As the paint flew through the air, their eyes met, and a spark of affection passed between them. Their smiles widened, and without a second thought, they leaned in and shared a gentle kiss, sealing their love amidst the vibrant chaos surrounding them.


Their children, engrossed in their artistic endeavor, glanced over at their parents, their own mischievous grins mirroring that of Naruto and Sakura. In that moment, the Uzumaki family embraced the joy of being together, cherishing the simple pleasures of laughter and shared experiences.


One hour had passed since the chaotic episode on the Hokage mountain. The once vibrant and defaced faces of the previous Hokage were now being meticulously cleaned by the Uzumaki family. Naruto, Sakura, Shinachiku, and Hanami worked diligently, their expressions a mix of frustration and determination.


Splattered with paint and armed with brushes and rags, they scrubbed away at the colorful mess they had created.


Iruka stood nearby, overseeing the cleanup efforts. His eyes held a smug smirk, a testament to his satisfaction in seeing the Uzumaki family face the consequences of their playful recklessness.


Later that evening, the Uzumaki family sat together at their favorite ramen stand, savoring the warmth of their bowls and the comfort of each other's company. Laughter filled the air as Naruto and Sakura shared playful banter, their eyes gleaming with affection and happiness.


Shinachiku and Hanami, their faces still flushed with excitement from their earlier escapade, animatedly waved their arms, recounting the events of the day with wide grins. Their youthful energy filled the atmosphere, bringing a sense of joy and vitality to the ramen stand.


Sakura lovingly fed Naruto a mouthful of ramen, their eyes locked in a tender gaze. In that moment, the years they had spent together as a couple and as parents seemed to melt away, leaving only the purest connection between them. The hardships they had overcome, the challenges they had faced—it had all led to this moment of contentment and love.


As the Uzumaki family savored their ramen and relished in each other's presence, Teuchi, the owner of the ramen stand, closed his eyes for a brief moment. Memories flooded his mind, taking him back to the time when a young, lonely Naruto would sit at the same spot, his heart heavy with sorrow and his face marked by pain.


But now, as Teuchi opened his eyes, he beheld a different Naruto—a Naruto surrounded by love, laughter, and a family that brought him immeasurable happiness. It was a testament to Naruto's growth, resilience, and the connections he had forged throughout his journey.


A bittersweet smile graced Teuchi's lips as he observed the Uzumaki family, their joy radiating like a beacon. In that moment, he couldn't help but feel a profound sense of pride and fulfillment, knowing that he had played a small part in Naruto's life and witnessed his transformation into a person who had found love and built a family.

#989652 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 28 May 2023 - 01:48 PM

Question... how did you imagine a NaruSaku family be like?

I am gonna respond visually! :sweat:




NaruSaku family would be happy and full of joy. :th_yeah:

#989518 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 14 May 2023 - 04:47 PM

Played with ChatGPT. Here you go.



Thought, opinions everyone? :sweat: