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Member Since 22 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Sep 30 2011 01:37 PM

Topics I've Started

What do you expect from the romance genre in NaruSaku fanfics?

30 September 2011 - 12:26 PM

What kind of 'romance' do you expect from your NaruSaku fics. Flirting, kissing, holding hands, going out with each other, simply being about to talk to each other naturally? Generally speaking, as there are obviously different stages of relationships that necessitate different quantities of those actions.

This question came to me after thinking about some pre-Shippuden fics that had NaruSaku romance. As peanutbutter126, author of Precious People once mentioned, although shinobi mature quickly, isn't there still a certain limit to what 'romance' can be expressed between 13 year old Naruto and Sakura? I haven't read enough pre-Shippuden fics to be enlightened on this issue. I'd love to hear what you guys think happy.gif

2010 Naruto shueisha calendar?

27 August 2011 - 01:25 PM

I recently came across this lovely calendar: http://www.cdjapan.c...EY=NEOBK-651799 It looks so awesome but unfortunately I discovered it late and it has long since been out of print on all sites I've checked. I'd still love to see it in full though. Does anyone happen to have this calendar? :O

Resolving love triangles?

22 August 2011 - 06:27 AM

Here's a question that I've been mulling over for a while now and am very curious to see what other people think: how do you like to see love triangles resolved? I realised how hard it was to resolve a love triangle well because there are so many dimensions to it. When the author doesn't position the reader to like one character and dislike the other, don't they put themselves in a position where it's hard to achieve a satisfactory ending? I do wonder about that.

So I'm asking you guys your opinion. Do you prefer to have one of the two candidates chosen by the end of the story, or leave it open to interpretation? What was an example of a love triangle in fics that you felt was resolved very well?

Very curious, I am. (so curious that I unlurked to make an account and post! tongue.gif )