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Naruto Loves Sakura

Member Since 17 Jun 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 26 2014 08:13 AM

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In Topic: The Future of Heaven & Earth.

06 November 2014 - 08:05 PM

Ironic that my first post even though I have been a member of this site since 2007 is on the release of the last chapters of Naruto. A sad day indeed for the NaruSaku fandom. However, we should not let this get us down. Though Naruto has ended, we can still ship NaruSaku, and we can form conspiracy theories about it. For example, I saw a meme on Facebook today that said What if I told you that Hinata was still trapped in the infinite Tsyukiyomi? There is still fan fiction that people will be writing about that support the pairing. Like many of you I sad that the pairing did not work out the way we wanted it, but Naruto has never really been about the romance. Many are aware that Kishimotto did not have the ability to write a good romance. We as the fandom can rise up and write our own stories with a good romance element to it while still keeping the true meaning of Naruto alive. I hope this site continues to run for many years to come, and I hope that people will still read the manga and understand that time is what blossoms a romance. Naruto and Sakura may not have happened in the manga, but the pairing still lives on in our minds, and our hearts. Heaven and Earth my friends, Heaven and Earth.