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Member Since 20 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active Sep 25 2009 09:26 AM

Topics I've Started

Green Bird.

26 August 2009 - 01:33 PM

Cowboy Bebop

Warning Uncontrollable levels of EPIC.

The United States Marine Corps!

26 May 2009 - 04:25 AM

I am currently pursuing physical fitness and good stamina in order to be prepped and ready for the United States Marine Corps, in three months I'm going to sign up in Sioux Falls (that way I can go to Parris Island) and be trained to become a Marine!

If you want to help your Country and don't know what to do, the United States Marine Corps is the place for you! We're good with Kids! Dogs! And especially dealing with terrorists! We'll pay for your college tuition, and even give you something to brag about if you make it back home. Everyone dies sometime! When that time comes what will you have accomplished in your life time? The Marine Corps is truly the greatest place to help not only your country but also the world. Strive for success! Become A Marine of the United States Marine Corps!

Semper fi! Do or die!

The Arctic Fox.

23 May 2009 - 07:59 AM

It's my first NaruxSaku... well hell it's my first Fanfiction period. I have the first chapter up, though I'm thinking about maybe just deleting out the fight scene in general, not to impressed with it. Fact it's a piece of kitten to be honest... so I'd just skip down to the next section if I were you. I'll eithr edit it out or replace it with a longer more detailed version somewhere around chapter 4 and 5.

I was never big on writing that particular scene, but it was the part where I had to check off from the manga. I just thought fans would recognize it and use their own imagination. I already edited the hell out of the first chapter though 'after the fight scene of course'. I bloody hate that scene above all else. headdesk.gif however I am pleased to inorm you that there is a 78% possibility of there being a lemon narusaku.gif