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Member Since 30 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 06 2014 11:28 PM

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In Topic: Chapters 699 And 700 The End

06 November 2014 - 11:28 PM

You need an advice, ok: DON'T EVER SHIP!!EdwardElric.png


lol preach. Maybe that's really what we should have done...

In Topic: Chapters 699 And 700 The End

06 November 2014 - 09:48 PM

Well done, Kishimoto. Everything that could have gone wrong DID go wrong. And just as before, nothing is resolved! YAY KISHI!!!


Sasuke truly distorts everything around him,


All of Sakura's development gone in one fell swoop, turned back into his fangirl, and is now just a housewife...(they couldn't even show that she is now head of the hospital or making some medical miracle for goodness sakes!!)


Naruto has become one of Sasuke's lovers, completely gotten over Sakura for some reason and has thereby no need to confess to her even though he went above and beyond fulfilling his promise, and has, at some point, settled fallen in love with Hinata...


All of the five Kages and villages forgive him and he gets to roam and be free with no repercussions whatsoever...


Maybe he's got Kishi under an Infinite Tsukuyomi...?


Anyway, my loyalty to NaruSaku still stands, but my faith in anime has taken quite a blow this week.... not to mention, the faith that was completely misplaced in Kishi is all but shattered now.


ALL HAIL THE GREAT ODA! (Let's hope he keeps his head throughout the story like he has, and keep from giving up and taking the easy way out as Kishi has).

In Topic: Chapters 699 And 700 The End

06 November 2014 - 09:29 PM

What is this??? I CAN'T EVEN...


It makes my mind and soul so numb reading these two chapters...


What the hell happened?? How does any of this stuff make sense??

In Topic: Naruto 694

02 October 2014 - 06:54 PM

So....NaruSasu is confirmed?! lol Kishi somehow made Sasuke reciprocate the unreasonable BFF love.  :thumb:



Well, with how much of a kitten the last chapter caused here, this chapter was kind of a nice reprieve.... kind of...not really, no. It was a little too uneventful. :headscratch:


expecting the strongest tnj of all times.... So strong that the moon can move around itself and show its hidden face to the earth.


lol. We all know it's coming... and yet I am never prepared for it  :sweatdrop:


I'm at least glad that they showed what Kakashi and Sakura were doing. Hope that wasn't it though...that would be a good opportunity for Kishi to resolve some of Sakura's feelings.

In Topic: Chapter 693

01 October 2014 - 03:17 AM

lol holy crap guys, we reached 184 pages...