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Former Captain

Member Since 21 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 06 2012 04:48 PM

About Me

Gender: Male
Preferred Music: Orchestral (Two Steps From Hell, X-Ray Dog, video game soundtracks), but I'm also a major fan of rock, hip hop, club music, dance music, R&B, the occasional pop song, anime openings/endings, some softer metal, some alternative, some pop...you get the idea.
Favorite Movies: I'll put Lord of the Rings in the top spot (I have to when I can speak the entire extended trilogy along with the actors), but also Princess Mononoke, Star Wars (original trilogy), Inception, Adjustment Bureau, and many others that I can't list for lack of space.
Favorite Books: Tolkien's works, Pullman's His Dark Materials, Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy (in fact, anything by Sanderson), Neil Gaiman's stuff, Song of Ice and Fire, Wheel of Time...I'll also read nonfiction books, particularly those
Favorite Anime/Manga: Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood) by a long shot, and for some reason Naruto completely sucked me in (must be the brilliance of basing a show on emotional but not angsty bonds). The first half of Claymore is incredible but I felt let down by the second half.

I'm a big science fiction and fantasy buff/nerd/geek with a major interest in writing and stories. I greatly enjoy playing soccer (it's a habit to call it that, don't hate), most sports in general, chess, writing all kinds of stuff (particularly fanfiction lately, though no Naruto stories yet), and fandom culture. I also love debating the ins and outs of stories (partially why I joined this site biggrin.gif).

Avid non-shipper due to my disillusionment by other fandoms' shipping wars. I thought NaruHina would go somewhere during the Chuunin Exams because it had real reciprocity going on and I looked forward to further development. Then NaruSaku started growing more obvious with the timeskip and I said, "Nope, not getting involved." I don't have a favored pairing, but I've enjoyed watching NaruSaku grow stronger through the entirety of Part 2 (even the confession was much more than it appeared...except to the Sakura bashers) and at this point I'd be surprised if Kishi doesn't end with it, if he has any final couple at all.

Okay, I lied about not shipping: Shikamaru/Temari should have been canon forever ago, and Kakashi/Kakashi's Mask drives me absolutely crazy. It's worse than Tobi's mask.

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