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#682935 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Sakura_Haru on 02 December 2014 - 09:21 PM


#659368 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Sakura_Haru on 13 November 2014 - 03:16 AM

Source: http://dattebae.tumblr.com/post/102389996965/shinachiku-uzumaki-full-body-color-palette



#650617 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Sakura_Haru on 08 November 2014 - 05:16 AM


http://swirls-and-cu...kun.tumblr.com/  :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


The End.

A list of questions devoted to unresolved plot lines in Naruto.


1. What happened to Naruto’s feelings for Sakura? They were referenced so many times to have no conclusion? This is first and foremost on my mind. It was such a big deal until chapter 698.

2. What happened to the Hyuga clan? This was a big deal back in Part I. Did Hinata abandon the clan and raise a family? Who would the new leader be?


3. What became of Karin Uzumaki? She seemed quite in love with Sasuke. She devoted her time and abilities to him only to disappear completely?


4. What became of Yamato? Him suddenly appearing as an enemy seemed kinda important.


5. Why did Sakura suddenly fall head over heels again when she was clearly not happy at the thought of loving Sasuke? And Kakashi’s comment that her feelings weren’t the same for him? Is it really believable for Sakura, after being shut out so many times, to still feel connected to him?


6. How on earth did Choji wind up with Karui when she only wanted a rich, handsome man and they had never once interacted? How can we piece that together??


7. What became of Taka? They separated once, thanks to Sasuke’s egotism, but found their way back to him. Now they’re just gone?


8. Can Jugo suppress his impulses on his own now? Did he go back to Orochimaru?


9. Sasuke is just given a clean slate since he helped stop the Infinite Tsukuyomi? Is he still serious about becoming Hokage?


10. Sakura is simply a housewife when she was clearly capable of running the hospital during a crisis? All that power in a woman, a possible good message, being swept aside to wait for a man’s return—one who is still distant from her.


11. Sakura’s forehead. Naruto complimented it, yet she is never informed about it? Moreover, she doesn’t even realize Sasuke was using the same method Itachi used on him as a child to push her away but this is somehow cute? Is it okay for her to wind up being so ignorant about Naruto and Sasuke? Especially when it would shed light on who she could be happy with?


12. What was the point of paralleling Naruto and Sakura to Minato and Kushina, Jiraiya and Tsunade, and Obito and Rin? Could panel time have been used otherwise instead of misleading readers…?


13. Asuma told Ino to not lose to Sakura, yet Sakura getting with Sasuke contradicts this. Does this affect their friendship again like it did in the past? There was a good message in Sasuke leaving because they got closer when he wasn’t around.


14. Sasuke saying he didn’t understand Sakura’s interest in him and also saying he wasn’t interested in her at all meant nothing?


15. How did Naruto and Hinata wind up together? There were no true moments of bonding outside camaraderie. Was it coffee after Neji’s funeral? I can’t help but wonder how two people who did not socialize, one of which had crippling fear of being around the other, could have two children.


16. Sakura’s romantic interactions with Naruto were to show…? What exactly? Simple care and friendship? This could’ve been done without things like her offering to feed Naruto, hugging him, flirting with him when they met after separation, not denying being his girlfriend, and so on. What was the point of it?


17. If Naruto was interested in Hinata, could we not have been convinced? Even correcting Minato would’ve been something.


18. What’s Orochimaru up to? Is he still following Sasuke?


19. After all the years of her pigging out, Anko suddenly got fat?


20. Lee’s interest in Sakura was on the same level as Hinata’s in Naruto, based on their dreams alone. What happened with that? Is he okay with losing her to Sasuke?


21. Road to Ninja implied a lot between Naruto and Sakura. What went wrong to have them not even speaking to each other at the end of this narrative? They had NO words for each other???


22. Surpassing previous generations, like the aforementioned ones Naruto and Sakura are compared to, meant nothing? Like, not even giving telling Sakura how he felt a chance? How is that surpassing anyone if no effort is given?


23. The emerging message about rescuing Sasuke was that Naruto and Sakura needed to do it TOGETHER, which is why Naruto failed during the Sasuke retrieval mission and why Sakura failed in the Land of Iron. Why was Sakura knocked out via genjutsu and forgotten until Sasuke suddenly came around? Where did teamwork go?


24. Moreover, Sai said he would assist as well after he tried assassinating Sasuke. Why was he just ignored altogether?


I have a lot more questions, some I can’t even bother to put on here, and I know some of these weren’t the most interesting for an author to address, but damn there are so many plot holes. So much left unresolved. And I have the right to make my opinion known, especially after following this series since it came to the states.

Also, this is probably my last post about Naruto disappointment. I’ve been wallowing in my confusion and dissatisfaction, my fellow fans who are also upset are posting about it, and none of it is helping me forget and move on from one of the worst experiences I’ve had with fictional work.

I love you guys to pieces, so please go find something else to read that might cheer you up. We didn’t deserve the half-assed ending we got, but it’s not like we can change it now. When reason and legitimate development is disregarded for pursuit of popular tripe, we can only shake our heads and hope for a better story that Masashi Kishimoto is not involved with.

But I gotta say, it was so much fun along the way. From ladygt’s fanart, to paptala’s analysis, and chatte’s theories, not to mention the rest of us who faithfully posted and understood there was a decent story and romantic subplot emerging between Naruto and Sakura, it was an enjoyable experience.

We should keep shouting our voices dry with love. Regardless of whether it’s Naruto-concerned or otherwise. Don’t lose hope in good stories (and endings). And let’s not dissipate amongst ourselves. We are family, united by the most beautiful love story never told.

#646206 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Sakura_Haru on 06 November 2014 - 07:41 PM

I dont wanna know how The last movie are gonna show naruto and Sakura interaction... :sad:  sakura being a pro NH and fan girl on Sasuke when he'll come back..... So much pain :cry:

#645903 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Sakura_Haru on 06 November 2014 - 06:26 PM




#645325 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Sakura_Haru on 06 November 2014 - 04:09 PM

more japanese people reaction:


マジかマジかマジかマジかマジかマジか 何でナルヒナ? ねえ何で? ナルサクじゃないの? ねえ

Serious or serious or serious or serious or serious or serious what with Naruhina? Hey what? Not a Narusaku? Hey

#645227 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Sakura_Haru on 06 November 2014 - 03:47 PM

What if we do a good fanfiction and LadyGT make the proper ending manga?  :th_yeah: 

What if after this kitten ending there is a massive boicot in japan and Pierrot have to give a diferent ending in the anime? :umm:

#644494 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Sakura_Haru on 06 November 2014 - 12:59 PM


they also refer to the promise


#639590 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Sakura_Haru on 05 November 2014 - 08:48 PM

yes THISSS!! https://fbcdn-sphoto...b34b75a3e9c6c3e

#635127 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Sakura_Haru on 05 November 2014 - 05:44 AM

By 霓的火影忍者疾風傳

The pictures in the album I just posted was found from Baidu’s Naruto forum. Since the editor posting the pictures on Baidu has deleted the pictures, I should delete them, too.(Those picture were true.)
Although the pictures must have been circulating on the Internet now, please ignore them. Spreading these officially unreleased pictures is disrespectful to the original.



wat :twitch:

#625977 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Sakura_Haru on 02 November 2014 - 05:09 AM

Hi guys, watch this, Thanks to meekosfreedom :happy:  http://meekosfreedom...ers-please-read



I was really confused about this NH suddenly happening just as all of you, so as a script/literature student for almost a year, and learning all about foreshadowing, character development, and plot treatment, I decided I should talk to someone who knew more than me.


I exposed this case (about NH in the last movie) to my professor, who has been a successful screen writer for 27 years, and his answer was.

"Well, if you want to get two characters together, you have to put them through a lot of situations, and make them feel everything, both sides, so you can explain why the bond is so strong. You can’t put two characters together which development is so poor, not even if the 3, or 4 moments they have had together are really meaningful. That’s only valid if you are writing a short film cause you don’t have a lot of time, but if the story is as long as you’re telling me, then you have no excuse. You have had plenty of time to put those character through more moments, and make a successful development. If you really intent to make this two characters end up together, then you should have give them more screen time"


the I asked him about the other character (Sakura) what was her case and he answered.


" It means he really didn’t think it through, and he has wasted years of paper and ink developing this relationship for absolutely nothing. Why would you spend so much time developing a relationship if you really didn’t mean it? As a story maker you have to keep in mind that you have to make things clear for the viewers, because if you don’t, things like this happen. It’s like a new trend in marketing to leave a really open plot so the viewers can make their own conclusions, and watch just cause they want to know if they’re right, and they do this without even consulting the writer. That is called comercial script, and it’s ruining the industry, darling. But if in the end you tell me this girl who has been with the main character all the time, and it’s clearly the main female character, is not ending up with him, you’re telling me the writer of this story hasn’t been able to keep his story in line. He practically took a side character out of nowhere, and created a relationship that through the story was not even foreshadow. It’s bad writing"


I explain about Hinata’s love for Naruto. 


"And have the main character acknowledge this love?"

I told him about Pein Arc, and her confession. he asked me to see the pages of the manga, and I showed them to him.

"But then this confession was not mention again. When you write about several characters, you have to give each of them a resolution, or else it will  be unfinished. This girls confessions was sudden, and it was not mention again, so in my experience this is just to help the character get its resolution. If to the main character, or to the main plot this confession is supposed to be a game changer, or something important, then it should have been mention again. I can see the main female is there again, and as you can see, or at least what it seems is that the girl is uncomfortable. Sometimes we have to take side characters to do things like this, so main characters can realise their own truth. And it’s use really often. You see a lot of movies about someone who doesn’t realise he or she is in love with their best friend until the best friend is with someone else. So having this confession, and the only person to acknowledge that moment is the other girl, then the confession is only important to those girls. As i told you before, the side character needs its resolution about those feelings, and the main character needs to realise some things that are link to the confession".


I explained that since then, Naruto and Hinata have a couple of moments, and I showed them to him as well.


"Okey, I can see your concern. As stories develop sometimes we create characters that we wish we would have seen more of. But as much as I watched about this character, the conclusion of every interaction they have (naruto and hinata) is the girl thinking the same thing. We never see him thinking about her, or about what she has done. In the case of the other girl (Sakura) we have both of them thinking about each other constantly. In this cases the side character (hinata) will have her own resolution thanks to the impact the main character have had on her, and the other two (sakura and naruto) are more likely to have a resolution together. You can decode this just by who they keep in their thoughts. The main character has been in love with the other girl (sakura) for the whole story, and it is constantly showed. You never get a hint that he is changing his mind, so it would not be logical for him to change his mind in the blink of an eye, and he’s the main character, he gets what he wants. In this kind of stories, he works his ass off, he gets what he wants, and the other characters learn from him"


So I asked him what about the movie and I tell him everything that is going on and he told me.


"Then it means that in the main story the writer couldn’t really find a right way to give this character her resolution, so he created the perfect situation for her to have it. If this story is linked to the main one, then it will has no sense with her ending up with the main character. By the plot of this side story, I can tell that what you will mainly see is the final impact the main character has had on her, and the writer will be able to develop her story successfully, but as I see it, and talking with my own experience, her resolution will not be ending by the side of the main character. She will go through her own personal journey, she will finally give him the scarf as a sign of that chapter of her life ending because she will know new things about herself"

I thanked him, and as I was leaving his office he said to me. 


"Remember that stories have to make more sense than real life. So, if you want two people to end up together, you have to constantly show how that bond gets stronger. In stories nothing just happens, so I highly doubt he will love the other girl out of nowhere, not after the writer has spend 15 years invested on the other relationship, it will be kind of crushing. Can you imagine it? Spending so much time with the one you love going through the same things, and suddenly having to forget him because someone else loves you?" 

"No, sir"

"Yeah. Keep me updated, you have made me curious"

"Course I will"

So yeah, Im keeping my high hopes, or else I will be pretty disappointed. I don’t want to end up feeling disappointed.